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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Thanks Bluepiano. Yeah, I knew that too, but I was hoping. He was something different than the parents "giving up everything" so the teen could "pursue his/her dream" on a show "that means everything" and is "the only chance they'll ever have" to be a star. The judges must get a pretty good paycheck, although I have no idea how much. And maybe contracts say they have to get X amount of camera time? So much of the banter is repetitive, I usually turn the channel, then come back when they're done.
  2. Oh, DUH! Thanks so much NurseGiGi! I knew they had to be somewhere.
  3. Going back a day, I've never seen Game of Thrones but obviously Matt watches it. However, I did see every episode of The Avengers and can recognize Emma Peel to this day. So I did get the (easiest) high-dollar question. As for how much Matt is winning ... it makes me feel the world is out-of-balance when someone can win $50,000 on Who Wants to be a Millionaire without having really any skill, education or knowledge over much more than basic life. Yet people who are highly educated are lucky to come away from Jeopardy with a thousand bucks. So the show paying out to Matt over what, 12 games? doesn't make me feel sorry for the show at all. It is far from going bankrupt with the small amounts it pays out on a daily basis. Even on a good day the winner typically wins less than $20,000, less than someone on Millionaire or even Wheel.
  4. I don't have cable but have been able to watch this series as it reruns on ME TV. Seasons 1-4 have been run twice, and S5 just started last night. I came here to get some insight into things I am unclear about after watching the first two episodes. I know S5 talk was here when it was on in real time because I avoided reading it. Does anyone know if those S5 posts are archived somewhere that I can read them? I need insight from you guys! Thanks.
  5. I caught the rerun of this episode last night and enjoyed it. I thought the Beebo was a good idea, I would invest in that company. The parent can do other things while still holding/feeding the baby ... brilliant. I also was impressed with Ashton, a big surprise, and hope he comes back. I really liked him, he was like a "real world" investor, even though I know he's terribly rich just like the others. I also liked his snapping back at Kevin, who relies way too much on being a mean curmudgeon. If he's like that in real life ... just ouch to family and friends.
  6. This was the only battle I wanted to see, and I missed it although I saw all the others. So Manny went home? He was my favorite for the entire season, but on this show a 15-year-old can win, a 30-year-old goes home, regardless of talent. It's all about the looks and marketability I guess. (Maybe Manny is older than 30, I've forgotten, but still, point made.) The ones who got the montage ... so much for their 15 minutes of fame I guess.
  7. I can only guess Seuss was not on your university's required reading list? I thought most of the Seuss clues were obscure unless one had a child, or was young enough that book was read to them by a parent. I use that for my reason why I missed almost the entire category. Got a kick out of Matt doing well in it. Is that true? When I was in the Jeopardy audience, there were a dozen at least contestants waiting for their turns. They would all sing/hum along to the Jeopardy theme when it played, like a sitting flash mob. Days filmed aren't days aired. Like Monday's show wasn't recorded on a Monday. Former contestants, let us know! I was thinking others watching Matt board hop is why they are doing it themselves now. It's surprising to see so many new people do that right off the bat. The one guy's answer to the painter of The Scream, and Trebek's correction of pronunciation, made me imagine it as a FJ and someone winning by writing MOONK.
  8. Then it turned out to be a three-choice drop-down menu. The heck!
  9. I want to do one big "LIKE" to every post here. This subject is so exhausting to me, I just can't do it individually. But I want to say how much I appreciate every one and every post here. Who knew that the creep that is Cosby could bring so many people together this way. Bless all of you. Like, like and like. I hope this gives us all some strength and independence from abuse, past, present and future.
  10. Okay, so this show was so gripping that I fell asleep before the end. But if Jane lost that tooth from being punched in the jaw, wouldn't she have a gap in her grin? People don't lose molars from getting slugged, they lose those front teeth. Yeah, I know ... why bother nitpicking.
  11. I know, right? The two other contestants were probably hoping talking about losing Jules would upset Matt's game. I hope not, I want to watch him every day. I'm with everyone who has never heard of that FJ tapestry. If my life depended on coming up with an answer, I would be dead right now. Crazy what some of us know. And don't know. Because I'm not on any boards besides this one, I haven't heard any talk about Matt being a lawyer. Trebek always announces him the same way, so don't know where that rumor originated.
