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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. This episode punched me right in the heart. Thanks SNW! La'an and Uhura was awesome. I dare say Uhura even impressed La'an, which I don't think many cadets could do. I was hoping that this First Servant would not be sacrificed. Imagine knowing that you would be used to fuel the whole planet. And only children would do instead of an adult. Seems so barbaric, even for the future. That boy probably had the cure for M'Benga's daughter. Alora: "We're not Federation members and we are a very private people... because we do things you would definitely NOT approve of." If the Elder had told Pike what was up, he might have been able to save his son despite dooming his homeworld.
  2. Rewatching the Peppers challenge; Tyler did say to "light him up". He was probably disappointed that everyone stayed away from the Ghost Pepper, so he went with the dish that made his eyes water. I was referring to GGB and the fact that their rice cookers didn't work in the truck. My point still stands that these trucks should have been new and ready to go as opposed to them being refurbished from season to season.
  3. Yeah, Keke Palmer is alright with me. Putting Law in his place cemented my liking of her judging style. Exactly. Folk are always ready to tag a Black woman with that "too much" brush. Keke is everything!
  4. I agree on GGB. Their portion size was too large. I tend to ignore most food safety violations on this show much like I would pointedly not look into the kitchen at most places I eat in. Evarice from Senoreata's hair flying everywhere bothers me a bit more, plus those orange jumpsuits are a chop. I'm not going to hate on MCBWI because they are Drag Queens. Drag Queens are awesome and their job is literally getting you to give them money for entertaining you. I'm going to hate on them putting out practically unseasoned Mac and Cheese. I wouldn't eat that because I am lactose intolerant, but I would court stomach upset and explosive colon if the mac and cheese was seasoned well! It looked like they just slapped ingredients on top of boxed macaroni. If you make the mac and cheese delicious on its own, then you can slap whatever you want on top of it. I wonder if more than one customer chucked that food in the trash... My current faves are Amaweles, Eso Artisinal Pasta, Saute Kings, and Southern Pride Asian Fusion, otherwise noted by me as SPAF. The Amaweles sisters need to stop that bickering and placing their friend in the middle of it. They are wasting cooking time with that nonsense. EAP is at a higher class than the rest of the Food Trucks. I was balking at $30 for the Crudo special, but it must have been good. The price points have always been exaggerated for this show. You would think by now that the contestants would do a little research about where they will be and price accordingly. This is Season 15! I'm sure that they are told ahead of time where they will start the GFTR. I am also tired of broken down Food Trucks. Everyone should start on an even playing field and not have equipment issues unless they did something to the truck.
  5. Let's assume that this is beyond the skills and clearance of cadets and ensigns.
  6. This episode was so much fun! If I had my way, we wouldn't see Klingons or Romulans unless they are finally going to tell us how the Klingon's look evolved to what we now know them to look. Speck and T'Pring doing a Freaky Friday was better than I expected it to be. I am okay with giving the Canon Fairy a well-deserved vacation and just enjoy what I am given.
