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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. He said they were having a discussion about the divorce and what not, so it wasn't like he did not know she was there and she surprised him by jumping out from behind the door with a knife raised to stab him dead. THEN I could understand how a knee-jerk reaction caused him to pull his gun and shoot. But there was no surprise, and he could have asked her to leave or go outside or anything, but he did not. HE SAID they were talking, then he walked down the kitchen and sort of turned his back on her, then saw her coming at him with the knife. So whether she was there by invitation or not has nothing to do with the fact he shot her dead. Four times. Actually, his story would have been better and more believable if he had staged that, the jump out from behind the door, instead of the fakety fake scene he did set up. The key here is, "if you attack someone." I am one who highly doubts he was ever attacked or even threatened in any way. So there's that.
  2. One of the selling points of those edible cups was, because they ARE edible, they are biodegradable so have no impact on the environment, unlike styrofoam or plastic cups. Yeah, someone might eat around the edges, but who cares, because once it's tossed away, it'll be gone, baby, gone. THAT'S the magic of that product.
  3. That there were kids or custody or girlfriends/boyfriends on the side has nothing at all to do with the fact the guy said his wife came at him with a knife and he shot her four freaking times. THAT'S the case, nothing else applies at all. Having custody or non-custody of kids or having an affair/girlfriends/boyfriends on the side doesn't entitle one to shoot a spouse four times. And if the wife was so crazy that she needed medication or whatever, the husband would be the first to know this and should have been aware she might try to stab him. (Which I am positive she did not.) Therefore, he should have been even MORE aware and cautious and not have to freaking shoot four times. There are ways to take down an attacker without emptying a clip into that person. But then I guess you'd have to be a trained FBI agent to know that. Oh ... yeah ... right.
  4. Okay, so I was watching Shark Tank at the same time as I was watching this, then I fell asleep before the end, so I missed a lot of details of the case, and came here to find out he was "not guilty." I'm glad I was flipping to ST because I only had to see 10 minutes of this show to realize I don't need any of the details. The bottom line is, a big FBI agent man with a gun strapped on his hip sees his wife coming at him with a knife and he freaking has to SHOOT her FOUR freaking TIMES? Oh, please. He couldn't have just shoved her away or twisted her around and grabbed her from behind, or grabbed her arm or something? If he HAS to shoot, because he's a manly man and all, shoot her once, in the kneecap. Or, even better, pull your gun out and say, "Get back, b*tch, or I'll shoot." No, this guy killed her outright and killed her on purpose. There was no knife attack. There was no CPR. There was just one lying liar who murdered his wife. WTH is up with the jurors and the judge that they let him off. Other than once again law enforcement gets to do whatever they want to whomever they please, just like all the cops all across the United States can shoot and kill whomever they want, even if it's just a guy standing on a street minding his own business.
  5. This totally cracked me up, since Matt's 2,005 wins leave Ken Jennings so far in the dust. And I LOVE Ken Jennings! Trebek = jackass. I got the feeling Matt thought the same, which is why he did not wager $6,000. Oh, I know. I guess no one has ever been to a Willie concert, he's been playing that as his opener since the beginning of time. Even played it in that movie he was in, the name of which I've forgotten, so that's a TS for me on that. I could picture Chris Kyle in my mind but could not come up with his name in the allotted amount of time. I needed another hour or two for my brain to cough it out. But I said "Leadville" right away, and I don't have any idea how I knew that. Hey, science geeks: Is Hong Kong VIRUS the same as Hong Kong FLU? So Carpe, there's a Harvard St. in Colorado? Go figure!
