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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. "Not stopping at the bottom of her dress line." WTH dude. What a dumbass.
  2. Well, he IS a model you know. Maybe Sears gave him that outfit after his photo shoot.
  3. LOL at Matt wearing @TheFinalRose's turtleneck. Such a dork.
  4. I know this show is all scripted, but she already had a rose and those stupid RCs last all night, people leave in broad daylight when the cocktail parties were at night. And she didn't LITERALLY faint (ha ha), she just got woozy. I would too, standing for hours and hours in heels, staring at the doofus Matt.
  5. I'm voting both of those are facts. Marylynn, you are the lucky one not getting a rose so you can get away from Matt, who is climbing my list to the top of Worst Bachelors Evah.
  6. One of my reasons for being is to make Contest players feel better. I didn't know if the current queen is Elizabeth I, II, III or IV, so I just pulled Truman out of the air so I'd have an answer. I had a 1 in 44 chance of being correct.
  7. WEEK 18 • Jan. 11, 2021 — NO asterisk ** 86. 1960s Songs. The name of this title song from a 1964 movie can be translated from Spanish as “Long Live the Meadows.” 87. Famous Animals. When she first came to the world’s attention in 1957, she was dubbed “Muttnik” by U.S. journalists. 88. World Geography. The Oyapock river forms part of Brazil’s 400-mile border with the territory of this European country. 89. Children's Books. This 1969 book was first printed in Japan because no U.S. company would then make a book with so many holes in the pages. 90. Queen Elizabeth II. Of the last 12 sitting U.S. presidents, the only one Elizabeth never met; she had her youngest child 3 months into his presidency.
  8. Didn't he ask Sarah at the end if she came up with that comment on her own, and she said no. I thought that was pretty funny on James' part. But maybe that repartee was scripted too. Either way, I love this show.
  9. I hate when that happens. I had no guess for Thursday's FJ, even though my college major was illustration with emphasis on children's book illustration. I can take comfort in the fact the champ, an illustrator, didn't get it either. I'll bet she knows all the Maurice Sendak books though. I do know many children's books are printed in Japan, they are not in the niche of American printers, and print buyers can get good prices there. Not that that helped me answer the clue. I laughed about the guy with the horse hooves, especially since his last name is the name of my county and I see horses outside my window. I also instantly knew Secretariat, I watched all his races, took breaks from riding my own horse to come inside to the tv.
  10. Maybe, but he sure tried to kill his girlfriend by tipping that ATV over on her. If that's his best behavior, I don't want to see what he's like when he's not trying to impress a woman. Or when he's tired of his wife "nagging" him to take out the garbage when he'd rather be swiping on Tinder. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't come over well in writing. Plus Matt didn't shut down QV, adding to my disappointment in him.
  11. I agree about Sarah's hair, I really liked it. Great to see a woman not having skanky hair extensions down to there, parted in the middle. Yes, I watch The Bachelor! I like this show so much, I watched the rerun last night with Ken. I was pumped about James being on. As I posted before, I like the three Jeopardy guys being on the same team instead of competing against each other. It's fun to see them in this different role. The three players were pretty good. The woman was golden though. I was rooting for James to beat them, then felt badly at the end when he did and the two went home with nothing. I hope they at least got their parking validated. Brad is super quiet in the viewing room, but I thought Ken (and when he got Brad to talk) made some interesting comments. Big fan of Ken's shirt, tie and pullover sweater. Looking forward to Brad's spin as Chaser next week. This is my new favorite show, it's not dumbed down so it's challenging for viewers too. And I think Sarah is doing a great job as host.
  12. I burst into laughter when Teri held up the million-dollar tag and Pat said "It's real and it's spectacular." Then later he had to explain the line, which ruined it for me. Either you're a Seinfeld fan or you're not. He should have kept it a private joke. That line is as iconic as "I'm out!" This episode was really fun, but I too was surprised Drew didn't know Production Company. Seems like he missed some other easy one too, or at least I thought it was easy. I thought Teri might be irritating with her OTT antics, but I still liked her by the end of the hour. I thought all the players were good and worked well together. It was nice that Crissy got extra money for her charity. Good on Wheel TPTBs for supporting charities and letting viewers have fun watching. I want to thank @Kromm for making me pay WAY too much attention to Vanna, on this show and the nightly regular version. So thanks a lot, Kromm. NOT! Heh.
