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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Agreed. Akbar, sir; you did not get this great opportunity to go to another country to be a dick to your wife. It cheapens how we look at you!
  2. I don't see him as a softy; I see the wheels turning in his head! This man is plotting heavy and we just haven't seen how his agenda will affect Discovery and Zora yet.
  3. Well, this was cute. Kudos to Grey going to Trill for a bit. Adira will have to deal and maybe they will be a better person for it. This break for Michael and Book makes sense, at least. I figured he would leave Grudge with Michael because he doesn't anticipate coming back from this revenge run. I didn't buy Book throwing his lot in with Tarka. Surely he should have known that Tarka is only looking to his own agenda. How was Tarka able to steal a spore drive? They must have had all the security in the delegate hall. Zora is now a member of the crew. I wonder when she will get tired of trying to keep Discovery from being reckless?
  4. It may be that Geralt would have been a decent Mage if he wasn't turned into a Witcher. He can do things the other Witchers can't seem to do. He is also a better fighter! Vesemir might not be able to use Ciri's blood (what's left of it, anyway) to create new Witchers. The Witcher formula messed that lady's face up! Her blood might be too volatile to use.
  5. All I know is they better not pull up a "Starfleet or Me!" type ultimatum from Book's lips. Michael is Starfleet and she was always Starfleet from the moment they met. I mean, where would he go? His people and planet is gone! Care to explain why? Captains can't really fraternize with their crew and it is nice for Michael to have that outlet.
  6. Clearly Clint had it to remember her by when she was blipped. That watch may have been left behind at the compound when he "retired" and became Ronin; the Ronin suit plus sword could have been left at the Avenger's compound because that's where Clint probably went after Vormir. I may have to rewatch the movies to see if that is a possibility.
  7. I see that I need closed captions for this show. I missed what Nivellen said that made Geralt and Ciri turn from him; I was confusion until the rewatch and I saw that Nivellen was cursed for raping the priestess. Guess he was the real monster all along. Love this show!
  8. I'm sick of Fringilla walking about the castle getting disrespected. If she doesn't pop off Cahir and that other general's heads by the end of this season... Take your authority and knock them off already, White Flame be damned! ETA: She did take them out! I'm proud of her. Hopefully sparing Cahir doesn't bite her in the ass later...
  9. I'm glad Geralt knows Yennefer is alive. As amusing as Yennefer and Jaskier's exploits are, I am bothered by the fact that both of them are wearing bright purple when they are supposed to be in hiding. That's not how you hide in plain sight! Ciri is extraordinary, and I wonder if not allowing her to take that Witcher serum may not have been the right course? I wonder if she will become a Witcher in her own right later on?
  10. On rewatch of the first 3 episodes, all of the Witchers have lighter eyes. Apparently, Geralt is something different from the rest of the Witchers. One of the other ones had a light blue eye and a light brown eye, so it may be according to the power they may possess.
  11. The Sphere Data merged with Discovery season 2, I think? Anyway, this new consciousness named itself Zora. I felt Michael being simultaneously curious and creeped out to find out that Zora now has emotions and feelings! We will see if that will cause issues later on...
  12. My quibbles this week: There was so much talking in this episode! I will allow Rhys his monologue; I find him so attractive. But as I was watching Michael and Book and the Examples leisurely chit chatting while the DMA was hurtling towards them, I was waving my hands in the universal "Hurry Up!" motion. These folk were acting like they had all the time in the world! So there is someone whose arrogance exceeds Stamets. Amazing. I wonder what the deal is with him. I loves Michael, I really do. However, this "Captain Burnham can solve all problems" thing is getting old. I want her to not have the answers and solutions every once in a while.
  13. It looked more like Gray forcing Adira to leave his side so he can breathe. I'll bet they were stuck to his side ever since his rebirth. I was stuck on the fact that there was no explanation on what hit the shuttlecraft. That cadet died a little too quickly for me, too. It seemed like Tilly blinked and he was gone! Being witness to yet another dead Starfleet member on an away mission would surely cause Tilly to have PTSD. Are there any Counselors at Starfleet HQ?
  14. I just binged the latest episodes. I have thoughts and questions. The main one is: Is anyone else still watching this show?
  15. Saru is a captain; he just chose to be with his chosen family and to be Michael's Number One. Due to his unique circumstances, he probably didn't want to lead strangers when the others who share his circumstances are still around. Being Captain of a starship isn't as glamourous and special as one might think. Saru might be more than happy to back Michael up in her shenanigans.
  16. We are all horrible then! I'm hoping that once the novelty of actually having Grey around wears off, he will be sent to Trill. Adira is still in possession of the symbiont, it's just that Grey's soul (as it were) was disconnected from the Tal symbiont.
  17. I was happy to see Mama Burnham and the Qowat Milat. I did find it hard to swallow that this J’Vini couldn't have found a better solution to her lost cause than killing people for dilithium. Michael still hates politics, but girl. Starfleet is only the military arm of The Federation. Just know that you are merely a cog in the machine and unclench. This "butting heads with your superiors" nonsense was old in Season 1. Michael should have outgrown that tendency already. Is Vance the only admiral left? I do love Oded Fehr and was just wondering who runs Starfleet when he sleeps? It was not a good idea to give Tilly a sword. It's nice to see Stamets so protective over Book. At least now Book can grieve without seeing his nephew run around his ship. And no one thought to suggest that maybe the DMA is sentient?
  18. Panthor got the shitty end of the stick in that regard. Just finished the season. I want more! Now that Preternia is gone, how does Teela strike the proper balance between worlds? Motherboard looks like a future thorn in He-Man's side. I wonder if it is possible to bring She-Ra into this property?
  19. Hey, I'm a sucker for expanding the mythos. The original 80's cartoon was simple and merely a commercial for toys. I enjoy the storyline behind the story. Revelation is the adult version of the story. Skeletor did talk way too much in the first part of the second half. I was rolling my eyes as he was giving Adam and the Crew chance after chance to ruin his plans and take back the power. He really loved the sound of his own voice!
  20. There's no sides, per se; the President was merely shopping for a Captain for Voyager, clearly saw that Michael isn't right for the position, and told her why. I approve of folk hurting Michael's feelings every once in a while.
  21. Unfortunately, Grudge lives on Booker's ship, so where he goes, she goes. I did side eye Michael's dependence on Book's emapathic powers; has he even gotten to the point to make them happen at will? The president was snooty as hell, but she did have the ability to punch Michael in her jeans. "Oh, I know you singlehandedly revived Starfleet, but you are reckless AF." The president can stay. Damn. Who let loose a Planet Killer? Poor Book. He lost his people and home planet. That's messed up!
  22. Seriously! Her whole tantrum had a tinge of "Now I can't play with my new toy, err huzzzzband!"
  23. Thanks for the info! I'm just going to call them bougie cookies now. Thanks Gil!
  24. He was very specific about wanting 2 boys and a girl. Hope his DNA gives him close to what he wants...
  25. Rachel and Jose are still on their best behavior. The cracks in that facade will show soon enough. Ryan is pressuring Brett about sex and babies really hard. Typical of someone using outside things to fill a gaping hole in their personalities. Ryan needs a therapist.
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