  6. I love that he does this, it makes me laugh. And I, too, am looking forward to adding the toes. Except I think he'll do the flashing-fingers thing before the toes. Maybe when he gets to Ken Jenner levels, he'll remove the shoes and socks. I didn't notice him slowing the game down, but then I'm usually working at the same time so things can escape me. But I wonder why he would WANT to slow the game down since all have been *ss-kicking runaways. Have I missed something? Or did this happen the one day that he wasn't off on the distant horizon, money-wise? I guess if someone wanted to speed it up, then they needed to beat him to the buzzer and take control of the board. So there's that. Don't give this guy more power than he is earning, guys. I love, love, love that he asks for categories by one word instead of a 20-word title. Now THAT'S one of my pet peeves. Have any clues been left since he's been champ? I know before Matt came on we were complaining about all the clues and categories left uncovered. Maybe he does this when he doesn't have a segue into a story about himself. Although Trebek has done everything, been everywhere, seen everything, knows everyone. So yeah, maybe he's just tired. Or he's got a case of SpeedItUpMatt-itis. I did notice him being especially rude today to one of the people. Was it Matt, when he just replied, "Okay"?
  7. The saying is, they are so cute so you do not kill them. I think that's a joke. I think. They are adorable, though, and very gentle and sweet. But, like many breeds, not for everyone. Judy, teach the dogs to dump all in a neat row. Ha ha! I have dog doors, which makes it easy for me. During the day I have eight dogs in the house with me, so it saves a lot of getting up and down. (Yes, eight.)
  8. Cooks, you should have responded to that hottie-mc-hottie Match guy and set up a date for him with "Susan." Then stood him up. And yeah, a guy who brags about how many dates he's had really makes me want to go out with him ... NOT! OMGosh, that show is when I started my tv-boyfriend love affair with Damian Lewis. I was crushed when it was cancelled, but I get to see him in so many other places now, even on PBS. Punkypower, keep us posted on your offshore geologist. IF that's really his job. *insert evil laughter* Tunia, close but no cigar on the dog matching. But first, I have to tell Judy that after she mentioned visiting my profile to see my dog-faced avatar, I checked that site and pretty much every Jeopardy poster had been there after reading Judy's post, most within minutes of each other. Too funny! Anyway, I'm used to show Lhasas with long coats, eyes covered. So seeing the trimmed Lhasa on that link, Tunia, made me see how you chose that dog. I have to say, I do not care for the breed. I show dogs, and have shown/handled/groomed nearly every breed. One Lhasa I showed we had to pick up his crate and shake him out because if you reached in for him, he would chew your hands off. Once you got him out of the crate and "captured," you could get his lead on and then he was fine. I also did a pet groom on a pet Lhasa and, let me say, that first time was the last time. What a monster, flopping like a wild carp on a rope on my grooming table, screaming and trying to bite me. No thanks! My avatar is a Petite Basset Griffon Vendéen, which is a French rabbit hunting hound. Here are some photos. PBGVs. Walnut, what kind of horses? My first horse was an Appaloosa I bought when I was 15. I showed him hunter/jumper, back when NO ONE showed anything but solid-colored horses as hunters. I was a pariah even then. I went on to Saddlebreds, and still own two after having as many as 19 at one time. But I've shown Arabians, QHs, pintos, western, english, hunt seat, saddle seat. And while I never "did" any guys, I used to have as many as four dates in two days. Yeah, those were the days. All the guys then were, "So, now that I'm in your life you don't have to go to horse shows or have a horse any more." Which would result in insta-dump. I look back now and realize I should have married some of those engineers I dated, then divorced them and soaked them for their life savings, car and house. I did it the hard way, making my own fortune with no help from any man. *coughfortuneyeahrightcough*
  9. Alex Jacob just retweeted this: If Matt Jackson & @whoisalexjacob compete in @Jeopardy Tournament of Champions, it should be called "The Speed King vs. the Sultan of Slow." And TofC is Nov. 9-20. I believe Mr. Jacob will be there. Woo hoo! Snarkers, start sharpening your wits.
  10. Clothing and underwear optional? At one get-together for old horse-show people, we each wrote some obscure fact about ourselves and tossed it in a pot. Then one person read the factoid and we had to guess whom it was written by. That's a fun party ice melter, and we all got to better know people we already knew. When I have time, I will post about my experiences as a movie extra and my life as a misfit and outcast! I work from home, so coming here is my way of avoiding working. But in my case, no workee, no payee. Gotta get back to it. But first: When I worked at the magazine, we all got shirts to wear at convention. They were poorly made, with shoulder seams that came down the arm, then short sleeves. My editor came into a meeting wearing his. He had his arms pulled up inside the baggy sleeves and was waving his hands, all that was showing: "Look! I'm a Thalidomide baby!" I started laughing so hard, I really did almost fall out of my chair. All the younger editors just sat and stared, like, WTH? I was the only one who got the (bad) joke.
