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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Rocco has a health issue now. I read about it in an interview. Still, I'm sure he can get clothes that don't look so tight.
  2. I was rooting for Darnell, Maneet, and Jet. I was happy that Darnell won. I thought he was going to get dinged for not using the whole chicken for his dish. It seems that you can play fast and loose with the Randomizer results if your dish turns out well. The judges seemed to think that if you get a coconut opener, you should have some coconut in your dish, which Darnell did have. Tiffani just used the mallet. How stressful to make Jet and Antonia cook again next week! The food looked sooo good! I have to make sure to have snacks when I watch this show.
  3. Didn't like "Lucky". RuPaul used to have bangers that I would run to iTunes to buy after the show. What was this? #TeamSymone
  4. She probably let her parents know that she was staying in China so that they wouldn't think something happened to her. Her mother and brother who felt her absence the most went all dramatic with the 'She's dead to me!!!" attitude. Nicky even told Evan that she "had to find herself". I'm glad there was no mystery as to where Nicky was for 3 years.
  5. I'm in. As someone who has watched the original series with David Carradine without the woke lens (I didn't know that David Carradine was whyte!), I am liking the the ample Asian representation and the storyline. Pilots are clunky by design, so I usually excuse them their shortcomings. I'll even handwave Evan, as long as he stays with his girlfriend Sabine. Nicky and her family is awesome and I like Henry already. This won't be the end of Tony Kang and the Triad that runs this town. I'd expect Zhilan to be affiliated with him in some manner and to be related to Shifu Pei-Ling. Sister, maybe daughter? I like my shows to have supernatural elements in them, so I will tune in for sure!
  6. Well, that guarantees that I won't watch this season. Paula Deen is not forgiven.
  7. Same. Hell, Jet even gave us a tutorial to go with his dish! Michael Voltaggio may be a decent guy; I just didn't like the way he talked about Cat Cora. Show some respect! Marcus is quite the stickler. I was amused when he decided to debate about Cat's dish. I guess Arron May will now know to go heavy when he comes up against a boozy challenge! Now the Randomizer? Let's not make a habit of settling on what the chefs hate. That takes the fun out of the game and is not so "random". Although I got a kick out of Tiffani's facial expressions when it landed on an item she has never used. I know she wanted to cuss. I wonder if all the upcoming chefs get to watch who they might go against in the next round? I found it a bit odd that Darnell was able to see his possible opponent cook. Will that give him an advantage against Tiffani?
  8. Thing is, most of these nicknames already come with the chef. Guy gave Malarkey that nickname on Triple G. The other chefs already had those nicknames that Guy annoyingly repeats over and over. I was rooting for Antonia, Darnell, and Nyesha. Marc Murphy is snooty and clearly didn't like the protein or his competition. I'm glad Malarkey got knocked out and as soon as Nancy Silverman asked for a doggy bag, Brooke had won. I assumed the judges get to completely eat the food they judged later; that's what I would do if I was a tasting judge! "That was delicious! Pack that up for me to take home, please."
  9. That is what drives me batty (pun intended). Yes, Gotham is a big city. Yet here you are, chatting up the vigilante who knows your name, where you live, and that you don't drink. As crafty as Angelique is, I refuse to believe that she didn't look closely at this black woman and didn't think, "Huh, she reminds me of my former girlfriend". She was quick enough to see that Batwoman was injured, much like the injury you noticed on your former girlfriend. That makes me think that she never really cared about Ryan at all, considering she had another gal in the same robe Ryan wore not too long ago. That also extends to Sophie! She's supposed to be a smart crow, right? She snagged Ryan right after the new Batwoman debuted. She has a history with Ryan, right? So why didn't she at least have a tiny suspicion about the identity of this new vigilante who used to be the love of her life? So I just find out my lover was Batwoman; this new one isn't her. Yet she reminds me of that felon that just got out of prison I periodically keep tabs on... Sigh.
  10. Ryan just didn't want to die alone. That is a thing almost any dying person would want. I don't want Ryan to fall in love with Sophie either. Let them become frenemies. Ryan got that plant from Angelique, who was working for Ocean; she had planned to give it her foster mother before she was killed. So Ocean did manage to grow Desert Roses outside of Coryana after all; he may not have known that all he needed was a woman's blood to activate them. I love Alice's petty. But surely Safiyah has more DR fields than that one... If not, we shouldn't see anymore of her. I was hoping that they would just leave Kate for dead. Eh.
  11. True, but Hunter is not necessary on this show. He is not comfortable here and it shows.
  12. AND Mary set off rocket launchers while thinking they were windshield wipers. Sigh. (So NO ONE thought to study the inside of the Batmobile once they got access to it? Ryan just automatically knows what button does what? Why must this show strain my suspension of disbelief?)
