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Everything posted by MonicaM

  1. I wonder how happy and secure he'll feel when he's one of a dozen and his parents have neither the time nor the energy to give him much personalized attention. It's absolutely true that love can multiply to infinity. However, attention has to be divided, and if they continue having another child as often as possible, his happiness and security may become a distant memory. ☚ī¸
  2. I'm guessing she got some pretty nasty comments. However, I wonder if some of the comments were genuine efforts to let her know she posted a picture that was so grotesquely edited and filtered that her own mother would barely recognize her. I'm not on her social media, but if I was, I would have been seriously tempted to leave a very nicely worded comment that the picture was LESS THAN FLATTERING and that she might want to reconsider whether it stayed or not. I don't like her, but the picture was that bad and posting it was just begging for ridicule.
  3. She barely looks human! And those eyebrows...
  4. How many ugly pieces of clothing would they have to sell to make $50,000? Or even $25,000? I can't even imagine doing that kind of volume in rags they peddle.
  5. Maybe they don't have insurance and they were able to make a deal on a cash price? Since they don't hesitate to lie about other things, it wouldn't surprise me if they don't have insurance and were lying that it was some kind of deductible. Why would they lie? Perhaps because they know they would look like complete and total idiots if they confessed they didn't use some of their TV earnings to purchase health insurance instead of expensive cars and houses. If they DO have some kind of insurance and it has a $50,000 deductible, they need to cancel that policy and look into better coverage. Even for big time TV stars like the Browns, that's nearly the equivalent of no coverage at all. Hope Robyn is enjoying the million dollar home Kootie "forced" her to live in while Christine pretty much begs for money for her daughter's surgery. Not that I'm letting Christine off the hook either. She lives in a very nice home and drives an expensive car as well. I can't help but wonder if a big part of her reluctance to the surgery was because she knew it would cost them a huge amount of money. I admit I will laugh the day I read Sister Wives is cancelled and the irresponsible Brown adults have to scramble for money. I will laugh even more when those expensive houses go into foreclosure and the bankruptcy filings begin once again.
  6. I thought she looked ready to break into an old time country western song. Something like Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man", or Loretta Lynn's "You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man". đŸ¤Ŗ
  7. I get the sentimental value, but in my view, she did a very poor job and it looks terrible. My own home isn't professionally decorated and probably has areas that look equally bad, but I'm not posting pictures on SM and inviting the world to see my complete lack of decorating skills.
  8. Exactly what troubles are they facing together? Looks to me as if life has been pretty damned good and easy for them. I've been (mostly) happily married to the same man for nearly forty years, and I would NEVER presume to present myself as a marriage expert or to give anyone marital advice. But then I'm no big time celebrity/social media influencer so no one would hear my incredible words of wisdom even if I decided to share them. 🙄
  9. Just my opinion, but that picture is nasty,
  10. And those are her good points!!!
  11. Thanks for the heads up, @suomi. I barely finished reading your post before heading over to amazon and buying this set. Like you, I know exactly what my main activity will be this weekend. (Side note/confession: I love to read. If Janelle would post on SM that she skipped her workout and grabbed a quick dinner from a fast food drive thru because she was reading a great book, I would completely understand. Not only would I understand, but I'd probably applaud and defend her. đŸ¤Ŗ)
  12. I won't even try to listen to the podcast, but I looked it up on iTunes to read the reviews. Of course there are rabid fans falling all over them, but there are also a few one star reviews. Don't know for sure, but I doubt they can just delete negative comments on iTunes like they do on their social media accounts.
  13. Looks like product placement to me. Why else would she display shiny new bottles with the name brand prominently on display? I could be wrong, but it certainly looks like she's shilling for an organic spice company under the guise of sharing a recipe.
