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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Does anyone remember where the finale used to be held, back when Piers, Sharon and The Hass were judges? They do say "Radio City Music Hall" a zillion times, so that promo must be part of the deal for it being filmed there. Count me as one who will miss Howard. The other three could leave w/o me missing them. Howard? Please, don't go!
  2. I saw a promo for this episode, where she tells Matt Lauer that the convict guy told her to ... and she couldn't say it while I was yelling "Give him a BLOW JOB!" from my couch. Seeing her lying liar face smirking on my tv, and me thinking the heck, some inmate forces her to give him a blow job and she's a what? A guard or something? Someone who is suppose to be in charge? And she just let it go and DID it? And never said anything to anyone? Oh, the heck with that. No way was I going to sit through an hour of listening to her BS. I hope everyone who watched came away with the same impressions as what you guys have posted here. She needs to be put away for a long, long time. Maybe some sucker guard will bring HER cookies and brownies. But I hope not.
  3. Someone needs to tell me about this new-fangled invention because I cannot get CBS or the CW, and I've fooled with buying all sorts of antennas (antenni?). Ha ha! I'm heading off now to sign up for the Jeopardy! Pre-School Week.
  4. Gah. Watch. Now for sure we are in for more Dancing Jennifers and Turdlinger Talias.
  5. Yes! Plus Stevie totally busted the show by revealing Howard has known him for a couple of decades. So much for the "I've never seen anything like this before!" schtick used by all the judges.
  6. Thanks for the climbing info, kikaha. I'm guessing you are a climber yourself, or at least so knowledgeable about the sport that you know many who do climb. The point I was trying to make about Isaac and the others who are accused of showboating or being different or not fitting in or whatever ... most serious climbers have a different outlook on life than do "regular" people, and, for the most part, don't fit the profile of the normal 9-to-5 working person. They take busboy jobs or live in their vans. And hang out with others who have the same priorities in life and with whom they feel comfortable. I have a lot of respect for all of these guys, and all who have competed on ANW. I'm just not comfortable with them being cracked on for being "different."
  7. That jitterbug girl Talia or whatever her name was, is not the first to write "Turd Ferguson." It's already been done. So she needs to tone it down, thinking she's all that.
  8. No it wasn't, because it showed how funny Jeff Ross is compared to both Drew and Gary put together.
  9. Oh, mojoween, I have to say this astounded me. Then I assumed you must not be from the United States so did not study the Civil War. So that lets you off the hook. (Please, tell me I am correct!) I missed yesterday's show so am catching up here. I hate when I get behind!
  10. Agree with this 100 and a zillion percent. As I posted earlier, climbers are a different breed of people, living life-and-death on a voluntary basis, and so are not understood by the rest of us mere mortals. Isaac actually seems shy to me and doesn't relish or look for the limelight. I live a lifestyle that is "out of the box" myself, so I appreciate people like Isaac and the other Wolf Pack (Wolf Pack! Wolf Pack! Ha ha!) members and I understand why they group together. And I also understand why they are verbally abused and disliked by those living a conventional 9-to-5, 2-1/2 kids, dog and white-picket-fence lifestyle.
  11. I watched Jeff Dunham's special last night, and seeing him made me realize how good but not great Paul is. Still, Paul had some good acts and deserved to be up there at the end. The winner? Well, debatable, which is what we are doing here. I would have put him second or maybe third. Yeah, third. Seeing Mat Franco's special last night (which was great fun and kept me entertained the entire time) made me remember how the rope guy (Derek Hughes?) goofed the name of Mat's special that Mat was on AGT to promote. "Mat Franco's Got Talent." Ha ha! Funny, Derek, and even funnier if the gaff was intentional. I went from not being able to look at Stevie to loving his last performance with the fireball, when he was all going whacky and having the most fun himself. Maybe I would have put him second to Oz, my winner, based on that last performance. Because, according to the judges, we are suppose to be judging these people on their last performances, right? Hey, AGT, I'm available to judge next season, now that Howard is gone.
  12. I wonder if she has been reading here. I'd rather have thousands of dollars than the ire of you guys. Or let me put it this way: If I had won thousands, you guys could say anything. But losing and then being an idiot on tv? I'd say that's no "win," however one looks at it. How the frak did she ever make it on the show anyway, when reasonably intelligent people can't get it done? She makes those other people we ranked on look good though, no? Jeopardy should have a "worst contestants week." She'd be in the left-hand primo position. Consider this: Perhaps they did.
  13. Oh, gosh, I came here to post about those soldiers cut out of toast, but everyone has been here before me so, never mind. I can't believe all these posters, where have you guys been all year? Dancing Jennifer didn't bring out the posts like Twisting Talia has. So, she has achieved something with her Jeopardy! appearance. I hate I missed iHop's Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity since iHop used to give members of its eclub a free one on that person's birthday, so I've eaten plenty of them. (Now they just give a free pancake stack. Bummer.) But for some reason I had Denny's in my mind and was trying to come up with the name of its skillets. No one could find Romania, even when shown a freaking MAP? The heck. ETA: I did get a laugh out of "noble gas" given for an answer instead of "noble rot" in the "Vine" category. Noble gas was a FJ a while back (I THINK it was FJ). Anyway, I had never heard of noble gas then, so got a kick out of it being a wrong answer yesterday. I've never heard of noble rot, but at least now I've heard of noble gas. So there's that!
