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Everything posted by Deanie87

  1. I didn't mind JT opening the show, but during the credits when the cast comes on stage, he was right there, front and center, and then standing next to Lorne. Ugh, he is great on the show, but he ain't a cast member. Also not a big fan of the In Memorium applause but it was nice that those from the behind the scenes crew got so many awwws and claps.
  2. See, that was the scene that choked me up the most. It was cute, but then of course the realization that Samuel is never going to grow up, to be bullied or otherwise, hits us and them, and how whatever they name him wont change anying. That was a very understated scene, especially for Greys, and the one that I thought captured the enormity of their situation the most. I laughed a little at Owen and Hunt lighting a candle, especially Alex burning himself, but I love Alex and take what I can get these days.
  3. Yeah, I may be out too. I just don't care about Becca's love life or who she ends up with. I would MUCH rather see her try to connect with her parents more or Lolly or just do something that isn't about guys. I don't know, I'm just not interested In watching a 40-something woman blather on and on about who she is "supposed" to be with.
  4. And the character assassination of Meredith continues. Thank god she ran into Maggie at the elevator so that she could find out where and how her kids are LOL. Is the writers room made up of 14 year old boys? I swear the obsession with sex is ridiculous sometimes.
  5. Agree that this was a well done, moving episode and all of the actors involved in the baby story did a really good job with it. The scene where they talk about names was really sad. I still have a tiny problem with April's "that's not fair, how could God do this to me" philosophy. She is a TRAUMA SURGEON, am I to believe that she has never seen a situation where something horrific happens to someone who doesn't deserve it? A child or sweet old lady or nun for example? Or does she assume that she is somehow exempt? Eh, it's just a small nitpick and she did seem to get the message that bad shit just happens sometimes by the end, but it just seems like it should be something she had come to terms with awhile ago. Meredith is continuing her fast decline into Worst Character on the Show. Of all the episodes for her to behave like this, running around begging everyone and anyone (except the one person who generously offered) , for a pretty HUGE favor so she can have "emergency sex," they pick this one? Bad idea. I know that she is the Grey in Greys Anatomy, but I wish she would just go stay with Mcdreamy in Dc for the rest of the season. The less I see of her the better at this point.
  6. I am a first time viewer, and I'm not quite sure about it yet. I like the first couple of episodes but then Daphne and Hari have gone (I assume Hari comes back at some point), and I'm having trouble figuring out who all of the new people are. I usually adore the older Masterpieces, but this one is slow going for me for some reason. I do love how very, very British it is, what with the "I say!" and the "Old boy."
  7. I will belt the shit out of "DoYa" anytime I hear it in the car (see also:Rush). Maybe I/we should seek out a Matlock marathon!
  8. I'm right there with you, and I hate to do this to you, but Malcom Young is in a nursing home with dementia and will probably never play with the band again. "For Those About to Rock...".
  9. Ugh, seriously. They really are making Meredith an unlikeable bitch this season, aren't they? How about "Gosh that was really nice of Jo to offer, especially considering how I've treated her.". And Alex, how about "stop talking shit about my girlfriend and show some respect for me and my relationship.". Their friendship is usually one of my favorites but no so much now. Justin Chambers is now 3rd billed in the cast credits and this is the crap he gets? First of all, I don't believe for a second that Cristina Yang dropped everything to babysit Mer's kids, text back and forth during sex, and generally be available non-stop in accordance to Mer's needs (which is apparently her definition of "person.") If that is what Mer expected of her, no wonder Yang traveled half way around the world to get away. Secondly, since when is Mer so overly concerned with child care? She should just leave them in the 24 hour/drive thru daycare like she normally does. Or bring the kids and the Nanny so Derek can see them and they can have sex time. They have the money. I have never been a Mer hater, she used to be the most sincerely compassionate of the interns and a loyal friend. Sure she was self-absorbed, but not out and out horribly selfish like she has been portrayed the last couple of seasons. I'm not surprised that the people in her life are moving away from her in droves. I get that she misses Derek and Cristina, but she is a grown woman with two kids, for gods sake and her neediness is bordering on unstable. Good luck, Maggie! Morning rant over.
