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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Well, okay, I give you that, Wings. You are correct. It just seems that there are fewer and fewer JPs and Ashleys on each season, and more and more sex in the ocean, skinny dipping and back stabbing fame whoring. All that sort of makes me forget there ever were any honest or real people on this show. Plus, it's been a while since the Ashley/JP season. I do believe "back in the day" contestants took this show more seriously. It appears very few do today, it's turned into pretty much of a circus IMO.
  2. The latest is that the murdering, drunken, drugged-up Ethan might not be extradited from Mexico because, according to his highly paid lawyers, to do so would violate his "rights." Yet another prime example of how loudly money talks.
  3. Most people with high moral standards don't sign up to be on TB or TB-ette!
  4. I've been with this show from the beginning (yes, I am OLD!) and after only making it through the first part of this episode before turning the channel, I realized I'm not only old, I am old school. I want the Bach to find love and marriage, not a bunch of crazy women put there by production to create drama and water-cooler talk. (Or online chat-room talk. *cough*) When one of the women got out of the limo and just walked over to introduce herself and then go into the mansion, it was so DIFFERENT and refreshing. No rose on head, no twin, no mini horse, no flying skateboard, no jumping into his arms .... just a very attractive woman coming to meet a guy. Now THAT'S what I watch this show for. It just doesn't happen that much any more. I've just seen last night's episode so many times in past seasons, I just can't. And now it seems everyone has to be crazy to just get on the show. Just ... no from me. When Chris H. asked Ben if he saw his wife in that room, I answered for him: "Oh, HELL no." I must say, however, that the African-American vet is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. Her bikini beach scenes? Hokey smokes, she was on fire. Then she went and ruined it with the big "kiss" to the camera. A close up of gigantic lips and nose with a view up the nostrils is not the most flattering. I had to reconsider my opinion of her beauty after that. So Ben grew up on a farm? Do tell. Although I guess that's already been done. Even if I think Ben could do it better. I guess I'm out until Ben maybe has winnowed out the fame whores and producer plants and there are a couple of real and honest women left. Not that I won't be checking in here each week to find out the latest!
  5. Yes, with Ethan's hair and piddly beard dyed black. According to the local Texas sheriff, they held a "going away" party before they took off in the pickup truck to Mexico. There was a $5,000 reward to the person who turned them in. I hope one of Ethan's drinking "best friends" gets the payola.
  6. The biggest bummer IMO is that with Jane's memory being wiped, she's forgotten her affair/relationship with Tree Guy. I'm just hoping those flashbacks get stronger and she runs off with TG and forgets about that mud stick Weller. The show could follow Jane and TG and skip Weller as far as I'm concerned. RIP Gaston. My hope is that he will reappear, maybe he is only partly dead. I like the idea of the episode titles being haikus. At least that helps this show be more interesting.
  7. FYI, I did hear on the news yesterday that the Affluenza kid's dad was "helping" the authorities. Maybe he and she did divorce after all.
  8. Same here. And if I've ever had thoughts of killing anyone, it's always been the cheating boyfriend. I wouldn't have minded doing jail time for offing a couple of them. I don't blame the dog for not barking during a FOUR HOUR RAPE! but I do question why any rape lasts four freaking hours, especially one that suppose to be outside in a residential back yard. Four minutes would have been closer to it, and more believable. I do think Shannon is one cool cucumber, she has a level head, perfect for being a 911 operator. She just needed to have a story in place without taking four months in jail to think it up. That was her downfall. I wish the victim had known about Shannon, the pregnancy, her beloved skipping around on her. If she had, and had broken the engagement as her friend said she would, maybe we wouldn't have been watching this unfold on tv.
  9. Judy, I hope their money burns up fast over there. Although I'm guessing financial arrangements were put into place well before those two took off. Has the father even been interviewed? This is when I wish a guy like John Reese were real, so he could "interview" the husband/father. At least this is getting a lot of national news time. But Cooks, I thought that judge "retired"? If not, it's time. And bravo, Judy, for your post a page back. You have a good handle on life, and I admire how you are able to articulate your thoughts. We all tend to romanticise "the one who got away," and think how perfect our lives would be "if only." But most of us should count ourselves lucky we never experienced those "if onlys." Good intuition keeps us from that path not taken. But wow, it is so easy to be emotionally and physically manipulated sometimes. Maybe all the time for some.
  10. Thanks, Noreaster. I think that would have been a good song for Jordan. I was afraid Adam had picked Jingle Bells or something equally insipid. Good to know Adam was helping him with song choice, too.
  11. And I love this quote. Those are the three top reasons for sticking with this into the next season. Thanks, Watt!
  12. I keep falling asleep when I try to watch this show, so I came here to find out what happened and who the bomber really was. Geesh. I still don't know. I do like sleeping though.
