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Everything posted by Dejana

  1. Pretty sure the producers were aware of Tyler Cameron's bestie even before he applied to Clare's season, but whatever.
  2. I feel for Rachel, because the franchise has given her huge career opportunities and she met her husband through it, so she feels a certain loyalty, but its track record with respect to race speaks for itself. Even on her season, there was a guy like Lee. Nick's season had a haunted plantation date. The franchise's idea of racial diversity with male leads is Juan Pablo and playing up Peter's Cuban heritage. TPTB pride themselves on how manipulative they are, even with contestants they generally like. People like that only change when they feel their bottom line is at stake, and sometimes, not even then. These types respond very badly to being told what to do. The show is structured/arranged to obtain outcomes TPTB deem favorable and producer picks are routinely dragged to Top 4 or 5, but these same showrunners seem to say a non white lead can only happen organically. Sure. All TV producers prioritize what's important to them, and right now this show cares about catering to viewers who will stan for aspiring influencers in their early to mid-20s, often white and Southern. Fine. There's no unalienable right to be on a Bachelor show or have a million Instagram followers, and TPTB are free to cast whomever they want. But The Bachelor isn't the only dating game in town anymore. In Rachel's shoes, I'd kindly say godspeed to Bachelor Nation and see about taking my talents to Netflix and their global reach. She'd be a better host to those reunion specials than the Lacheys and might have an idea or two about developing a new show, where the real money is.
  3. Not to "both sides" this thing, but it feels like a certain amount of resistance to the concept of the Snyder cut was not so much about fandom antics, but people's feelings about Snyder as a filmmaker. Like, if there'd been a massive #ReleaseTheLordandMillerCut movement about Solo, there would be some fans who went over the line, but I'm not sure you'd see the same level of media contempt about the idea, because they regard Lord/Miller more highly. There'd be skepticism Disney would ever release it, but not the same annoyance and disbelief that such a thing could have supporters. It feels like there's a level of disdain that it's apparently acceptable to express about Snyder fans as people, and not just about the ones who were harassing/bullying (they deserve to be called out), but a more general, "They really like this guy's movies? What is their damage?" attitude. It's not surprising when people who feel unfairly maligned don't respond in the most gracious way. Again, not excusing online trolling/doxxing/etc.
  4. HBOMax probably changed the economics of releasing the Snyder cut. A big streaming service like that spends far more than $20-30 million total for a season of a signature show. They'll chop it up into episodes and have their own little Mandalorian (or so they hope). The boost in subscriptions will more than pay for the cost of polishing it up. Joss Whedon and Zac Snyder are very different directors likely to make pretty different movies out of similar material. I don't know if the Snyder version will be better but I'm curious to see it. Take away the arguments about toxic fandom and Snyder's merits as a filmmaker, and this development seems not so different than any other fan campaign that saved a TV series from cancellation, or the Donner cut. Nobody was saying that set a "dangerous precedent"...
  5. The cause of death was a previously unidentified blood disorder, according to her publicist.
  6. Maximus here to save the day for movie theaters! Sorry, Nolan: 🙂 Seriously, I have never heard of this until now. It screams "straight to VOD" and a definite notch below "straight to Netflix" action movies.
  7. Dejana

    The NBA

    I think the filmmakers could have soft-peddled MJ's flaws much more than they have and ESPN still would have happily aired it. We see the major gambling issues (Jordan himself downplays it as a competition problem, but IDK if the documentary shares that POV), they address his feuds, they show how his motivation often involved exaggerated slights/outright lies about other people, and they frequently filmed him being interviewed with a drink not far from hand. But people looking for more of a "He was overrated and a selfish bully, here are all the groupies he hooked up with, no wonder his wife left him and he barely has friends now!" exposé were never going to be happy with The Last Dance's approach. He talks, other figures in the story share their perspectives and the public can make up their own minds. * Duh, Jordan and Stern only agreed to talk on the record if they could deny the rumors!!11!!!1!! Not to get political, but I think the only conspiracy theory I've ever seen people drop in large measure was when the real Deep Throat outed himself. Otherwise, conspiracies persist because they tend to be more interesting and for some, knowing "the real truth" about a famous person/event becomes like a belief at a certain point. * I saw a tweet that "LaBradford Smith" sounds like the fake name they'd give a LeBron James-type character in a movie.
  8. Dejana

    The NBA

    It's funny to see The Last Dance get slammed in some corners for being a puff piece hagiography, while others are saying that Jordan comes off as petty and bitter and speculate about his present-day health. Here's what one of the makers has to say:
  9. Dejana

    NFL Thread

    Apparently, Earl was in one bedroom and the brother was in a different room with another woman. Clandestine hookups when you are married with kids are still a bad idea in these times!
  10. Dejana

