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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, the coin-toss thing could just be metaphorically speaking. It pretty much means nothing to me, except to create DRAH-MAH at WTA.* Whoa! The new B-ette hasn't even been announced yet and already you have her engaged and almost married? Slow down! Plus, you know a wedding (almost) never happens. Canada was okay taking all the U.S. draft dodgers. I think they'd take in the B-ette F1. As long as he doesn't have Chris's DUIs. *ETA: Alapaki beat me to it and said it much better. Kudos!
  2. Nooooooo! Bugs, say it ain't so! I was all for Britt to be next b-ette because I'm sick of Fleiss making women with no boob implants, painted-on faces, slicer fingernails and botoxed faces feel less than worthy. But whatever. Maybe she'll have a Truth or Dare and make the men drop trow, or make them walk down an LA freeway wearing Speedos. So there's that to (maybe, but probably not) look forward to.
  3. Ha ha! Best post evah. I'm sure Kelsey has a Big Word for that kind of thinking. I know, right? She should have studied how this show works. Get to F1, make all the talk-show appearances, then get a front-row seat and mega close ups at DWTS, plus she could have acted in all those extra scenes of going to rehearsals with Chris and Witney ... it could have been her golden moment. Because actually getting married and actually moving anywhere away from Hollywood isn't going to happen anyway. You just ride out the "amazing journey," then go splitsville six months later. Which, BTW, will get you more tab coverage! Then you go to TB reunions and on BIP and get more tab coverage! It woulda been a win-win for you, Britt. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome makes people forget how TB really works. Britt did seem to lose her concentration there at the end.
  4. From Padma's link: Kimmel needed to bring a "crazy" dollar-per-word jar for Chris's private use. Everything is "crazy" to him. Although I do agree, the idea of his being TB and on DWTS is, indeed, "crazy."
  5. I hear you, JellyFish. I, too, hate monkeys although I am no way afraid of them. Monkeys just creep me out. So to be somewhere that wild ones are climbing all over people and stealing food out of their hands ... just no. I wouldn't let my domesticated dogs do that, I won't let some diseased flea-ridden wild beast do it. My first reaction would be to pick up a big stick and let those monks all know they'll "get it" if any approach or try to jump onto me. How many of those "It BIT me!" sentences were edited out this week? I hope everyone on TB crew got shots before they flew into that place. And yes, why Bali all of a sudden after spending all season in the U.S.? Like someone else said, Hawaii wasn't good enough? Or maybe Hawaii didn't want to fork over megabucks for ABC to film there and Bali did. So there's that.
  6. I saw that as the ending of Kaitlyn and the other two b-ettes doing their hugs and goodbyes. They were not shown, and we just got a glimpse of the ending of one, not one trying to begin, as Kaitlyn started her walk out. That was my take on it anyway. It's gonna be a long time before the three feet of snow and ice melt and the ground is warm enough to plow/plant after five solid months of -20 temps in Arlington. Chris will be long gone voted off DWTS by then, just in time to fire up that John Deere. Kaitlyn as the first EVAH! potty mouth b-ette! They can get all kinds of Disco Guys to sign up for her season. I'm in!
  7. You just described me, but I'd rather live LIKE Chris ... alone ... than WITH Chris. Man is just no prize that I've seen, and I was all about this season. I gotta ask ... when Chris/Whitney jumped into the water, did anyone else see the BALD SPOT on top of his head? That could explain why he always wears Ed Grimley hair, even when swimming/showering.
  8. 100 bonus points go to Kaitlin, the first b-ette (or b, for that matter) to think safety first and buckle up when getting into the Limo Ride of Shame. Gotta love girl for that! You rock, Kaitlin! Plus, there was no "Why, why, why, why am I always being rejected, why does no one ever love me" blah blah boring speech. Give her an extra 50 bonus points for that. Best exit since Love It Don't Come Easy Wes. "I saw a one-legged pigeon ..."
  9. So we had another week of Chris doing fun things BY HIMSELF just like he did in Deadwood, having all those period photos OF HIMSELF taken in different costumes. Then *yawn* he has to spend time with some woman. This week he got to roam all over Bali and do all sorts of things. Then *yawn* he was forced to spend time with some women. I'm thinking Chris is single mainly because he likes spending time with the one he loves most. He even said to one of the b-ettes that's how he spends time in Arlington. Can't wait to see those two women walking through the frozen Arctic tundra that is N.E. Iowa this winter. That will have to be The.Most.Dramatic.Episode.EVAH when they both say no way in HELL am I living here.
  10. My local newscaster (yes, the same one who went to interview Chris in Des Moines!) just talked about Chris being the "mystery" person on DWTS. They are waiting to announce because TB isn't over yet. (The news did not say that, those are my words.) Remember how Sean was the "mystery person" after his season, and he wasn't announced until after his F1 episode? Same deal here IMO. So, I'd say Chris S. is a lock. I used to be a huge DWTS fan but it lost me last season. However, I agree with Lulee, I'd watch Juan Pablo. An athlete AND he looks really, really good in shorts/shirtless. Because that's why we watch that show, right? (Sean was revealed to have no rhythm, which, IMO again, might have something to do with why he became a virgin ... rotten in bed.)
