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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I just imagine a bunch of parents a bill-zillion years ago sitting around in their huts telling their kids bed-time stories about how the earth and sky were created so the kids would go to sleep and leave them alone. And those stories were handed down for a bill-zillions years and eventually became Jeopardy clues, category Mythology. It's kinda like Pecos Bill, along with Shake and Widow-Maker, created the Lone Star, and how Paul Bunyan created Puget Sound, the Grand Canyon, and the Black Hills. We call those tall tales now, but in a bill-trillion years, Bill and Paul will be studied in universities with degrees awarded. And a category on Future Jeopardy!
  2. Finally, a benefit for never remembering the category. I had no problem answering and never gave the category a thought.
  3. WEEK 16 • Dec. 28, 2020 — ONE asterisk * 76. (Season 26, Game 51 — Nov. 23, 2009) Odd Titles. Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Mikado”, not Milne, gave us this hyphenated title for a pompous functionary. 77. (Season 26, Game 65 — Dec. 9, 2009) Historic Americans. His collection of books suffered disastrous fires at the home called Shadwell in 1770 & at the Library of Congress in 1851. 78. (Season 28, Game 38 — Nov. 9, 2011) French History. She said, “I told my plans to no one. I was not killing a man, but a wild beast that was devouring the French people.” 79. (Season 28, Game 41 — Nov. 14, 2011) The Presidential Cabinet. 7 women have been the Secretary of this, the most for any department in the President’s Cabinet. * 80. (Season 33, Game 106 — Feb. 6, 2017) Mythological Names. With depths of up to 30,000′, ocean trenches make up a zone named for this brother of Poseidon & his domain. *
  4. Only if you knew he had any brothers at all. It was news to me. I did get saddle shoes (I named a dog that once, his sister was Penny Loafer), medicine man and The Planets, the last one thanks to a discussion here plus the show has used it before.
  5. Gah, you mean it's another year starting today? What the heck. Not sure I can take another one. But thanks for the good wishes above! (signed) Debbie Downer
  6. If you go back some pages, you will see my post naming her and being not impressed by her being overwhelmed by Primavera. But obviously it worked for her. Not for me. I fancied (and still fancy) Caravaggio. He is a dark painter who might appeal to you, @Clanstarling. I was thrilled to see some of his work IRL at the Art Museum of Chicago. Slides in art history class or pictures in a book/online do not do his work justice. They are truly overwhelming and masterful. But if someone wants to send me to the Uffizi Gallery, I'll do a comparison.
  7. I was intrigued by Tom Nissley wanting to become a full-time author with his Jeopardy! winnings. So I checked, and this is what Wikipedia says about him: "Tom Nissley is an eight-time champion on Jeopardy! and former Amazon books editor. He holds a PhD in English literature and has written for the Paris Review Daily, The Millions, and The Stranger. He lives in Seattle where he owns Phinney Books." He's published two book as author. I wonder if Ken Jennings frequents Phinney Books. I really like Roger Craig, watching his hands was wonderfully peaceful. I keep thinking he's a football player though. (I know, that's the OTHER one.) I got a laugh that he held the highest daily winnings when AT was talking about maybe Roger could do that today. Too funny. I also remember him from the Battle of the Decades where his team finished third. His gutsy confidence in those DD bets today really earned him my highest admiration. Dude rocks. The only TS I got was silk, and again, no FJ for me. Watching today made me feel like a drooling moron who should be living in a cardboard box under an overpass somewhere, not fit to exist among people who actually are smart.
  8. I've seen all the Bond movies, and Ms. Galore was the name waiting in my brain for the clue that never arrived. Maybe the Bush twins answer got ruined by the player naming Barbara. Then he had to finish with a second name. There could be no pack pedaling to "Bush Twins" once he did that. He probably relives that moment whenever he tunes in the Today Show. Yeah, about the "all in" move: Everyone ranks on James for that and players who do it now are said to be copying him. Even AT brings it up. And all those who did it before are lost for eternity. I figure there are dozens of former players who watched James and everyone making a big deal out of his all-in push — they all are yelling "I did it first" at their teevees.
  9. Yes! Although I believe you mean "Cam-mooo." I'm familiar with the painting of a dead Marat in his tub, but never gave a thought to who he was or who might have murdered him, much less that it was a woman I've never heard of. I was wondering at the value of those costumes, especially Caruso's robe from 1902. I guess AT was given special privileges to put them on for the show? AT always said how much he loved opera so this was a very special episode and category for him.
  10. I actually got a couple, which amazed me to no end.
  11. Well I got some TSs. Republican, bronze, Calypso and St. Joseph. I've been to St. Joe many times so that one was easy for me. As was the Missouri category as I sold my nine-acre "estate" there last year. However, I'm not surprised no one got AT's "nyet nyet nyet" for Moe/MO since Curly was the Stooge who said that. Yes, big Stooge fan here! I also got Frank Gehry as the Bilbao museum architect since I absolutely HATE every building that man has designed. If I think it's ugly, it's Gehry's. I had no idea there is a Flightless Cormorant. So while I am familiar with the regular old cormorant, that was a stumper for me, too. Friends went to the Galapagos a few years ago and said it was the best trip they had ever been on. It would be a dream trip for me. FJ was Ben Franklin for me based on all-the-books thing. Didn't know Thomas had a bigger library than Ben.
