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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Does "showboating" include Captain NBC's green wig and other costumes worn by other contestants? Like ER Doc's stethoscope and gold lamé outfit, the Spartan costume, the Tarzan loincloth ... the stuntwoman's yellow bird costume from two years ago. And countless others. Back-flipping off the warped wall is more entertainment and less showboating IMO than trying to catch teevee time with a silly costume. Although I guess it could get pretty boring for the audience, watching run after run fail for hours before the best people go at the end. Bottom line, if it keeps this show going, I'm for any and all showboating. Although I do like the guys who can complete the course fully clothed. THOSE are the really skilled ninjas IMO!
  2. Thank you Trey. Hoover Dam? (Too tired to look it up.)
  3. I missed today's show. What was FJ?
  4. Yes, but will they be using PADDLES or RACKETS? The cleaning clue ... I went through Bon Ami, no, Ajax, no, Comet, no ... BRILLO! Yes! Oh yeah, so I USED to clean a lot. The animal body parts category: I answered HANDS when the whale couldn't "have a V-8." They said answer was "forehead." Well, technically, a whale (depending on species) does have a forehead, a rise between the eyes, or above the eyes, but not a single one has HANDS to do the V-8 thing. It was a TS so it doesn't matter. To anyone but me.
  5. I barely caught a few minutes of this episode, just during commercial breaks during Ninja, and only when TBette wasn't breaking at the same time. But it appears by reading here that pretty much everyone feels the same way as I do about this season ... you are just still watching while I've switched sides to NBC. Reading here, I realized I would be hitting "Like" for just about every single post, so consider this my ONE BIG LIKE for all yous guys and your hilarious comments. Thanks! I really gotta try to see TMTA though. It better deliver what it promises. p.s. You do not call sheep to you by shaking a SCARY paper bag at them, you dumb*sses. Geesh.
  6. Yeah, like one of us. Well, although HelenBaby just did. Heh. I'm just noticing a lot of discrepancies lately on this show. Maybe they've always been there and I just never payed attention. Or cared. And yeah, that FJ pen quits when "time is up" so no one can write more.
  7. Agree with PepperMonkey, the Big Girls made me smile and laugh. I thought they were fun and very good. The one dancing guy I thought MIGHT make it to choreography on SYTYCD but not a lot further. The kissing therapist ... please. What an embarrassing waste of time, plus that beautiful woman was for sure a plant for Howard to send up on stage. I got a kick that NBC censors found it appropriate to blur the boob on the blow-up doll. Howard is the one judge I want to stay. Any of the other three can leave. Piers Morgan? NOOOooooo. Just NO.
  8. Or come visit me at my house ... heh. Would love to know what show he is working on now, and in the future. I'm there to watch, even if he isn't on camera. I wondered about the caiman not thrashing its tail, but maybe with its eyes covered, it wouldn't fight to get loose. Cover a horse's eyes and you can lead it anywhere it didn't want to go when it could see. He said he wanted to do that so he would think of it every time he went into a grocery store. I appreciated what he was saying. If everyone actually SAW how those pork chops and steaks got into those cellophane packages, our eating habits could change radically. It was about knowing where our food comes from and appreciating the source, and giving thanks for it. I wondered if the show ended early or didn't do a follow up like in UK because ratings were not that great? Or they were only granted X episodes so had to pack it all into the allowed amount of time. Would love to see a show of what those guys are doing now. I wonder if Jim b*tched out Dakota for making his living raising/selling pheasants that are used for hunting/killing/eating.
  9. To say nothing of Rosetta Stone, the foreign-language-teaching DVDs! I yelled foul at my tv when the champ was missing the last two and one half letters of Frankenstein so Trebek ruled her wrong. Others have gotten only a partial answer down and were correct, or they just scrawl down some doctor's signature and SAY what they wrote and they are give a correct. In the time allowed, not many "regular" people could print that word, it's so freaking long. I really felt bad for her. To go back a day, I've never even heard of a "noble gas" much less would be able to put one on a Scrabble board. I admit it. ETA: I have to say, I really notice now when only one part of someone's name is given as an answer. I keep wanting to add "Carson" to it, making it a full proper name. I wonder if people had answered "J.K." for that wizard clue if they would have been ruled correct instead of goofing up her last name ... twice.
  10. Or you are just old. Like me. This was a no-brainer IMO. Since when is a ping pong paddle called a racquet? Or racket, according to the official rules I just looked up. Although it also says this: "Equipment: The paddle should have a red and a black side." No wonder the contestant said "badminton" to the clue that obviously SHOULD have been ping pong if not for the racquet thing. I play ping pong with paddles, always have. And, like stated above, I'm old.
