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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. So why were Chilton's lips presented to Hannibal? And put in such a position that he could snatch one up and eat it? Alana and Jack continue to be such dumb asses.
  2. I was one who also said Nick killed BPad. After his "shocking" finale, there was nowhere for BPad to go but to another format where NO ONE WINS ANYTHING! People continue to watch and sponsors continue to sponsor and B Family continue to appear. It's a win-win for Fleiss and Co. Meaning, the $ stays in his pocket and the people "in Paradise" win ... nothing.
  3. I was fascinated by Dan's hair, shaved up the side to a shaved-in part, then all gelled up into a baby pompadore. Is this some new man styling and I am seeing it for the first time, before it overtakes the nation?
  4. All that means nothing. Samantha just needs one guy to give her a rose on man week, and one man to give her rose to on woman week. Any "relationship" doesn't need to be any more deep than that, just have a rose hookup to keep playing ABC for a few more days in "paradise." Same with Joe now, he is digging around looking for some female, any female, to give him a rose. It's pretty simple. One word. Well, two words: Air conditioning. Totally LOL at Guadalajara being known as "the city of love." If this were TB, it would be "the perfect place to fall in love." In fairness, he did say "it was raining." I imagine TPTB kept him standing around waiting for the correct time for him to make his entrance. Read: The most "dramatic" time to make his entrance. He certainly could have been caught in some rainstorm with no chance to change clothes before TPTB said "GO NOW!"
  5. I was coming here to say the same thing, and ByTor beat me to it. Missing space bands can be so funny sometimes. When Juelia came on, I turned immediately to another channel. That dead horse is completely decomposed IMO. Like it even was a big deal to begin with. Aren't you playing the same game with Mikey, Juelia? Pot/kettle. I'm with all you guys who had never heard of that Michelle woman. And her head ... yikes, it was GIGANTIC and made Dan look like he was eight years old. TV hosts are so tiny IRL so they look "normal" on screen. This woman must be, what, a size 12? (I know, I know. But given that most women hosts are size 0, a 12 is gargantuan.) CH saying they "just broke Twitter" made me dislike him. It's not like the universe revolves around your shows, Harrison/Fleiss, even though you pretend it does. I think they do. They all are taught to add, like, like, before every, like, word. And to use pronouns correctly, as in "Ben and I's relationship." Then, of course, they will have all the skills needed to conversate with other famewhores. I mean, players. I mean, those looking for love.
  6. IMO, the only one responsible for what happened to Chilton is Red Dragon/Tooth Fairy.
  7. Yeah, like her kissing resumé is SO many pages long. She has to be a "Lip Expert."
  8. I assumed his back was broken, in the same way in which he said, via Dragon's tape, that Dragon would break Will's back. Although it's my thinking that if one has a broken back, one cannot feel anything. But then again, a person set on fire to burn for ... HOW LONG? would not be able to speak much less see or even have eyelids to open. Or, even be alive. So there's that.
  9. Ha ha. Another good one, Trace. Ooooh, that makes SO much sense. And totally explains why she had not one inch of dialogue during Soules's season, it was to "establish" her as one of the Bachelor Family so as to get her on this show. Yeah ... that's the ticket! Backformore: Your post is one of the most sensible and insightful ones ever posted here. At least, I think so because ... well, I think so! Will you share my Molly coconut with me? ETA: OMGosh, yes, Juelia and Kelsey The I'm Up Here one were on the same season, Chris Soules. And right there with them was the mute Samantha, commented on above. Yikes! I'm feeling sorry for Farmer Chris all of a sudden.
  10. Go back and read all the comments in this thread and every Bach and Bach-ette season. It's all about someone's hair being frizzy, face sweaty, eyes beady, teeth too big, teeth too pointy, roots being black, eyebrows being too big, eyebrows too plucked, boobs too big/small/fake, too much muscle, not enough muscle, a rank tattoo, ugly clothes ... the list goes on ad infinitum. But now all of a sudden Juelia's poochy stomach "is hers" and it's fine? What a new and vastly different perspective. But I guess it's okay given her widowed mother status, she is above reproach.
  11. Heh, heh. Conversate. This cracked me up. I agree that the CH/Juelia convo was completely scripted. The show needed Juelia to stay for her continued "woman-wronged" story line drama, and so she would see Joe get his Samantha come-uppance first hand and, thereafter, give some righteous-woman THs. I'm guessing Michael wasn't on long enough for anyone to remember, and Jonathan either said no or wasn't asked, per the "too much melanin" reason suggested by a poster upthread. And yeah, Mikey no way was home. He was being kept stashed away in Mexico for just such a (scripted) occasion. Let's face it, this IS a Fleiss show.
  12. Too funny, Trace. Because drunk or "tipsy" people say and do things they wouldn't say or do ordinarily when sober. This show, and other "reality" shows, depend on free-flowing alcohol to create "the most dramatic season EVAH!" Thanks, CindyBee, for clarifying which Nick is this Nick. I was all about him keeping that BPad cash, but am surprised such a "hated" person would be brought back for BIP. Of course, there is no money to win, but could it be for ... gasp! ... the DRAMA?
  13. Is Nick the one who won the money on BPad and kept it all for himself? And thereby sort of screwing that franchise so it had to change into BIP? When I saw "Nick" was coming back, I was hoping it was Kaitlyn's second-place Nick.