  12. Thanks @M. Darcy. There must be pollen blowing around this room because I had to blow my nose a lot reading that EW article.
  13. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta quit copying off of other posters and actually read posts. I know, what a novel idea!
  14. On TheJeopardyFan.com, the answer was given as (Grand) Poo-Bah. Maybe because Alex said it? I wonder if a player wrote Poobah without the hyphen, it would have been incorrect. (Because that's what I wrote, having forgotten the hyphen part of the clue.)
  15. While you guys are watching smart programs on Sunday morning, I'm watching old George Reeves Superman episodes. Says a lot about me, doesn't it.
  16. Interesting discussion on Shelly's Juan vs. every Spanish-speaking person's Juan. I guess the Jew-ann pronunciation is because of Shelly's forced rhyming (Thanks fisher) since I'm not aware of recordings from Shelly's time. But then, there are a lot of things I'm not aware of, as most of you know.
  17. Once again I have the honor of presenting the Winners of Week 15. Yes, plural winners once again. This week we shine the spotlight on the two, two, two high scorers for the week, @M. Darcy and @PBnJay, both topped the score sheet with a 4. I know, I know, it's not a 5, but like Billy Wilder said, "Nobody is perfect." And these two were as close to perfect as possible in that tough week. Congratulations you two. Enjoy your notoriety and don't let it go to your heads. Well, that's okay if it does, at least a little bit. Happy Early New Year to all FJ Contest players. Take it easy and live to score big in the New Year.
  18. Clarabelle was played by a man, but the clue says Match Game's Clara was female. As for not-so-smart Brett Somers ... that's a name I haven't heard since ... the 70s! Joel McHale would have corrected her about Clara/Clarabelle if he had been on that panel. Or born yet. I feel your frustration, PW.
  19. I know. I've gotten used to him saying Don Jew-Ann over the years, but if I hadn't seen the written clue I wouldn't have any idea, even after all the times I've heard AT say it that way. I don't have any idea of the correct way to say it, but I suppose I'd have to go with the Jeopardy way. My friends would hate me if I said Don Jew-Ann though.
  20. It looks like AT is walking through a time portal when he enters the set at the beginning of the show. In a way, he is. It's probably just me (of course it is), but CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS as one of the color categories made me uncomfortable. Based on one of the interviews, is Walter Reed due to close? This was taped in 2009 and it's still open as far as I know. And another interview ... I have two friends who do cowboy shooting, one in California, one in Iowa. I don't do cowboy shooting but I do do (heh, "do do") varmint shooting. I question the player getting an okay for his answer of Democratic Republic of THE Congo for DRC. Especially since he put the "the" in the middle of all the words. Two TSs: Receptor and peach. And FJ was easy for me. Perhaps because I watched The Flintstones as a kid. Grand Poobah just became part of my vocabulary.
  21. I'm with you. My weekly movie was a highlight of my life. When I lived in town and theaters weren't an hour's drive away, I would typically see three to four movies a week, sometimes more. I love the theater, everything about it. (Except when some jerk sat in the seat right next to me in a nearly empty theater, one where you had to reserve your seat so he knew mine was taken. He did move one seat away after I gave him an earful, and not in a nice way.) I'm not able to stream movies like you fancy rich people, and I even stopped renting movie DVDs from the library since, while I think the local one might be open now, I am not comfortable going in any place these days.
  22. For anyone who enjoys old-time radio, Chicago's WGN ran old radio shows Christmas Eve and all day yesterday. The fellow who does the rebroadcasts is offering a free download of five shows from his website here: https://100radioshows.com/ I got them last night, and they are excellent quality and lots of fun listening. You can download to your HD or play them from the link. He is also offering 70 percent off packages of 100 shows (each are 50 hours), so each package (different themes) would only be $30. Not sure how long the bargains and free downloads will last. I personally love these old shows. Merry Christmas gifting from Saber (and Chicago radio)!
  23. I found his statement about thinking American show winners get taxed by federal and state and other entities to be interesting. I wonder/guess in Britain game-show winners get to keep all they win. Wouldn't that be nice here? I always figure someone takes home a bit more than half of what they win, so if one wins $10,000, that person really only gets about $6,000. The government made a bundle off of Ken, Brad and James. I looked it up and I think the show was from 2013. But don't quote me, I've already tossed my note about it.
  24. It would have been a good one for a New Yorker as Alex was at Niagara Falls. I was lucky it was not preempted here as that station ran local choirs singing Christmas carols all day, then stopped for Jeopardy and local news. Yeay. Even though it was an old rerun, it won't be rerun. Just skipped in the lineup.
  25. Yeah, all that info in nice, but I was making a cheap shot about the long coat covering up the main reason some viewers are interested in checking out and discussing men's pants. *ahem* Josh Randall never wore a frock coat over his stretchy pants, thank you very much, show.
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