  11. I've only walked out of one movie in my life of seeing multiple movies per week. Now I'm walking out on a television show I used to love. I'm done. Thanks, Fuller, for freeing up my Thursday nights. I am glad this show is canceled. I'm just canceling it a few weeks before NBC.
  12. Hey TIgershark: Jennifer, Ari or Patti?
  13. Peeaye, 20-some riders had a collision on the Tour, one rider clipped another, they went down and a huge section of the peloton went down on top of them. It was a gigantic pile of spandex and bicycle parts. Some riders got broken bones, the leader had to drop out. The race was halted for some time because of it. As a former bike racer, I'm all about the Tour every year, so that was a no-brainer for me. Although no way that episode was filmed during this week, so sound-editing monkeys at work? Once again Albert Camus is a question/answer so Trebek gets to say "kahMEWOOO," stretching out Camus like a bawling steer caught in a bog. Gah. I hate him. ETA: Otto is a faster typer than I am. Sorry for the dupe answer.
  14. Even Matt and Benji? Harsh! Heh. I meant to answer this before. Yes, the caiman catching was weird. Judd is going to spear the caiman, then there's all this water frenzy, then commercial. We come back, and the caiman is on land and being tied up with a bunch of rope that came from ... where? I'm thinking the caiman was a plant, it didn't even move its tail after being caught, and I'm also thinking there was something fishy about how it was caught. Grown female common caimans max out at four feet long, so I'm guessing that's what this one was, and around 50 lbs. or less. LittleIggy, your Jim/crabs comment made me LOL, so thanks for that. Yeah, no kidding. Although we knew Jim liked to paint his own picture of what a great guy he is. IMO, anything that tries to get away when you try to eat it is alive. I didn't see Jim skipping his pig or snake meals, even though he shot that guy years ago and he thinks about it every day. Didn't hurt his appetite then. And for a nature lesson, caimans are members of the crocodilian species, which includes crocodiles and alligators, but caimans are only found in Central and South America. They CAN adapt to salt water but are usually in slow-moving rivers and marshes. Another reason I suspect this one was a plant. Yeah, I know ... surprise.
  15. Isn't Jim WAY way way too old to be on Survivor? I mean, the guy's 64, one foot in the grave. He's not capable of doing Survivor challenges. He's even said so, he can't hunt, fish, walk, build ... nothing but eat food others fix. I wonder if Jim's "redemption arc" on this show has something to do with his trying to get on other reality shows. I'm hoping to never see him again. Now Benji and Matt, I'm all about them being on every reality show everywhere, anytime.
  16. The discussion about killing the caiman was a good one, and hopefully, will give pause to viewers who think t-bones just grow inside those plastic packages they buy at their groceries. With the caiman and the pig, dispatching it was done in the way of the native American, to bless the animal and thank it for what it is giving them. Plus, a great point was made: That caiman (if indeed it really WAS a wild indigenous one) had led a far better life than a factory hog, steer or chicken that are processed in a most horrible way in American packing houses. So there's that, too. I was waiting for someone to ask Jim if he was a vegetarian when he was objecting (all of a sudden) to killing the reptile. THAT would have created a firestorm for sure, so maybe someone did and it had to be cut out so as to keep Jim's redemption arc on track. I was a vegetarian for many years and met hostility at every turn, from friends, family, co-workers. You'd think I was some sort of serial murder when, in fact, I was quite the opposite. I thought everyone looked like they had lost weight, even Jim, although if it appears he did not or even gained, that's probably a result of his immobility, doing nothing, with his only exercise coming from walking to (and eating) dinners others had prepared. All reality shows are bogus, including this one. So yeah, maybe they called it quits before the months (28 days? February?) was up. While I've never grown a beard, hair is said to grow one-half inch per month. So, it's anyone's guess how long they really were there. I did think it odd that "tide" seemed to come in and then go out in an afternoon. Wha? I hope they went back to pick of that last cameraman who filmed the boat of survivors driving away. Bye bye, Benji.
