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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I had decided to quit watching because it was just depressing to watch everyone follow Devin's orders -- but now...viva la revolution! I loved Hayden's shudder over Devin's man hug and the meeting of the three apple pie, bald eagle fans.
  2. I don't think Andi would have any trouble adjusting to Iowa either. We moved from Washington D.C. to England to Atlanta area in Georgia to farm country Ohio and believe me I "adjusted," with joy. Here it is mid-summer and we can actually have picnics and other outdoor activities without having to go home early because of the sweltering conditions. In Georgia I had to limit my gardening to 15 minute intervals because of the heat stroke warnings and I gave up walking my dog after she did a few lie down strikes at the end of my driveway. I can be in one of three big cities in 45 minutes and the nice part is that I'm actually covering about 60 miles in that period, not 45 minutes covering ten miles of Atlanta traffic. The people here are the friendliest I've ever met and they aren't morons just because they own farms instead of some other business. My newest friend takes me with her to the theatre and ballet in Columbus and we can drive home without too many narrow escapes with out lives.
  3. Those boys have bigger problems than changing house. Imagine going to a school where your mother is "the boss," and everyone knows she's sleeping with one of the teachers.
  4. If Andi picks anyone but Nick, I won't understand her at all. I think he would be within his rights to feel "led on." I think Chris might feel led on, too, but with far less reason. It's always been a fantasy of mine to live on a farm, but I don't find Chris attractive at all and his 16 arrests in his wild youth, while far in the past, would be something I would worry about. We've all done dumb things when were very young but fleeing the scene of an accident is a biggie to me. I would think Andi might have less tolerance for that sort of thing than most people because of all the petty criminals she's had to see in her work.
  5. Oh sure, I didn't mean it was a requirement in passing the bar, just that Andi is a trial lawyer and I can't picture a judge putting up with a lot of tears in the court room.
  6. Chris's farm was wonderful and his tractor was awesome, so I don't know why his family had to sell him so hard. His mother was all, "I was a city girl and I love farming and you can be a lawyer in town or anything else you want and have pretty grand children for me please, please, please." They were really nice though. I would much rather join a family like that than Josh's where they might forget her name if she doesn't show up for every single football game. Josh's rapid fire monologues drive me nuts. Take a breath, Bubba! You sound like you're doing short-stop chatter to distract the batter. I think Marcus' striptease had producer pressure written all over it, but he should have refused. Nick's mother was so sweet and pretty. My husband is from Minnesota and has 11 siblings and his parents have a wall of photographs, too. Deja vu. I thought a big family would be great but after 30 years I'm still the outsider looking in and they know next to nothing about me. They're very nice but they just don't need anyone else. Right. The was quiet and appropriate, last night's seemed forced and uncomfortable. Was Andi always this emotional? Not just about Eric, but all the tears over everything just don't seem very lawyerly to me. I may be the most cynical person in the world but I'm starting to wonder if her handkerchief has pepper spray on it or something. What ever it is I wish they had given some to Josh who looked like he was going to burst trying to squeeze out a tear.
  7. Another action packed episode. What did Celia say, "Raff's put a girl in the pudding?" Heh. Yes, she can be judgmental but I don't like Raff's girlfriend much, turning all mean on Alan after he had been so kind to her. I know she was in pain but I've never seen that as an excuse to be nasty. Agree with all of you that Alan needs to be shielded from stress much more than he is. It was stupid of Gillian not to have guessed that they were skipping the big wedding because he shouldn't go through something like that. His heart attack was so bad his doctor thought he wasn't going to make it -- does she think he's as good as new now? So. The money issues. Caroline is asking Celia for $100,000 after already contributing to the purchase of the house and for what exactly? How do you own a fourth of a house? The same with Kate. Sell her own house and go half-zies on the big house for the sake of Caroline's boys? I like Caroline, I agree with Kate that she's magnificent, but I'm not really feeling the love from her toward Kate. Poor Kate gets all dreamy eyed over every drop of affection from Caroline, but not vice versa. Could she be using Kate? Meanwhile Gillian is left high and dry at the farm without Alan's contribution. Has he not thought of that? If Gillian drops Robbie because she thinks John's going to have half a million and she might benefit then she's a fool. Here I thought she was a girl who thought with her lower bits! Robbie is way hotter.
  8. My, WOSU PBS has just shown this one for the first time. I'm all choked up! First the sadness of the break-up, then the proposal. Sigh. Louisa and Doc both aggravate me at times but I do want them to be happy. Even the receptionist's gambling addiction and her mother being mean to her was very sad. Something about the beauty of the setting and Doc's dog, who looks exactly like a pound rescue I once had, really get to me.
