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Everything posted by orza

  1. Th world did not punish her. She went to a shady doctor and unknowingly became a pawn in his criminal activities.
  2. Dylan will go back to his aunt, where he was the last time Bishop was in prison. He's has a family to take care of him.
  3. Diane brought in a lot of money and clients and saved their bacon so she has clout.
  4. I suppose she is going for angry or fierce but the effect is runied by the over-botoxed forehead. The frozen forehead and juvedermed nasolabial folds were really distracting the last two episodes. Whatever possessed Jennifer Morrison to get half her face immobilized so she could look a few years younger.
  5. But that is not what Scott actually said. It is also not canon that the common folk had unhindered access to magic of any kind, let alone magic birth control in fairytale land.
  6. I don't think what Scott is saying is weird. Robin and Zelana may be living in the modern world but they are not from it. They have lived in a technologically and scientifically primitive feudal society for all of their lives except for a few weeks in Storybrook. They also don't have the benefit of the knowledge download from Regina's curse. It makes no sense to assume that just because they have been in New York a few weeks that they have the same knowledge and awareness of modern birth control as natives of our world would have.
  7. Hopefully, this is all leading up to a big showdown with death scene that gets her off the show.
  8. That was covered in Punk is Dead. Abigail was gone for at least a year. Middle-aged Abe said something to that effect when he cleared her things out of Henry's apartment. Abigail was also well established in Tarrytown. The landlady said she had been living there for a while and she had been employed at the hospital for some time. She was there long enough to plant flowers and put up preserves. They also made a point of showing the date of April 7th on the letter she wrote Henry but never got a chance to mail.
  9. Raphael Sbarge has other stuff going on. The appearance of minor recurring characters is subject mostly to actor availability. None of the actors can live from just the occasional appearance on a single TV show. They need to have other work lined up. If a minor character is missing from a scene it is most likely because the actor was busy with something else.
  10. Only Abigail was staying at the house. She just brought the young woman home from the hospital and everything with Adam and the sheriff boyfriend played out within a couple of hours. The property owner never knew that anyone else was there.
  11. I suppose because Bruce is a minor and cannot legally take action himself. Someone on the board probably has power of attorney for him.
  12. No, it is not a slap in the face to anyone. Those people all have some perspective and know what they see on the show has nothing to do with them and what they sometimes have to do on the job because is just a tv show about the make-believe shenanigans of make-believe fairy tale characters and does not represent the real-life personal morals and values of anyone connected with the show, That said, killing a person is always a big deal regardless of the reason. Many people wonder whether they have it in them to kill another person but most people never not find out for sure. So, yeah, once you have killed someone you have crossed a line. You now know that you are capable of doing what you may have hitherto considered unthinkable and you have to learn to reconcile that with your personal morals and values.
  13. They change up the makeup with the other characters, too. Gold has the dark eyeshadow and guyliner when he is being evil and almost none when he is being good. Plus RC changes out his contact lenses to fit the scene.
  14. Yes, Ostrov knew the 20 men were alive. It was all laid out in the episode what and why they were doing things the way they did. It was all about saving face for Russia. Ostruv knew that the crew disobeyed orders issued from the highest level and mutinied but could never admit that publicly. He also could not admit that he lost the game of chicken he started. The US gave Ostrov a way to stand down without losing face and looking like the bad guy to the whole world and keep remnants of his pride intact. Part of that deal was the US would not hand over the 20 men the navy rescued and agreed to keep that secret. I get your point that you think the Russians did not have to court-martial the men, but that is not how military organizations work, especially under authoritarian regimes.
  15. My crack theory is that Kalinda does not kill Bishop because she can't do that to Dylan so she warns him that he needs to disappear right away and Bishop offers her a job to go with him, get him set up somewhere with a new identity and life and work for him as his security whatever person for a while.
  16. No they can't just let it go. It is a matter of military law. It would be like letting a kidnapping or a terrorist act go because the hostages were freed so no real harm was done or something like like. Mutiny is right up there with treason in terms of the seriousness of the offense. It undermines the most fundamental principle of military discipline. The punishment for mutiny is very severe in any country, sometimes it is death. The US was taking the 20 men to save their lives. Everyone in the situation room knew the men would be executed if they returned to Russia. American military personnel involved in any phase of the operation would be signing documents swearing them to secrecy. People do that all the time in the military and they keep their mouths shut or they face a court-martial. The Russians were members off an elite submarine crew. They already know what it means to keep secrets.and that they endanger themselves and their families back in Russia if they don't keep their mouths shut.
