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Everything posted by Fiftyninth

  1. It took me a few days to realize that Annaleigh Ashford’s character drawing dots could be a theatrical reference to her playing “Dot” opposite Jake Gyllenhaal‘s pointillist painter Georges Seurat in the most recent Broadway revival of “Sunday in the Park with George.”
  2. I absolutely hated everything about this episode, including the guest cast. Different strokes, I suppose.
  3. Well, the scene at the convenience store with Ola getting fired too was absolutely not cliche. I certainly didn’t see that backfiring on her so spectacularly.
  4. It was just the so-called “F bomb” that was off limits. “Shit” has been used before.
  5. I don’t see anything wrong or weird about Jason Dohring’s appearance. He looks like adult Logan.
  6. I’ll be honest and say I’m so horrified by Sean’s haircut that I was praying his team would be eliminated. I know that’s shallow and unfair, but it really weirded me out.
  7. That was one of the most unpleasant hours of television I’ve ever cringed through.
  8. Would they even have shown that stingray so much had it not been an excuse to feature the giant eel in Chris’s boxers?
  9. The Call Me by Your Name bit just blew my mind, because it was so damn rando.
  10. You think the producers dress the audience?
  11. Fair. I adored them as a team.
  12. Kris is one of my all-time favorite racers.
  13. I don’t think it necessarily blocks all possible idols played on that nullified person, though, because during the HII window, Jeff says “this is a real idol, and any votes cast against [__] don’t count.” But he wouldn’t say votes don’t count if the idol is nullified. Now, I cant say whether he would say “however, this idol has been nullified and votes cast against [__] do count,” or if he just wouldn’t specify about the votes counting/not counting. But I think that does leave open the possibility that a second idol play might be triggered by Jeff’s response.
  14. ...As opposed to G.O.A.T., Greatest Of All Time.
  15. I have to admit, when it seemed like the Davids were considering another target before tribal, instead of Angelina, I thought voting out Kara was how they would try to weaken Dan and the Goliaths. I didn’t even stop to consider John as the alternative target.
  16. I can’t believe how much I’ve eventually warmed up to the TV version of Irving; the book version of this character was odious.
  17. I’m not sure the argument does collapse there. For some people, there may be an implicit and unconscious bias that leads them to prefer “the right kind” of black queen - or to let a white queen get away with a specific attitude and affect that would somehow feel “wrong” to them from a queen of color. Because one’s reactions are often subconscious, this could be something that results in unfair double standards that one doesn’t recognize without actively unpacking that bias.
  18. I dunno - I was enjoying his perfectly adequate “outline” when he was in sweats in the kitchen, discussing leotards with Shannon.
  19. Funny, I find Luke Knoll much more my type than Rudnitsky (but nobody’s more yummy than my beloved Beck Bennett!).
  20. Luke Knoll was swapped in for one small section of the Bachelor sketch, where he was with one bachelorette on the bench. I think she asked if he was a different guy.
  21. When I was his age - and 30 years ago was a whole other time - I was cruising in comparable ways frequently.
  22. Moose. Moose. Moose. Kevin. Moose.
  23. I never liked Tony, and I like Joe even less.
  24. Why didn't she get Danny the list of all the companies Ward told them not to do business with?!?
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