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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Plus, the bottom line (of a woman's "bottom" line) is that if she is a size 12, she's STILL a size 12 after trying on the clothes and checking herself out in the mirror. It's not like all of a sudden, because it's a skinny mirror, she turns into a size 8 so has to buy smaller clothes. If I look good (to myself), then I feel good and I buy the outfit. I just don't see the big deal. I'm not trying on any outfit that I don't like hanging on a hanger. If it's ugly off, it's ugly on. If it's cute off, then I'm hoping it's cute on, too. I'm not saying EVERY outfit would look good on me, even with a skinny mirror. I'm still judging the clothes. Maybe I look skinnier, but if the dress is skank, then it's still skank and I'm not buying it. So there's that.
  2. Yes, like the two-faced-girlfriend episode of Seinfeld. Some mirrors really scare me. Or just make me feel worse about myself, like the mirror lady said.
  3. I thought that logo was cool, but did not belong on a package of jerky. I'd either have to read the fine print to see what it was made of, or reject it altogether as I'm not about eating polar bears in any form. I like the skinny mirror. Dressing-room mirrors make me, if not everyone, look horrible, at least where I shop. I'm tall, but those mirrors are at some angle that makes me appear 10 inches shorter and 100 pounds heavier, so I HATE all the clothes I try on. Why not have a mirror that makes me and the clothes look good, even if it's only in my mind? I'd rather have me think I'm tall and thin than short and grossly fat. It's all about how I see ME, as the woman said. If I think I look good in something, who gives a care what anyone else thinks? The mirror isn't a diet aid, how my pants fit (and button or NOT button) is my diet aid, not my mirror. If I go up three sizes, it's not the mirror's fault, it's mine for having to keep going out and buying more elastic waistbands so things will fit. I'm not TOTALLY stupid. Yeah, I'd like a skinny mirror. Especially in my bathroom, and over the bathroom sink. I was surprised at the sharks all snapping their jaws at the drone, but the phone drone ... yeah, I can totally see that selling a bazillion and making everyone rich. I got a kick out of all the sharks being wise to Mark and his coming in late. And when Mark kept hesitating, I was wishing the drone guys would have said, "Mark, make me an offer NOW or you're DEAD TO ME." That's what sharks like to say to get people to take their offers before anyone else can get into the deal. It's so rude, I wish the drone guys would have been a little rude in return. The Switch Witch. Just no. There are so many other ways to keep kids from gorging on Halloween candy. That idea I thought was a total waste.
  4. And maybe a lot less people in prison who are guilty. It's a coin toss.
  5. We would make a great trivia quiz team, a bunch of us from this thread. Among us, we could cover just about any question/answer. Here is an interesting photo.
  6. If one watches enough crime shows, he/she will know that once the person asks for a lawyer, questioning stops. So every citizen needs to learn that one small thing. Innocent people usually don't think they need a lawyer; hence, they can get into big trouble. Detectives need to meet a quota of solved cases to keep their jobs, government funding and so forth. Being a police officer is just a job, and one supported by public funds. Yeah, sad state of affairs, but there you go. Fable's idea that every person should have automatic legal council present at questioning is a good one. But yeah, good luck on that.
  7. My money would be on he knows what people write for FJ so he can prepare his quips. Or so his writers can prepare his quips.