  14. I've wondered this as well. From what I've read, someone with Jill's number of followers could get a nice payday for posts that shill products. When Derick or Jill posts about Grub Hub, I can't help but wonder if he really drives much for them, or if he's mostly doing some not so subtle paid advertising? Think about how many times Grub Hub is mentioned in this forum alone. Any time either of them are pictured with a product, whether it's a podcast Jill supposedly listens to, or a bottle of chocolate milk best-hubby-ever brings her, it could easily be a paid advertisement that brings in money. I tend to think of them as wanna be influencers, but on several other forums people have speculated that they already are at least fairly well paid by several advertisers.
  15. It's appalling to me that anyone, particularly someone who claims to be a Christian, thinks this is a debatable issue. Yes, racism is a sin. How on earth could it not be?????
  16. I couldn't sit through the entire video, but I agree he's good enough to sing in an amateur choir. Every church I've ever attended had an all volunteer choir made up of people with "good enough" singing voices, who were there for the love of music and singing. There was always a choir director with some type of musical/voice training who was able to get some surprisingly good results from people who had mostly fair voices but great attitudes. I feel sorry for Tim. He and his mother clearly have no idea of the difference between "good enough to sing in church" and talented enough to make videos and CD's. I don't know this for sure, but he doesn't seem to be full of himself like so many of the Duggar's and other fundies, so I couldn't even bring myself to laugh at his poor, pathetic video.
  17. I almost didn't recognize him with his mouth closed.
  18. Just the other day I read that most "reality" shows are 85% scripted. Then the producers take 50% of that and make edits that often change the original scripting to fit the story line they decide to follow. The marriages and babies are real. Everything else about this family is phony. Apparently lying and misrepresenting themselves doesn't go against their devout religious beliefs. 🙄
  19. These two may be in for a big shock when they realize how much more a second child ties you down. Or maybe more specifically, how much a second child will tie Jinger down. She seems to think she's busy now - wait until she has an active toddler with a newborn. After getting up two or three times each night with the baby, then entertaining a toddler all day, she most likely isn't going to feel up to dressing to the nines and heading out to a fancy restaurant to make nice pictures for social media. And even if she does, the odds of both little ones cooperating so they can enjoy a fancy meal are slim. They have no built in babysitters in LA. Not even the most dedicated Duggar fan will want to keep their children night after night while they strut around the city. I could be very wrong, but I can't picture Mr. Duggar, I mean Mr. Vuolo having much interest in sitting at home once the stay at home orders are lifted and he's free to grift meals and clothes from LA's finest establishments.
  20. My mother had vascular dementia the last year of her life, and in her last few months, she started asking for various people who had already passed. At first we would explain that the person had died, and then she'd get upset and claim no one had told her when it happened. We found that what worked best in our situation was to tell her that whoever she was asking for wasn't able to come see her right now, but that they loved her very much. For the most part this seemed to satisfy her, at least in that moment. It didn't stop her from asking again and again for the same person, but at least that answer didn't upset her. I always felt it was best to go along with the delusions as long as it was safely possible, but my brother strongly disagreed and refused to "lie" to his mother. This answer satisfied him as well, but unfortunately, he still argued with her about small issues that made absolutely no difference whatsoever. 😞 She's been gone almost three years, and although I miss my mother every day, I'm glad she no longer suffers from the dementia. I'm also grateful she didn't have to deal with this virus. Sending good thoughts to everyone with vulnerable, senior parents!!!
  21. I love Harry Potter. When my sons were young, we read all the books and saw all the movies together as a family. We had the books on CD and for several years listened to them again and again on long car trips. However, the fact that Truely is not only free to read Harry Potter, but encouraged, is definitive proof that all pretense of following a conservative religious faith is gone from the Brown family. We had parents who belonged to churches a lot less conservative than the Brown's who tried to get the Harry Potter series banned from the school library. Hope Truely enjoys every single page of every book!
  22. I was going to make a snide comment about "date night" because as a monogamous couple, Mr. M and I just call it "taking a drive" or "going out to eat", etc. However, when you are single with a non live-in boyfriend, I guess if the two of you get together it really is a "date".
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