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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh yeah, that's right. Sis will learn about that watching this series. I hope Ben broke it to her so she didn't have to learn about it when the rest of America did. I think TPTB wanted to get the heat off during the BLM demonstrations. They've been under fire for a while over no AA bachelor.
  2. Please, that's Tayshia you're talking about. She's all about the emotional dumpage, that's all she wants from each of these poor guys. (While giving nothing back.) Ben's the lucky one.
  3. I found the answer of Disneyland in the Whiskers category interesting due to the convo here about Disney not hiring fellows with facial hair. Just proves that our side discussions are learning events. Never know when you're gonna need those tidbits of info shared here. Finally, another FJ category up my alley since magazines are my profession. I knew the answer instantly although I swear she had someone else on the cover once, or maybe someone with her on the cover. But yeay for me, still at the Table For One! At least so far anyway.
  4. T put SO MUCH TIME into Ben and he couldn't even show any emotion when she kicked his ass to the curb. Ben, you ungrateful POS. And T ... What a bee-yotch. But I guess it IS all about you though, isn't it.
  5. Now T is all pissed that Ben didn't cry or get mad or beg her to take him back. Get over yourself girl.
  6. Now Ben is going to mope because he didn't tell her he loves her like he was suppose to. And he'll stop and get a bunch of ice cream and See's candy on the way home and pig out before he stops at In And Out for a five pack of burgers and fries to eat before he stops for dinner. Actually, I think Ben is a little bit relieved.
  7. Holy cats, Ivan got a rose. That means Ben is going home?
  8. And ... Ben just said he's uncomfortable. You nailed it!
  9. I guess everyone got notice that this was a jeans night.
  10. Ben's black scoop-neck girlie t is back for the Meet The Parents date! That must be his fav top of all times.
  11. That's never stopped b-ettes in the past.
  12. He's too young for me too, but he's my pick for me. I even like the tatted brother.
  13. Who is Tsushima? I'm missing something ... Oooh, Ben's dad is a doctor.
  14. I thought his choice of words was interesting and pretty elevated. I'd like to know more about him. He's rather well spoken, an oddity in this franchise. I found him interesting. Post Malone has facial tats, as do a bunch of rappers. The tear drop is straight out of Oz though (prison tv show). So Ivan is the only one who doesn't get The Handshake. Oh well. At least he isn't wearing a scoop neck on the skate date.
  15. Okay, this made me burst out laughing. I woke up my dog. I thank you. (My dog does not.)
  16. I tried that in Vegas over and over and ended up walking from UNLV to the Strip.
  17. T's dress to meet Ivan's parents = Music Man's Grecian Urn dress. This one does not approve or think that's a Meet The Parents dress.
  18. Him being Zac. Yeah, their kiss was totally into each other too.
  19. T looks SO much better in that tank top clear to the neck. I wondered about her cleavage reveal to Zac's family. You're my posting twin. I kept having to edit my above posts to change Zac to Brandan. Ivan has a good job. I might kinda sorta lean toward him. Plus those whatever they were they made looked good. I haven't had anything but my crummy home cooking for almost a year now.
  20. Yes, but it's a "dry heat." As we like to say here in the Midwest, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Just kidding of course. Hot is HOT. The above is a joke, son, a joke. But if it were 115F with 90-percent humidity, they would be dead by now. Uh-oh. No Handshake for Ivan. Bye Ivan. Nice knowin' ya.
  21. I know. Someone give the poor guy a sweat rag. Something. Anything. OMG! Beatrice said "Let's have a cheers." GAH.
  22. LOL! Yeah, like I said, Dominos thin crust = dried out cracker. Ha ha! The show did do a lot of work getting all those Hollywood movie props for these fake HTs.
  23. That was no New York slice. New York slices fold over. That was a Dominos thin crust.
  24. Zac gets The Bachelor Handshake. Did Brendan? I missed it if he did.
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