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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I listen to a radio talk host at night; the host is a stand-up comic. She has other comics on as guests, and the topic eventually turns to LCS. Every single one of the guests (as well as the host) have stories about how poorly they were treated by the show in auditions, to the point of rudeness, and everyone says less-funny people made it through as the show has to keep "the right sort" of contestants. Maybe it's sour grapes, but those who went back to try again with different judges have the same stories. Some of the "nightmare audition" stories go back to when Ant was a judge. Remember him? LOL!
  2. Oh, just WOW to this. Howard ... I'm SO disappointed in you. And you buzzing Ira for not changing enough from last week. I guess I shouldn't get upset. I'm pretty sure AGT follows the agenda of all reality shows and the winner has already been scripted. Still, no need to be a snot to the clearly defined losers.
  3. This cracked me up. Because I think each one of us posters are "bad persons" in one way or another. Just go back pages and read! However, the page has this disclaimer at the bottom: "Presence on this list does NOT guarantee that any of these individuals will indeed be invited to appear in the upcoming Tournament of Champions. All invitations are within the Producers’ sole discretion." So don't give up on Dancing Jennifer just yet.
  4. I have strongly disliked Ira since its first appearance, but I object to that act getting the buzzer last night. It wasn't DIFFERENT enough from the week before? What about the singers who SING each week? Comedians who tell JOKES each week. Plus I can see a whole family going to see Ira's act, kids being entertained and an adult's attention being kept throughout. Yeah, it's a low-budget Muppets, but what's so different about every single singer or comedian or mentalist or magician ... there are dozens of those acts in Vegas. So, amazingly, put me on the Ira train and STFU Howard, my ex-favorite judge. I fell asleep before the bald singer guy but from reading here I didn't miss much. I did like the two singer guys, they are entertaining to watch plus sound good. Otherwise, I FF through all the singing acts. Or, fall asleep. I get a kick out of Drew laughing, it doesn't seem maniacal to me, it brings me more into his act. He's a decent writer (or, someone is) and his jokes always have a payoff. Last night's didn't work so well for me since both people on the phone had a stutter, plus why would someone try to call collections while shopping. Or EVER! for that matter! I didn't listen to the judges, I hate hearing the drivel they spout, so didn't know until reading there that he got raked for laughing at himself. Again: Doesn't bother me at all.
  5. I can only stand to watch this show in small parts, but the parts I did catch ... wow. When that gigantic white BUTT came onto the set and filled my tv screen, I was all like WHAT? Who the freak? And it turned out to be AshleyI! But (heh) when she turned around and revealed her reveal front, I was even more like WHAT? She kept pulling on it like she didn't trust the 500 rolls of double-sided tape wardrobe had to use to get it to stay put and not do a Miley Cyrus on live tv. Then I caught some of Chris B's retirement speech. Yeah, it went long and I didn't listen to the entire thing, but the one item that caught my attention, because it applies to EVERYONE on this franchise: "I WAS ADDICTED TO REALITY TV." And that pretty much sums it all up for me, and even explains why single moms repeatedly come on this show.
  6. It's pitiful when I don't bother watching a show which, a couple of weeks ago, I said i could watch every night. Somehow, BIP killed itself for me. Maybe it's the addition of all these new people that I barely remember from TB or all the dead-horse beatings of things that just don't matter at all. I wish the show would bring everyone on all at once and let them duke it out from the beginning. Or just make it the Jorge show, the only one portrayed with any brains. Coming here catches me up with everything I missed, and then some.
  7. So I want to know who cooked Bedelia's leg. Hannibal, as we all know, cooks like a gourmet chef and would have considered a leg roasted whole and just plopped on the table extremely rude and tres gauche.
  8. I find that very off putting that Fuller thought about or even wanted to do another season of this dreck. This finale was, IMO, a gigantic EFF YOU to the viewers and the network. This season bordered on FU for most episodes, but this one ... please. Jack, Alana and the FBI were portrayed as jackasses and morons, as were the two lab people, whose banter was more like they were working to be stand-up comics than scientists. And the final scenes? Please. Too moronic and over-the-top to even discuss. So to Fuller saying FU to us, I say one big EFF YOU, Fuller, for effectively making me hate what I once loved. I use to think you were better than that.
