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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm happy for how well everyone has done this week. I actually thought it was a Bizarro Week since I did the best I've done since Week 10, which left me pretty gobsmacked. With one zero and the rest 1s and 2s, I scored my third 3 this season. I almost ALMOST got a 4, which could have made my head explode. For the motel clue, I right away thought Motel 6, that's where a lot of dog-show people stay because we can use AKC's corporate discount. But I remember WAY back, I met a friend at the first motel in my town, a Super 8, and I asked why it was named that and was told the rooms were $8. I thought maybe Motel 6 came later. There wasn't one in my town for many years. The capitol city clue confused me. I thought it was asking for a town that was capitol first in that state, then the capitol got moved to a city 100 miles away, same state, a state that had lots of mining. So, because Montana's motto is oro y plata, I went with Butte and Helena. I know ... not even close. But hey, I scored a 3 this week, so I'm not totally brain dead. Yet. I send a big GOOD FOR YOU to all contest players.
  2. WEEK 19 • Jan. 18, 2021 — NO asterisk ** 91. Movie Settings. In 2017 this New York City luxury store opened its first café, with truffle eggs, waffles & croissants on the menu. 92. The Business Of Travel. Adjusted for inflation, the nightly rate this company put in its name in 1962 is now $51. 93. The Western U.S. About 100 miles apart, they were made state capitals 10 years apart in 1854 & 1864 & both grew rapidly due to precious metals. 94. British Writers. When Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days in 1926, this British fellow writer tried to find her with the help of a spiritual medium. 95. Statues. Statues honoring this man who was killed in 1779 can be found in Waimea, Kauai & in Whitby, England.
  3. To lighten the mood around here a bit, does anyone know what's black and white and sings? That's Huey Lewis and the Newspapers. Because Jeopardy likes to have clues about the Knights of the Round Table (play along with me), does anyone know who is the fattest knight? That would be Sir Cumference. I know some of you are missing the adventures of Dung Beetle, so here's a fact about Dung Beetle Junior. Do you know how he gets to class every day? He takes the stool bus. Does anyone know what's black and white and sings? Yes, there's Huey and his band, but what about Oreo Speedwagon? I'll be here (in this thread anyway) all week. Don't forget to tip your waiters.
  4. Great post @jade.black. When Sarah went to say good bye to Matt, I was taken out of the moment by wondering about the camera people. Or person. First we see Sarah knocking on Matt's door. Next scene, we are inside Matt's room, watching him from the back open his door. Was there a camera person waiting there with Matt? And when Matt opened the door, I was looking for the camera person who was filming Sarah from the back. Are these guys just good with keeping out of the frame, or was there just one camera operator? I could imagine Sarah being told to knock on the door. Got that take. Then the camera person goes into Matt's room and has Matt open the door so that part could be spliced in. Then back outside to film Sarah walking through Matt's door. Or, that last one was filmed first, then spliced in in the correct order. I didn't even hear what Sarah said to Matt because I was concentrating on how those scenes were fake filmed, not listening to the Sarah/Matt script.
  5. Now that everyone is here, it's time to unveil the most obvious winner of Week 18. Look over and up and you will see, standing on top of the FJ Contest podium, none other than @bybrandy, celebrating a PERFECT WEEK for the first time. The Contest Master even had a special medallion made to commemorate this historic event. Please accept this medal on behalf of all the other contest players and Saber. Congratulations on your glowing achievement. May you have many more. Now be careful because the air up there is rarefied and we don't want you to get dizzy!
  6. @Rainsong, you'd better order a dozen more vases because you are getting all my roses too. Your posts are the best, and one of the main reasons to read here. @chocolatine, you are getting roses too because your fish picture made me LOL and I kept laughing for an extended time. It was a nice way to start my morning, so thank you. The photo is perfect, and I can see Matt in it. Ladies, just imagine those romantic lips coming your way. Suction cup alert! ETA: I just scrolled past the fish picture and started laughing again.
  7. I think it's the new "the thing" since they did the same with Tayisha. Dude with the mustache was in the second group and caused drah-mah. I've already forgotten his name. Maybe they brought all the new guys in for Clare, not that it matters. I've already forgotten that entire season.
  8. Geesh, even the ending credits scene, usually the best part of the whole show, stunk. This was one of the worse Bach episodes EVAH.
  9. At least Sarah gets to throw some shade at the beyotches in the house before she leaves. So when Matt chooses no one at the end of this, he can always call Sarah.* Nice set up, show. (*Not a spoiler, just snark.)
  10. "The Bachelor - Sarah" is currently trending on Twitter.
  11. LOL! Now that you mention it ... I try not to type "crap" so have been using carp instead. Because I'm so pristine, right?
  12. Now Fashion Matt is wearing a suit with tennis shoes. Form your own opinion. Matt: "I wasn't going to casually date anyone, I was only going to date someone I was going to marry." So in other words, he's never dated ever. No wonder dude is such a carp bachelor. I also take it he has/had no money to date. Someone needs to ask him about his income now since I don't think he has any.
  13. WTH, a Polaroid camera? Geesh. It must have come from the 70s with the turtlenecks.
  14. LOL at CH's commercial for Orbit: "If you want a great date, you've got to keep it clean." Like naked volleyball and reading porno out loud to a room full of people.
  15. She should have brought her little friend to the porno book reading! Serena took fashion advice from Matt and is wearing HER turtleneck on the date! It's a win-win!
  16. I totally caught that. SO funny.
  17. I've had horses my whole life and still do. No way would I ever sit on the ground and let a donkey stand over me. So far, the dates SUCK. But then so does Matt. He looks like a giant suction cup when he kisses. I can't even watch.
  18. WOW, Sarah refused to let Matt be stolen! The NERVE! And she's not even on the date. Rules are being shattered. Matt's "walking Sarah out." That usually means a limo is waiting, packed suitcase inside. But I guess not tonight. My apologies to @JenE4 for questioning her evaluation of Sarah. I was actually hoping Sarah was normal, but no, I guess not. Gah. This show. Hey, now QV is wearing a bedspread ruffle dress!
  19. Okay, so I guess Sarah is turning into the scripted whacko. And there was me, defending her upthread. I should know better. I guess anyone can just go crash the dates now?
  20. And viewers get 20 minutes of bleep bleep bleep and some more bleep. TERRIBLE excuse for a "date."
  21. He also probably isn't wearing a turtleneck to cover up his own flabby turtle neck, which is why I wear them. So dude just has no fashion sense. Unless t-necks are back in now, along with high-water pants and no socks with dress shoes.
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