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Everything posted by Dejana

  1. Rachel Lindsay Reveals She Spoke to Peter Kraus for 1st Time Since ‘After the Final Rose’ (US Weekly):
  2. What could be real story here? Cassie, who refused to dish about the breakup on her Bachelor GOAT appearance this summer and has continued to pursue her Masters degree post-show, has since decided to do a 180, fabricated evidence and filed a false police report against her ex because...she just wasn't getting enough likes on Instagram? There wasn't a non-criminal way to get her name out there? Or, Colton, the virgin who was fixated on one woman during his Bachelor season and wouldn't take no for an answer... Colton, who, in response to having a restraining order filed against him, says he hasn't talked to her in a month (as if you have to speak to someone in order to stalk them) and gets "sources" to "remind" US Weekly that Cassie dumped him after he recovered from Covid and started seeing her ex (even if true...so?). Maybe Colton (himself no stranger to mutiple reality shows) was always more into Cassie than the reverse, so when their relationship ended, he coped badly and crossed the line? The details are leaking because TMZ got hold of court documents. They find out a lot of things that celebrities would rather keep private. TPTB liked selling the fence jump like some grand gesture out of a romantic movie. Their "wholesome" Bachelor from last year having his F1 file a restraining order against him because he's (allegedly) a stalker? Contrary to the old adage, there is such a thing as bad publicity. In a couple of weeks or so, when promo for Clare's season really ramps up, does anyone think Chris Harrison is looking forward to questions about Cassie and Colton, not to mention the show's role in pushing a happy ending on them (despite the expressed lack of interest on her part)? I think TPTB can make ethically dubious decisions for the sake of drama, but operate under the hope that nothing too bad will actually happen with the contestants in the long run, that can be tied directly back to the show.
  3. Cassie was never that into Colton, but the show framed him as the hopeless romantic nice guy who deserved a chance at true love.
  4. Soap operas are back! The Bold and the Beautiful is carrying on with the kissing scenes by using the actors' real-life partners as stand-ins: Or, barring that possibility, mannequins...
  5. Dejana