  11. Yeah, all three Manning brothers were skipped in that category ... Eli, Peyton and Carson. I didn't do well at all in the TV show category, and I'm a hard-core TV watcher. But, CW isn't available here, and my antenna doesn't pick up cable shows like Orphan Black. So I've never seen Charmed, Party of Five or Orphan Black. And, hold on to your hats gang, but I have never watched an episode of either Partridge Family (and I'm from that era) or Friends. However, I DO know the Friends cast from the overdose it got in pop culture references, so I could have bluffed my way through that one. So, color me a total loser too. If my feeble brain remembers correctly, he lost FJ. Yesterday he wagered much more conservatively in FJ. Both games were runaways, he was just trying to cash in on FJ when he gambled the $10,000. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  12. I remember some of us saying that last season, but Ressler was also in that mix.
  13. Oh, man, I totally did not recognize Dembe, and kept thinking "Where the heck is Dembe? Call him NOW, Red." I did think the actor playing the guy (who turned out to be Dembe) was really hot, though, so there's that. I guess Dembe never spoke much and never got close ups so I couldn't recognize him. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. One of the best lines in the thread so far. So all of a sudden Lizzie is a Russian citizen? And there is documentation for this? Or can anyone just parkour into some embassy and say they're whatever and get amnesty? Yeah, I thought she was heading to Tom's, too. He probably has a stash of disguises and passports and could have done a better job of getting her out than the Troll Farmer. Which was just stupid IMO, send the FBI to a couple locations, not a zillion all in the same direction. I thought Ressler was all kinds of awesome for taking and making that shot, then the woman bitches him about it? Please, girl, you're fine. "What if" doesn't even apply here. Get yer Big Girl pants on.
  14. Yes to that, Clare. And Matt is stealing the Internet away from Turdlinger Talia, which makes me like him even more. He's winning money AND the Internet. *BAM!* Anyone who can get that asshat Trebek to shut up and stop talking about himself is a winner in my book.
  15. Oh, man, you guys are cracking me up this morning. I have to come back when I have more time. I think I've found a good chat room, inhabited by a commie pinko and a naked person. And someone who puts all her cans facing the same way. Hey, remember that movie where the abused wife ran away and took a new name, and only knew her ex had found her because he came in her house one night and moved the cans out of alignment?
  16. But they are so 1950s James Dean Bad Boy! I like the backstories and the performances. Then I'm gone until the next performer comes on. I really don't care who selects whom. I also don't care who "wins" this show. I just like the good singers and how they progress. Which coach has which singer means nothing to me. Do the coaches get some sort of bonus $ if they "win"? (Meaning: If the person they coach wins.) Or is it just an ego thing?
  17. Hi Cook. Google is a great tool to check out anyone. Did you tell that guy that he was fired, just in case he had forgotten that? I'd guess he didn't have a 401 either, or else he squandered it himself. The majority of man profiles I get, the guys say they are honest, trustworthy, loving and caring, treat their woman like gold, are family oriented, love Jesus, are pretty much perfect in every way. They also like walks on the beach, in the woods, holding hands, watching sunsets on the deck, "snuggling" on the couch, blah blah. I can't help but think, yeah, that's why you are divorced, you are perfect. They also state they are looking for a woman who is honest, trustworthy. That makes me laugh since the biggest liar in the world will tell you he/she is honest and trustworthy. Most add that they want someone who does not argue or complain. That also gives me insight into why they are divorced. I can hear their ex asking them over and over again to take out the garbage while they sit like a lump on the couch, beer in hand. "The little lady is nagging me again, I need to get out of this suffocating marriage." Meanwhile, the "little lady" ends up taking the garbage to the curb herself. (And, hopefully, kicking the "old man" there, too.) Okay, you've got me started. I'd better quit now!