  9. I apologize in advance for this dumb question: The Live Feeds thread is tagged "spoilers." Does this mean spoilers in the sense of, "Reality Steve says this person is the winner," or just, "This challenge is happening now but hasn't aired on the show yet?"
  10. Yes, I expect the people in Europe now think all young American men wear shocking pink trousers with flowered bedspreads around their necks. Nick -- I don't exactly see what Andi sees but I'm definitely on his side when the guys start their, "You're just out to win, it's not fair." He's out to win because he's in love with Andi and wants to marry her, dudes. Why aren't you playing as hard? Brian -- I hope his hometown ladies have watched and been warned. He blew his one-on-one by not even trying to make it fun and then he gets all mad over the guys laughing inside the house, after the tragedy of his eviction. I don't remember seeing him sobbing on the sofa after the other dozen guys were cut. Josh -- Totally self-centered in every conversation. Andi: "I'm so excited to be meeting your family." Josh: "There going to be so excited to see me!" Andi: "What kind of questions do you think your mother will ask me?" Josh: "She'll be so excited to see me and yada yada me. Andi should recognize this syndrome from Juan Pablo and the Nightmare Suite date where he talked about himself and his great moments in sports all night long. Chris -- When he's feeling bitter, he does something ugly with his upper lip that makes me hate him. Also, I live in the Midwest in big farm country and not only do we need lots of lawyers, all the farm wives I know have paying jobs. It provides that stable income for essentials during the years when the weather is bad and prices are down. Marcus -- I'll be waiting in my rowboat to carry you off after you come in second.
  11. Sadly, I think Kate is head over heels in love and would do anything Caroline asked, while Caroline seems much less committed.
  12. I didn't catch that Castersugar, but I wouldn't put it past Celia when she's angry. I'm so glad it's back, I love all these crazy people. Gillian never should have told Caroline she slept with John. She said she didn't want to have something "between them," but now they have that between them. What a great scene though! "You're probably thinking I'm a low life trailer trash," "Yes, I am, but that's just because I'm a snotty bitch." I love Gillian even with her poor impulse control. The woman simply cannot keep her knickers on. Anyone notice how Gillian's son gained about four inches and forty pounds overnight? I think Caroline might have lost 15. I'm disappointed we aren't going to get a big wedding with Kate playing "The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba."
  13. Be grateful you don't have Jacosta representing your team. I noticed she had the lecturing finger waving while she was praying. I guess God needed some schooling. These new rules give me wild dream, like maybe Caleb and Pow-pow being nominated next week and going down together in a brain challenge.
  14. All I keep thinking is -- They're all so much nicer than last year! I like Devin and Joey and I'm excited that he likes her, so maybe there will be a showmance I can root for this time. I also like Duck Donnysty and Nicole, may they form a side alliance and keep it quiet.
  15. What's really strange to me is she put's it on when someone is saying how much they love her or how awesome she is. It goes with her "Awww." Just when we might expect a pleased smile and a, "Thank you," we get a reaction that would be more appropriate if he was showing her his infected toe from wearing flip flops through streets paved with pigeon doodle. I know! At first glance I thought those pants were just so much fresh wet spray tan. Then she followed up with another side boob number for the rose ceremony.
  16. I thought the lie detector test was too invasive, too. Maybe if all the questions had been of the, "Are youa here for a righta reason?" sort it would have been okay but now the world knows Dylan doesn't always wash his hands and no future improvement will change that for him. JJ is so meanly competitive, I'm glad he's gone, but I agree he looks handsome when he's sad. Too bad all we saw was corny old man impressions and childish tattle tale behavior. He needs walking lessons ,too. It's a shame how a little thing like holding your elbows too close to your sides can throw off your whole image. Josh interrupts Andi, talks over her and gets angry over nothing. If he's that overbearing with a lawyer think how he would be with the average young woman? I would love to see Andi light into him the way she did Juan Pablo. He needs to learn some conversational manners. Cody was overbearing also, but in a slightly nicer way. He was bringing his Personal Trainer Positive Thinking to dating, as if making someone love him was like making himself bench press 200 pounds. He means well, but it really is all about him. I seriously doubt if Andi was even his type but he hadn't noticed in his campaign to win. Chris was the main man for me last week because he refused to judge Andrew, but this week he was judging JJ for being honest about his feelings of jealousy and judging Nick for jumping in first for the cocktail five minute moment. All of sudden he was just too bossy and superior about everything for my liking. I'm on the fence about Nick but I did think the most interesting line of the night was Andi telling him she liked a man who was well liked by everyone. I've never heard anyone say that and never really considered it in my own list of requirements. If that goes along with, aggressive kisser, good athlete, and gun lover in Andi's list; Nick just isn't going to work in the long run. I can't picture him at her father's backyard BBQ getting along with all the garrulous Georgia men.
