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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 17 • Jan. 4, 2021 — TWO asterisk ** * 81. Literary Characters of the 1600s. When the title character tells him that a great adventure may win him an island he can govern, he leaves his family. * * 82. State Name Origins. The names of these 2 states honor a king & his father, who was executed in 1649. * 83. Blockbuster Movies. Released in 2017, this movie is the highest-grossing film in the U.S. that’s set during World War I. 84. Musicals. 4 songs from this 1968 musical made the Billboard Top 10, including one with an astrological theme that was No. 1 for 6 weeks. 85. Women & Science. Dr. Margaret Todd gave science this word for different forms of one basic substance; it’s from the Greek for “equal” & “place.”
  2. So funny! Yeah, I can't imagine Tony Hawk sitting down every evening to watch Wheel. Although that visual is pretty funny. I can totally see him doing YouTube research though, once he got asked to be on the show.
  3. I have to hand it to Pat Sajak, he really earned his paycheck holding this celebrity version together. I'm sure now he appreciates his "normal" Wheel players. Tony Hawk won the night for me, he was smart and articulate, and I wish he had won both games. I also liked that he said the puzzle result in a normal speaking-voice sentence instead of one...word...at...a......time. I don't even notice Vanna so whatever she does to bug other viewers means nothing to me. She's not really there in my world, but I do like her banter with Pat. Gives him someone to talk to at the end of the show. So I'm good with her being there, whether she does anything or not.
  4. LOL that Oprah's car question was called "female oriented." I'm a female, I saw that Oprah episode and all the resulting press and chatter it caused, yet didn't have a clue about the car make. I'm also WAY WAY over the age group for k-pop but I know BTS and Dynamite since they've been everywhere on everything this past year. Even their outfits from the Dynamite video are being auctioned, I knew that, and what the entire group of outfits is expected to bring. That might be a future question! There are TONS of male BTS stans, they are not all females. The only thing that surprised me was that Ken hadn't come across BTS. Which I always want to call BTK. But that's a different category. I laughed at the Alamo question since I yelled out "McConaughey!" before the answers were even show. Boy, was I wrong! I loved this episode. I have never seen any other versions so it was all new to me. I like the back-room viewers too, I was glad neither Brad nor James were snarky or rude, and I got a kick out of James getting all pumped about the $400,000-plus amount Ken laid out. And when Brad got up and left, I thought he was heading out to smack Ken for something or other. I guess he was just taking a break. Still, that was funny. For some reason, I was vaguely disappointed Ken did not catch the players, but he was so gracious about them winning. In all, this was a feel-good show for me and I'm in for the long haul. Looking forward to James and Brad being the Chaser.
  5. I don't think shows are devoted to laughing at people's misery, but I can't stop anyone from doing that. I don't laugh when people try for the $100,000 and lose it all. I DO get irritated when the $100,000 clue is for a product I've never heard of, as proven by earlier posts in this thread. That the obscure clue makes it impossible for the team to get it, THAT'S what makes me cranky, not that the team didn't know it or didn't win the money. If I win $20 at a slot, I leave. My friend puts it all back in for the "fun" of trying to win, and she leaves with nothing. It's up to the contestants to decide to leave or not. It's great if they come out with the most money possible, but if they lose, that was their decision. Only they know how much they need the money ... or don't need the money. I don't watch shows that make fun of contestants. I don't even know what those shows are.
  6. I'm looking forward to it. Anything to distract from RL works for me. I think there will be some good laughs, at least coming from me.
  7. I missed the point in the topic of $50,000 winners losing everything if they go for the $100,000 and fail. If they are guaranteed to keep whatever amount they've won, of course they all will go for the $100,000 since they will not lose the $50,000 and could have $100,000. There's no fun in that, the enjoyment is watching teams tank. Or, if you like the team, watching them leave with $100,000. I like the all-or-nothing approach.
  8. After the events of yesterday, I've lost interest in Jeopardy. I will keep up with Contest postings but will be gone from here otherwise. The negativity on some of these J threads about a show that is suppose to be fun is more than I can cope with. Hope to see ya'll in happier times.
  9. OMG @Mindthinkr, I am so sorry, I wish I had a magic wand to make today better for you. Sending you many many cyberhugs with all my heart. I just turned the channel to catch Wheel and there was a commercial for Jeopardy, "Don't miss this week celebrating Alex Trebek's last episodes." Jeopardy was suppose to be on two hours ago, network. And now Wheel is preempted too. So I'm watching the Air Fryer infomercial, there's something comforting about looking at food that I can't eat. Don't know if today's Jeopardy will be run in the wee hours since I'm not staying up and I have no way to record. Maybe President Eisenhower will post AT's last week.
  10. No Jeopardy here today for obvious reasons.
  11. They were filming three one day, two the next for Alex's last shows as host. Still, it takes a lot to hold it together for even one show much less five or six as a player. I liked Brayden because I gravitate toward people who are different, I appreciate the broken molds. I've never been part of the flock and I like others who also are individuals, not clones. I am sorry I jinxed him with my posts. I should know better. But I'm looking forward to him doing well in the TOC. (double jinx, darn it)
  12. Your calendar reminded me of this Onion photo. https://local.theonion.com/man-who-got-word-a-day-calendar-keeps-trying-to-shoehor-1845905330
  13. I should get a one-half point for understanding the (confusing) FJ wording. I was trying to think of some guy who was sent to some island by someone else. If that island part had been left off, I might have come up with Sancho Panza. No I wouldn't. There have been a lot of FJ clues that have convoluted wording this season though, I'll give everyone that. @helpmerhonda, you need to post your last-week's score in the FJ Contest thread!
