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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Not to be picky, but you did score a 5 in Week 9, and you got two ** this week, not just one. But you are the only perfect Perfect this week! So GFY, and I mean it! Me, I'm back in my comfortable seat at the head of Table For One. It's good to be home!
  2. WEEK 20 • Jan. 25, 2021 — TWO asterisk ** 96. World Geography. Of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, these 2 on opposite sides of it are the smallest & largest in area. 97. Pop Music. First released as a single in 1982, this song was re-released & charted again 17 years later & 17 years after that. * 98. The Wild West. These 2 legends both known for buckskin clothes & long, flowing hair met violent ends 38 days apart, in Montana & South Dakota. * 99. 20th Century Authors. In a 1959 article he wrote, “People began to call themselves beatniks, beats…bugniks &…I was called the ‘avatar’ of all this.” * 100. British Army History. The Army’s longest continuous campaign, 1969-2007, began in this Northern Ireland city known by either of 2 different names.
  3. They brought in a new Dom to die on the show, they could do the same with Glenn. I was trying to see if Glenn's name was on the list Lizzie was calling but it was shown too quickly for me to see. But yeah, I'd be fine with Glenn getting all the cash in the end, and he turns out to be some FBI operative after all, or the head of some major crime ring. Yeah, I'd be good with that. And Lizzie sees it all happen before she gets blown to bits and is gone forever, putting us viewers out of our misery once and for all.
  4. You are so innocent! Does anyone anywhere care about (or even wonder) who Red really is? Lizzie doesn't, the writers don't, no one in the FBI does, and we viewers forgot about that bag of bones and the non-existent DNA tests a few seasons ago. I have to say, that photo of the show writer really did make me LOL. Great find @mxc90. This episode beginning with Lizzie and Ressler rolling around in bed made me go "URGH" out loud and turn away. I did wonder how Ressler became so flexible and limber after getting blown up and sporting all those gigantic bandages stuck all over his body. I would have believed their being "such good friends" more if they had been shown watching an old movie on tv and sharing a big tub of popcorn. But the writers had to pull out the old trope of every man can be bought with some free sex. Too bad for Aram he lost out on that deal. Who has been paying the rent and utilities on Tom's apartment full of electronics? Are they on auto-pay from one of Red's accounts? And if Lizzie needed a place to stay overnight so badly ... oh, never mind. When Aram and Donald turned in their resignations, I was sure they were going to join The Lizzie Gang. I guess their contracts got renewed for next season, so, no to that. I'll bet Cooper is SUPER p.o.d Lizzie didn't knock on his door. He's the one with the Big Hots for her over the past few seasons. As others have noted, great hidden secret top secure office you guys have there at the Post Office. NOT. My prediction for next season: Lizzie is pregnant with Ressler's kid. Meanwhile, I'd be fine with Red changing his will and shooting Lizzie in the head, but not before he tells her all, that he's her mother and she's a gigantic dumbass. Oh: Flashback to Tom proposing to Lizzie, and Lizzie has blond hair. When did that happen? Especially since Red hired Tom to watch over Lizzie to begin with. Of course I don't expect any writers to remember that (major) story line.
  5. I'm hoping that will be revealed next season, how everyone on The Team is related to Liz and it's not a real FBI branch after all but it's Glen, Mr. Kaplan and Liz's step dad, all of whom had facial reconstruction from the same guy who gave Red the sex change. Not counting on it though. Or counting on anything that makes sense.
  6. I know. That was a tough loss, but a good example of It's Easy If You Know It. I doubt I would do as well playing on the show as I do playing in front of my teevee where I am outrageously smart.
  7. It was nice to see two good players in this episode instead of randos pulled off the street, which seemed to be the case in previous episodes. Interesting that Michael(?) was a multi-day Jeopardy champ, and the younger guy was just as smart. I was rooting for James to catch them, but was okay with the two winning the $ in the end. It was an entertaining hour that I enjoyed. Even comments from the Chaser's Lounge were more fun this time.
  8. Shout out today to our Hard Working @opus. FJ today was an easy Custer(d) and because I've never watched Deadwood, I grabbed Kit Carson for my second guess, to honor ... well, ya'll know who I was honoring. Not looking forward to my fav Brian battling my fav Zach tomorrow. Brian Chang is being interviewed on Chicago radio in the morning.
  9. So hilarious. I didn't even recognize Hardwick with his new "do." But I guess if George Clooney can rock the Flowbee, so can Chris.
  10. I got a laugh from Ray Romano asking Jimmy if the show wanted players to answer quickly or were they okay with players "Dr. Phil-ing" the answers.
  11. And Millionaire just asked a Muttnik question used a few days before as Final Jeopardy. When Jimmy said they would find out what happened to Muttnik (aka Laika) and tell us after the break, I said no, please don't do that.
  12. I recognized Adult Tabitha too, but I don't know why. Just knew it was her. I went with the players' choice for the Kentucky Derby hat person. I really liked him, he was so smooth and kind. I'd want him to make me a hat, even if he couldn't. Sort of odd asking what horse won the Derby though, not all hat makers are horse people. Sort of like asking the hot-dog vendor or parking attendant what horse won. I've owned Thoroughbreds and watch all the Triple Crown and Breeders Cup races, and I couldn't tell you what horse won what when. Glad MD* was a bit more toned down for this episode. *Mama Doris (ugh)
  13. WTH. After this CF episode, I'm not sure I can make it through this season, much less another one.
  14. GAH! @Browncoat, I'm such a loser. You were the first to post, last to be recorded. But now you are in, and yes, at least I was correct that you scored higher this week than last. Your new Penguin Pals meets my approval! (Not that you were waiting for that.)
  15. Thanks @dizzyd. This is my fav quote from the article: "Victoria from #TheBachelor on GMA saying she never sees herself as a bully and is truly a kind hearted person is a fucking the joke of the week and it’s only Tuesday." Amen.
  16. Because everyone did so well this week, I figured some stats. Of 23 players reporting in: 15 scored higher this week than last 6 kept the same score as last week 2 scored lower than last week TA DAH! and TOOT TOOT! As for this week's winner, I am awarding @Mindthinkr that honor for being the Most Consistent Player for the past several weeks. I like a dependable person, and Mindthinkr is that. Congratulations on your Very Special Honor! May you keep it up for many weeks to come. Enjoy your glorious week on the High Contest Podium!
  17. Did anyone see Queen Vic on GMA today? I refused to tune in, but am curious if she's a jackass on all tv appearances.
  18. While I'm sure she has a ton load of videos of herself, and she loves every image of her ever recorded. She is perfect in her own mind so will cherish every view, memory, video, recording of her time on this show. I also expect her to appear in future Bach Nation segments. CH loves her type. DRAH-mah you know. Has anyone else given thought to how long Boring Matt would have lasted on Clare/Tayisha's season if he hadn't been yanked to be The Historic First Black (and Most Boring) Bachelor?
  19. "This is gold, Jerry. GOLD I tell you!" --TM Kenny Banya
  20. Oh, man, that was cringe worthy. He made Elaine Benes look like Ginger Rogers.
  21. I think a hooker would make an interesting friend. And a better one than QV. Or Anna.
  22. I didn't need the boxing "date" to clue me into the fact that he's not the right person for me. Any woman he chooses, if he picks anyone, is the loser IMO. Worst.Bach.EVAH.
  23. Someone gave Anna a lipstick! I guess two women fighting is some male fantasy.
  24. I would totally say NO WAY IN HELL to a boxing "date." Nothing good can come of this fiasco. Now Wells is a fight expert? Gah.
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