  13. That did annoy me because of the police helicopter right above them. Hijinks are cute at times, but it was irrational to expect the helicopter to just hover over you while you sloooooowly grab the city's vigilante and bicker over who drives what the hell away! I'm surprised they didn't start shooting.
  14. Would have made sense in the storytelling! So Ocean had a greenhouse full of those flowers that only needs female blood to bloom? Did he know how to create them? Ryan confronted Alice in a room full of Desert Roses and didn't even know it. But noooo, we have to go to Coryana... Ugh. The immediate solution to Ryan's Kryptonite poisoning is. right. there. I hate being smarter than the show.
  15. This season isn't fun to watch at all. All I see is the ice everywhere and the issues it's causing the teams. Tyler is being extra masochistic, too. Was it really necessary to make folks cook outside when it is 9 degrees?!?!? You have to have S'Mores over an open fire? Then have the teams decide who is the winner instead of you simply saying which one you liked best? Outside. In 9 degree weather. I'm putting on extra clothes just to watch this show!
  16. I have got to stop watching this show before lunch. I actually liked all of dishes! Now to head to the kitchen to make cauliflower steaks... I'm okay with Tiffany Faison. I'm glad Bobby Marcote lost; he was low key hating during the judging. Hunter is looking extra creepy in this show. He looks so awkward in those mini interviews! EF and TF was clearly giving him side-eye backstage. "Sweet T" didn't come from Guy. That's one thing I learned in the Post Show!
  17. Enough of the double shantays! This lip sync wasn't worthy of it, IMHO. I didn't know what a panto dame was, so I did a few Googles. Tayce, as stunning as she is, may not have known either or decided that doing a panto dame drag wasn't sexy enough. #TeamBimini
  18. I definitely wouldn't do this season. I am not a fan of winter like conditions at all. Trying to cook in extreme cold? Heh, no. This show has enough drama and nonsense already built into the premise; why are they using recycled trucks that haven't been cleaned for the new season contestants? Only the winning team keeps the truck and car? Nothing should be catching fire or breaking down in the first episode. Also why weren't these trucks fitted with chains for the icy roads? Was production going to leave that truck on the road sliding about? This doesn't make sense.
  19. I didn't realize that was Hunter Fieri! All I knew is that he didn't belong. Heh. Nyesha Arrington was my pick to win. She's awesome. Shame she had to knock out Chris Oh. I don't mind Rocco and Giada since Marcus was there to balance out the smug. I have Sling TV just for Food Network and Cooking Channel plus other food shows. I will not be bullied into buying another streaming service!
  20. I just took Angelique's comment to the doctor to just give her the bill. I'm sure she would pay it in cash. So Mary is just paying the bare minimum of health insurance for Ryan's job at the bar? The doctor told Ryan that her insurance wouldn't cover bloodwork. What is she getting paid? Being Batwoman is clearly a fringe benefit.
  21. I'm not here for it, either. Sophie, to be a high level Crow, isn't too bright. Although it was a nice touch for Ryan to have a vocoder in her mask to hide her voice, I feel that Sophie should be able to put 1+1 together to at least suspect that Ryan and Batwoman 2.0 are the same person. You're hanging around this Black felon who you know went to jail for her girlfriend. You know this woman has extensive martial arts knowledge (hopefully Ryan didn't get it on Coryana...). You know the current Batwoman is black. Sophie just can't connect the dots? I like her, but damn. I really hate the "good guys are dumb as a bag of burning hair" tropes. I also don't want her to become romantic with Ryan. Kate is supposed to be the love of Sophie's life, right? If she gets with Ryan, it will smack of Sophie being in love with the Batwoman Vigilante persona as opposed to the woman in the suit. Also, Ryan hates Crows, which Sophie is. No way would she be googly eyed at the woman who represents the worst parts of her life.
  22. Episode 7: It's always good to see Raven! Why oh why can't these queens get it in their heads that Ru wants to see eleganza on the runway with these create your drag challenges? Tayce should have had a long skirt or made that copper into the top of a full length dress. Plus Raven warned you about those scrubbers cutting up your hands! Why didn't you use a glove to begin with? Lawrence Cheyney also needed a full garment. I'm sure Ru is tired of the queens shaking their junk in his face. Sister Sister has been a bit full of themselves this whole season, so I'm happy to see them sashay away. They looked like the werk room threw up on them, honestly. A'Whora fit the theme the best. I gagged when she walked out! This might be our winner...
  23. Yes! I'm sure Luke is old enough not to think that girls have cooties. He should be able to say "Feminine Hygiene Products". I'm all in for Wolf Spider! I just wonder how he managed to dodge all the other things thrown at him just to get clipped by the truck?
  24. I got my coin together and bought WOW Presents Plus. I'm happy with that purchase.
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