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Crochet business owner and video store clerk. Didn’t know the first even existed and thought the second was extinct. Sorry about the spoiler tags. Don’t know why they appeared and can’t get rid of them
Just saw the movie. It’s over the top in the stupidest, most ridiculous, best way possible. Turn your mind off and just enjoy the spectacle.
Five years later, the John Oliver Koala Chlamydia Ward sees success. I can’t link to it but there’s a story on the NPR website that they have developed and started using a chlamydia vaccine for koalas.
I enjoyed the show overall and I’m glad they didn’t leave it on a real cliffhanger. If there is a second season I will watch it.
No. Just no, Daniel. I knew Dan Gheesling. I mourned/cheered Dan Gheesling during his brilliant funeral. You, sir, are no Dan Gheesling.
Summertime, and the snarking is easy…BB is jumping and the recappers are high… Y’all are great and it’s good to be back.
Oookaay. I didn’t really get the Johnathan thing before. But after watching him diving etc during the reward, I now get it. /shallow
The Annual Academy Awards - General Discussion
Iguana replied to thuganomics85's topic in The Academy Awards (aka The Oscars)
My take on this year's Oscars: - After making one of the worst decisions in Oscar history in order to have the show come in on time, they still went over by more than half an hour. All those tributes and "comedy" bits were not a fair exchange for the 8 awards not on the show. - Most of the ladies were either clearly relying on tape to keep away nip slips, or going in the opposite direction by wearing a whole lot of fabric. Jada's dress looked like she was slowly being swallowed by bright green quicksand. (by making this joke, I am now eligible to be slapped in public by her husband, apparently) - Kristen Stewart is still trying way to hard to pretend she isn't trying hard at all. Short shorts are never the right call for anything but beaches and 70's retro parties. - The hosts were mainly okay, if you don't count the Brolin/Mamoa groping, which was a very bad idea. I REALLY hope the guys gave consent ahead of time. - Amy Schumer's post slap "Did I miss something?" is why having a host is the right approach, since they can make jokes that aren't pre-scripted. - I'm pretty sure that making a joke, even a mean one, is not actually a crime. Slapping someone is assault, which is actually a crime. Guess which guy I think comes off worse in the Will Smith v Chris Rock "slap heard 'round the Dolby" fiasco. -
Using the pets and street name formula, I would be Muffy Beaumaris.
Thank you for the answer to my question. I didn't know exactly what the rules for the Knowledge is Power said, so now it's pretty clear Xander wouldn't have been allowed to say nothing. He had to answer, and I assume Jeff would step in to force the issue if Xander didn't respond verbally to Liane.
Here's something that I've been wondering about..... When Liane used her advantage to ask Xander if he had an HII, what would have happened if he had just handed over the fake one without saying anything? Liane would be left believing she had a working HII. Would Jeff have intervened is some way to clarify that it was a fake, or would he have let things play out without saying anything himself? What, if any, are the rules about that?
OK, show. You got me with the twists I didn’t see coming: Gizmo is finally going to get everything he’s always wanted, and it gets ripped away from him by Lazlo and some Oreos; poor Nandor goes on his grand trip all by himself; and Nadja gets a big promotion but won’t be enjoying it much with Guillermo instead of Lazlo. And Lazlo stays home with the Colin Robinson creepy baby. While I expected he would be back in some form, this was not it. Creeeepyyy. I might feel bad for Lazlo sacrificing his time with Nadja to look after a helpless baby Colin Robinson if he hadn’t completely screwed over Guillermo without hesitation in the process. Major character and plot advances, especially when Gizmo lays it out to Nandor and they throw down. And the show was also funny! The sire and the baron and the good boy! hellhound just chilling out for the portrait and the randomness of Donal Louge as the artist was great. And major props to Kristin Schall’s whole body youhavegotobefuckingkidding reaction to hearing about Nadja’s promotion. Can’t wait for next season…
During one of the early Disney nights, Joey Fatone danced a Pasa Doble(?) to the main theme from Star Wars. And I have a vague memory of someone doing a quickstep to the Cantina theme. And this may date me terribly, but I also remember a discoish version of the Star Wars soundtrack was an actual top 40 radio hit in 1977/8.
Well, it looks like Tyra got a bit of Bibitybobityboo from the Disney fairy godmothers. Lion King Tyra was probably the best she’s ever looked, and the second gold dress was actually quite pretty. Good on ya, Tyra.
Tyra, the Britney schoolgirl outfit isn’t a tribute, it’s just tacky. And sad. And tacky. And ridiculous. And tacky. And unflattering. And tacky. And inappropriate. And tacky. And ugly. But mostly really tacky. ETA: and then the green dress and snake shows up to say “Tacky? Hold my beer. I’ll give you the real tacky.”