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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. @theartandsound, "Look away, I'm hideous" is one of my favorite quotes. I use it often regarding my own appearance, and I'm not making that up. True story.
  2. While I admit I was all WTH, this is vintage? when I saw Adam Driver was the repeat, I was pumped because I love me some Adam Driver. I liked his monologue, and the Kylo Ren Undercover Boss is at the top of my favorite sketches list. But then the rest of the episode came on ... I guess I had blocked all of that since I hated every single bit after Kylo Ren. Oh well.. On to next week I guess.
  3. I'm with @Grundoon59 about the Andorra-being-real-or-imaginary thing. I picked imaginary. Hugs to Grundoon and everyone else thinking of and missing their mothers today. ***HUGS***
  4. I laughed out loud several times during the monologue and liked all of the sketches. I thought Elon was tops, and he delivered lines better than other hosts who have been wooden and stare at the cue cards while re-ad-ing-them-so-slow-ly. I very much enjoyed this episode. A lot. One of my favs of the season. Got a big laugh out of the "What is a dogecoin" segment. Blockchain, baby! Also really liked GenZ Hospital, bruh. Elon was in pretty much all the sketches, which was cool. Speaking of "cool," I was happy to see Miley doing both sets fully dressed, top to toes. I say this after watching the repeat that had Halsey, who I love, in some sort of corset that made me spend her entire song staring at her crotch and ass (and also scoping out the back-up dancer's cheeks) and not hearing the song at all. And dude, I'm a straight female. So, kudos Miley.
  5. I didn't think of that but yeah, I really liked the Sia dog. I just forgot who was the groomer. Although my thinking is the winner has already been decided. I thought the mom and son groomers were the best throughout, but I was almost positive they wouldn't win because they are normal people with no story or hook. So while I didn't think they should go home, I was not surprised they did. The complaint about the judges and everything else being shown more than the dogs is the same complaint I have about every reality competition show. American's Got Talent, To Tell the Truth, World of Dance ... ALL of them cut repeatedly to the judges and audiences while a performance is happening, even when the performance is less than one minute. So it's in the script that Pooch Perfect has to do the same thing, I guess because the judges are being paid to be there so lots of screen time is in their contracts. Thinking about the Bob Ross dog ... While the groomer did a nice job turning the dog's head into Shirley Temple curls and the dog looked cool, Bob Ross had a 'fro. I would have washed the dog's head and blown the hair out straight, then sprayed it up and trimmed it into a full-on Afro. That would have been easy to do, just like doing a Poodle in a Continental clip. Like so:
  6. Sad news that the Obama's Portie Bo passed away today. Nice article, the family paying tribute to one of their own. Bo passes away.
  7. @Ailianna, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is like losing a family member, and in some cases, worse. It takes time to get over, if one ever does. But think about the happy times you shared and the good memories, and knowing your pet had a great life. **HUGS** to you. Work usually does s*ck, which, I guess, is why it's called work. I hope the sun comes out for you this week and you get a few days of bright sunshine, inside and out.
  8. I wondered if Martin would have rathered be back in his cell than captured by CZJ 'cuz that knocking could have been heard by anyone. I guess we'll find out next week ... maybe!
  9. I'm still irritated that the fireflighters standing around on top of the bridge didn't send a third person down on a cable to attach holding straps to that truck. They had enough time to run four or five straps while Marjan and the other firefighter chatted up the truck occupants while trying to extract them. I'll have to blame Owen for that oversight. Even though he wasn't even there.
  10. LOL! It's called multi-tasking and is a real skill. One more to be added to Lizzie's mad skilz set.
  11. Me: You: "I said James VI." I have fixed my dyslexic "IV" in the above post. The correct answers for Friday are James, James I and James VI. James IV would be incorrect. I already know I'm a half-witted idiot, so I just said "James" for my FJ answer. @Ailianna, I hope your coming week is better and things go well. Sorry to hear about a crummy last week ... at least that's in the past now, right?
  12. WEEK 34 • May 3, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 166. 19th Century Americans. His book “An Overland Journey from New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859” shows he heeded his own famous advice. 167. World Literature. This 1970s memoir told of harsh places that metaphorically were like an island chain “from the Bering Strait almost to the Bosporus.” 168. Classic Albums. The title of this huge hit 1977 album was the idea of the bass player, who specified it should be spelled the British way. *169. Countries' National Anthems. With words written by a Bishop of Urgell, its anthem praises Charlemagne & says it “was born a princess…between two nations.” * 170. Shakespeare & History. Macbeth has a vision of a line of 8 Scottish kings, the 8th holding a mirror to reflect this 9th in line who may have been in the audience.
