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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought this was going to be the "controversial mother" episode when I saw the one girl ended up in the red, after going red/black through the entire game. Then the commercial before FJ came on and I started doing something ... and completely forgot about Jeopardy and so missed the ending. Yeah, brains don't multi-task well after a certain age. Stage moms can ruin everything for a kid, especially ones who project themselves into a situation. Just passing the Jeopardy test is an achievement, but being on the show? Movie stars and rock stars, all of you!
  2. The next Bach is suppose to be announced next week. Is there a spoiler for that? I've been looking and cannot find it in any of the threads. Someone point me in the right direction, I love spoilers!
  3. What? Is something exciting going to happen today? Tomorrow? I'm way out of the loop on this "scandal." Maybe it already happened. I thought I heard Alex say something about the "stress" on the kids, but I only listen with half of one ear when Alex speaks.
  4. I watched DM Nation with the thought, "Could I do that?" And my answer was yes, easily. All they did was stomp and move their arms and hands around. Yeah, I could pry myself up off the couch and join that group and not miss a beat. Dancing? There wasn't any. At least the Game Boy dancers (whatever their name) did some lock and pop and b-boy stuff. So judges hated them, but they showed more talent than DM. Myq ... wow. Embarrassing. And I so strongly dislike the Muppets that I dislike Ira The Wannabe Muppet regardless of what it says or does. It might have been relevant in the '70s but not now. Although Muppets are coming back to tv, so I can see Ira being put through as a connection to that new show, especially if Muppets are coming to NBC. I liked the magician. I either left the room or turned the channel before every singer/singing group was done.
  5. Alex: "HELL-looow!" I said "Big Bird" before Alex was done reading the answer (or is it called the question?). Although I think "Barney" was a good guess. Of course, Big Bird was just on Fallon the night before so perhaps he was in my mind.
  6. LOL! Thanks for that, Kbilly, you just cracked me up. Wasn't it on this show that JJ said he gave producers a list of nine women he wanted to meet? Big reveal! So every man (probably just men, knowing how Fleiss works) gave TPTB a list of "prospects" so the show could play the entire group and bring in whomever whenever the drama was going downhill. That explains much, and shows how that man behind the curtain ("Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!") thinks and acts.
  7. She was edited to APPEAR that way, but she was the only one who went "behind the magic curtain" and found the editors and production people in their magic lair. And saw that pomegranate and picked it, and even KNEW what Mesa Verde is. Crazy? Yeah, because she is not the normal, boring, molded-to-look-act-like-everyone-else siicone-boobed, extension-haired woman on this show. She actually was bored by all the booze and house drama and went off on her own to check out the digs. I KNOW, right? (tm Emily) I was wondering if there is some rule the woman has to give her rose to a man. Can't a woman give her rose to another woman? That would be so ... AWESOME! Like, literally! Crazy is as crazy does. And eyes can appear "dull" when one is introspective, which means looking and thinking inward.
  8. Padma beat me to it, but I couldn't help but think JJ is avoiding paying alimony or a settlement to his wife, or his ex, whichever she is. To quit work to "deal with my divorce" ... what? I can see quitting work to be a stay-at-home dad, but to deal with a divorce? What does that even mean? And for all we know, the daughter is from the woman he had the affair with, not his wife. Or from a previous marriage or relationship. Sorry, don't like the guy. HATED the pie guy who thought this show was all about him. I agree, get people from Bachelor Nation on this show, not random friends of Fleiss or Harrison.