  14. YES to this. I was LOL-ing from my couch. Kudos to TPTB who wrote, directed and filmed that opener. Best.Thing.Ever. I was sorry to see CraigLewis go out first. Of all the acts standing there, I would have sent Drew out first. Imagine my heart failure then he was still there as the last two. ACK! Also sorry to see Oz out early. He was my choice to win. I guess I'm okay with Paul, I liked some of his routines, but he was pretty old and tired by the end of this season while Oz still kept me interested. But whatever. He's no Terry Fader, but who is. I thought Penn and Teller with Piff was awkward. They totally outshone him. Although I did get a kick from Piff elevating and flapping his dragon wings. The only saving grace from this season was that Drew did not win. I'll miss Howard. He really is the only voice of reason in that judge panel.
  15. As Frankenstein noted, Stevie DID hack up the fifth thumbtack. He did it while still standing in front of the judges, before he went back on stage to blow fireballs. He even said he was going to cough up the fifth tack. And then he did. You guys who missed it just weren't watching close enough, or listening! (Not that I blame you, he can he difficult to watch sometimes.)
  16. AND the repeats on network NBC! Oh, yes. Like Isaac said before he climbed the rope after Geoff: "It's not about the money, it's me against Geoff" or something like that. They want to prove THEY can do it, too, and maybe do it better. Or at least that's my take on how they think, for the most part.
  17. The key word is "folded." That paper was folded inside the envelope. Impossible to write on. Before when he revealed writing, the paper was flat inside an envelope. I just watched Uzeyer again and I liked him. The judges were horrible to rank on him. Oh, wow. If you are proven correct, Backformore, my hat is off to you! Brilliant. p.s. Just watched the rerun of Blount's performance and it was NOT the same one as last night. He wasn't flat and off key in the beginning this time. WTH?
  18. Thanks, Frankenstein. Your post made me think perhaps the show gave each contestant a time to fill. Piff got way too much time, or at least I felt his act was padded to stretch it out. Same with the rope trick guy, he coulda/shoulda cut his act in half. Or filled it with some good magic. Or even a second joke-store purchase. Maybe he got surprised with more time added at the end and that was all he could come up with.
  19. Talking about times made me think ... last night Piff seemed to go on forever, yet Drew's set was 90 seconds, right? Last week Uzeyer wanted another 90 seconds and couldn't get it. But the magicians (and Paul) got something like two or more minutes. Or else they just drag on and FEEL longer ... ?
  20. Too bad neither Derek nor Mark pay attention to what Carrie Ann writes, and Carrie Ann never criticizes either of them for being showboats with THEIR partners.
  21. Great post, Irritable. And good reasons to not read comments posted by "the masses" on any page anywhere. While I was the one who said not to break up by text, I agree that a face-to-face would not have changed things, unless the girlfriend then could see his face and manner change, see him become irate, then do a personality swing, in person. That might have given her a different memory of the guy. I wonder what this story would have been like if the guy hadn't missed that curve and gone off the road. We'd be back to the traditional Dateline story of "the girlfriend did it." I wonder if the killer had other girlfriends or exes. Would have been interesting to hear from them. If there were any "thems."
  22. I've never heard of Adam Smith. The only name I could come up with was Ben Franklin, my loser shot in the dark. Going now to check out pictures of the Founding Fathers for hotness level. (Thanks, ABay!)
  23. And being inspired by all these ninjas is back on topic! I did feel sorry for Flip, he was so downtrodden when he failed. He seems to be battling personal demons. I hope he comes back next year and does well. It's like I've watched his growth on this show, year after year. I'm also hoping my handsome blond gymnast who lives in his van and dines at the dumpsters will return next year. He's another of my tv boyfriends. Yes, Isaac, I am two-timing you! I guess most of all, I hope THIS SHOW comes back next year! I love it and miss it when it's gone.
  24. This. This made me so mad. Why not just say "Good luck" and "You've been great" to Uzeyer instead of saying negativity over and over. And Blount ... OMG. I was listening, not watching, and Howard was correct in saying he was flat and off for the entire beginning of that song. And choosing One Direction's song that I love and singing it poorly REALLY made me wish I could see One Direction and not ever Benton Blount, never ever again. Piff got the bad edit that let all viewers see the fake dog being replaced with the real one. I liked the CraigLewis singers okay, plus they looked good and were entertaining. I had forgotten Oz by the end of the show and only was reminded of his act by reading here. Bodes poorly for voting. But I liked his act, one of the better of the evening. You have read my mind. Jokes are not funny if they defy common sense. Paul, boring. Derek ... trick ropes you bought in a joke shop? Yikes to both these guys. Paul was hilarious last week. What happened? Heaven help me, I've hated The Regurgitator all season, but last night he was my favorite. He was funny and was having a blast doing his tricks. He made me smile, as crazy as his act is. If he wins, I'm all okay about it.
  25. I hope the money doesn't affect Isaac at all. But a follow up down the road would be interesting. I know some rock climbers -- they are a different breed. They routinely put themselves in life-and-death situations, they can die from one slip of the fingers, and that sort of lifestyle creates a persona on a different level from the average joe on the street. It's also why they group together, away from the "normal" person who just doesn't "get it." Hence, the camaraderie of the Wolf Pack. I respect each and every one of these ninjas. And as for showboating, they can showboat all they like, stand on their heads and write postcards from the top of the warped wall if they want. They are doing what I cannot. More power to them all. I was cheering for each one from home, just as hard as each of them were cheering for each other live from the grandstand.
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