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Everything posted by jmonique

  1. Are the writers aiming to make this show extremely depressing? Because that's what they're doing.
  2. I wanna say Sherry dumped Manny around the end of last season, but I gotta be honest, it's all an unfunny blur now. Claire quit the job due to the Russian porn scandal helping her realize she wasn't into it, after fighting to succeed her dad and selling the company, of course. Yeah, Cam has been shown to have been pretty successful as a coach.
  3. The 35-year-old jock who got super excited about Boxing Day, and is in the far left of the front row of the choir at the end. So do we think this will be the END of CB crushing on Lani, or that this is setting up for the inevitable Barry/Lani final FINAL breakup and for something to happen next season?
  4. "What does this mean? Are you going to be our triplet?" delighted me. I found Will traipsing off for Christmas with Angie after his girlfriend's challenge in the Thanksgiving episode to be surprising.
  5. Ahhh, finally, the episode where Roxy becomes just as insufferable and obnoxious as the rest of them. And you know what this show really needed? More insufferable and obnoxious people, so thanks to the writers for bringing her parents back. Yes, I realize she has issues that suddenly came roaring back in an episode and a half, but this show does as well, considering how thoroughly annoying the rest of the characters are. Leon: "I feel like I'm everyone's father, but no one's dad." Because you are, ya' damn sociopath. The actor who plays Tim did a great job with the coming-out scene. Really, I think I just keep tuning in for him and Isaac.
  6. What a pack of horrible, horrible people. Especially Gloria and Manny.
  7. Ronnie up there on stage, trying to blend in with the kids but looking like he's applying for AARP benefits after the concert, will never not distract me.
  8. Which I get. But what I'm saying is, this HUGE crossover has been teased for years. And now we've ended up with just the six paragons (including a rando we just met), Lex and Oliver at the end, when there's no real reason why the very powerful Pariah couldn't have sent all 18 people on the ship out to the Vanishing Point. It just feels like contrived conflict, much like saddling us with Lex for at least another episode, instead of Kingdome Come Superman.
  9. Exactly. Pariah could have also teleported Clark, Lois, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Diggle, Mia, Mick, Jefferson, Jonathan and Ralph off the ship, one would think.
  10. Mick and the Waverider were plucked from a parallel Earth, because
  11. Man, the sheer rage on Santa Monica's face when she opened up school supplies was frightening. At first, I was a little surprised by how crazy Alicia was going up against Christmas, but she actually did remind me of the kooky lengths Bow has gone to as an adult on Black-ish.
  12. No supposedly decent person like Lynette would dump a man on Christmas, in front of his family. WTF was that.
  13. Rewatching... The more I think about it, the more annoyed I am that out of all the characters they have at their disposal, the Powers That be decided Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor deserved more screen time across this crisis than any of the Supermen, or Oliver's son, or any of the sidekicks. They were apparently offering Michael Rosenbaum scale to appear as his Lex, but Cryer's Lex gets to probably kill off the most interesting Superman the Arrowverse has ever had, and stick around? It all smacks of contrived conflict. I also question the wisdom of ALL THIS BUILDUP, and then a four-week break right in the middle of this huge event. I like how Kara and Kate were walking around in their civvies for most of the Batwoman segment of this crossover, but they have to be in their official outfits on Flash because apparently people might get confused? "Looks a lot like Lian Yu." "Which is Mandarin for purgatory." I'm guessing it's also Hollywood for "We only have so many possible sets and locations." I missed Vibe. Lois Lane is iconic, but I don't understand the focus on her over Alex, Lena, Joe, Luke, Mary, William, Laurel or any of the other characters who could have watched the computer monitors on the ship. Six years of build-up to Barry's inevitable disappearance, and basically it amounts to "No, not that Barry Allen"? Oh, hello, random McGuffin wandering through the woods whom Oliver's of course going to immediately trust. I also don't understand why Pariah could only save the seven people. There really weren't that many more on the ship.
  14. Less Harris and more Louise was a phenomenal decision by the writing staff this season. If Jackie were fragile, I'd get it, but she was extra AF and overstepping all over the scenes at the Lunch Box. Good for Louise for drawing a line.
