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Everything posted by Maizie131

  1. Notyrmomma - Just wanted you to know that the Doug & Darlene show will be on TV today @ 12 noon (Eastern time) "Just Tear It Down" on TLC. I know it's one of your hate-watch faves (as it is mine, too). BTW, I think your title for this episode ("River-o-shit") is far better than theirs! OMG I laughed my ass off when I read your post!
  2. Last night's episode of Suspicion on I.D. was pretty riveting about the young Mormon family. Won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't watched yet, but I recommend it. Thought I'd mention because there's so little on I.D. worth watching of late, it's always a surprise when I find a show I like.
  3. Wish I could give you 100 "likes" for that post, Brat! Frickin' HATE that commercial!!!
  4. AKraven - wish I could give you 10 likes for your comment. The first time I saw the promo for Truth is Stranger Than Florida my initial thought was...WTF does that even mean? That Florida is strange? Should I assume that the premise of the show will be murders that happened in Florida? If I was a Floridian I'd take real offense to that title & hope the State of Florida/Florida Tourism Board sues the shit outta I.D.
  5. Tonight's Killer Clergy on I.D. No can do because of the narrator. 11 minutes in I couldn't listen to him anymore. I appreciate there will never be another Peter Thomas or Bill Kurtis, but shit! This man's voice is, in my opinion, extremely irritating for some reason (maybe a Paula Zahn male equivalent?) & I can't watch the show as a result. For any of you who did -- tell me -- am I nuts?! (Be kind, people! ha!) Okay...watched 10 minutes more but couldn't get past the inflection of that narrator! BTW, add Paul Winfield to my list of favorite narrators.)
  6. That's it!! Thanks, Auntjess!
  7. I really enjoyed last night's episode of True Nightmares on I.D. (3 stories: mother/son relationship; boy who died after trick or treating; and woman who faked her own death.) Must say I was shocked at outcome of the trick or treating story. I like seeing the photographs of the actual people involved at the very end. Reminds me of A Crime to Remember. Todd Robbins, the narrator, is perfect for this show. Do any of you recall a show that used to be on that was similar, told 2 or 3 stories, but you had to guess which one was false? I loved that show but I can't think of the name of it.
  8. I've now watched about 20-30 reruns of this show and it is pretty entertaining! However, I've learned that I can't watch it if I'm hungry, because damn near ALL the reception dinners looking so delicious (even when the meat is too rare...ha!) make me starving for food! Anyhow, after reading comments here, what does "B-L-A-N" stand for?
  9. I actually kinda liked Who the Bleep did I Marry because of the gal who narrated it -- she had a sing-songy voice dripping with sarcasm that I thought was amusing and appropriate to the situation. (Am I thinking of the right show? I get so confused! ha!)
  10. So we've got at least 3 new shows on I.D. -- Grave Secrets, Married with Secrets and Dead Silent. Who the hell names these shows? I'm sure all 3 will feature crimes we've never heard of before (not).
  11. LOL! Sooooo true, Bastet! (BTW, Maizie's BEST FRIEND is another mini-Goldendoodle who lives 4 houses away -- his name is RILEY!)
  12. rcc - I wish I could send your post to at least 3 stores -- Rite-Aid, Meijer and Kroger. Just about every time I go to these stores, there's a "greeter." Can I say now how much I hate "greeters?"?!?! I'm shopping because I need something....I'm a woman on a mission & I don't want to be there but I MUST be there to get what I need. My brain (and my handwritten notes when I have them) tell me to go forth and find as quickly as possible & get the fuck OUT of there! I've got stuff to do and people to see....whatever. When you interrupt my "train of thought" as I'm rushing in with what I need to buy with your smiley, cheerful, "Good Morning!!!" & I must look to see who is talking to me & it turns out to be a stranger I've never met in my life -- it pisses me off BIG-TIME! My thoughts are gone. Unless I make eye contact with you FIRST, please do not talk to me!
  13. Not really a joke, but pretty damn funny! I was crying! (Turn speakers on.)
  14. Couldn't agree with you more, Pradakitty. Looking at my channel line-up, starting tomorrow (October 28th) @ 10pm the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel will be showing ONLY Christmas movies 24/7. Arghhhh!! For me, that means no more Matlock, Columbo & Diagnosis Murder until fricking January! (Tho I did find a few here & there on other channels.) Almost two full months of nothing but Christmas movies?!? This really pisses me off. I own about 10-15 Christmas movies that I start watching on Thanksgiving...not a day before!