  9. Once again, I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and don't remember any Amber. Where do they GET these people? And no way would I consider Amber beautiful or even good looking. She is average, at best. Most women look average; she is just one of a multitude. AshleyS ... now, she is stunningly lovely IMO. All the THs about AshleyS being "crazy" made me dislike every single one of those people. She is crazy, why? Because she's not acting like the typical "little girl" who runs screaming because a land crab scuttles into the room, like that ending clip a few weeks ago? Parrots are enormously smart, on the same level as chimpanzees, plus they BITE HARD and can take a chunk out of a finger easily. Ashley goes right in with them and talks to them, even scolding when one tries to bite her ... and it stops its bad behavior. She has a wonderful demeanor and rapport. Then one poops on her hand and does she scream and fling the bird away? No, she laughs about it and the poops sits there. Hands wash. It's not a big deal, all you Losers In Paradise. Color me a HUGE AshleyS fan. No wonder Chris H. seems smitten with her, she's the only one not fitting the mold. She needs to be glad she's rid of Dan, who measures dating happiness by boob size and not IQ.
  10. I know Alex did. Jesse and HelenBaby: Now that you are watching again, is it like bad deja vú? Or is everything in the past now, like it happened to another person? I would hate watching if my categories on the show had been Opera, Bible, Chemistry. Then, after losing BADLY, I watch the next taping and categories are Dogs, Horses, Farm Life.
  11. Bless your heart, Red Bridey. And YES, as ABay suggests, give us a shout out during your interview and we'll love you forever in our various chat-room posts!
  12. Who says he didn't? My take away from last night: 1. Joe is a liar. I know ... SURPRISE! 2. TPTB played Juelia, and played her from the start. TPTB knew Joe and Samantha were hot for each other, so waited to bring S. on until Juelia was fully invested. This because TPTB loves to demean women. Fleiss makes big bucks on his misogyny-in-prime-time tv shows. 3. Jade is mud-fence fugly in those talking heads. Good grief, girl, you looked good in your nude shoots, what the heck HAPPENED? Cut her hair off and she's even below-average-looking for a dude. 4. I actually felt my brain cells dying when Megan appeared on my screen. Literally. (Ha ha, yes!) Thankfully, at that point Masterpiece Theater came on PBS and I turned over to watch my real tv boyfriend, Benedict C.
  13. Especially you men contestants.
  14. HelenBaby, as long as you didn't jump the board, did jump the board, smiled, didn't smile, moved your head, didn't move your head, wore a color we like, wore a color we don't like, had a hairdo, needed a new hairdo, had ears we could see, ears we could not see, or won/lost your game, you would have been safe from snarking. Just follow those simple rules! I'm glad I tanked the online test for oh, so many reasons!
  15. Amen, Eln5. Every Dateline makes me want to never date anyone OR ever get married OR ever trust anyone. This show gives real-life examples every week of "trust no one," including your own family. And this colonel ... my gosh. The poor "regular" guy who lived next to him got dragged in for questioning as a suspect but the respected military man with the great career, not. Think what could have happened if those road blocks to check tires never happened, if that woman who was kidnapped/killed was taken in the summer, when no tire tracks would have been left. I know there is so much more to this story that can be found online, but ... no thanks. This was enough for me. I'm just glad he was caught and put away. My take away from most of these Datelines is, never let anyone take an insurance policy out on your life. (Not that it applied in this case.)
  16. I remember Eliza's episode. Here is her account: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a44297/what-its-like-to-be-on-jeopardy/
  17. So what happened to the driver of Molly's getaway car? Alana ... what a gigantic dumb ass for telling Hannibal she knows the jig is up with the fake lawyer phone calls. The heck? Don't say anything at all, you Dumb Ass, and just tap the phone so you can trace it next call. Geez. To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon." And Red Dragon is calling from Hannibal's office? Why would his lawyer be calling from HANNIBAL'S office? Wouldn't he have his own phone, office, caller ID? What did that notice say on the wall of the vet's office, right by the door as Molly left? The camera sort of zoomed in on it, but I couldn't read it. Feeding all those dogs canned food ... please. The dogs would have passed out from diarrhea. It would make more sense for her to buy a 50lb. bag of kibble. No canned food that I'm aware of is made in China. No kibble, either. Rawhide and jerky treats are made there, and can contain arsenic and other toxic things. But food? Not so much. But the show needed an out to indicate Dragon gave the dogs something to poison them without showing the dogs. So, China got to take the heat, even if it was fake heat (for a fake show!). Did Francis tell Reba he had to break up because he was afraid he would MURDER her? If so: Ouch. Surprised Molly didn't have a big old shotgun in that rustic cabin, obviously in the north woods somewhere.
