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Everything posted by MonicaM

  1. It bothers me that they're still in the very early, honeymoon years of their marriage and he's already tempted? The first few years Mr. M and I were married, I was barely aware there were other men in the world. At one point later, when we were working out some issues, Mr. M told me that in the first few years he felt the same way too. It wasn't until financial concerns, infertility, you know, real life issues began to pile up that either of us gave thought to anyone else. Plus, of course, after a few years, any relationship gets comfortable and you can easily fall into a rut. So is Jeremy surrounded by women he finds attractive and he has to report each one of them to Jinger? Or maybe he thinks women are throwing themselves at him and it takes all his will power to resist? Just how much temptation does this egotist think he faces?
  2. Although it would increase the odds of their success, Boob would never spend the money on a vocal coach or stylist. I agree these guys weren't bad, definitely good enough to sing in church. However, whatever talent they have is raw, and their overall look would need to be polished. Big Daddy has an aversion to hiring help, and an even bigger aversion to doing anything that would help his children become successful on their own. At most, he would probably assign Jana as their stylist and vocal coach, and take the role of manager for himself. The result would of course be the usual Duggar mediocrity, with Boob as always collecting any money involved and taking full credit for everything.
  3. I'm thinking that her regrets stem from having to hear all about Jermy's exciting life before they met. While she was living under Boob's roof, keeping sweet, shopping at thrift stores and sharing a room with her numerous sisters, he was out partying, traveling with the team, pursuing an education and dating other women. My guess is that she feels regret along with a sizable amount of envy.
  4. Definitely. A trust, administered by an attorney who is even greedier and more tightfisted than Boob. I don't believe he wants any of his kids to have any financial control over their lives even after he's gone. It may even be set up so that if he goes first, Michelle is provided for very well, but not even she can make changes to the trust. For their sake, I hope I'm wrong, but I really see Boob as the type who can't stand the thought of losing control of his children and money. Not even after death.
  5. Didn't you see the Jed Duggar state representative Tshirt? They aren't just aimlessly riding around, they are clearly hot on the campaign trail. 😆
  6. Hello, white cross buddy!! You are not the only one who got through some hectic and difficult times thanks to better living through modern chemistry. Of course I don't use anything these days, but if given the choice, I'd still opt for a dose of mother's little helper rather than the plexus that Jill shills. Yes, I'd trust the ingredients of a street drug before I'd try any plexus product. (I refuse to capitalize the name of that expensive garbage.)
  7. Thanks. I'm looking forward to his awkward explanation. 🤣
  8. Yes, please let us know where we can see these photos!!!!!
  9. Taking a look at the achievements of Janelle's three oldest children, who are out on their own. Logan worked full time while earning his MBA. Hunter will be working on his masters degree in nursing in a prestigious program. And Maddie, well, Maddie was on national television TWICE, screaming in a bathtub, so that she could get a portion of the TV money and attention. Kody must be relieved that he has at least one child he can relate to!!
  10. My guess is that she received this wonderful educational course for free in exchange for shilling it to her followers. I can't stand Janelle, and I think she's a complete idiot, but I also think that even she knows the whole thing is a rip off. But, like the rest of the family, she'll do whatever it takes to get money or something for free.
  11. I had mine out almost forty years ago, but I learned an important lesson the hard way. For at least the first couple of days, make sure he takes the pain meds as directed whether he thinks he needs them or not!!! At first I waited until I began to have serious pain, and by then the meds weren't nearly as effective as they would have been if I'd taken them as directed. Also, if the meds cause dizziness or nausea, the doctor can call in a prescription to help with that. (I know this because one of my sons needed it.) When my sons had theirs extracted, I set an alarm so they took the meds on time. The first couple of nights, I even woke them up for a dose in the night to help prevent the extra pain of eight or so hours of no pain meds. Good luck to your son! Getting rid of painful wisdom teeth improves the quality of life immensely.
  12. MonicaM