  9. Zachary Quinto ... it was worth watching this episode again just for him. He is both hot looking AND smart. And nice voice. *shallow* Once again, I cracked up that Penn did not ask for Sean Connery's category, "The Penis Mightier."
  10. I watched last night as this one was new to me. But what does this mean: "Cops find a picture of Amyjane and Karen together on the same August date of Amyjane's murder, but 2 years prior to the murder, at a church function. Cops & church folks find this a weird coincidence." Out of all the women in Pendleton, how and why did the killer pick out another woman from that same church? I found 31 different churches in Pendleton proper in a google search. Police like to say there is no such thing as a coincidence. Plus the killer was a missionary's son. Another church connection. What was up with all that? None of that was explained, there HAD to have been a connection. And how could the killer have been living in the ceiling of the convention center for a year without anyone knowing? Don't they lock the doors? People just sit around in there drinking Cokes? If the cops hadn't put out his photo, he would have been ignored again, sitting with his drink in the cafeteria/lunch room. And the cops recognized him and thought he was Danny Wu. What, they never asked for his license with his real name? So many questions left unanswered. ETA: The cops emphasized how busy the town is, more than 50 people walked by the motel during the hour they were there. So, one year later, how did the killer select that one woman to follow and attack with a pipe? There HAD to be a connection. If he wanted to kill someone on the anniversary date, why another woman from that same church? Why not one of the hundreds (or thousands) of other women? These questions bug me!
  11. This show was rerun here last night so I watched part of it to see Daditude, since I was cleaning the refrigerator (yes!) during their act the first time. I have to say, no, they were not in sync or "on target" as a group, but they had more dance moves than that first bunch that performed, the gigantic crush of flash mobsters who just stomped and waved their arms around, then made grimacing faces at the camera. It was curious that after two Xs, the camera went to the judges and stayed there for what seemed an eternity while Daditude continued to dance. So who know what happened while we were not allowed to see the act. They were also hindered by terrible camera work and crazy smoke and lights on stage. No wonder they got confused and off step, it looked like a technical disaster going on. Or they were set up to fail. I really felt sorry for them. I turned the channel so I didn't have to listen to the judges rank on them, if they did. I just assume they did. After reading here how Oz did his trick, I could see how he did it. I was so amazed the first time, now I'm thinking heck, I could do that. And for sure Nick was in on it, blocking the white board while Oz revealed the written number of gumballs. I would have liked it if a couple stage hands came out and then counted the gumballs live to see how many really were in there.
  12. What a NIGHTMARE! Glad you get to see it from the (relative) privacy of your own home this go-round. Enjoy!
  13. Wings, you missed my post above. Just fyi, the next Bach is Ben, not Brian. Jimmy Kimmel said he hopes we can call him just plain Ben and not Ben H. from now on.
  14. Backformore, this is what I found about Stevie Starr, the regurgitator guy: "When he was on Britain's Got Talent, he made it to the semifinals. He has also appeared on the German, Italian, Czech, and French versions of Got Talent. On the French version, he made it to fourth place in the competition." Now he's on AGT. If these guys get paid to be on the show like some other reality show contestants, then Stevie is making part of his living by being on "Got Talent" around the world. This also helps explain why the "around the world" episode of AGT showed so many acts that looked alike. Probably because they are the same people! I wonder if the judges were in on the mentalist guy's act. It was too odd that Howard and Mel came up with the same number. Not a coincidence. It's like Howard forgot what number he was suppose to write but remembered Mel's number. Still, a fun act.
  15. If this franchise hires on more virgins, I hope they keep their sexual status to themselves. Male and female.
  16. People who live in or are from Scotland are Scottish. If you have studied Scottish history, are Scottish or live in Scotland, you know this is a touchy subject. Call them British or anything else if you want, but the Regurgitator is from Glasgow, Scotland, and says he is Scottish, not British or anything else. He oughta know. AGT is the fifth "Got Talent" he's been on.
