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Everything posted by BookThief

  1. I really liked Jennifer Grey! I thought she asked really good questions. I knew about "No Irish Need Apply" but didn't think about "No Jews Need Apply" happening, though now it seems obvious in hindsight. And yet another time when it's been observed that those things happening 80+ years ago are still happening now. Was that when they were filming her walking towards the camera? I half thought she was going to bust out that one move she does on the bridge from Dirty Dancing! I know someone who will be a historian on an upcoming episode! I haven't peppered him with too many questions because I can tell he's getting a little fatigued talking about it. I asked how they found him, though, and he said a producer found him in a footnote. He worked with two different producers for two different episodes but he's not sure if he'll be in both. He told them for the one that he wasn't an expert in whatever subject and they didn't keep calling back but he had talked with them for a while until that point. I'm very excited to see his episode!
  2. Does anyone else have a Dish DVR? I made sure this was set to record earlier in the week and then tonight it just didn't record. In fact, my DVR acted like it didn't even exist to record (yet it is in the list, like it has been for years now). I confirmed with someone else in the area who also has Dish and they had the same thing happen. Sad!
  3. Oh my God at mischievous being pronounced as "miss chee vee us." No. Miss-cha-viss. Just because Merriam Webster says it's an alternate pronunciation does not make it right. It means so many others are wrong. It's my number one pet peeve mispronunciation. Whew. I feel better now. Many of the models looked a little alien in the Paper covers but I kind of dug it. I also agree with others that the judges actually gave out more criticism in this episode but they do sometimes say one thing one week then the opposite the next week. And "boss" really needs to get tossed after this season. I think they were trying to coin a phrase like "smize" but it's just not working. It sounds ridiculous to me. I'm probably not in the demographic they're after, but I'd like to think it sounds ridiculous to the young 'uns as well. (If not then....get off my lawn!)
  4. I wonder if you got used to the version that aired on Lifetime back in the day? They often had a longer and shorter version of the opening song, maybe based on what they had to edit out of any given episode or something. I was young when the show first aired (though I did watch it), but I watched Lifetime reruns since maybe middle school (until they stopped airing the show--fools!) and I remember at first wondering why I always heard parts of the opening twice. So I don't think the original did that, just subsequent reruns on TV.
  5. I almost missed it because I was getting ready for bed. I loved that moment! Lesson learned...don't look away. And...that was Seth Green? Holy crap. I did not make that connection! In my defense, I was watching on a small TV. And you know, the getting ready for bed thing.
  6. Is anyone else suspicious of Darci? I don't quite know what her motivations might be since they seem to be writing a contract, but she was too agreeable to everything. I wondered if maybe she wanted to have a famous baby daddy (God, I hate that term) or if she'd abscond with the kid and/or money or something. It's probable I'm wrong and they really are a good match and maybe that's the point, but whenever people who barely know one another agree a little too well I get suspicious! And it seemed like she was agreeing to him more than he was agreeing to her. Or I just read their scenes together very differently than others!
  7. I think I say this every year and that's OK. My favorite Roseanne Christmas quote is "Why are we talking about this--God and heaven and everything? It's Christmas!"
  8. I enjoyed the Stranger Things shout out and Josh's line in his song that was something like "If I don't go to the gym how will I be a good father?" I'm glad the ladies are friends. I hope it sticks. And I realize Rebecca is still obsessed with Josh, but right now she's not actively pining for him in the same way and I'm glad for it. I like Josh, but Rebecca's season 1 obsession with him started to turn me off the show (even if it was the basis for the entire show). While she's still obsessed with him now, it's in a slightly different way and she's having thoughts and (some) conversations with people about OTHER TOPICS for which I am much relieved. I'm enjoying this season overall.
  9. X is for Xarelto (blood thinner) that likely one of the ladies would be on. If not Sophia, then Rose. Or maybe both. Or Blanche. Dorothy will live forever since she was able to kick Chronic Fatigue Syndrome over 2 episodes.