  17. It benefits the Russians to the extent it saved them the trouble of conducting secret court-martials and executions because they would not want it to become public that the crew had mutinied when ordered to destroy the submarine and themselves in the process. Giving the survivors asylum and new identities was a humanitarian act and keeping it secret while calling the whole thing an accident was a concession the US made so Russia could save face and stand down.
  18. Colum said that Gellis's baby was Arthur Duncan's, just like Hamish was his child. Because they were the husbands in both cases and lawful fathers since they were not disputing paternity.
  19. Network executives also have access to the extensive viewing data that Nielsen charges for and that tells a different story. They don't base their decisions on just the limited free data that is available to the general public. This show is also a managed Disney brand so they no doubt have access to the consumer survey data that Disney collects from theme park visitors and cruise/resort vacationers. In the case of this show it is a lot more complex than looking at the overnights and saying thumbs up up or down.
  20. Some women are totally into that. It doesn't mean that they have been "bought". I see a guy who is trying too hard to impress a woman he really likes, but not one who is creepy and has major control issues. We never saw Jo clearly say to Isaac that he was coming on too strong and to dial it back. We saw that she was skeptical of some of what Isaac was doing but, not uncomfortable with it. Jo went along with it until she realized it was Henry she wanted.
  21. The movie was off limits and the more such meta references they add to the show the more they open themselves up to possible legal issues if MGM cared to challenge them whether some book detail was made iconic through the movie or not. This is really not hard to understand. The show is a business that has to operate in the real world with all the same constraints of copyright infringement, trademark dilution and intellectual property rights that other businesses face. Adding a few meta references that a miniscule minority of viewers might find interesting is not worth it from a business perspective. Besides, it sounds like pretty boring stuff to throw in when it doesn't add anything to the story and would only waste screen time that could be be better put to use in other ways.
  22. Adam said in an interview that they had to base the Oz story arc on the books, not on the movie because they didn't have the rights to any of the MGM material, hence the silver shoes and instead of ruby slippers, casting a youngish, attractive actress to play the wicked witch and a skinny wizard instead of a chubby older man. As far as the OUAT universe is concerned, the movie didn't exist because in the real world either MGM didn't grant the rights or they didn't have budget for the license fees.. This was disclosed up front before 3b was filmed.
  23. Paul Lee said the exact opposite at the TCAs in January. Has as only good things to say about the show and its creators and left the door open for more spinoffs . http://www.ew.com/article/2014/07/15/abc-once-upon-a-time-in-wonderland
  24. Daylight saving time has a huge impact on all the 8:00 pm shows. Families extend their Sunday afternoon activities into the evening and the recreational outdoor sports start up (after-work golf, soccer and softball leagues, kids sports). Just looking at the published statistics and comparing ratings out of context doesn't begin to give the whole picture. In the fall you need to look at the impact of the football and world series schedule. In winter it is the awards shows and the Olympics, if applicable. And, of course, there is the weather. Unseasonably warm weather will affect the ratings in a market if everyone decides to stay outdoors. A catastrophic event such as an earthquake, major terrorist attack or violent political upheaval will also affect ratings because people are more interested in following the news than watching fluff TV. All shows lose some viewers as they age. How viable a show is also depends on whether the network owns the show itself or it is owned by an outside organization. A network gets no foreign or syndication revenue from a show it does not own. That flows into the renewable decision.
  25. Snow didn't realize there was a person in the egg until it was too late. she was fine purloining a dragon's egg and having magic performed on it to benefit her own child. You've never killed a person, I guess, Experienced cops regularly need counseling after killing a criminal in the line of duty. Soldiers experience PTSD after killing enemy troops in battle. Killing a person, even a hated person, and seeing them die right in front of you is a lot different than taking an action that separates a child from her mother but leaves them both alive with perhaps the vague hope that maybe they'll be ok in the future.
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