    She looks like a grandmother in that picture. A relatively young grandmother, maybe late forties early fifties, but definitely a matronly grandmother.
  13. The worst part is that she continues to make babies as if every day is a day in wonderland.
  14. I'm ready to go home by hour three! 😁
  15. That's all you can do. I went through nearly five years of infertility hell. I reached the point where I was practically housebound, because I couldn't stand to be around anything that involved children or family. I not only stopped going to baby showers, but I didn't even send a gift. Yes, I was bitter but most of all, it was painful. Literally, it hurt night and day. As you know only too well, if you haven't been there, then you have absolutely no idea how bad it is. We tried foster parenting, but to say the least, that was definitely not the route to parenthood for us. Having infertility problems does NOT somehow qualify you to parent children who have been damaged by their biological parents and the system. In our county, adoptions from the system were rare, and we saw two beautiful young brothers reunited with their biological mother the very day she was released from prison, because the end goal was reunification ASAP. Sorry I did some venting, but I wanted to let you know that I understand a lot about where you are right now. However, I also want to encourage you to hang in there and DON'T GIVE UP. After some very expensive medical treatments and five miscarriages, our first son was born nearly thirty years ago. We were deliriously happy with our long awaited miracle baby, and focused on raising him and paying off our medical debts. Two years later we were very happily surprised with our second son. Don't give up hope! I know what you mean about the Duggar's. Although my difficulties are thirty years in the past, it still bothers me when young, ignorant women effortlessly get pregnant, and then flaunt their condition. Makes it even worse when they also effortlessly got married, and live a very nice lifestyle with none of the hassles and inconveniences of a job. Hope this somehow helps. I believe your time will come, and you will one day have the perfect family for you.
  16. This family throws around the term "best friend" like the rest of us use "good morning". Husband and wife? Best friends. Cousins playing together? Best friends. Brothers hanging out together? Best friends. Sisters out to lunch? Best friends. Other fundie pregnant women in frumpy clothes? Best friends. These people have no idea what an actual FRIEND is, much less a best friend.
  17. I believe he didn't get a direct paycheck with money he could use however he wanted. I think JB strictly controlled the purse strings, and financed their activities only if they bowed and scraped before him. He and Jill clearly and obviously benefited greatly in the financial area from appearing on the show. However, unlike some (all?) of the other in-laws, Derick had some education and some independent thoughts that made him resent his indenture to JB. Just my opinion, but I think Derick hates how he was treated as one of JB's pawns, and that's mainly where his anger comes from now. JB wanted to keep Derick's balls in his pocket, and unlike another son-in-law, Derick refused. He has seen first hand how different the reality of the Duggar family is from their television episodes, and he knows JB might just lose some sleep over his threats to expose what actually happens in that family. I seriously doubt Derick would ever actually write a tell-all book, but JB can't be sure of that.
  18. MonicaM


    Whatever he's doing with WF, between that and her ugly clothing sales, these two seem to be doing extremely well for themselves. I absolutely love the idea that as the five Brown parents go down in financial flames, their offspring will be flying high.
  19. Of the two, Hydrox was actually the original cream filled chocolate cookie. We grew up with Hydrox, and I always thought that Oreos were the poor man's Hydrox. 😆
  20. Let me clarify so I understand. You are supposed to dress modestly and wear seven layers of clothes even on the hottest day of summer when you are NOT pregnant. Okay. But then, if you get pregnant, you need to wear clothing that's so tight it outlines every part of your body, up to and including whether your navel is an innie or an outie? Do I have that right? Makes perfect sense. 🙄
  21. I wonder if his own adult children also have to sign an NDA? He's a big enough control freak that I wouldn't put it past him. Most of what I read about an NDA on the internet concerned employers and employees and business secrets, but I guess that would pertain to Boob and his offspring, since in one way or another they all work for him. (With the probable exception of Jill.) The biggest business secret Amy and anyone else most likely has to keep is how different and dysfunctional the family is off camera. Knowing Boob, Amy probably didn't really understand what she was signing at the time, and any benefits she received from signing were minimal.
  22. She doesn't look all that thrilled to me. Or really even all that cute. The way a child looks changes constantly and this isn't one of her cuter stages. She may also be getting tired of having the camera shoved in her face all the time. My sons went through phases off and on where they hated getting their picture taken, and I wasn't forcing them to pose and try to look cute nearly every day.
  23. In our town, fireworks are illegal in the city limits. On our street, we have THOSE neighbors. A married couple with two young sons. The father/husband gets home from work every day around 3:30 in the afternoon, and pretty much spends the rest of his day yelling and screaming at his family, and physically abusing his wife. The police are called to their house at least once a month, sometimes more. Last night, I heard fireworks and they seemed way too close for comfort. Took a look outside, and sure enough, these people were shooting fireworks illegally. I was going to call the police, but before I could make a move to find my phone, a police car and a big fire engine came barreling down our street with the lights and sirens. Yep, they started a fire and were forced to call the authorities on themselves. Fortunately, no one was injured and property damage was minimal so I am free to laugh at their stupidity. They are such idiots they apparently continued with the fireworks while they waited for the fire department. 🙃 (I feel terrible for their sons. Even Lollie and Pops would be better parents than these idiots.)
  24. And match every name to the correct face. I'm not positive she could do that with all of her children, much less her grandchildren.
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