  18. I thought he did say the category. Trebek could never miss a change to rub an error into a contestant's face. But then, sometimes my memory blurs.
  19. I was a huge fan of this show when it originally aired. I'm watching all the reruns now, on Cozi, and I like them just as much now, they hold up. Except now that I'm older, I really notice Sam getting kissed by someone (male or female!) every episode. Too funny. I remember being so disappointed in the finale, though. It's interesting that shows I watched when they originally aired I still like. Those I never watched "back then" I still won't watch. Scott Bakula ... wow, he really holds up too, through the years. *shallow* One of my favorite episodes is when he leaps back to his present-day scientific crew and is reminded he's married. Ouch! And another fav is when he leaps back to his younger self and tries to save his brother. I totally do not remember Sam having a daughter ...
  20. I must have missed that episode. But if that's true, let it be known I'm extremely modest ... but a TERRIBLE house keeper ... if I'm ever busted for any crime. Plus I look like Nick Nolte's unattractive brother. So there's that, too, all the more reason for me to NOT get involved in crime. ETA: I'm on two online match sites. Both send me several "matches" every day. For the most part, I read the profiles as a study in sociology. There pretty much is a standard profile for the American divorced man, and very few out there who are independent thinkers or who can even write a profile in proper English. It's a sad state of affairs. No pun intended.
  21. So you mean there is no Carson Thant? Judy, you totally just cracked me up. I chose that avatar photo because of the dog's smirk, I find it hilarious but no one else seems to notice. I've used that photo in other places, including dog publications, and you are the first to comment. I award you 10 daily double wins! Thanks for my morning laugh and a much-needed cheer up. BTW, when I took the photo I did not notice he was smirking at me until I put it on the computer. And, there it was. ETA: I almost forgot to say, Matt's three-fingered introduction also made me laugh. For a minute I thought he was doing the Vulcan live-long-and-prosper sign. It would have irritated me if I didn't like him. I guess that's how human nature works. Would love to see Matt against Alex Jacob, another of my favorites.
  22. Cigarettes are a no-no, on television and everywhere else. An old-time radio show I listen to has to remove the cigarette ads from the shows it plays, the ones that originally aired in earlier times. Also banned are cigarette billboards and tv commercials. That's been the law for several years now. Yes, things are lopsided. Just like the fart noises were removed from the bean-eating-campfire scene in Blazing Saddles, when it was shown on tv. Go figure. People can be murdered, blown up, shoot heroin or make meth on tv, they just can't smoke or fart.
  23. My personal pet peeve is people who say, "Smile! Ah, give me a SMILE!" I want to smack them and tell them I'm not their monkey put on this earth to please them. So leave me the eff alone. I'd look the same as Matt because I wouldn't be having any fun if I were on Jeopardy and being out buzzed by everyone, then answer questions incorrectly if I ever did win the buzzer race. You guys would all make fun of me here for my non-smiling loser face. And I'll take a fist pump and quick category requests any day over, "Ah, I'll take Last Category On The Board, Please, for 200 dollars, please, Alex ..." Or "Turd Ferguson." Or dancing during intros. Me, I'm all for Matt and am rooting for him to be on for the next several weeks, playing those runaway games I love. I like you, Matt. Don't pay any attention to this tough room.
  24. Hey Jane: Katrina Crane called. She needs her wig back in Sleepy Hollow, STAT.
  25. This show disappoints me when all the contestants are teenagers (or younger) and this show "means everything" to them, like they'll be living in a box under a railroad bridge next year if they don't win it all, it's the end of their lives. Hollywood is full of actors waiting tables to pay the bills. You can do that too while waiting for a break. There is life after this show. Then, such a huge deal is made of the bald buy being 45. IMO, he was the best singer of the night. I wish the show would encourage and focus more on people who are adult enough to be able to use a break. Instead, he's sort of the "freak" of the group, even if he is the freak who can sing the best. Meal ticket for the parents ... so much word to that thinking. I hate all the squealing parents when a chair turns. Love that Blake recognizes people. I flipped the channel when the last guy got on his knee to propose. Please. There is WAY too much of that cr*p happening on reality shows lately.
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