  10. Automatic for the People came out in 1992, which was the year after I graduated college so it doesn't quite synch up, but I thought the song fit he scene. Although I think it would have worked better in a scene about Becca's and Lolly.
  11. Oh my God, Nightswimming is THE song that reminds me of my life just after college, when I was working a crappy job but living with my friends and having fun. It completely captures for me that feeling of missing the semi-carefree college days but also being ready (but scared) for whatever came next. The song is so gorgeous and full of meloncholy and nostalgia, with the picture on the dashboard, and the streetlights...and the line "these things they go away, replaced by everyday," may cause me to weep openly while typing this. No lie, if I hear it in the car, I will tear up and have to explain to my 5 year old son about "happy crying.". Good Lord, it nearly did me in this episode. I am a couple of years older than they are supposed to be (I was 26 in 1995), so not everything strikes a cord, but when it does, I want to call all my friends and make them sit on the phone with me while we drink Natural Light beer and Sex on the Beach shooters and watch the show. Beyond that, I kind of don't care about Becca's love life.
  12. What a bad, boring episode. It might just be that the hiatus came after too few episodes and went on too long, but I found this to be a very disjointed episode, with all of Grey's faults and very little of the humor or charm. Some of the acting was just downright god-awful, but with the over-dramatic speeches that have to come out of their mouths I guess I can't blame them. Geena Davis manages to hammy and wooden at the same time (though her bathroom scene was good) and Jessica Capshaw just came across as shrill with that cornball Keep Hope Alive nonsense. I liked all of the Jackson and April parts and thought that the actors did a great job with it. I am surprisingly invested in the storyline and curious as to how it all plays out. I am having a hard time mustering up any interest or sympathy for Mer or Bailey and all of their mother guilt. Bailey has been shown time and again choosing to be at the hospital when she could be home with Tuck and now she is shocked and teary that he is acting out. Ben is a new resident and yet he seems to be home enough to know what is going on with Tuck, who has only been his step-son for a year or two. As for Mer, well, you have two small kids at home, no help and you have effectively pushed your husband across the country. You need more than a person, you need fucking Mary Poppins. Not to mention, did she think that her former person was really going to drop everything and help with her kids? Please. Thank god she found a nanny who would WAIT ALL DAY in a hospital even though she wasn't even hired yet. Give me a break. I'm not letting Derek off the hook either. How not surprising that it falls to Mer to scramble to find childcare and pick up the slack for Derek's absence while he goes off to conquer the world. As a mother myself, I have to admit that this was the most realistic part of the episode for me. Doesn't it always fall to the mother? And after all of the teeth-gnashing and trolling that Shonda has done regarding the MerDer relationship and PD leaving/not-leaving, etc. etc. etc., they end up fine at the end of the episode as always. How anti-climatic and yet, again, how unsurprising. Other than the Japril Baby stuff, the only part of the episode that I liked was Alex finally finding his backbone and telling Bailey how it was going to be. Maybe I'm just cranky, but this was not worth the wait at all. ETA- I did have to add that however unsympathetic I am to Meredith's plight, EP does always get me with the "blue eyes brimming with tears, while the mouth tries not to crumple" thing. She is great at that!
  13. After Dee gagging, there is nothing funnier to me than Dennis's sociopathic rants. Especially when they are aimed at Dee. He seems to use a special tone with very.clipped.words. I think I rewound his speech 10 times. I both fear (and strangely hope) that the series will end with Dee cut up into tiny pieces and displayed in a glass cube on Dennis's mantle.
  14. Yes that was it thanks! His hair seems redder in this and he is not quite so Saracen-esqe. After this episode I got the impression that a big part of Amanda agreeing to marry Guy was because it's what her father wanted. It seems that her mother has died and she has two young brothers, so maybe she figures that she doesn't want to quarrel with her father and, of course, Sidney didn't ask. The father certainly made it plain to Sidney that he wasn't good enough, which I'm sure hasn't gone unnoticed by Sidney all these years. I am really liking this series!