  8. I watched the second half of this episode because the local news said our local murder case would be the subject. So I tuned in since while I knew the ending, I didn't know any backstory about the victim or the boyfriend/murderer. And I wanted to see how Dateline portrayed where I live. I think the Chamber of Commerce won't be happy with the portrayal of the Quads as "gritty" with closeups of freight trains rolling through and rusty signs falling off of buildings. This is the home of John Deere, for pete's sake, there are tons of wealthy living in toney homes in very upscale neighborhoods. But whatever. It was a different perspective to watch knowing where the body was found and that the killer was sentenced to 40-x years. His sentencing was just last month so I saw that on the news, after his trial was covered daily this summer. I remember because I wondered why he didn't change his name. Tim McVay ... really? It's like that Seinfeld episode where Elaine's boyfriend has the same name as a mass murderer and he's called over the loudspeaker at a ball game. Except in this case, both Tims are murderers. Okay, so the OKC guy was McVeigh. Pronunciation is the same. As always, Dateline left a lot unsaid. Why did McVay drive all the way to Minneapolis, an 8-hour drive, to fly to Vegas when he could have gotten a direct flight right out of the local airport? A girlfriend in Minnesota was mentioned ... who was she and where was she? McVay didn't own a car? If Carrie gave him her bank card, why didn't she give him the PIN? So McVay bought a TOY SHOVEL at a Big Lots? Whaaa? Yeah, it was only four bucks, but if you're going to bury a body you need the real thing from a hardware or farm store. This is from the local newspaper, January 2014. The man is obviously McVay: "The family of Carrie Olson tell News 8 that a man Carrie knows, who was seen with her car early Sunday morning at a 7-Eleven in Rock Island, has returned to the Quad Cities with Carrie’s car. Family members say Carrie’s purse was inside the car, but no cell phone or wallet. Family members say the man was questioned by police for four hours into the early morning hours of Friday, January 3rd and then released." Dateline didn't mention that, that McVay still had her car AND HER PURSE. The heck? This is from McVay's ex-wife (his second), from our local newspaper: "The ex-wife of convicted killer Tim McVay says she had to escape the marriage for her sanity, and believes McVay is exactly where he deserves to be. "I bet you still in his mind, he is innocent. He's a sociopath. He has no remorse for anything he's done," she said. Tim McVay was sentenced Friday to 45 years in prison for the murder of Carrie Olson. Krystal married McVay in Las Vegas after his first divorce. She testified at his sentencing hearing that when she was married to Tim in 2010, he pushed her through a screen door, and she got a concussion. She also says he was going through money like crazy, and lying about where it was going. "He has a serious gambling issue. Money would go missing. He tried to make me feel like I was crazy. I had to move out. It was causing very negative thoughts in my head. It was horrible," she said. "He has a temper. It's like a beast roaring when he gets to that point," she said. "He's got a couple of different sides. He's got a side that's very charming. He was very talented in construction. He was a good dad," she said. She had not seen McVay in years, until she took the witness stand at the hearing. "Tim McVay is right where he should be, he's always had someone to bail him out. Not this time." Some years ago, I got in an argument with the guy who lived with me. I left (my own house!) and spent a PLATONIC night with an old boyfriend. So, doing that isn't out of the ordinary if one remains (platonic) friends with an ex.
  9. I guess being able to identify flowers goes along with knowing obscure town names in different states. It's interesting what I ASSume everyone knows just because I know it. I'm usually wrong. I guess I'm one of the Misfits. Answers just have to be in the form of a question, so for that person to answer, "Is it ...?" fits the rules. It might be the more acceptable way to phrase many of those wrong answers. I vote for more than "sometimes."
  10. Just because it needed to be said again. I know, right? He has a customer already for the fake, yet the real one he tosses to the FBI? Oh well, I guess. I didn't mind Liz taking a shower, it was one time the show let us see actors being "real" people. I also like Aram hugging Liz, even though she is a cold-blooded murderer. Gotta cut your friends some slack sometime I guess. I also liked the end, Red having a laugh and good time with the theater lady. What a welcome relief that had to be from the "I'm a bad person" Liz, she is such a wet blanket, always moping around.
  11. Isn't he getting 10 cents per correct answer from his parents? Rock on, New Champ! I couldn't believe bleeding heart was missed, especially when the picture of the flower was shown, which looks just like a ... bleeding heart! But I guess if you don't know flower names, that was no more help than knowing Hutchinson is in Kansas. I, too, was surprised Fatal Attraction was missed. I've seen that quote on other shows, more than one, more than once. And yes, there is nothing more royal than a robe trimmed in black-footed weasel. The champ really did a crash and burn like I've not seen before. I wonder what happened?
  12. I like to say I never get lost, just sometimes I don't know where I am. And yeah, finding maps is getting more difficult. I remember when every gas station handed them out, and Interstate rest stops had them too. Of course, I also remember when there was no such thing as a self-service gas station. Looking forward to everyone's thoughts about today's game!
  13. You DEF need me on that trip. We can listen to opera while I quiz you on obscure towns we are driving past. Or into. What fun!
  14. I'm here for you! No GPS for me, I'll never have or ever use one. I'm old-school maps all the way.
  15. I noticed dark roots last night, so I'm guessing it's not a wig (?), plus it means she's been a blond at least one month.