  7. FairyTail Money Ball: Leslie Jones! Awesome Guest Judge this episode. All these baby twerks and of course Luz Yamamoto couldn't participate. She would have killed this performance! I did like Juicy Couture's group performance the best, though. #LolitaStan 3 Fab Mice: I was amazed at how sloppy Revlon, Makaveli, and Yamamoto were, especially since Juicy Couture slayed dem hoes effortlessly. Juicy Couture wins 10K Tweedle Dee Tweedle Stunts: The only stunts I made out were from Yamamoto and Revlon. Revlon wins 5K Revlon also wins Superior House this week, which added 15K to their prize money. Hot in the Shade Ball: Kelly Rowland is the Guest Judge this episode. She is gorgeous! Law was having too much fun shading Keke, Jameela, and Kelly tonight. Jameela is especially frisky tonight. I wonder what was in her glass for this episode; was she drinking drinking on camera? Does the Superior House get to choose House Performance order? No way would I have let Juicy Couture go first. They gonna snatch that Superior House Trophy right back. This group challenge was tailor made for them. All the other Houses were sloppy in comparison. Sex Siren: This category was clearly for Luz Yamamoto and Lolita, since the only beefcake on the show went home already. Alpha Omega would have tore this category up! The showdown was between Luz and Lolita, of course. Luz was good, but Lolita took this one, again effortlessly. Octo Puss Puss: Makaveli and Yamamoto were sloppy in this category, paving the way for the showdown between Revlon and Juicy Couture. Kamiyah and Juicy Couture was the hands down winners of this category! They were so clean and precise with their movements. Kamiyah got the thrill of her life when Kelly Rowland said her name. Redemption Battle: Makaveli vs. Revlon. If Revlon don't send the Makavelis home, I don't know what I would do... Makaveli goes home, finally. Slayground Playground: Dominique Jackson is back as Guest Judge. She seemed much calmer this time around. Juicy Couture stole the show. They even had Brooklyn pay homage to Leiomy in the performance. Yamamoto was sloppy and I also was afraid that Nunoy Revlon hurt himself jumping off the Monkey Bars prop. Duck Walk Goose: Yamamoto won that category almost by default, since Revlon and Juicy were not clean with their Duck Walks and Catwalks. Runway the Funway: I was hoping that Lolita would have snatched Mother Aoki Yamamoto's skirt from her when she waved it in Lolita's face. Yamamoto wins this category. Redemption Battle: Revlon vs. Yamamoto. I was hoping for a Juicy Couture/Revlon Finale, but Kiona Revlon was not the best choice for battle. Revlon goes home.
  8. Whorror House: Issa is gorgeous and started the series of what a good guest judge should be! Juicy Couture is my fave. Hopefully Lolita will be utilized better. Why does the Hand Performances shown in rehearsal never quite curl all the way over on stage? I'm thinking that a House will tear shit up from the practice runs, but the actual performances look vastly different! Babi Ada and Luz Yamamoto.... sexy and gorgeous! So Makaveli had next to no energy in their performance. To the bottom you go! Honestly, Papi Ada should have eaten Jada Makaveli up in that battle. I expected so much from him. Sigh, House Ada goes home. Anime Ball: Bob the MF Drag Queen is everything to me! Loooooove him soooo much! Juicy Couture: The ones to beat. They better not Tisci them, I swear. Revlon: They looked fabulous. The spins, not so much. Yamamoto: Love them, but their performance was sloppy. I know Jameela wanted to take her gag flag back after all that lip from Mama Yamamoto. Heh. I don't know why these Houses think that they will gain any points by attacking the judges, especially Leiomy. You may be as legendary as "Hurr", but she is above you on the Legendary Food Chain mama! I can feel Leiomy's frustration through the screen, so I can imagine what is was like sitting next to her or being in front of her. LaBeija: Them Duck Walks was sloppy. Makaveli: This House's energy is so low because their spirits were broken way back in episode 1. I think these people need therapy and hugs. Alpha Omega: Yes, it was shady as hell giving them Hair Whips. Once again, performance was sloppy. The Beat For Beat Shadow performances was better than the group performances. Zenith was a poor choice to battle the Alpha Omega Father. And he only won for his vogue technique. It was funny that House LaBeija goes home when Bob is the Guest judge! Mission Impossiball: Who is this Jake Wesly Rogers? I had to Google him. Eh. So he is tonight's guest judge. He was inoffensive. I'm glad that the judges thus far seemed to take more cues from Law and Leiomy in regards to their scoring. There were no gratuitous 10s being tossed around. Leiomy was over tonight. She looked expensive and baby... Yamamoto: I like their performance. Juicy Couture: Lolita is my fave, and she didn't disappoint me this episode. Purrrrrr. Makaveli: Stop giving them brownie points and put them out of their misery, please. Alpha Omega: Who else but Adam was going to be the Soft and C*nt Specialist? The problem was their look and Adam didn't look soft enough to match his performance. Revlon: Vinni? Soft and C*nt? Him? Uh uh. A rare Revlon misstep. And again, the Categories was much better than most of the performances. So Goldie Makaveli vs. Adam Omega for the battle? Hmmm. Yes, Adam messed up by running to Deshaun; I was wondering where he was going! Mark this episode as the only time I ever agreed with Jameela Jamil; Makaveli should have gone home this episode. They are desperate and it is not something I want to see week after week. Judging by the reaction of the other Houses, Alpha Omega must have been really unlikeable... Alpha Omega goes home. There is one more Gag Flag left in play. It is Leiomy's flag. I would love for her to keep it in the box! I have yet to see any performance that would make her gag.
