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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Nah he won't. Tommen jumped on his own. Cats don't avenge self sacrifices! That was a satisfying finale. Don't worry; Cersei won't be Queen long because the Sand Snakes and the Queen of Thorns is coming for her. RIP Margeary. You managed to save Olenna at the very least. Arya's back in Westeros fucking shit up. A girl is awesome. *Playing Beyonce's song "Run the World (Girls)"
  2. Damn. He ate all four of them? Did he even offer his wife a bite? Heh.
  3. This was the episode of no fucks given and no chill to be found. The Blackfish is savage. "Kill him then. I don't give a damn." Lady Mormont: "I'm not here to reminisce. What you want?" Lady Olenna: "I'm going home, but I still hate you Cersei." The Hound is back! I hope that is not the way that Arya is going out. I wanted her to kill the waif! Sansa's note to Baelish: "I fucking hate your guts but I need the Vale Army like right now."
  4. I'm still having trouble processing this episode. GoT rips my guts out at least twice a season. You'd think it wouldn't hurt so much by now! The Iron Born. It's amazing that they chose their leader on the basis of his dick than on any intellect. What type of plan was that? "Let's sail to wherever that Dragon bitch is and I will fuck her into submission! We'll rule Westeros!" Jeez. They will never know that they lost a capable leader in Yara. Women are awesome because we aren't handicapped by testosterone.
  5. I cackled at the Ser Friendzone remark. I don't think there was any accelerant used. Those bins had to have oil in them in order to burn. Plus those huts are basically wood and fabric. Goes up quick when fire and oil hits it! And color me surprised that Theon got home so quickly (to us). Last week he's in the wilderness and poof! Back in a boat to the Iron Islands.
  6. Finally the Mother of Dragons does something pretty badass. Guess her new title will be Grand Khaleesi? Now that she rules the Dothraki, we shouldn't see them anymore unless they back Dany up. Poor Osha. This King's Landing kerfluffle is taking too long to execute. Hopefully the Queen of Thorns has a plan up her sleeve to get Margaery and Loras out of jail. Littlefinger! I actually missed him. I wonder how he is going to slither into Sansa's plan to take back Winterfell.
  7. Yes. The White Walkers. The main reason all this nonsense is happening south of the Wall. Are they waiting for pizza delivery? I guess it's hard to destroy nations on an empty stomach. The continuity fairy overdosed on crystal meth 3 seasons ago, so no one knows how much time is left before Winter really comes.
  8. I wanted to see more of Bran's flashbacks. The Three Eyed Raven is such a killjoy! I guess taking Dayne from behind was the only way Ned got to live to tell tales. I wonder who were the other men with Ned and Howland Reed?
  9. Well alright. Olenna's back! Thank goodness. Time to spring Loras and Margaery out of the clink. Tommen is useless. I fully expected the High Sparrow to kill him and get it over with. I'm also glad a girl finally learned enough to stop getting her ass kicked. What about the dancing lessons she learned from Syrio? I fully expected a girl to still be able to fight even without her eyesight. Typical that Jon would quit the Night's Watch just as Sansa is making her way to the Wall... I wonder if he is going to Winterfell? I also echo the sentiments of not wanting to watch Ramsay torture Osha and Rickon. Especially when that Umber mentioned young Karstark liking little boys... ugh.
  10. Jon's back, bitches! RIP to Walda and her baby. Should have had a girl. Roose and Balon got what was coming to them. All I could think while Melisandre was working on Jon: "Damn. His hair was luxurious even in death! Jon Snow got that good hair!"
  11. Crap. This episode made me feel bad for Halstead. Looks like the attending is going to be bitchy after being overruled. But, that brother was a major dick. He should have let Ginger handle his brother's treatment! I felt for that surrogate, but if she and that baby died, there would be no payout and her boys would have had no mother. Big picture, lady.