  12. There were contestants glad they were named Alex when Alex Jacob was on his streak. They knew they didn't have to play him. Oh, but he bugged the heck out of me with his board jumping. That's for people who have won at least one game and have earned that right! And okay, guys, I sat and watched today's episode without doing work during, and because of that, I have now fallen madly in love with Matt. I know, crazy, but smart is sexy in my world, and Matt is sexy as hell IMO. Yowza! And no "11" at the intro, just a very satisfied smile. I could watch this guy until those cows come home. And then come home again. I'll snap out of it to complain about Trebek, though, when he gave one clue in some accent that made the answer a total giveaway, even to anyone who didn't know it. After that reading, EVERYONE knew the answer. Gah ... just stop it Trebek. ETA: I'm all in for winning that Lindblad trip. Crossing my fingers!
  13. No, that is true, time has run out. Which makes these women coming forward all the more compelling, there is basically nothing for them to gain. Just so they can be the subject of scrutiny and foul jokes? I'm looking at you, Wayans. Mrs. Cosby might be undergoing her own problems so I can't criticize her for sticking around. Could be her life hasn't been all roses either, given to whom she is married. Maybe it's a trade-off sort of relationship: "You keep your cheating grubs off me, Bill, and I'll stick around so you look the good husband. Now, where's that credit card and the key to my Maserati?"
  14. Yes, Trebek wasn't really being a smartie pants IMO, he was trying to throw a happy bone to the obviously pissy Emily. Didn't work though. I, too, got a gigantic kick out of the Jazz Hands during the opening. Well done, Matt. I also watched this episode more so noticed Matt doesn't bob or weave, flail with the buzzer, wave his arms around, dance or pull out drumsticks while he is playing. And he dresses well. In all, he's the perfect Jeopardy player according to the rules of this thread. Board skipping doesn't bother me, except it makes it harder for ME to answer some clues. And, you know, I only watch this show to proclaim my own brilliance. I saw the movie way back when it was in first-run theaters, so got this answer immediately. And in the movie, which was in German with subtitles, it was pronounced "boot." And I've always heard it pronounced "BOOT" everywhere else, and it's been an answer in other game shows. Maybe someone skilled in German can say for sure, but I believe Trebek was wrong. I am positive I would enjoy Matt as a friend IRL.
  15. I can translate that. He means, Cosby Show reruns will stop and then so will the residual checks he's been living on. I saw only a couple of minutes, when the women were asked if any of them reported the assaults. No one raised their hand. Then one woman spoke up and said that just wasn't done then, there was no such thing as date rape or child molesters or anything, we all lived in a Leave It To Beaver world where that stuff just didn't happen. Which is why it could happen, did happen, and happened often. It's staggering how many people think Cosby is the happy doctor dad we all saw on tv. Like OJ was the goofy police guy of the movies, and those football wife beaters are all some sort of magical heros above reproach. It makes me have no hope for our society, there is so much brainlessness going on. I first heard of this when Hannibal's comedy routine was being discussed on some of the radio stations I listen to. There was some outcry against Hannibal at that time, but at least he was getting noticed and talked about. He had come out against Cosby before but was ignored. So, good on him. Interestingly, one radio station got a lot of callers who were defending Cosby. Again, staggering, because these callers had never met the man, just knew him from that tv show and his comedy albums. I heard a comedian on the radio who told a story about Cosby. He was doing a stand up show at some place, and two of her comedian friends walked Cosby out on stage after he was introduced. When they got on stage, loud and long applause broke out. Cosby leaned over and whispered to the comedians walking him out: "Listen to that. Neither of you will ever have that in your careers." Interpret that as you will.
  16. Apparently, word play is this show's hook. I'm trying to get "We suck" out of "Quantico."
  17. Thanks a LOT, Jesse, you killer of my childhood memories! That could be revealed in today's interview. Stay tuned.
  18. Yeah, I agree that Trebek didn't wish Matt to lose big. It was just a poor choice of words from our kingly host.
  19. My point exactly. IRL Fischer dates well. On this show, so as to keep with the image of the character not being all movie-star hot, his girlfriend is "average" at best. Yet on all the comedy shows, the overweight buffoon man has a hottie mc-hottie wife. It just irritated me that Fischer's Blacklist girlfriend wasn't starlet gorgeous. Especially when he was the most successful lawyer ever, according to Red. I did get a kick out of one scene inside the diner, after Red pulls the shotgun and takes everyone hostage, that in the background when Red/Lizzie are talking, there is a couple sitting in a booth having a meal and a chat. Like I'd have an appetite with shotguns inside and rows of cop cars outside my lunch place.
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