  17. I think Molly's moment of triumph came in the penultimate episode when the FBI guys praised her work. Then in the finale it was backed up with her boss admitting she had twice the brains he had and handing his job over to her. I think it's the detective work that Molly is all about. Her satisfaction comes from figuring out who the bad guy is, she doesn't have to be the one to actually point her gun and shoot him. The ending with "scared of spiders," Gus getting a citation for bravery and Molly getting promoted to police chief was perfect for me. Molly is one of the best female characters I've seen in years. I was getting heartily sick of the blood thirsty, vengeful heroines who seemed to be created by writers who thought "strong woman," meant a woman who acted like a man.
  18. I think we might be getting a hint as to why he might have been bullied, too.
  19. I've been critical of this show for several things, the gratuitous violence and some style issues, but the finale redeemed everything for me. I loved the surprise of Gus being the one to finish Malvo and Molly stepping back for the same reason that Gus backed away from Malvo the first time. Both Gus and Molly have plenty of courage but their children come first. Molly would not only be taking herself into the line of fire, she would have been forced to face Malvo with her baby as an unwanted shield. I thought the whole story of that little family was really original and well done. I'll be back for the next season if they're still going to be part of it
  20. I feel really sorry for Marquel. I know it hurts to hear yourself described by a race, an age or something else superficial. At least he knew it happened on the first night when JJ was probably the tall guy and Cody the pink haired guy, etc. I feel sort of sorry for Andi in this situation, too. Every year the Bachelor or B' ette gets accused of racism when they cut the ethnic contestants. Even Sean, whose last girlfriend had been African-American and who ultimately chose an Asian woman, had to go through it. Andi simply said that she knew there was no future in the three she cut. She may have known that about Marquel on the first night. I can tell you that I've dated several black men but I would never have gone out with Marquel. He's absolutely adorable but far too much the cute little brother type for me. I'm willing to bet Andi would have been attracted to a more sophisticated black man with a bit of swagger about him. I loved how he unintentionally put Andi in her place when she was saying (paraphrasing) "I know you don't want to tell me because you think it might make me not like you," and Chris said, (paraphrasing again, "No it has nothing to do with you at all. I just don't want to slander someone when I don't have all the information." Chris is the man. I would really like to have him for the next Bachelor even though he's not quite as good looking as Bachelors past. They could try getting some women who were more substance than glamour to go with him. It might make a nice change.
  21. I sincerely hope Marquel had a chance to hang around Marseille a few days before going home. I've heard so many African Americans say that it's like a trip to Heaven to be admired and appreciated by the French people. JJ -- Phony, trouble making creep. I can't stand the way he walks, the attention hogging, or the big pretense that he even likes Andi. He even scares me a little bit, I can imagine a real nasty anger under that bow tied façade. Brian -- Likable and cute, but that silent pouting around in the kitchen was a red flag for me. My husband doesn't cook either, but he would have had fun with it. People who get jerky anytime they don't feel like they're winning at something are hard to live with. Josh -- Guess what buddy? There are people in the world who never heard of a first round pick. There's another big group who knows what it is but don't care. Get a real job and get over yourself. Nick -- Baby faced and greasy but smug about it. Why Andi? Cody -- Don't tell people not to talk! These guys aren't holding up well under close inspection. I have a feeling the farmer is the best man out there but I'm blinded by the beauty of Marcus.
  22. Shapeshifter, I took this to be one of the Malvo is the Devil hints. I really don't want the show to go that way but, more and more, that seems to be the way things are leaning. So, to me, Malvo was using "Cherry pie," in its slang definition of sex with a virgin. Jesus was born of a virgin, etc.
  23. I hope they don't kill Lester. I'd much rather see him go whimpering off to prison where they know how to deal with guys who frame their brothers and use their wives as decoys.
  24. Malvo's fiancée saw him turn the gun toward the man and shoot him in the head, then turn the gun toward the other woman and shoot her in the head, then turn the gun toward her. I think she would have ducked from that gun instinctively, the way we would jump out of the way of a truck, no need to think about the motivations of the person behind the gun or driving the truck.
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