  17. Actually, I believe he is Scottish. Don't tell a Scot that he is British!
  18. Dominique was one I did not like at all, female or male. I've never heard of peas in potato salad, plus even if I did that, it's STILL not funny. Everyone makes potluck dishes a different way, and that's funny ... why? Because I'm black? Or not? Please. I did LOL at the woman who said her spouse was like living with a wasp, you shut the door on it and hope it dies. But I guess that's only funny if you've lived with someone you wished would die ... The host guy really likes ranking on Roseanne's marriage partners. I get the impression she's starting to get a bit irritated about it. Frankly, I was offended by Ian Bagg. Not funny, just plain off-color and rude. It wouldn't be funny either, if a woman comic said she lined men up to punch them in their dicks, like a picket fence. So I'm not being sexist about it. I just want him to stop it. And go home. I must see humor differently than these judges since my favorites haven't made it through any of the rounds. One or two here and there, but that's it. Maybe the sets are edited so I don't see the dreck. But based on what I do see, my show would be different. Count me as one who thinks Norm needs to be removed from this show. He's really ... odd. And I say that as someone who appreciates the odd. I just don't appreciate Norm. He's almost scary in the way he swings from funny to cross-carrying, all without changing expression.
  19. Not only that, he was told he would be one of the final two, along with "the ventriloquist." Way to spoil the ending for us, Howie. I am another who cannot watch the barf-up guy. Illusion or real, it's REALLY too gross for me to watch. (I almost said, "stomach.") I turned the channel this week when he asked for Heidi's ring. Just ... no.
  20. This entire franchise jumped the shark years ago. Yet it continues to run, and even gets more air time now (BIP = three hours per week) than ever before. Sad state of affairs, but there you go. Remember when AshleyS was on the first episode (I think it was) of AP and they showed a clip, filmed in night-vision green, that showed her in bed with Dan, getting up and walking around on the bed? Too embarrassing IMO, but that's what this franchise thrives on. CH introduced the clip like we were going to see Ashley as a crazed Martian, the clip aired, then straight to commercial. Terrible. And so rude. Actually, I think a season of Nick would be interesting, especially if he ended up with a wife at the end. But knowing Fleiss, he would fill the mansion with 25 (or more) crazed basket cases and wannabe serial killers, just to make Nick continue to look like a schlep.
  21. Wolf Blitzer vs. Kevin O'Leary in a battle for next Jeopardy champion. Who would be the third evenly matched contestant? Yesterday was Sean Connery's 85th birthday. A late-night radio show I listen to talked a lot about how SNL's Jeopardy Sean Connery character was invented. Now THAT'S entertainment!
  22. Plus he wasted time by starting his set with what the comedians last year on Last Comic Standing got raked for: NEVER come out and say, "Hi, how is everyone? How are you guys?" Just come out and start your set.
  23. During the backstory packages at the start of Kaitlyn's season, Joe was pictured at a horse farm that was definitely one of the Kentucky thoroughbred farms. I was all about him going far since I "assumed" he was a horse trainer or was connected with the racing industry somehow. It was never mentioned again as far as I know, but I skipped a lot of that season, plus missed the part on this show that talked about his dad having horses. Does anyone know more? There are breeding farms that raise/sell racing-prospect yearlings or stand a stallion, then there are training barns ... lots of different ways to be connected to that industry. Some make money, some are a money drain! Oh, wings, do you know how much this made me laugh? The key is, he has a job! Amazing! That sets him apart from many of the guys who populate this show. Soules might have millions, but would he share it with a spouse? Prenup, anyone? That is, IF he ever gets married. Plus a lot of office guys make a pretty good paycheck. I did see one of the late-night hosts crack that because Ben appears so nice, that the women better be full-on crazies. I'm betting on that. Some do that to repent for sins committed the previous week.
  24. That reminds me, it was talked about here that she lives in San Diego. (Reference: The "whale's vagina" posts.) Then Mikey introduced her at the wrestling match as being from Portland. Which is it? I know many of these people change their hometowns for one reason or another. Speaking of that wrestling match, how disappointed was I that when Mikey and Juelia went into the ring to pretend wrestle, that they didn't put on the Lucha Libre masks. No Lucha Libra wrestler would EVER be seen without his (or her) mask.
  25. Staring at Dan's head, I was thinking Kaitlyn had something to do with it. ETA: Speaking of Kaitlyn, I did like her response to Jared "not being over her" when CH had her on the phone. That it was Jared's excuse for not being "into" any of the women on BIP. I tend to agree with that, I think Jared's just there for the vaca and not looking for any ties, even the fakety fake ones manufactured for this show. I also wonder what airport she was in during that call. Going ... where?
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