  13. I feel so smart, knowing The Weeknd from seeing him on SNL some weeks ago, beating all you guys to the punch. However, it is here that I learned how to spell his moniker, so I guess we're even. (Real name: Abel Makkonen Tesfaye!) Can't imagine why Bieber was on this show. What was up with that? It doesn't fit his "profile." Kromm, I thought he was a bit pitchy too, missing his autotune, and was surprised he was there without it, and without Skrillex and Diplo. Would have been a hoot to have him paired with one of the contestants. Loved getting to see/hear the black woman singer with the odd name which I cannot remember. She was my favorite this season.
  14. And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS! Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on. Sam Hunt ... WHAaaaa? That guy has been winning awards all over the place and I thought he basically stunk. Shows what I know. Was surprised Bieber was there and could actually play the piano. Who knew. And he sang without his autotune. Another who knew. Anyway, congrats to Jordan. I hope he has a rewarding and long career. I like him and I like his singing, so I would listen to him. And thank goodness the show is over so we can stop hearing about how Barrett has a wife and kids and how much they have sacrificed so he could "follow his dream." If that had been a drinking game, we would all be entering rehab today.
  15. Yes, so do I. Wish there were some way to find out. I hate hearing the same old Christmas songs, they were boring when I was a kid, and that was a long time ago. So Jordan's "Mary" song was interesting to me. I had never heard it before so I actually listened and enjoyed it. A song doesn't have to be about my religion or beliefs for me to enjoy it, just like I don't sext or do booty calls, but that doesn't stop me from liking some songs with lyrics about those things. Anyway, good choice, Jordan.
  16. Okay, you asked. Here are my thoughts. While I do not know if you two had a physical or loving give-and-take relationship, there is no reason for ANY person, regardless of HOW busy they are, to not stay in touch with a phone call, a letter, a note, a post card for pete's sake. If someone really cares about someone, they stay in touch somehow, some way. This guy did not. This is especially harsh if you were attached physically as well as mentally to this guy. He concentrated solely on himself, then told you to "think seriously about YOUR future." To me, that means he thought of you as a slacker who had better catch up with him mentally and professionally. JMHO, of course, but that's how it reads to me. I suspect you know that deep down, or your emphasis on his education and universities wouldn't have been mentioned. This guy was never going to get married, to you or to anyone else. No one is good enough for him, he's a cold fish, a very self-important one. You gave him the perfect out, by "breaking his heart." He wanted no one besides you? I call BS on that. He wanted only himself, and maybe what you could do for him as that Stepford GIRLFRIEND, because he was never going to marry you. Harsh, maybe, but again, JMHO. And "lawyer" is just a job, like any other profession. Don't put him on a pedestal for it. I know plenty of jerks who are lawyers. If he was a real gentleman and really cared about you, he would have sent a great gift as a wedding present, and a private note wishing you all the best in your new life. OR: He would have done a Benjamin Braddock and stopped the wedding to profess his love for you. I'm guessing none of that happened. I feel badly for you carrying guilt when it's his problem, not yours. You obviously have kept track of him. How about picking up the phone, or going to see him in person, and getting closure once and for all? It's way past time. Don't be afraid to tell it like it is. Of course, being a lawyer, he will enjoy continuing to manipulate you, so there's that to consider. Good luck on you, and thanks for sharing your story.
  17. I could care less what songs these guys sing, I listen to the voices (pun there) and the only time I did not flip channel was when Jordan sang, each time. I'm wondering what the judges are hearing during the performances since I heard a lot of flat and painful notes from Barret and the Sam Smith guy. I had to change channels until they were done, and the judges were finished going on and on about what great "stars" they are. I do like the blond girl singer, she has an excellent voice, but why do they keep giving her Dolly Parton songs? Oh ... because she sounds just like her. Is Gwen feeling her age? She can't let an episode go by without dwelling on HOW YOUNG! some contestants are. Jordan or the blond for the win. The other two ... so painful to my ears!
  18. Even Rick Grimes kept his neck shaved while sporting a full beard. Then he shaved it all off in S5. If someone can do that during the zombie apocalypse, SS can at least manage half a shave being he has a full-time residence complete with bathroom, mirror and running water. What, he can't? Oh.
  19. The category was Words Containing CU, and the clue had to do with "this style of jeans are made to fit over Tony Lamas" or something close to that. Of course, one had to know jeans styles (peg leg, skinny, full cut, stretch and so forth) and that Tony Lamas are (perhaps the most famous) brand of cowboy boots. So, "boot cut" jeans was the easy peasy answer for me, who owns a bunch of those jeans, one pair of Tony Lamas, and the horses that go with them. Opera category ... a complete and total bust for me. I would have stood there like a drooling moron while you guys ran that category. No way are any degrees useless. Maybe they do not apply to what career paths we take or end up on, but no learning is bad or useless learning. I try to learn something every day. Point in fact: I knew Lucy was a skeleton fossil but no way in heck would I ever have come up with its official name. So, good on you guys. Lots of good stuff in today's game. Will be back tomorrow to post about that.