  17. Yeah, this last episode was all kinds of funky. I think for some reason TPTB wanted Jim to have some redemption arc and "come around" to being a "good person" at the end. But the first part, when Matt tries to talk to Dakota about the split in the groups, man, Dakota sure turned into a dickweed in less than a heartbeat. Yeah, he give a TH that he feels terrible about it, but DUDE, the heck, Matt was talking all level-headed and you go all ballistic? I hope your girlfriend found someone new and much, much better while you were gone. Oh, Jim, Jim, Jim. Way to tell the world that anyone in their 60s and older is just dead meat and worthless and unable to do anything but sit on their asses and gripe about everyone else who IS doing things. What a major jackass you are. Kudos to Matt for telling him, "You're 64, not 84." I want to know why all of a sudden filming stopped when Matt and Dakota, followed by Benji filming, went down the beach to talk to Jim about his Lord of the Flies attitude. I suspect because Jim flipped a gigantic tizwad and this show wanted us to think everyone ended up all Kumbaya (to quote Jim). This show would have been better if they didn't know WHEN Bear was coming for them. As it was, Jim was all "I'm just here to the end" and not doing anything because he knew there were only X days left. He didn't have any problem eating the pig and snake and all those crabs and the fish, yet, with only ONE DAY LEFT on the island, he decides he's "not eating" because it's a caiman? Bet ya a thousand bucks Jim lit up the Weber and cooked him a gigantic steak the minute he got back home. Cameraman Matt ... he must have a degree in psychology or human behavior because wow, is he good at negotiations and being level-headed and a cool thinker. Benji ... still love you. And what was up with the blurring out his loincloth? Way to ruin the finale for me, show. Benji was hilarious telling the caiman to come out of the water cuz it was getting all pruney. I actually LOL at that. ETA: I'm afraid if I had been on that island, I would have told Dakota and Jim to catch and cook their own freaking dinners, and keep the heck away from our camp, our food, our water and our firewood. That might have made for some good teevee ...
  18. The Firth of Forth has been on Jeopardy before. Trebek gets a gigantic charge out of saying it and looking for contestant reactions to such a name. I was thinking of some dinosaur movie for FJ, or Sparticus with the senior Douglas. So, count me a loser along with Hilary. Hilary, however, I found charming and I loved her hand movements. Contestants get so ranked on if they don't stand like British soldiers outside Kensington Palace. I like some variety with my spice of life. Sorry to see her go. Got a kick out of all three contestants moaning after Trebek gave answers to TS. Too funny. Once again Trebek emphasizes the word GENRE in some crazy, heavy and drawn-out foreign accent. Why does he do this? Other tv hosts can go between English and foreign words without making the foreign words so DRAH-matic. For instance, the cooking show chefs use foreign words all the time and none of them bother me in the least. It's just Trebek ... GAH! ETA: Some people have ears that stick out and thin, flat hair. I don't have a problem with the new champ at all. Except that she's not Hilary.
  19. Because of my fixation with teevee boyfriend, Fancy Will Dancy, I read Red (heh) Dragon during the hiatus after S1. It only took me maybe two days, tops. And I absolutely LOVED it because I saw Hugh Dancy's Will as Red Dragon's Will. So it was a win-win for me. Some of the characters swap genders, book vs. tv show, but that's just a minor inconvenience. Highly recommend RD if you like Will!
  20. Quite by accident last night, while flipping channels, I found Mads in Unit One which is airing on one of my PBS channels. It was filmed 2000-2004. I stopped while flipping because I recognized his voice, then watched and, by gosh, there he was. Mads looked younger but the same. it's a Danish series, sub-titled for airing here.
  21. Once Hannibal was out the window and on his feet, Jack no longer had the element of surprise on his side. If he had run down the steps to attack Hannibal in the street, i have no doubt Hannibal would have been MORE than ready for him, and that would be the end of Jack, not of Hannibal. I don't know that. Not sure anyone but the writers know that. So I'm in the minority being shocked at Will getting tossed off the train. Like I posted, I jumped a foot in the air and shouted a reactionary word at the tv. Maybe it's because I'm one of the few who actually likes the character?
  22. I wish I had. I'm still trying to cleanse my memory of it. Jack got in a good, solid roundhouse first, taking Hannibal by surprise. That's why I posted above how much I enjoyed the fight, it was more real than those fake tv fights where the person getting beaten up can jump up and fight back like he was never struck at all. I bump my head on a door jam and I'm all about doing nothing for a few hours afterward. I think Jack DID mean to kill Hannibal, he's not "leaving him for Will." Tossing someone out of a window usually means you want that person dead. It was just convenient for Hannibal that he had the Italian cop's body hanging there to grab on to and break his fall. I'm sure that irritated Jack in a big way.
  23. It still amazes me that someone like Watermelon Basher gets raves and four BIG YESES whereas other acts get questioned like the Spanish Inquisition: "Is this a million-dollar act?" "What could you do differently next time to step it up?" I liked the hat juggler, and the 15-year-old comic made me LOL. So that's saying something. The guy who jumped off the crane ... same response from me as the Watermellon Basher. What's next? And would someone actually pay to see him? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  24. Do the contestants who come back every year, like Dreschel, Flip, Weatherman, Kasey and others, get a stipend from the network to appear? So many show up in the audience in other venues where they are not competing. Maybe there are sponsors for the foreign Ninja competitions. I guess one can be a professional Ninja just like one can be a professional rock climber. Count me as the sole person who got a kick out of Dreschel Warped Backflip. Liked it, and don't mind him at all. Yeah, right now there are about a dozen "Father Times" running these courses. Way to make anyone over 30 feel washed up and over the hill.
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