  12. I stand corrected. I think Melisandre will come into play later. I see that she is a very powerful witch, considering most witches don't get to grow old. The young hot Red Witch is just a glamour used among other people that isn't needed when she sleeps. Isn't she still at Castle Black? Thorne might get fucked up if he tangles with her.
  13. I love how the description is so understated. Ahhhh, my favorite show is back! Brienne to the rescue! I love how she pledged her service to Sansa, all but daring her to say no this time. "I saved your life again! Can I serve you now? Damn!" Looks like Dorne is under new management. Can't say I was surprised. I just didn't know how the other Dornish feelings matched the Sand Snakes! (And yes, what a waste of Alexander Siddig's talent. Thanks George!) Poor Dany. Unless Drogon decides to rescue his mommy, she'll end up at Vaes Dothrak. I'll have to rewatch to catch all the gems.
  14. So true. But this time, I wouldn't be mad with any of the remaining queens winning it all (minus Derrick, of course). Bob is my fave, and I'm cool with Naomi, Kim Chi, or Chi Chi taking the crown instead of him.
  15. Thorgy was getting a bit too bitter. But she did deserve to sashay away. She had pages of shade and used none of it for the campaign video! Bob and Derrick used their mutual animosity to win and it was Awesome! (Although Derrick eating babies will probably one of my nightmares tonight. Yikes!)
  16. My problem with this show is that it follows the blueprint of Criminal Minds so closely that it is nothing more than a carbon copy of its parent program. The greenscreen makes it worse! If you can't afford to go to other countries, why bother? I might as well watch Original Recipe CM. And I loves me some Daniel Henney...
  17. I'm fine with Robbie leaving. He was the type of queen that you expected great things from but never delivered. Now Thorgy has infected the rest of the girls with her Bob bitterness. I'm glad he was safe this week. There really wasn't anything they could clock him on this week! I thought that Kim Chi was going to win, but the judges weren't feeling the interpretive dance. Who dared disrespect Purse Purse Imfirst by throwing her on the table? How rude.
  18. Oh, I would have snatched the canister back then hit him over the head with it. He picked the right one to try. Why would they be so rough on a 14 year old who just gave birth? Surely that is not a normal circumstance! It seemed like they wanted to punish her for her crappy life. Too many men acting so self righteously over a poor girl's life.
  19. And to have the men look to Simmons only to find that he does not speak the local language. Heh. I may have to rewatch the episodes, but I have also noticed that Simmons gets gifts from every country they have been in. Interesting thing to catch, but then again I am only here for Daniel Henney! ;)
  20. I wish Naomi hadn't let Bob psych her out of doing Whoopi Goldberg. She might have been funny. Not Bob level funny, but nonetheless. I call BS on Michelle telling Bob not to showboat. What is Snatch Game for, if not to showboat? I thought that was the point! Thorgy might as well resign herself to being the bridesmaid to Bob's Bride. Stop being mad, girl. I really want to read the angry mail resulting from Kim Chi's shenanigans. I bet they are lit!
  21. Girl. They might as well give the prize to Bob. He was the funniest at Snatch Game and did an awesome Madonna runway that wasn't a kimono! (Seriously. All the ways Madonna transformed her looks in her career and 4 queens did the same one? No Material Girl? No VMA Wedding Dress? No Desperately Seeking Susan? Gah.) RuPaul is the Kang of Shade. After taking Derrick's other character in, he was like "Bitch, just do Britney." I hollered.
  22. Especially to have Clary still clueless to the fact that her hot Vampire bestie is in love with her. Not that I expect her to be with him, 'cause Vampire, but still.
  23. My problem with this show is that the writers crammed a few seasons worth of story into one season, probably not anticipating a second one. Now that they have it, maybe they can slow things a bit. Considering the wealth of source material that they have, the writing should be a bit more cohesive and less rushed. Malec is the best part of this entire show. As for Clace (ewww), I guess we are just going to take for granted that they are siblings? No blood tests? No clarification? I'm a little glad, because these 2 had zero chemistry together. Can we have a hotshot Shadowhunter from Idris be Clary's new boyfriend?
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