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Everything posted by QuantumMechanic

  1. Yeah - how much time have episodes lost since the late 80s/early 90s? Eps are down to what, 40 minutes now? Was it 45 back then?
  2. A broken Rutherford visor drifting in space in the Kylla(sp?) System and then getting hit with a green salvage tractor beam. And then it blinks on and you see an angry Badgey.
  3. The Aledo control console in Buenamigo's office was a redo of the M5's console from The Ultimate Computer, right? Also -- Les Buenamigo -- they were telling us all along! 🤣
  4. The jock is definitely dead. We see the opening rift cut him clean in half.
  5. Sounds like exclusively streamed everywhere in the world other than the UK and Ireland. (Or maybe only in non-UK, non-Ireland countries where D+ is available?). But D+ is definitely saying they have the exclusive rights to the Nov 2023 and beyond episodes outside the UK and Ireland.
  6. According to Radio Times: (Though the BBC will still be the exclusive linear access & streaming home in the UK and Ireland.)
  7. The "new" :) logo: Also, in the US, the Nov 2023 specials and beyond will be exclusively available on Disney+. BBC America is out. Finally (and probably old hat, just not to me), the BBC is no longer producing the show. While they will continue to own all the IP, the production of the show has essentially been contracted out to RTD's Bad Wolf production company.
  8. It's pretty clear that's what happened in the 50th Anniversary special with The Curator.
  9. You can find it on YT now. (It's only about 17 seconds._
  10. 10/10 for the nostalgia/fan service, especially the chats between Tegan and Five and between Ace and Seven. 2/10 for the incoherent plot So maybe a 6 overall?
  11. After The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (which I wish was available on disc or a streamer) it was great to see Davison, Baker, and McCoy actually in a special.
  12. https://trekmovie.com/2022/10/18/anson-mount-says-star-trek-strange-new-worlds-season-2-pushes-the-limits-of-the-genre/ Not sure what I think of this. Could be good, but could be pretty bad. Especially since they had such a great balance of things in season 1.
  13. We needed Buenamigo to address Freeman as Capt. Dunsel 😎 Say, so are Peanut Hamper and AGIMUS gonna get their hands on one of those ships? Gonna give Commodore (Admiral, Ret.?) Wesley PTSD flashbacks....
  14. The Elves didn't wear their rings while Sauron held the One. They only "took them up again" (to use Tolkien's words) after the One was lost.
  15. Gorgeous scenery! But a very boring leg. Only a roadblock and a detour?? And all three possible tasks were total yawners. They may have scrambled placement but were so boring to watch.
  16. I would have thought this would be where an Evil Leaper would show up, especially given the episode description :). But then I figured there would be no Evil Leapers in modern QL. But then after this Monday's episode I'm not so sure...
  17. There's no way Janice has access to "terawatts of power" to leap herself. I think it's pretty clear she's trying to build herself her own imaging chamber (one of the reason she got the OG Ziggy handheld from her mom's place). I assume to contact Ben so she can work with him on whatever scheme they cooked up together. On another topic, I could have sworn some pieces of that set were literal Westworld sets. Some major deja vu.
  18. There was, as my 1985 high school yearbook shows.
  19. Not really. The Telegraph isn't a tabloid like the NYP is.
  20. That was TWoK music when Wayfarer came zooming in to save the day, right?
  21. I think a whole season in the human realm would have been quite "meh" and a big waste of time. But one or two episodes covering some of the stuff we saw in the scrapbook and opening montage would have been nice and then the 3rd and 4th episodes could have been what we just saw.
  22. Well that was wild! So when is the second episode?? I don’t see it on my TiVo’s schedule for next Saturday? Are they gonna make us wait forever between episodes?
  23. Quinton is quite out. All the articles about him joining the Rams' squad mention he's gay.
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