  20. I didn't think Breaking Bad, but I did see that same scene on Arrow so I knew LDP really wasn't shanked, the attack was faked so he could be put into federal protection. Right? No? Oh. I appear to be the only one who didn't understand anything about this episode. I find the so-called "romance" skeevy, Weller looked like a hobo in a tux (buy a razor, dude), and two adult agents (well, one agent, one assassin) get all mooney eyed about playing married partners? Please. Looking forward to when Jane's Tree Man comes forward and Weller moves backward. Like THAT will ever happen. (The Weller thing I mean.)
  21. I was all in a tiz about elk being accepted when it is the moose that is the largest of the deer family AND has the dewlap required by the clue. Then I did a bit of research and discovered this: 'Alces alces, also known as the moose, stands at approximately six feet tall at the shoulder, making it the largest member of the deer family. In Latin, alces means "elk". This can sometimes cause confusion when talking about Alces alces because European countries refer to it as "elk" and North Americans refer to it as "moose". So, the contestant who answered "elk" was wrong and correct at the same time. I definitely think just plain Benedict would have been accepted; Trebek implied just that. It goes with Jeopardy's standard of accepting just one part of a name as being correct. (Carson Bendict not withstanding.) Luckily, it did not affect Kerry's score. I knew bootcut because I remember then that was all the style. Plus, I needed to buy them to fit over my boots. I also knew Guernsey because, you know, I am familiar with cow windows and such. Animal categories are usually stumpers on this show, and since bootcut sort of goes with riding horses (even if most wearers do not), I give all players a pass on those being TSs. I sat and watched yesterday without trying to squeeze any work in between answers. I did not see a single thing offensive or "off" about Kerry. I like her. And I wish I had her hair. Mine resembles Rosanne Rosannadanna if it's not held captive by a clip. And I cannot complain about her hairstyle. As one co-worker said to me, "You've had the same hairstyle since high school." And trust me, gang, I've been out of high school many more years than has Kerry. Hair ... it's not a big deal. It's what's underneath the hair that counts IMO. A while back there was a guy on who had sort of a pompadour with the sides shaved. I commented on it here and was told it's all the style with the young whippersnappers these days. Who knew? I felt sorry for him. He had to be fighting the stress of being up against those brainiacs, then failing made him all the more stressed. It was an achievement to even appear in this tourney. He needs a hug.
  22. Sort of equal to identifying Ronald Reagan from his photo. Maybe clue writers are so young, photos of these "ancient" faces are a novelty to them.
  23. GreekGeek and ABay, your knowledge of Greek mythology impresses me. If I had been on that episode, I would have bet a big, fat zero dollars once I saw the category. So thanks for all the insight into the "famous" Pandora. I know Pandora best as a bracelet brand. How shallow is that? Although that could be a good future Jeopardy clue. In thinking about my own statement wondering why Alex Jacob was choosing all the smaller-dollar clues, and from the top even, when other high-dollar ones were still on the board: It came to me that he knew he was so far ahead in the game, he was letting his competitors catch up a bit (but not too much) to him. JMHO, of course.
  24. I just got to watch Friday's episode, thank you very much teebax. Apologies to Pandora about Man of the Year, since the category was PERSON of the Year. So yeah, very heavily male-oriented. I don't know if it was because I read it here, but I was all "Howard Stern!" for the big-mouth media mogul too. I got a huge laugh out of Trebek repeating "pince nez" in his overly pronounced foreign way after Alex Jacob said it exactly as I've heard it pronounced my entire life. WTH, Trebek, can't you let anything go? I also wondered what was up with Alex Jacob picking all the low value clues when there were lots of high-value ones on the board. What the heck! And lastly, I got a charge out of FJ's clue saying the woman was "famous." Obviously, Pandora is not as famous as the clue writers think she is/was. The line up for next week is full of cuties. Of all sorts! Can't wait. It should be a stellar week of competition.
  25. Thanks Otto, for clarifying who it was Lizzie shot. Attorney general ... wow, you are right, no way can she ever come back from that. No such thing as a "fair trial" over that murder. The only end I see for her is on some island with no extradition, or on a big boat in some anti-USA country's territorial waters, maybe living in that luxury bin of Red's. For the rest of her life. Either way, she'd have to watch out for undercover guys out to get her. Even Red, Tom and the gnome-kicking Ressler combined can't save her from that. (Although I'm guessing the show's writers can and will ...)
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