  15. So weird, I literally was watching old episodes of Black-ish with Bow's family this morning. I can actually see all the kids growing up to their adult versions. Alicia is entirely different, though -- to a striking degree. It makes me wonder how they'll approach another appearance from Black-ish Alicia. Will they just course correct her to align her more with the more mainstream Lawyer Alicia on Mixed-ish?
  16. I get that they did it for the drama, but if that's the last I see of Brandon Routh's Superman, in exchange for Snarky Lex, I'm going to be pissed. I'm OK with no more Monitor, though.
  17. Tyler was a solid pick for Superman on Supergirl. He's got great cousin chemistry with Melissa as Kara, without overshadowing her, but you can still see the goodness in him, and a strength and a resolve to make you believe he's out there fighting the good fight, but you don't maybe need to see it. Brandon, on the other hand, comes off exactly like he is -- a man who could carry a solo Superman movie, and be the focus of that. He makes me want to see more of his Clark's world and journey.
  18. Rewatching ... Why is Ruby Rose so much better on a crossover than she is on Batwoman? I actually found her ... interesting. Like she had a personality ("Nope. Let's not make it weird. That's weird."), and wasn't just aiming for "sexy posturing." Sara: "I promised my team they wouldn't have to participate in any more crossovers" ... and then we get most of the Waverider team. According to Google, Tyler's 6'0", while Brandon's 6'2", but damn, there's a lot in those 2 inches. I did like snarky Lex curtsying after the Monitor declared he played his part, and Tyler!Clark's reactions to things. Mainly I can't help but wonder how these people are all wandering around a spaceship, chatting, while Alex Danvers and J'onn are homeless on Earth 1; last we saw Laurel, Diggle, William and the rest of Team Arrow, they were on the island; and Team Flash is ... somewhere, as this thing they've been prepping for all season is happening to others.
  19. The Monitor's all: "TIME IS RUNNING OUT. THE ANTI-MONITOR IS COMING. EVERY SECOND MEANS ANOTHER EARTH COULD BE LOST... but let's stop, and y'all can chase Lex around as he slaughters Supermen, and Kate, you get to kill your own cousin-pleganger, while the others can run around chasing after Oliver's soul." Cool, cool. Oddly, though, I still liked it better than yesterday.
  20. It is like Nora. Felicity is in hiding with baby Mia, while Adult Mia, her brother, and Diggle's adopted son Connor have been brought from the future to the past by the Monitor.
  21. Rewatching: If the towers stopped working due to a lack of solar energy to power them, how did Kara and Kal-El still have their powers? Aren't their powers due to our sun? I'm assuming they went out of their way to declare the 2046 Star City trip a trip to another dimension to explain the Connor Hawke situation that's arisen by reusing the actor on "Arrow"? If Alternate Universe Old Man Oliver doesn't resurface in a future episode, I don't get why they wasted valuable air time on his emotional damage. I ducked out of Supergirl last year, but frankly, if the brilliant, genius-level Lena Luthor wasn't smart enough to figure out Kara=Supergirl, that's entirely on her. I get she's all up in her Luthor-ian feels about this, but Kara might as well walk around her offices in a full cape, she does so little to truly protect her identity. They might as well have called this a Harry Potter crossover, too, given the Dementors. How did Brainy know to open a portal from future AltUniverse Star City to Earth 1 Star City? Also also, Brainy is a lot.
  22. There's no way Arrow dies for good on the Supergirl hour of the crossover. He'll be back. I didn't feel the spark as much regarding the crossover as I have in previous years. But I'll tune in tomorrow to watch Kate do ridiculous flips for no reason, and split-second cameos from everyone who ever stepped foot on a DC Comics project.
  23. Maybe Tommy works for Postmates, as well, hence his absence?
  24. Do you suppose Tommy was watching Dani Jo while everyone ran all over town? I enjoyed Steve volunteering to call Fernando's close friend, and getting progressively whinier the more DJ expected him to accomplish with Fernando and Jimmy.
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