  18. Huge Sherlock fan here, and excited it's back tonight, even if it is reruns. I have no problem with the mind palace thing. It lets us see how the characters are thinking/seeing without being bogged down with a lot of needless rhetoric. I like David Tennant, too, and think his Will Graham would have been top-notch. But then I would have missed the eye candy that is Hugh Dancy, so glad it worked out this way.
  19. That's right! I did see that, but time didn't allow for it, Ben was already being prompted "Get to Alex" for the closing. Didn't Arthur and Julia win $$ for their second and third place finishes? I don't get the Arthur dislike, but then again, I'm a big fan of Alex Jacob and am looking forward to when he gets to compete on Tournament. He board hops too!
  20. I know. That was so odd. It was like that comedian insulted Norm's religion or something, like Harry Potter is a religion and JK Rowling is that religion's god or golden idol. I thought he was joking, then he went on and it was obvious he was serious. Gesh, make a big deal about the allegory that Rowling MIGHT have been writing about? It was like Norm was getting all bent about someone making a joke that Herman Melville didn't really write Moby Dick as an allegory about good vs. evil. Lighten up, Norm, it's JOKES, not a Scientology meeting. I was unimpressed and not all that comfortable with Amir K. I would have switched him with the blond gal who flew overseas on the plane with "not enough" fuel. I thought she was good, and I enjoyed her set.
  21. Yes to this. He demonstrated grace and good sportsmanship. I hope he would have been as gracious if he had lost! In any case, he was a good role model with his win. Arthur didn't (or, doesn't) bother me. I missed his long run on the show, don't have a clue how many games he won, dollar amount, anything about him. So I watched him without prejudice. And since I watched this series with only one eye while I continued to work, I still don't have any complaints about him. I know: Color me unique!
  22. Touché, Backformore, I'm busted. Best post ever! About Tenley: She was exactly the same way on Jake's season (it was Jake's, right?) so if it's an act, she's very accomplished at it. I say that's Tenley, 100 percent. I still remember being highly embarrassed for her (and me watching) when she did her "private dance" for Jake. (It was Jake, right?) While I was somewhat disappointed last season in that BIP lacked BPad's competitions and outright maneuvering for best partner so as to stay to the very end, I do find BIP's lack of structure to be fun to watch. The "evil ones" don't really win anything except more time in the heat and humidity. This way a person can go, check out the people they were interested in meeting, find out they are closet abusers, druggies or public farters, then go home with nothing more than a good tan. IF they are lucky. And we can come here and snark about them!
  23. I think the problem so many have with board jumping is that the answers (are suppose to) get progressively harder as the money value increases, plus staying in one category keeps a viewer's brain in the same "slot" to make it easier to come up with the answer. Which is probably the reason players jump around, to throw the competition off their games. What do they care if viewers get snarky about it since the player jumping is the one who is (hopefully) going home with the big bucks. I'll cut board jumpers slack if they call out one word from a multi-word category, and leave "dollars" and "please" off of their request. Short cutters are my favorite contestants!
  24. All BIP is, is a couple of weeks on the beach hanging out and maybe going on a "date" somewhere to jump into different water and eat different food in a different location. Then the show is over and it's all "Buh-bye." I don't see the big deal about "teaming up" with someone while there, it's not like you are going to marry that person or even date that person any more than being picked on TB or TBette means you are going to marry that person. (Or even date that person IRL!) It's all superficial. And it's all for OUR viewing pleasure! I like to remember that when I'm snarking. And let's face it, this show is snarkalicious.
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