  9. Well, it's easy to heal yourself if there is no shrapnel in the wound. Una had pieces of the ship in her guts, and she slowly got to sickbay all the while telling everyone that she was fine... I was right there, too! Especially since it turned out that he sacrificed himself to ensure she would make it out alive. Sweaty Speck can totally get it. *shallow* I agree. Remember, SNW picks up not that long after Discovery's trek to the future. This version is not the Nimoy version of Spock; this is the journey to that older version. I would like to see where his brother comes into the picture without clubbing the continuity fairy to death. I love Ortegas' snark, especially at Speck. The way he cut his eyes at them and repeated what he just said in "English" tickled me. Hemmer is that crew member that works well with everyone, no matter how grumpy he can be about it.
  10. Listen, when I saw the Lyght House Father bust out a Fortnite dance in the middle of a vogue battle... The judges were very nice in giving them the boot as gently as they did! LHF talking about he's been in Ballroom since 2015... where sir? IKYFL. We need a Legendary BTS with the judges! I know Leiomy had much to say about that battle that couldn't be aired.
  11. I forgot about All Stars Untucked! I'll have to check them out tomorrow.
  12. Right there with you. This is Season THREE. What is going on here, other than Covid ripping through some Houses? These Houses talked a lot of shit backstage, but only a few of them actually made some noise! I can't really blame Leiomy, either. She had to have been irritated with this crop. Watching Law giggle like a schoolgirl for Alpha Omega took me down. We should never take Jameela seriously. She goes up for what moves her, even if it didn't move anyone else. Grand March, Part 1: Labeija: Love Aja! The father has light eyes; can't trust a man with light eyes! They were sloppy and slow. Alpha Omega: Law is right; this House is filled with very foine menz. Seeing Law (and Jameela!) swoon was the highlight of the judge antics this episode. Jameela was tripping as usual with her excessive use of 10s. Revlon: Cute, snooty, but a little sloppy too! I didn't see a bit of a Duck Walk... Makaveli: So we have another House Mother who can't dance? Those dips were sloppy. Lyght: Yikes. I saw Leiomy's face and knew this House was toast. And they went home! Grand March, Part 2: Juicy Couture: I'm rooting for this House purely on the strength of Lolita. They better be just as awesome as she is, although I didn't see it tonight... Alain Mikli: Slow and Sloppy. Sigh. Ada: I liked them purely on the strength of their Papi. They are so cute! Du'more Versailles; Lewks were on point,,, Leiomy's disappointed face doomed them as well. They went home! Yohji Yamamoto: They are my faves so far. Hopefully they will keep up the pace! Animal Queendom Ball: It's just like a new judge to burn their gag flag a bit too soon. Honestly, Aja was the only member to come out looking good for Labeija's performance. I think House Labeija wasn't in immediate danger of going home this week. Keke could have saved her flag for something truly gag worthy. It was also the beginning of a night full of failed executions of the required element that was done in front of the originator of said element. It must have killed Leiomy to see almost every House fumble the 360 Dip. She was probably thinking that she should have done a tutorial for these children! The House that got the highest marks of night didn't even attempt to do one, and I thought for sure that Revlon was going to get popped for that. Guest Judge: Anitta. Honestly, they shouldn't even give guest judges an opportunity to reward performances that weren't up to par. She was inoffensive, so I will let Anitta live, even though she was trying to out-Jameela Jameela herself. Alain Mikli goes home.