  13. PW, I instantly answered French Guiana and I was wrong because the question asked for this European country, not the name of the territory that borders Brazil. Someone posted on TJF.com that he quickly said French Guiana too, and added that was a good lesson about actually READING the clue before answering. So often my brain only absorbs part of those Jeopardy clues. If any parts at all!
  14. Oh, man, she hosted the nightly Wheel when Pat was off and hokey smokes, she was dreck, painful to watch. It really made me appreciate Pat and his skills. So yeah, you have a point. I guess Vanna's just window dressing. I should be offended by her non-role but for some reason just can't get worked up about it. LOL! I don't know what's wrong with me! I hope tomorrow night's celebrities are better than last week's. That was an exhausting show.
  15. I've never seen this show before, first time I heard about it is when James was on Jeopardy and I read he had beat The Beast on The Chase, which was a high honor. I LOVED the first episode and am really pumped about the second one tomorrow night. I think James is going to be the chaser. I like that James, Brad and Ken are all on the same team so to speak. I also thought the questions on episode one were pretty high end, which I appreciated. I like to learn from these trivia shows, not think I'm smart because I answered some easy peasy question. Can't wait! See ya'll after tomorrow night's episode.
  16. I was with the player who wrote "that Russian dog." I had to look up the dog's name. Where I also discovered the dog died a horrible death in that space capsule, this revealed decades after the original story that the dog just drifted peacefully off to sleep and never woke up. You're welcome for that agonizing tidbit. I also learned the dog's name is pronounced like the camera. So if you spelled it Leica, you would have been golden!
  17. Not a problem. Forums were down for me last night for a while too. There will be another tough decision for winner of next week (well, technically this week) as the contest currently has several standouts. But PW's first asterisk was a very special event!
  18. It's Tuesday and Time to pay Tribute to the Trooper who Topped Week 17's FJ Contest. And that person is none other than our friend, @Prevailing Wind. PW is a long-time player, first-time asterisk getter. Yes, that's correct folks. PW scored one of those very special stars this week, making it very VERY special indeed. So congrats PW. Long may those little stars shine on your FJ Contest scores. [applause, applause!]
  19. I had forgotten all about the dildo. So THANKS A LOT for reminding me. LOL!
  20. It was smart to vote Jack off (wow, don't read that sentence out loud) but I thought John -- was that his name? -- did well and I was glad he won the money. It would have been fun to see a Jack vs. John final that kept going and going and going. I was rooting for Emilio too. I really liked him. I thought all the players were pretty good on this episode. About @iMonrey's question ... I'd say the show has the time down so a chain can't start over if it ever reaches the top. While Jane makes fun of the piddly money amounts, and I'm sure they are to her, going home with more than $80,000 (about $50,000 actual money after taxes) is a pretty good day's work IMO. I wouldn't turn it down. But yeah, it's barely lunch money for Jane. Does anyone know the max amount of banked money in the original show? Since the contestant pool isn't the strongest right now, I'd hesitate to let a chain get too long on this version.
  21. Maybe that's true, but from reading here I'd say ALL THE VIEWERS really hate Victoria. About her eyes ... didn't a promo show a fist fight during the wedding-dress-paint-throwing contest? They do like to show us teasers that are never shown on the episode. Thank you @rebel2u. Monday nights posting here is the highlight of my week. (Which shows you how sad my life is.) But seriously, you guy are so fun. And special thanks to @JenE4 for starting this thread.
  22. That was Sarah of the sick father. I suspect having those RCs last all night until 7-8 a.m. is a little much. But why have her sit on the floor when a couch is right there? So no one can see her? Fake or real? Show needed another ambulance ride for drama? Tune in next week to find out!
  23. Well, I guess we all know Victoria gets a rose. Like we didn't all know it anyway.
  24. Well, I guess we should be grateful she's even wearing a bra. *coughTayishacough*
  25. You could also just remove the word "dress" from that sentence and it would work too.
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