    NFL Thread

    If the article is to be believed, an orgy with his brother in the bed, too, along with the other women... What a mess it all is. Nina for getting violent, Earl for sneaking off to have orgies during a pandemic and being a little too much into family togetherness. Their poor kids!
  11. It's happening... Reading about Edward becoming a vampire is going to hit a little differently now...
  12. Season 6 might not happen for a while:
  13. Peter made the Bachelor podcast rounds in early April and discussed reconnecting with Kelley. Some fans think Peter and Kelley are being cagey about the timeline of their involvement. Madison has...feelings about it all: In response, Peter implied there was more to the story and felt she should have more "respect for this situation", but didn't exactly deny her claims. It absolutely fits the pattern of how he's acted so far. Still, I get the sense that Kelley is really into Pilot Pete, for whatever reason. * Victoria F confirms being in Iowa: Whenever I'm going to spend weeks on a farm during a pandemic, I always bring my party dresses! OTOH, this connection with Prince Farming is pretty new, dressing to impress isn't so unusual...
  14. Don't think Chris Harrison will be officiating the wedding (lol, it probably won't get that far)...
  15. Dejana

    NFL Thread

    I knew Brady would play up the TB-Tampa Bay association but never imagined anything this corny. "You Vike That" Is somewhere cringing in a corner... The pictured shirts are not the Brady merch-they're sold by...The Dan Patrick Show?
  16. Courtney Robertson is the guest on Reality Steve's latest podcast. She's 7 months pregnant and engaged! They talk about her life now but also Peter's season, her season with Ben F, dating in Bachelor Nation, and the process of writing her book. At the beginning he talks about general Bachelorette filming rumors but no actual spoilers, as there is nothing to spoil at the moment:
  17. Are they going to pay for a live-in staff at the resort, too? And on Paradise, they all live at one resort, but there are multiple couples to follow.
  18. Dejana

    Cats (2019)

    When the URL sums up the whole story... It took the VFX team six months to render the trailer, then they had four more months to complete the film. What a mess!
  19. One of my regular movie podcasts reviewed the mockbuster version of Onward, Homeward: It's sent me down a rabbit hole of other mockbusters from The Asylum, who've brought the world such gems as Atlantic Rim, The Fast and the Fierce, Avengers Grimm, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, Martian Land and Operation Dunkirk, among many others. None are good or really share a plot with the Hollywood version, but some are less boring and more ridiculous than others. Free apps like Tubi had a bunch of them in their library and Pluto TV has a whole Asylum channel.
  20. Ha, I've read Peter is a longtime Bachelor fanboy, the type who would probably want to set some sort of franchise "record". OTOH, he seems to be really into sex. It was Hannah B who announced to the world how many times they'd done it; on his own, I don't know if he ever would have said anything. * Right? Courtney's book was just so salacious but also captured her mean-spirited side, and that it wasn't entirely an act for the cameras or "editing". That Chris Brown line was just awful, and she wanted to do a "cowboys and Indians" costume with Ben, but he didn't like the idea. Like the Buzzfeed writer said, don't make me agree with Ben Flapjack on things! Andi came off as smirky and overly impressed with herself throughout, but I was reading it for free and she did dish the dirt. Still, once was enough and I didn't even look at her second book.
  21. Courtney Robertson Reveals Secrets About 'The Bachelor' And The Fantasy Suite In New Book. 60 Times I Laughed And/Or Gasped In Horror While Reading The "Bachelor" Book. That's a more general overview of Courtney's book, and gives you a real sense of her personality, such as it is. She also dated non-reality TV celebs and said Arie was the best sex she'd ever had (they hooked up after she split with Ben F). 17 'Bachelor' & 'Bachelorette' Secrets From Andi Dorfman's Book That Prove She Knows The Definition Of A Tell-All. Andi released at least one more book, but this article is about It's Not Okay, the first one.
  22. This Is Us regularly depicts different decades of the past, but the idea that it could also be presenting multiple eras of "the future" seems to be tripping viewers up. Maybe because it's fairly easy to recognize 1970s/1980s/1990s/etc. on sight (unless the show is deliberately trying to hide it, i.e., the pilot), while decades that haven't happened yet don't have obvious signifiers? I think Randall and Kevin look a bit old for their early 50s, but not everyone ages at the same rate and the quality of the show's aging makeup has always been uneven. The only stock I can really put into how Kevin and Randall look, as Rebecca is dying, is that the show wants us to know right away that they're somewhat older than they are in the present. More importantly, we've been shown Jack v2.0 as a married adult/new father and Tess as a social worker, played by actors who appear to be twentysomethings. Given the age difference between Tess and Jack v2.0, they can't both be in their 20s at the same time.
  23. The LA Times interviewed Colton (via Skype) about his book (he's still quarantined but feeling better). It's a subscription site with limited free articles, but the writer tweeted some of the more interesting takeaways... Once TPTB gave up on the televi$ed wedding specials, they lost that carrot to dangle in front of the couples that actually stayed together. Also, it's easier than ever to believe Pilot Pete was probably their guy all along out of Hannah's season (as opposed to Tyler or Mike), because he is so easily led...
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