  15. I met Puck too when my friends and I were visiting LA. He was doing tricks on his bicycle. We asked for a photo (it was just a couple of years after his Real World and we hadn't seen any other "celebrities" yet). Anyway he wanted to charge us $1 for the photo. Needless to say, we declined. I also met Hal Holbrook walking down the street in Baltimore. Before he got close enough so that I could recognize him, I knew he must be famous because we was wearing an ascot! He was so nice and seemed surprised that I recognized him.
  16. I loved this one too and I am a sucker for a British cozy. I've seen the main actor in something else recently (not Happy Valley, though I really want to check that out), and I was so distracted by his resemblance to Matt Saracen from Friday Night Lights. The similarities are still there (the cheekbones, my god, the cheekbones!), but luckily it wasn't so distracting here.
  17. "Emotional affair" is a bit of a loaded term and I really hope that it isn't going to be the case here. To me, the term implies two people who have grown apart from their significant others and get emotional intimacy elsewhere. That doesn't describe Alex and Mer to me. MerDer might be on the outs right now, but Alex and Jo aren't and they communicate reasonably well so I just don't see Alex needing any kind of emotional support from Mer. Then again... It will totally be one way, and Meredith will use Alex as a Yang substitute, be a bitch to Jo, cause problems in his relationship and then cast him aside to bond with Amelia/Maggie/Lexie from beyond the grave. I will be SHOCKED if Alex gets anything out of this "affair" other than a pissed off girlfriend. I would have loved this storyline back in seasons 6-8 when Alex could have used it.
  18. Was Tim Burton there for Big Eyes? I so want to see him and Michael Keaton together again. Keaton >>>Depp!!
  19. What has Catherine Zeta Jones done to her face? I have always considered her one of the most gorgeous women in films, do I hate that she seems to have had a lot if work done. I know she has had a rough couple years. For my money, Selma Hayek looks the best so far.
  20. So I have never read a Marvel comic, never seen a Marvel movie except for the first Iron Man which I was dragged to, and have never seen Agents of Shield. In other words, I am not exactly the target audience but I loved it! I'm sure that I probably missed a lot, since I don't know any of the characters' back stories or their place on that universe. But I am a sucker for a tough dame from the 40s, so that is enough for now. As far as I can tell, the show did a great job in making the character and the story interesting for those of us who have literally no previous knowledge of this world. I really hope it stays that way. Plus, Bubbles, Ray Wise, James Frain, Eli from Boardwalk Empire and Jarvis from all the British shows/mysteries/Masterpiece Theaters! I just wish that so many hadn't died in the first 2 episodes.
  21. Ugh....I knew it! I knew Quinn was going to leave as soon as I saw the way he hung up the phone! I have mixed feelings about everything. I clapped a little when Quinn showed up at the funeral....but I also felt like I was watching a John Cusack movie. I didn't mind the slower pace, but it was a little anti-climactic. And I kind of loved the kiss but not sure about yet another pining from afar storyline. Where will they go with it? I'm imagining some kind of Mr. And Mrs.Smith meets Hart to Hart scenario and it that makes we want to cry...but also tune in! Plus, c'mon Saul!
  22. I was most excited to see Eleanor Holmes Norton!! Who is Lorraine? I feel like I should know.
  23. I'm not sure it was intentional but I did appreciate Lockhart's behavior and what it implied (at least to me). It's a lot easier to run a war/authorize bombings etc., when you are sitting behind a desk in Washington. I would normally assume that the head of the CIA has some active military training but maybe not. If Lockheart had any it would seem to be a long time ago or to have consisted of running things behind a desk like now. Saul, on the other hand, has actual time in the field.Thank god Quinn is being played by a good actor otherwise he would seem almost too good to be true. RF pulls it off perfectly though.
  24. I would imagine that she must be at least open to being with a woman seeing as how there are now 5 single women and 2 single men (if you count Richard) listed as regulars. Maybe Greys can go the Sister Wives route.
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