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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I really wanted Natalia to ask her father does he know his left from his right? She couldn't be any clearer which way he was supposed to go. I'm amazed that such a poorly navigational team was able to come so far after being rightly eliminated the first time!
  2. Yeah, that was my only quibble about this episode. If your sister can't tolerate onions to the point of retching on camera (I don't want to see that!), how's about you eat the majority of the second one? (even though you didn't have to eat a second one!)
  3. I think Owo was playing possum to get the prize money higher. Michael as a hypeman cracked me up; Joann "OH WOW!" Owosekon is the best she could come up with? There was also no way Owo was going to let her captain in that fight pit. "Right Hook" would have gotten laid out.
  4. Actually, it would be nice if each bridge member got an episode to shine. Owo was excellent as I thought she would be. This was also an excellent use of Michael and her experiences as a courier. "Right Hook" and "Glow Worm" make an awesome team when Book isn't determined to be ridiculous. It sucks that he was willing to throw his relationship away for Tarka.
  5. Ruel is a beast. I knew it was going to be hot once he snatched the lobster away from Tricia. And she had the nerve to be upset about it! Oh, and I was happy to see Amber eliminated. She annoyed me more than Tricia. Plus her palate is way suspect if a dish that was too sweet for Chef Nyesha when she tasted it in the kitchen was too spicy for her. Damn it, I want fried lobster.
  6. I cackled, especially when he said, "I cooked cheese before." Apparently not well.
  7. I'm glad for Sergio to go. It's kind of obnoxious when the teams are trying to help their teammates battling by loudly yelling instructions. I would rather have them farther away from me as I cook.
  8. Okay, I am entertained by folks either not grabbing what they need or grabbing items they never cooked with. I was with Angie until she said that she only worked with frozen lobster tails when she grabbed the live lobster. Girl. Cut it up and cook the damn thing! Now that you mentioned that, I looked directly at the burners. A blemish in an otherwise shiny kitchen.
  9. I hope Dude washed that gift that the Middle Kitchen fumbled; Amber, right? However, I have been in enough industrial kitchens to know things you really shouldn't know before you eat at restaurants... Anyway, steak is that holy grail most chefs should know how to cook well. I'm rooting for Team Arrington. I love Chef Nyesha!
  10. Third. All of this could simply be the racer's inability to READ. THE. CLUE.
  11. I'm sure Akbar is heavier than Sheri. Muscle is heavier than fat.
  12. One question I would like answered: For the Wine and Chestnuts Detour, did the racers have to keep their backpacks on? I would have thought that they could have left them at the bottom of the stairs. Hell, Dusty and Ryan were having a hard time and they are arguably in the best physical shape of all the racers!
  13. That would be nice, but there is nothing wrong with Arun and Natalia but the fact that they are horrible navigators.
  14. Poor Natalia and Arun. I would have rather gone home at that point.
  15. I would have switched as soon as I saw the stairs. Uh uh. Nope.
  16. That sucks if they had to keep their packs on for that part of the Detour.
  17. I'd do the sausage easy. I'm not running with glass bottles up and down stairs.
  18. All that driving and the flight attendants were so surprised that they were next to last.
  19. Breathe, Sherri! She's making me hyperventilate.
  20. Poor Sherri. Looks like she has to do the roadblocks that she normally would pass on to Ackbar. Poor navigation skills will be the end of Natalie and Arun.
  21. Not to start a fight, but why is it so impossible for more than one person to like Naomi romantically? Nathan is the ex, Anthony is the new potential romantic interest, and Lourdes is the flirty crush. Thing is, the romance should certainly take a backseat to the mystery of her origin. As a comic book reader, the show is relatively faithful to the story in the comics, just fleshed out for the sake of episodic television.
  22. Now you know the Queen will bend Michael to her will. Starfleet ain't got nothing on a Feline Overlord!
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