  15. Do any of you recall the 20/20 or Dateline about the young newly-married couple living in a high rise who got in an argument & she (accidentally?) pushed him out the window? Was shocked to read this article. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/10/26/oklahoma-woman-convicted-in-murder-husband-hangs-herself-in-prison.html
  16. Fable - I initially was very disheartened (and in disbelief) to read your post because I've been the "caretaker" of a half dozen dogs in my life (4 Airedale Terriers and 2 Golden Retrievers). However, after reading many articles on the subject on the 'net since your post-- (after all....if it's on the internet it must be true, right? haha!) -- from reputable sources -- you are right on the money. Shit! I now have a mini Goldendoodle (my avatar) & tho Maizie has a GREAT bark, whenever I hear a noise in the house & I go to investigate, that dog is behind me every step of the way! (And when she rolls over on her back & you pet her belly, she'll show you where the GOOD stuff is!) In any event, I'm very glad that over the years of having a dog in my house I've slept peacefully knowing they would protect me. (Mods...sorry for going off-topic...sorta....)
  17. I see on my channel line-up for I.D. that the Skylar Neese murder will be featured on Friday's episode of Suspicion. I think this case has been on just about every investigative show on TV (plus Lifetime movie?) but I'll probably watch it anyhow. Still hard to believe that the perps didn't both get LWOP - one is eligible for parole in 10 yrs., the other 15 yrs. Unbelievable.
  18. Brattinella - I forget which show that was on but that murder happened about 20 minutes from where I live! And you're right - watching that fitness app was something that wasn't in the paper but that was brutal! That made headlines every day for at least a month. Her mother certainly isn't doing well, ya think? Understandable, tho, of course. I was a little surprised that her dog she was walking just took off & wasn't there to attack that asshole?!?!? I always wondered about that.
  19. Now this, in my humble opinion, is great news. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/10/14/nancy-grace-ends-hln-show-after-12-years.html
  20. Has anyone noticed that this newest season of Blood Relatives (on I.D. Channel) no longer has gross insects crawling around in every other scene? I think the producers are reading our posts! Tonight's episode only shows a mouse. Also, in the very beginning when there's a photo of the whole family, there's no blood dripping down from member to member. Slight improvement, I'd say. Now, if Brenda Strong would just talk a little faster, maybe I'd be able to stay awake until the end of the episode. Mods - could you please post something to let us know where we can talk about shows on I.D.? It really is very confusing having it now in the General True Crime forum due to the (many) specific shows on this channel - most of which suck - but we love to snark upon. If it's staying in this, I'd suggest everyone from now on do as I did in my first sentence & tell which channel the show you're posting about is on. Thanks.
  21. bilgistic - ahhh....road rage - one of my fave topics because I so often feel it while I'm driving! Just yesterday I was sitting at a busy intersection in the left turn lane waiting for light to turn (green arrow for left turn), but I saw 2 teens on the corner waiting to walk across. Green arrow goes on & of course, I wait til the kids cross. The asshole behind me lays on his horn because he couldn't see the kids. And as you said, "I hope he/she felt like a piece of shit when he/she saw why..." I was waiting to turn. BTW, bilgistic - good use of the word "fucknut!" I'm gonna have to incorporate that into my vocabulary - perfect adjective in so many situations!
  22. Aquarian1 - I'm born & raised in Michigan, also, & I've never heard of a Michiganite, either. I do prefer Michiganian to Michigander because the latter always reminds me of a duck! Must say I'm proud when I'm out of state & people ask me where I'm from that I can hold up my right hand to show them & point! I DO love my "mitten-shaped peninsula"! However, just today I saw a forecast for this winter, and it absolutely SUCKS!! Oh well...good news is that all those frigid temps & snow kill all the bugs! (I lived in North Carolina for 2 years and let me tell you ... the insects even in the dead of winter are frickin' HUGE!!!! It never gets cold enough for long enough there to kill them....seriously!)
  23. Did anyone happen to watch Paula Zahn last night? How about that black dress she was wearing at the beginning of the episode with what appeared to be a white bra underneath?!? White nipples - I swear to God! Maybe it was the sheen from the material, but it was NOT a good look! All I could do is look at her boobs & wonder what the hell the camera guys were thinking & why nobody said anything. Is it just me? Anyone else notice this? Should I adjust the color on my TV?
  24. OHMYGOD I was laughing so hard at your post I almost coughed up a lung! I just saw this episode today for the first time and your description is right on. Thanks, NOTYRMOMMA! I was having a pretty lousy day until I read this!
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