  10. They did all get their heads frozen, after all, though only Sophia tipped the guy and got a body.
  11. U is for Uber. I think Sophia would get the most benefit out of this and despite the earlier mention that she wouldn't like video games, I actually think Sophia would be one of the better technology adapters in the house because it would help her get what she wants. One of her friends at the senior center would help keep her skills up-to-date.
  12. I don't want to speak for DrivingSideways, but I think you may have taken their comment too literally. It's just hard to believe that 80whatever Sophia in the show would be 100whatever now in today's times, not that she is literally alive. We just see these characters at this certain time in their life and they seem stuck there, that to imagine 30 years have passed since the show began is crazy.
  13. X is for the X-rated place Dan was helping to rebuild/remodel which made Roseanne a bit insecure.
  14. So this is officially on on Wednesday? Damn. My state is airing some stupid Senate Race special(?) from 9pm-10pm. (I promise I'm going to vote! I just don't like my politics interfering with my TV comedies, especially when politics is one reason comedy is so necessary these days!)
  15. B is for Binge watching. I think the ladies would dig watching episodes of things like I Love Lucy back-to-back but with the added convenience of being able to pick up where you left off instead of missing the whole marathon when your friend's daughter shows up at the house in marital distress.
  16. And FYI for American viewers: this may be Dish specific, but I noticed I didn't have an episode scheduled to record on my DVR tonight. Turns out they've changed the name so my Masterpiece Classic season pass didn't catch it. It's now "Indian Summers on Masterpiece" and I had to set up a new pass for it (and even then the DVR didn't consider it a new episode, though I confirmed with the TV guide that indeed it was). Be sure to check your DVRs!
  17. I apologize to anyone who digs that music, but that first song would get me to admit to anything if I were ever being tortured. There was nothing there my ear found pleasing, except maybe when there was no singing. I'm also glad they showed us the outcome of the discrimination bit because sometimes you're left wondering if people were ever told the truth about what was happening. It would have been interesting to have done that at a rally or something where supports of these types of things were and see if that made any light bulbs go off in their heads (except, probably not. Confirmation bias is strong! (If that's the right bias).
  18. Yeah that's how I felt about the previews too. But TV critics that I respect like it and there's a "twist" that they aren't allowed to elaborate on (and I'm unwilling to go searching for) so maybe the show could only give us certain moments as to not give away the secret? I'm going to give it a shot but lord knows I don't need more shows to follow...
  19. Just in case anyone wants to relive it, since I just typed this out for my Facebook feed: "On the one hand, you have the most breathtakingly unqualified ignoramus to ever heave his spray-tanned bulk within striking distance of elected office, a race-baiting bully who, according to two meticulously researched biographies, is a tax-cheating, investor-swindling, worker-shafting, dictator-loving, pathologically-lying, attorneys general bribing, philandering, mobbed up, narcissistic serial con artist who hasn't got the attention span to read a fortune cookie much less a fucking intelligence briefing. But, on the other hand, Hillary Clinton used a private email server. See, perfectly even!" -Samantha Bee I hope I got it all. I had to play back the "mobbed up" part a few times and I think that's what it was. Whew!
  20. T is for Theater which Jackie was not going to make a career out of. Why. Do you. Speak. So. Haltingly?
  21. Q is for the quota deal Faber lowered then raised again once he had "broken" Roseanne. Dick.
  22. I had no idea it was even in trouble. While I never liked this as much as The Colbert Report, I thought it has improved since its early days and was maybe not super popular but a solid enough hit with the network. Bummed to hear this. When is the final episode?
  23. I've seen it as STEAM, with the A being for Arts.
  24. Of course she didn't mean it! She might have meant it before, but at that point she was just trying to talk him down from potentially killing her or himself. I'd hope this is a relationship deal breaker. Hopefully he will also receive lots of therapy in jail (if that is where he is indeed ending up) but surely their relationship is dunzo at this point.
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