  13. The best Snatch Game thus far! I had to watch it twice because I was laughing so hard. These queens understood the assignment: Make. Ru. Laugh. Making Ross and Michelle laugh as well is a bonus! Jinx Monsoon is the Queen of Snatch Game. Judy Garland was hilarious and that deep cut from her first season... chef's kiss! Jaida's Prince was funny to me. Evie's Boogieman was smexy! I think Monet should have gone with the character's name of Shaneyney instead of Martin Lawrence. Trinity did steal what was left of the show with Satan and Leslie Jordan; Jinx took all the spotlight with just ONE character. The editing was a bit wonky, though. Did the queens film the lip sync portion of the show directly after the Snatch Game? I couldn't see the queens changing back into those outfits after the runway... Come on RPDR! We aren't supposed to notice that! I did fall out when Michelle cracked on Jaida being Eddie Murphy from "Dreamgirls". That was funny! Now I thought Trinity was a good lip syncer. She was just flailing all over the stage! I also figured Jinx would target Shea over Monet. Right now, I would consider Shea to be the biggest threat for the crown.
  14. Now this is the All Stars season I will like the most! It is so much fun and none of the queens are taking themselves so seriously. It's a plus that I like all of the winners assembled this season. Raven was a hoot. I actually thought she was competing this season! Then I thought, "Who is going to do the RFPR since Raja Gemini is competing this season?" The Queens went real light on this reading challenge. I guess there wasn't much left to say since they were real shadyboots in the Werk Room earlier. Then they had the nerve to make me cry after throwing trees and forests at each other. Naomi Campbell? Goddess! The runway lewks were gorgeous. These queens are not playing with us! The first Ru song, I might buy. I was really looking at the background dancers. "Legend" was pretty catchy. I didn't notice Trinity didn't know the words to the verse she wrote until she threw it out there on the runway. I like the rules this season; nobody is going home and track records will finally count in the end. "Old McDonald"? I actually liked Monet's lip sync a little better than Shea's. Maybe it was that outfit she put on.... I figured Shea was going to block Trinity. Trinity's runway lewk was outrageous! Trinity's reaction to the Platinum Plunger was even better. I'm loving this season already.
  15. So I assumed that Una was possessed by something as opposed to the virus burning itself out of her system. I finally got a clue that she wasn't just another human by picking Hemmer up like he weighed nothing. I guess Aenarians are especially heavy? I was wondering if Una's genetic material could have saved M'Benga's daughter. And to think that Hemmer has sussed out the reason how the virus was spreading on the ship but had to walk away from the snarling doctor. I'm pretty sure that Chapel was hit by the virus, but La'an knocked her out to get to the warp core. One thing about this crew is how scarily brilliant they are. Hemmer transported a piece of the planet's core onto the ship to bask in!
  16. This is a fun show! It keeps close to canon and also striking out to make SNW more distinctive than TOS. I'm digging Speck so far (his voice is dreamy!). Uhura's dress uniform is quite nice, command crew hazing aside. I wonder which lauguage did she tell Hemer and Speck about themselves in? Again, I want to live in Pike's quarters.