  11. Well, could those three dates be any more telling? Who got the best one out of these: 1. A date where you have diseased, flea- and lice-ridden wild monkeys jump on you, pee on you and bite you. 2. A date where some "fortune teller" answers your dumb questions with dumb stock answers, then you stand in ankle-deep water and kiss. 3. You spend the day on a yacht, sailing, having an elegant lunch on its deck, then go swimming in the Indian Ocean. Oh, I don't know ... NOT! It's pretty clear who Chris was working to impress. Becca, I can't get past her face. Her eyes are pitch black, like Dean Winchester's when he was a demon. And her mouth is in a constant downturn. We made fun of Andi being Grumpy Cat but Becca has it all over Andi on that account. Plus her mouth doesn't move when she talks, or something is weird when she speaks. It's really torturous to watch/listen to. All I could think of when Chris said he needed to check out "physical compatibility" on the FS dates was, if he came right from no FS with Andi to filming for this season, guy hasn't been laid for a while. Ryan Seacrest just said on his radio show that Becca did it perfectly when she told Chris. First, she says she has something really serious to tell him, then pauses so Chris imagines the worst, like she's a murderer. Then, when Becca finally just says she's a virgin, Chris is all relieved that the big news isn't something really horrible. So Becca wins that round. FINALLY, a rose ceremony where all the women looked beautiful, with no scraggly hair full of fake extensions down to their waist and rhinestone hooker dresses cut down to and up to there. Each looked lovely with hair done up gorgeously and complimentary colors so pretty on those exquisite wrap dresses. However, what happened to Chris H at the end? Poor Kaitlin didn't have anyone to tell her to say good bye and see ya at WTA. p.s. Kudos to Whitney for getting those roots touched up while you were home last week.
  12. I hope Becca isn't F1 because i had quite enough of BA Virgin Sean and the train locomotive sound effects that played while showing their wedding night room window from outside. Then all the unending Virgin/Wedding Night FIRST SEX! interviews. Let's NOT do that again. All the previews for tonight are about the Virgin Fantasy Suite Date and Chris's SHOCKED! look when Becca tells him, then his VO saying he needs to check things out to see if his women are physically "compatible." (I'm paraphrasing.) Just ... ick.
  13. Chris Soules is going to be on Ellen's show today, Monday, Feb. 23.
  14. Good catch with the song, Dowel. I didn't even pay attention since I know the song, so I did not think about the year/era it was from, which probably has all to do with whatever is in that case Red took. Right away, though, I thought the limo was '60s-era so I guess I got one part of the two-part clue. Did the JFK car have his presidential seal on it? I've watched that film over and over but don't remember seeing one. Doubt the storyline will go there (JFK), but it is an interesting sidebar.
  15. One thing about where Chris lives: Whitney could have moved in a month ago and no one would ever be the wiser. So there's that!
  16. While I sure don't go out of my way to see or listen to any Sean interviews, the ones I've seen with Catherine present, I get the feeling from her she's snarking on Sean, whatever she says about him gives me that vibe. I feel like she really cuts into him in private if she's sarcastic in front of the cameras. I'll watch any TB or TB-ette just so I can come here and read the snark, and join in when I can. It's a guilty pleasure! (And I hate it when couples actually get married. The nerve!)
  17. I hope Clark Middleton's role is recurring here, too. Didn't Red go visit him one other time, earlier in the year, or last season? His part wasn't so big then so I didn't notice him. I just remember Red going to the DMV, and not to get his license renewed.
  18. I'll keep watching in hopes the DMV guy comes back.
  19. Now that I think about it, she's done with him nine out of 10 episodes. Go figure.
  20. Wow, Torrance, you read Sean's book! I never liked him on Emily's season and my opinion hasn't changed since. And he is still working TB cash cow. But just no way could I even pick up/flip through that book. There's watching this show for the fun snark, then there's just ... no. Never. But good on you, and thanks for the report!
  21. Last week, Lizzie was all whiny about Red wasn't there for HER, to take care of HER, to watch over HER, to protect HER. This week she's all "I don't need you in my life, stay away from me." The heck? Yeah, why doesn't she transfer somewhere. Maybe some place that will comp her an apartment so she doesn't have to stay in the fleabag motel. You'd think Ressler or that other woman agent would let Lizzie sleep on their couch or something. What ever happened to the hot guy that Red sent to the motel to watch her?
  22. I caught Sean on Dish Nation last night where he said Arie was all set to be TB this season, and was even filmed telling his family he was going to be the next TB. Then, according to Sean, some new bigwigs came into power and nixed Arie to go instead with the "sure thing," which would be someone we all just saw (and, supposedly, fell in love with) and was fresh in our minds, Chris Soules. Because no one remembers Arie, right? Anyway, that's what Sean said about "his buddy" Arie and why Chris was made TB instead of Arie. (Someone else here posted a link to the video clip of that interview, I believe.) So if that is the mindset of TPTB (and we know it is!), I don't see this franchise ever straying from that, using one of this season's cast for next season's star. So, Dez Bryant needs to sign up to be one of TB-ette's men if he wants on the show. How cool would THAT be?
  23. This describes everywhere in the United States. Even those low-down, good-for-nothing flyover states. I can drive less than one hour from my isolated Midwestern farm and find each one of those things. It's not a big deal.
  24. I don't recall anywhere that Chris said he loves eating "slabs of carbs drenched in Aunt Jemima," and no Arlington residents were asked if they even HAVE a pancake feed there. Is there a link you can post? Maybe if you meant they just "love" living in/around Arlington, is there a link you can post for that? Kids who join the family business face all kinds of stress and trauma (I base this on all those Kitchen Nightmare family-restaurant episodes), and it's hard to walk away from family ties. Many people automatically stay or, after college, return to where they were born, or move back because of family or whatever reason. Sort of like salmon are programmed return to where they were hatched in order to spawn ... and die. Everyone lives somewhere. Whether they are happy in their own personal somewhere ... that's only something each of us as a single individual can answer. I do know that no one is happy all the time, wherever he or she lives.
  25. YES! I totally meant to say this myself. This character -- and actor -- are the best thing in this series by a long shot, for all of the above reasons.
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