  13. Friday's answer was King James (James I of England, James VI of Scotland). Being half Scottish, I got it easily with a little help from Diana Gabaldon and those Jacobites. Just assuming you said James VI for Friday. If you said George or King Mike, then no extra point for you. Let me know for sure.
  14. I was browsing museum sculptures and came across this one that should be recognized by at least one poster here. Your mom is looking for you!
  15. Here is an interesting NY Times article about the guest hosts.
  16. So is Marjan on SM to make money by getting a ton load of followers/likes and shilling product? Or is it a personal pride thing. Either way, especially since she's so sensitive to the haters who live on SM, she needs to shut down all her SM accounts or at least make them private. She can make her Tik Tok vids for friends and family if they are that important to her. That will save her sensitive ego from people who say what they think about her self-important dumbass. There is life outside SM.
  17. Get six albums for just one penny!
  18. I'm pretty sure the phone was the one in the Whitley basement that we learned about in season 1. I questioned then why no one knew there was a working phone down there and who was paying the phone company. Besides the plane thing, my other problem with the writers of this episode is, do none of them know bowling alleys are coated with oil and are super slick. If you cross the black line, you are pretty sure to fall on your butt. Yet the scenes with Bowling Pete, they were all over those lanes and nothing. I was waiting -- and wishing -- for them all to fall down, Three-Stooges style. While I'm not a pilot or pilot's kid, I live in farm country and am well-familiar with crop dusters and tractors. A crop-dusting company is just a couple miles from my house so there are often fly overs. I've photographed the dusters, they fly low enough that I can shoot straight into them as they go past. No telephoto lens needed! Orchard-model tractors have full wheel coverings to keep the big tires from accidentally damaging trees or other fruit producing plants. Pretty much all the tractor companies make orchard models.
  19. Oh, man, Carol King. Gold star for you, even if it wasn't the FJ answer. Carol, Joni and Stevie (Wonder) provided the background music for my misspent youth. So did Stevie (Nicks), but I never paid attention to song names or album titles. I would tank immediately on Name That Tune. So yeah no, I did not even have a guess for FJ, even though that album is in a box somewhere around here. @BuckeyeLou, did you get the Ohio TS? I spent a lot of time in Delaware when I lived in Columbus.
  20. I'd forgotten the crop-dusting thing. I don't know what kind of plane that was in the barn, but crop dusters are all painted bright yellow and while some are single wing planes, like the Air Tractor, many are biplanes. A duster needs to fly low and slow. The fields around me are dusted every year, and the planes circle over my house, barely high enough to clear the trees, and they are LOUD baby, LOUD. You don't sleep through a dusting. When actually dusting, they fly low enough I can wave to the pilot. Orchards are sprayed from tanks either mounted on a tractor or pulled by a tractor. They are not sprayed by air. There are special orchard-model tractors. Not that I expect any Hollywood writer to know this or actually use the internet to research something before they write something stupid.
  21. I interpreted that as Bryan remembering the different time loops and he was relieved to be back FINALLY with Finola, so now he loves, not likes, the ocean since those ocean dives is how they got back as they were suppose to be. I thought he could remember since he and Shelby were able to communicate across time to Finola and Kathleen. JMHO of course! I'd like to see Shelby and Kathleen again too. I wonder if their parents are still in Europe. Ha ha!
  22. LOL. No kidding. Grave digging by hand goes on in all tv dramas and every one of those characters can dig straight down with perfect 90-degree-angle corners. That would have been hilarious if the two boys decided to duke it out with shovels. Maybe Mom set up an off-shore account for Ronald so he would have plenty of cash in case she died. Not that Ronald ever gave her any indication EVER that her time was short.
  23. Alex said it a lot and it bothered me every time as I took it as his way of saying "You other two players are moronic dumbass idiots and you don't have a chance. Have fun driving home with nothing, losers." I'm glad the guest hosts are not pointing out the obvious, thereby sparing the feelings of two players who had their hopes dashed. They know they aren't winning, let them leave with some dignity and a bit of pride that they at least made it onto the show.
  24. Oh, but if you lean on the podium you will be raked over burning coals by posters in this thread and be forever damned.
  25. Thanks. I really need to pay more attention.
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