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Everything posted by NewDigs

  1. Love this link from above. ^^^ Kind of ties up their lovefest in a pretty little package. Ending with a rapid-response Joe-backspin about a Trump phone call after the NH primary. I don't think he landed it. 'After Trump hung up, Scarborough sought to clarify the matter further: "Donald said support. It's not support ... and I would dare say that I am the only person who has hung up on Donald Trump on live television. And the thing is we've been very critical of his approach toward Muslims, we said he went too far on John McCain, we said he went too far on you name it," he said.' The article is from February. Hard to deny the info. and there's lots there.
  2. I'm not too sure about Patrick Murphy but it will feel good to cast a vote against Rubio. Even the MiamiHerald has given up on him.
  3. During the 8:00 hour Joe brought up how for years and years and for sooo many election cycles he and Mika (well, especially him 'cuz...) were regularly aproached by people looking for reassurance that everything would be okey-dokey. And Mika is voting for Hillary. DirectTv has the MSNBC sched. all screwed up. They don't seem to ever show/know when Larry O. is on.
  4. I must have missed that. All we saw was her cleavage (in varying degrees of exposure), her gloves and her phone which she checked and texted on almost constantly. Took off one of those annoying gloves each time. Aren't they told to turn their phones off? Aaaand, I'm going to miss Obama. I was for Hillary in '08 but voted for Barack, twice, and am thrilled with his accomplishments and his entire family's ability to display such grace under such pressure.
  5. Unfortunately, long lines are the norm in my FL county. Both for early voters and day-of voters. Luckily our Supervisor of Elections is on this year's ballot and we can hopefully make a change. One year ('12) the line snaked around a church parking lot and then serpentined through the actual polling place. It rained and we all huddled under an overhang and remembered who was in front of and behind us in line in order to reassemble. It took hours. I had tried to early-vote but, lines... Will try early again this cycle. Fingers crossed. I own an old Florida punch-card voting "machine" and ballot box. Our elections' office sold them off for 5 bucks each after the travesty of the 2000 election.
  6. What kind of filter does he have on his mouth? lol "Back on her heels" is not a good visual. Esp. considering his candidate.
  7. Larry Kudlow? Really? He sure appears older than his 69 years.
  8. Not a Sam fan and, imho, they can quit trying to make Casey happen.
  9. Some pretty scathing comments on the MJ Facebook page. Robert J Zeleniak Another non-report about clueless millennials from the roving "reporter" . . . wow! Cutting edge! Just think about what it cost to have this guy traveling around the country generating stories to fit Scarborough's narritves? Jackie La Rouche-Merifield Morning Joe should be re-named---THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL---after Joe's dispicable display of rage, whining, lies, bullying on the show this morning. He and Mika need to be sent away and a total revamping has to take place. He proved, yet again this am, that he is the perfect surrogate for Trump---and she proved, yet again this am, that she is a simpering, revolting lack-luster co-host of this abismal show. Jeff Johnson Joe and Mika must've gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. First Bill Kristol, now Harold Ford. The more these two whine the more they seem like puppets for Trump.
  10. And he just rolled that line out at his now-happening Ohio rally. "I will accept the results of the election (pausepausepause) IF I WIN!" Cue rapturous applause from the Trump-bots. And now he's doubling down on when it's okay to contest an election. WIth lots of examples. Wonder how long he can hold the crowd's attention with that.
  11. And her voice... lol And she will not stop will not let up. ugh Tiresome.
  12. Oh, Andrea. Thank you so very much for dragging your sorry jet-lagged ass on to the teevee. (not) And please, stop talking over Katy Tur. She is quite capable of explaining things w/o your drama. Actually, I think she is more capable. Well, now let's hear a Trump surrogate talk nonstop 'cuz you seem to always agree with them. Ooh, except this one (Sara Flores ?) is doing damage control for Republicans. Said, "Trump is not a Republican." wow God, Andrea's tedious. And it ain't 'cuz she's jet-lagged. She sometimes stammers and stutters and can't get a sentence out. Wonder who's on CNN...
  13. Just finished Heroes of the Frontier by Dave Eggers. I really enjoyed it. His writing style is, to me, atmospheric and I feel not only drawn into his stories but almost part of them. The moods are almost tangible. And Heroes is dark and comic and a tangle of the main character's motivations. And a real page-turner. I've also read and equally enjoyed his Hologram for the King and The Circle and need to get into Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. So many books, so little time!
  14. Why do they continue to give Betsy McCaughey airtime? All she does is talk over everyone with her laundry list of talking points. It's diificut to say which surrogate is the most annoying but Betsy is right up there. She insists that she be able to speak w/o interruption and then goes on to interrupt every single person about every single thing they say. CC seems to have her on the most and "pairs"her with Sally Kohn who has some of the most expressive expressions I've ever seen.
  15. Wow. These two can't move to TrumpTV fast enough. Joe is unhinged.
  16. The sister-in-law. Ugh. ET's take. Bravo.
  17. Oh geez. Al Cardenas. blerg I hoped to have seen the last of him. At least he's talking some sense for a change.
  18. Bold mine. I've put the news on some mornings wondering if the news will be that DonnyBoy was institutionalized. Most memorably, for me, the morning after the teleprompter destruction.
  19. If they don't got the balls now I have to think that ^^^ ain't gonna happen.
  20. And in S Florida we are rejoicing over 4 days of no rain! And 88 actually doesn't feel all that hot. Compared to the mid-90s we've been having. Brrr. A bird in the house!!! I think leaving was a good idea. Yikes. I've lived in Florida since the early 70s. I still miss fall colors. And that cool zip in the air.
  21. I have asked this same type question for many many years and the only thing I can come up with is that Dems are wusses. (I are one) And then I say it's 'cuz we're too polite or too nice or we don't want to fight dirty like "them" or something ridiculous I dunnowhat. But I usually end up yelling, FIGHT!!!, quite often during elections. Isn't anything new, imho.
  22. Breaking CNN News. Melania says Donald says Billy egged him on. It was just "boy talk". Geesh, locker rooms, boy talk.... Who the hell do these people hang out with?
  23. Wow. I seem to have something in my eyes. :::sniff::: That article displays so many truths and so much strength. Well done, Mi-Ai.
  24. I can't remember where but I recently saw a piece that made a case for Donald's I-wanna-be-prez lightbulb moment to have happened when Obama poked fun at him at one of those National Press Club things. They showed a clip of Donald sitting fairly stone-faced at his table. He did look a bit perturbed and I could see his discomfort and now that we're more familiar with his hit-back-harder mentality it makes some sense.
  25. It's a hoax. Perpetrated by the Chinese. Trump said so.
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