  16. I thought Tom's mark in the casino said what kind it was when he saw Tom switch the dice by flashing the watch. But I could be wrong, and I don't care enough to look at it again. Why did Tom take on that stupid affected accent while he was playing that character? I don't care how much money he was flashing, I wouldn't want that guy in my life. Now, Tom in his regular speaking voice is another matter. What's up with Liz continuing to call Tom. Wouldn't those guys all be using burners instead of traceable/trackable cell phones? Oh, wait ... never mind. I can't use logic while watching this show. Most ironic line of the night: Liz to Red: "You're a terrible actor." Funniest line of the line: Red: "Surprise!" He said another one earlier in the episode, but I've forgotten it already. Is it smart to be looking at FBI profile folders in a public restaurant with waiters walking around refilling waters? Oh, wait ... never mind. I can't use logic while watching this show.
  17. Some people love and study opera. Some people love and study maps. I'm the second. I can sit and read/look at an Atlas or road map for hours if not days on end. That includes world maps as well as North American ones. Don't hate us because we can recognize and locate cities, states and countries. Even ones others think we should not know. On the other hand, I know nothing about opera. So there's that. You guys all top me on that subject. By the same token, I've watched Ken Burns' Civil War series so many times, and it's currently on again. Yet I was stumped on FJ. Once I heard South Carolina, yeah, that made total sense, so DUH on me. But I had never heard of Secessionville. In my defense, however, I DO know where the Battle of Pea Ridge took place! Thanks Pallida. If I were bovine, I'd chose the cushy life of a fistulated cow over being part of a dairy herd. I'd live a long and luxurious life in a veterinary school as opposed to being sent off to MacDonald's as soon as my milk production dropped. She did get Armistead at least. I'm sure she was kicking herself afterward.
  18. I would expect people brilliant enough to pass all the Jeopardy testing requirements to know that without having to add some easy peasy clue about Maryland to give it away. But then, maybe the on-air questions/clues are aimed at Every Man sitting at home who wants to feel more smarter than the contestants. I'd venture to say that many of us here would know Timonium/Maryland just because Timonium is in ... wait for it ... Maryland! Adding the line about Hutchinson being X miles from Wichita is the equivalent of asking for the name of the country west of Spain on the Iberian peninsula, then showing a map with Portugal highlighted and a star that's labeled Lisbon.
  19. This reminded me, one State Fair clue really irritated me. The category was about where the fairs were held. All of the clues EXCEPT ONE had just the city name. But for Kansas, they had "Hutchinson," then had to add that it was X miles from Wichita. WTH? Are Jeopardy contestants so freakingly stupid that they need help to know that Hutchinson is in Kansas? So many contestants are from the Midwest. But I guess to the LA clue writers, Kansas is somewhere as remote and mysterious as ... well, as Oz. I found that entire category easy as pie. I even know where Hutchinson is for freak's sake. Thanks to everyone for supporting my statement that "window cows" are pretty common. I first saw one so long ago, most of you pups weren't even born yet. Is it a good thing we are back to non-memorable contestants? I can't even remember who won the game yesterday.
  20. It's not the only one. It's kinda common, at least in vet schools. I kept looking at the ground/background and thinking how everything had to be swept and scrubbed, then that clip filmed asap. Cows are rather spontaneous mess makers. (I ran the vet category, obviously.)
  21. Oh, thanks Trey. Obviously, I would have answered Conoco if that jingle had been a clue. Me = LOSER!
  22. I'm so old school, I have many of the Oz books, or most of them, inherited from my mother, who read them when she was a child. I have Ozma of Oz, The Patchwork Girl of Oz, Tik-Tok of Oz and Rinkitink in Oz. L. Frank Baum wrote 14 of them, Wicked not being one. Was there a year mentioned in FJ? I could have named any of the Baum books, all published in the 1910s, but present day book ... obviously that's a no. This is one reason I appreciated Matt. He would have just answered "Kaleidoscope" and gone on to the next clue. And not left an entire category (and a DD!) on the board. Yes! And I was waiting for Conoco. Does anyone remember those old gas stations? "Trust your car to the man who wears the star."
  23. Dean had a lovely speaking voice and a slight accent. Do we know what it was, or where she was (originally) from? I don't pay much attention to the intros or interviews. I didn't have a clue Wicked was a book. If the category had been "Broadway," I woulda gotten it, easy peasy. This made me laugh. Thanks, prin.
  24. Hi Inigo. Welcome to this thread. And feel free to express your biases ... we all do! Thanks for the insight into josh? (I'm typing him as Bizarro JOSH!). I'm glad he only went two days, he already is pretty much out of my memory bank. Is it sexist of me to be tired of women NOT winning? If so, call me one great big gigantic SEXIST.
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