    Tennis Thread

    He's very, very sorry (or someone on his team is pretty good at crafting apologies):
  6. Wedding Every Weekend, the new Hallmark movie with the same-sex wedding, also filmed in June and July in Vancouver, under Covid restrictions. It featured at least four weddings/reception scenes, mostly outdoors and apparently with some mannequins padding out the attendee count (LOL, no time/budget for CGI crowds here). The weddings featured the couples kissing at the altar and I doubt all those actors are together in real life. It seems to me like there is a path forward for projects that film in a more limited time, like movies (or TV shows that want to film at warp Tyler Perry speed). Seeing a new movie tonight with multiple group scenes showed me that it's possible to film things right now that aren't just bottle episodes. The networks might want to revive the "Movie of the Week" model for the time being.
  7. Time for another TV special... Judging by their bumps in the announcement post, they don't seem to be due at the same time. Will it be a crisis (in their eyes) if the babies end up not really looking alike? Everything about their lives seems unhealthily enmeshed.
  8. The Vulture linked on the last page (about Black British vs. Black American actors) pointed out that not all the British actors who cross over to Hollywood, regardless of race, are theater trained, while many American actors are. And any time decisions in the industry come down to money, actors of color will generally be even more affected than their white counterparts.
  9. It's a problem if Hollywood overwhelmingly decides that Black British actors are preferable to African American performers because the former are supposedly more "classically trained" or "refined" or something, but IMO an actor and character having different nationalities shouldn't be an automatic impediment to getting a role. It's a bonus when an actor can add their own experience to a character/performance, but that's not guaranteed to happen even if the actor and character share the same race or are from the same country. Talent and suitability for the role are still important factors in whether a performance will be effective (though that can be highly subjective). Some actors need to identify with or like the person they're playing in order to connect with the material, some do a lot of research to get into character, and others aren't as reflective about their work and just go with what's on the page. Before Carmen Ejogo was Coretta Scott King in Selma, she played her in the TV movie Boycott, with Jeffrey Wright as Martin Luther King. He's 8 years older than Carmen and by 2014 he might have been considered too old to reprise the role (also, David Oyelowo had worked with Ava DuVernay before). In 2016, there was a TV adaptation of the play about Lyndon Johnson, All The Way, where Anthony Mackie played MLK. He's American. Was he better in the role than someone British? I don’t think either particularly resembled MLK physically. People can share a racial identity or skin color and nationality, but still have vastly different cultural experiences, even if we're just limiting it to American Descendants of Slavery, brought up by Black people, and stepping outside of that... What if, when In Living Color was being cast, Tommy Davidson was told, "You're great at sketch comedy, but you were adopted by a white family and this is a black show, so can you really represent the culture?" ABC got a lot of publicity for announcing their first Black Bachelor, Matt James. The internet sleuthing started and his state voter registration was looked up to determine political affiliation, his dating history seems exclusively white and he's biracial, actually, so that's led to some, "Well, when we said we wanted a Black Bachelor, what we meant was..." sentiment from fans of color. Tyler Perry definitely brings a distinctive cultural experience to his work, but not all Black people like it. Performers and creators can share all the demographics with you, but will their perspective on the world align with yours? Will you enjoy their work? Maybe. Maybe not.
  10. The show didn't say, but Ali's job back then was at Facebook! At the time, I remember people joking that it wasn't much of a choice.
  11. The news is hitting two years to the day from their After the Final Rose airing. I wonder if TPTB would ever call BS when a couple from the franchise clearly split up weeks earlier and only held off on announcing it for their own financial benefit. If they split on/after the second anniversary of the TV finale, the engagement ring is theirs to keep--or sell. I think there's no shame in the stars of the show getting $omething out of a failed relationship, but I can imagine TPTB trying to close another loophole for future couples.
  12. Maybe Becca and Hannah Ann are there to host dates/activities on site or give the remaining guys a pep talk about being jilted (in a way) by the lead. Michelle Money is friends with Clare and said in her Instagram Stories that Clare never spoke to/contacted Dale prior to filming, although she was impressed by his social media account. Here's Michelle's IG profile: https://www.instagram.com/michellemoney/ If they had been in contact for months already, getting engaged 12 days after the season started wouldn't seem quite so flaky.
  13. I think Tayshia's racial/ethnic identity at this moment is a plus to TPTB, but they were allegedly considering her for lead this winter. The rumors were that it wasn't going to be someone from Peter's season, but Tayshia and Tia were among contenders, and then the Clare news hit. If it's going to be more of a Paradise set up or dueling Bachelorettes vs. a single new lead, TPTB should have tried to downplay the "Tayshia's the new lead!" reports because it's everywhere and being viewed as a done deal. If this season really just becomes BIP: Palm Springs Edition, TPTB will get flack for shoving the woman of color to the side or not thinking she was worthy of being lead on her own. As it is, there is some criticism along these lines already, that this switch prevents Tayshia from getting the normal pre-show publicity push like all the other leads.
  14. Right? This Clare-Tayshia switch sets a precedent and if Matt's careless partying leads to him getting Covid, there would be less blowback now if TPTB ended up replacing him. I wonder if the fireworks display was part of the proposal. Was there a Neil Lane ring, too?
  15. Lauren Zima and Chris Harrison aren't married but considering her line of work, he'd be in the doghouse if she were really the last to know:
  16. I looked up the weather in Palm Springs: the forecast has the high temperature at 100+ degrees all week, with two days at 111. I'd probably consider getting TV-engaged to someone I only liked a lot, if it meant getting to leave the hellscape a month early and avoiding makeout sessions with other guys I wasn't really into, during a pandemic. TPTB are probably being more lenient with this twist because the Bachelor Nation fans on social media weren't really feeling Clare anyway, and it adds some life to a season filming in one place with a lead who wasn't going to play along with the charade. If everything were normal, it would be a lot easier for Clare to "respect the process" and get to travel the world for free, while TPTB would have major logistics issues on their hands if a lead quit on them.
  17. Apparently, Clare (or someone with access to Clare’s account) liked a tweet yesterday that said Tayshia would make a good Bachelorette. Leads and contestants normally aren't active on social media during filming...
  18. Reality Steve adds more fuel to the fire: The Most Dramatic Season Ever! I saw a discussion about this earlier today and the points were brought up that Clare: a) may have been able to connect with a contestant she likes prior to filming, and b) might be leery about cozying up to guys she's not really into during a pandemic. They tested everyone before filming but I'm not sure if the staff at the resort are all living on site for the duration. If not, it's an outbreak waiting to happen. I can see a 39 year old deciding the charade isn't worth it, if she's already decided on someone (and most Bachelorettes say they figured it out pretty quickly). Or. If she's not feeling any of them, that would be even more reason to throw in the towel early. A true switcheroo might turn into an evolution in the franchise and a way TPTB could keep future leads in line. I liked Tayshia on Colton's season. I didn't understand the John Paul Jones thing.
  19. The "20+ episodes in 2 weeks" model probably isn't going to work for most dramas, but that's how Tyler Perry films all of his shows. So, the quality will probably be about the same? Tyler Perry on How He’s Managed to Safely Make TV During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Variety) Tyler Perry Talks "Camp Quarantine" and Challenges of Filming Amid a Pandemic (Hollywood Reporter)
  20. Is UP showing that now? Forever My Girl was initially a theatrical release so that's why it's a bit edgier than most TV movie romances.
  21. Why was Colton so bothered by Cassie's recent interview, where she didn't even reveal anything about their breakup? He's already moved on (or is at least making a good show of it): TMZ has photos of them together.
  22. Joan apparently decided that Peggy was a virgin, and that's why she wasn't taking her advice about dressing better and cozying up to the men. The story with Peggy was written in a certain way, but there's a scenario where the new girl balks at the general climate of Sterling Cooper, being told to go along with it and sent to the gynecologist on her first day, and quits after a week or two. Not that wonen at the time would have had a name for sexual harassment, necessarily, but might have viewed a department store or telephone company as a bit less of a frat house, especially in a world where everyone thought they'd only work until marriage and babies came along. There was probably so much crying in the SC ladies room because it wasn't a great work environment for women. Obtaining birth control back then was a matter of access as much as interest in doing so. Young women would have talked among themselves, maybe, but that doesn't mean everyone would've had a ready connection like Joan did. I wonder when Joan quit sending the new girls to her doctor friend. Maybe at the switch to SCDP? I can't imagine how that creep would have talked to Dawn.
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