  14. Players have a choice if they want to keep the $50,000 or gamble to TRY to win $100,000. To gamble on $100,000 is just that, a gamble. Some win, some lose it all. Just like the slots player who puts all his/her winnings back into the slot machine to TRY to win more. It's a choice. Some people are greedy. Some aren't. I have no problem with people losing it all. They do get to keep the money from the inflated prices of the things they put in their shopping carts so they don't go home with zero. Just a couple thou and a deflated ego. If I had few seconds left and $50,000, I'd color myself lucky and go home.
  15. It's time to award Winner of Week 16, that very special honor that goes to just one player this week. One very special player who dares to be different, the only player who achieved this score. Today the spotlight is shining full blast on Champion @secnarf, long-time player, first-time winner. This season anyway. I'm so happy to give secnarf the center of the spotlight, I even created a special medallion, just for secnarf. Congratulations, and long may you reign. Well, for the next week anyway.
  16. I felt sorry for him, poor guy. He will remember that gaff forever I am sure. He was a beast on the buzzer. Too bad he lost his lucky pen. I blame his loss on that. He was really a stellar player, and that DD "everything" bet was admirable. He was there to win, that's for sure.
  17. I HATE those. It reminds me of Sean Lowe's season, where the camera person came into the shower with him to film, and yes, he says he was totally naked but it was okay because the camera woman was a lesbian. *sigh* This show ... About everyone looking alike: Jimmy Kimmel's wife always does her picks for finals and winner the first night of every season. Last night she ended up with five photos of women who looked exactly alike, same hair color, same hair part, same hair extensions. She even commented on it, and had to read names off the back of each picture since she couldn't tell them apart either. That's why I like Kitt with the different short non-glittery dress. And some seasons ago, a b-ette actually had bangs so I could tell her from the others. I guess I'm at the table for one because my guy doesn't have to have 12-pack abs, and I don't find them all that attractive.
  18. That's on the journalist, not Ken. Writer didn't do his/her homework. If anyone knows how Alex "ran" the show and how he viewed his role, it's Ken, and I doubt anyone anywhere has more respect for Alex Trebek than Ken Jennings. That he is being villainized here and other places online is beyond outrageous and an insult to Alex's memory. To Ken, Alex was a real-life friend. To us, he was a tv host. Nothing more. Wow @j5cochran, that is indeed awesome and worth multiple Good For Yous. Maybe some of the replies in the Remembering Alex thread will help jog your memories. Maybe your thoughts when you first met/saw AT, anything he said to you personally during your interview and after the show. I know he didn't want to see any contestants before the episode, so maybe how helpful crew was in getting you ready for your episode and how they maybe helped during breaks, and what Alex was doing during breaks. Anything he said or did after your episode was over, if you were in the audience watching before or after. When I was in the audience he came out and talked to us during breaks. Sometimes he would take questions from the audience. Gosh, I'd be making note cards if I were going to be interviewed, I'm terrible on camera! Good luck to you. You are in a special club, being a J contestant. I am curious as to how many from your area will be in the interview, how far away they had to go to find past contestants. Plus there's that little roadblock called passing a test.
  19. I got Charlie Chaplin (love old BW and silent movies) and the TS of cage. I always had a budgerigar as a kid, and did a show-and-tell speech about budgies in junior high. I made a big drawing of the bird that had a removable piece on the top of its head and beak to show how when they age, they get a white forehead and the skin piece over the beak (cere) turns a color that shows whether the bird is male or female. Long story as to how I knew budgies were kept in cages. Finally, a FARMING category! I can look out my window to see farming going on. That's a category in my wheelhouse whereas mythology is not. Waiting for a Farming FJ. It's finally happened, I have a crush on Brayden. I hope he stays forever. He's my new (well, current) teevee boyfriend. I was way up on what FJ was asking for, but the island thing and the date removed Don Quixote/Sancho Panza from any guesses. Plus DQ was a wrong guess for me a few episodes ago and I wasn't going to go that route again. Not even going to post my FJ guess, i don't need to see your fingers pointing and hear your laughing.
  20. So Tayshia couldn't have done a hot-air balloon date in the desert? Nothing is more socially distant than floating 20 feet in the air. CH driving off in the manual pick up ... I was going to LOL if he popped the clutch and jerk-drove it down the driveway, grinding gears. Got a laugh that the bartender in the hotel was wearing a mask while the 30-some guests were not. Good luck not getting sick, buddy.
  21. Ha, Matt looked like he was going to vomit when he called the last rose name ... Victoria. Don't look so beat, Matt, we all knew you were told to call her name last. Glad the short-dress girl got to stay. She's the only different one.
  22. Geez, I just checked my news feed and there's a photo and headline "Bachelor contestant arrives to show in her underwear."
  23. That's exactly why she IS getting a rose.
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