  17. It doesn't. The field commission was temporary, and a nod to Seven being rejected by Starfleet for no good reason.
  18. Listen, I want to live in Pike's quarters! A little pon farr background: A common misconception associated with the series (and Spock in particular) is that Vulcans only have sex once every seven years. However, pon farr is not coincident with the sex lives of Vulcans, and they are able to have intercourse without the affliction, and thus more than once every seven years. Star Trek: The Original Series writer and continuity story editor D. C. Fontana explains that pon farr is not the only time that Vulcans feel sexual desire or engage in sexual activity: "Vulcans mate normally any time they want to. However, every seven years you do the ritual, the ceremony, the whole thing. The biological urge. You must, but any other time is any other emotion –humanoid emotion– when you're in love. When you want to, you know when the urge is there, you do it. This every-seven-years business was taken too literally by too many people who don't stop and understand. We didn't mean it only every seven years. I mean, every seven years would be a little bad, and it would not explain the Vulcans of many different ages which are not seven years apart." So T'Pring was well within her rights to rock Spock's world... once he is finished gallivanting in space with Pike! LOL!
  19. Q wanted to keep Renee Picard from going on the Europa Mission. Soong himself decided to use extreme prejudice.
  20. Well, the Watchers did lose Tallinn. So of course Kore was a natural fit. This was a neat bow to wrap this season in; however, the story could have been arranged much better. I was under the impression that Q used the last of his life to send JLP, Raffi, and Seven back to where this whole thing started. Q wasn't being malicious; he just wanted to spend time with his favorite human before he died alone. I wonder where the Continuum is and did anything happen to them? I cheered seeing Wesley Traveler! I was also amazed that I wasn't spoiled about his appearance. Rios met Renee at the Gala. She knew that "Admiral" was with him, so I don't think it would be that out of bounds that they kept in touch. Deanna Troi is only half Betazoid... And I did like that someone noticed that Rios was gone. But no one noticed that Raffi wasn't on the Excelsior? It seemed kinda odd that a cadet was left in charge of Raffi's ship, even though it meant that our Elnor was back.
  21. Okay... Now we are getting close to putting this misadventure to bed. I was not expecting that end when young JPL opened the door. How devastating to think that you were the cause of your mother's death. He suppressed that memory so deep that even the eventual traumas he suffered later never made that come back up. Again, the only thing this episode is missing is Q. Unless he knows that JLP will succeed in putting things back into place... I still want to know how the death of Q and possibly the Continuum plays into this tête-à-tête with Picard. Why this and why now? Love to see that Holo Elnor was just as lethal as the real deal. Since we now know that the Future Borg Queen is Agnes, maybe this experience will compel JLP to make a different decision on the Star Gazer should we ever get back to that point in time.
  22. So Soong himself is the Extinction Level Event, even though Renee Picard is still in play. I like that we got a few answers but the production choices are still piss poor. The whole Confederation storyline could have been condensed or skipped, really. I'm just confused with how this story is supposed to be coming together. If this season was supposed to be a ST: Voyage Home ripoff, it could have been written better. So did Raffi guilt Elnor into staying with her or did he consider Starfleet a better lost cause to take up instead of returning to the Qowat Milat? Didn't the QW leader tell Picard that Elnor didn't really belong with them so Picard should have taken him? Did I remember that correctly? This scene would have been better in Episode 1 or when Elnor died in the Confederation time. Again Production choices... Hopefully Season 3 doesn't involve Time Travel Shenanigans. I find that this show is more enjoyable once I turn my brain off.
  23. I was hoping for a Jet Tila win. Tiffani had it in the bag once Natto was chosen as an ingredient and Iron Chef Morimoto was chosen as the 4th judge. Onto TOC IV!
  24. Apparently Renee was a red herring. Something or someone else is the linchpin to getting the gang to fix this timeline and back to their own.
  25. So did I. That is what this story is missing; Q lamenting about his growing powerlessness in the midst of screwing with JLP's mind. So what do we really know about Picard's parents? His mother fell prey to mental instability and the Senior Picard locked her up in a room for the rest of her days? Do you think that she died and Elder Picard had another wife that produced JLP's brother? If the show is going to go there, please tell us the whole story. At least Rios got his comm badge back; but JLP drops his in Guinan's bar! Gah. So will Raffi and Seven have to jailbreak JLP and Guinan from jail while waiting for Agnes Borg Queen to pop up?
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