  14. Plus, if she's in the shower, she wouldn't have even seen much less caught a burglar anyway. So why bother adding murder to a burglary charge?
  15. So much THIS. I had to check the channel to make sure I wasn't on some random cable station. But no, there I was, watching this tasteless DRECK on ABC. It was in such bad taste that I'm stumped to come up with enough bad words for it. Not funny. Not family friendly. Rude. Tasteless. Shockingly disgusting. Those are a few that describe what I saw. And shout out to the poster who asked if Juelia was/is pregnant. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pooch sticking out of her skin-tight yellow skirt, it was sort of fascinating. And I kept wondering why she didn't "suck it in," at least for the camera.
  16. Plus Francis has a job, although not explained fully on the show. In the book he's the supervisor or some big shot at that film company. And yeah, WAY scarier (and safer from being found out) if a crazed serial killer is normal-acting in public. bat-shit in private.
  17. I know this is tv-land and everything is just made up for the spectacle and story and so forth, but Will solved HOW MANY serial-killer cases in season one, without Hannibal's help? So Tooth Fairy kills just two families and Will has to go to Hannibal for help? Because Hannibal knows all about Tooth Fairy ... how? I know the title of this show so there's that, but it just doesn't make sense. Plus Will clearly saw Tooth Fairy in the museum elevator. Why wasn't a photo ID done? Oh, I guess for the same reason that Hannibal's face was never shown on a billboard, Internet site or in the newspaper the whole time he was in Europe eating people. Belidia ... can't get her off my screen fast enough. A character who was intriguing and sympathetic in season one now serves no purpose other than giving Will someone to have esoteric conversations with. Does she talk in that hesitating breathless way when she orders in a restaurant, or buys something from a shop clerk? Geesh, it's irritating. Speak up, for pete's sake. I'm also stymied as to why she isn't facing some sort of criminal charges being the accomplice to Hanniibal. Or does being a junkie let someone off scott-free in European courts? And enough already with Dragon's preening and body-clawing, which seems to be added each week to fill up the time. My perfect ending would be for Will to walk into Hannibal's cell area, pull out a shotgun and let Hannibal have it with both barrels. I think that's what those round holes in the plexi are for.
  18. The way this show was edited made the husband look guilty. There never was a mention of a school-boy crush on the wife, which would have led the investigation in another direction, and maybe the correct one. I really think that is a good angle, and should have been pursued. Or at least mentioned. As for the 911 call, I always wonder how I would sound calling in the obvious murder of someone. I'm incredibly cool-headed under stress and will jump into an accident scene to help victims with bloody bone fractures and whatever else. I would never stand around and scream, I take action. So if my spouse were murdered and my 911 call was played, everyone would no doubt say, "That Saber wasn't even upset on that call, for sure Saber is the murderer." Like I said before, this show left WAY too much stuff out. Dateline (and other similar shows) usually are edited to make viewers think one person is guilty, then in the last five minutes reveals the real killer. They just forgot to reveal the real killer this time.
  19. There were so many unanswered questions and missing information in this episode. First, the two boys were waiting in the car to go to the party, and Tom went back inside the house "for a while" before driving them to the party. THEN, the boys were out playing around the barns before going to the party. What? Tom is going to a neighbor's house for a party and he's hauling window frames around? And dropping them? Where was the shotgun that killed Dee? Didn't anyone try to find that? If Tom killed her the day of the party, he'd have to have hidden the gun somewhere. Did Dunham's have a receipt for sale of shotgun shells and a shotgun? Did anyone check that? Wouldn't Tom's prints have been on the shells if one of his prints was on the bag? Where did all the stuff go that Tom said was missing from the house? Why was the woman afraid when she saw the white car leave the farm? Afraid of what? If the guy living there was being tried for murder, why wouldn't you come forward anonymously if needed? And then those other people all of a sudden came forward about seeing vehicles? Who were those people? Where did they live? Were they related to Tom in some way? For Heath to be allowed to testify at the second trial after he had been living with very biased people was a huge mistake and should not have been allowed. How many people, male and female, have affairs or try to have affairs without wanting a divorce or wanting to kill their spouse? Raise your hand, some 90 percent of American married people. Ashley Madison. Tom putting the moves on some woman after Dee's death means nothing IMO. He's a guy. Unless the call was long distance, why wouldn't Tom just call to see where Dee was and why she was late. Why leave a party. Or give the neighbor a couple bucks to pay for the call if it IS long distance. All in all, a very unsatisfactory episode.
  20. My mistake. I did not remember her name, just that the Harvard woman was young so "assumed" it was Taylor. Thanks for correcting me! I don't mind Andy, but when Norm compared her to Emo and she replied she LOVED Emo, I went ... yuck. I can't stand anything about him, so I hope Andy doesn't turn into him.
  21. I think these people are a little bit victims of Stockholm Syndrome, just like on the main show. Trapped like rats, nothing to do but dwell on each other. Or play corn hole on the beach.
  22. I was disappointed that Taylor went through. I didn't think she was funny last time or this time. I'm just thinking they can't cut the head of the Harvard Lampoon for "not being funny enough." I thought Ms. Pat was better than her, and I'm not a Ms. Pat fan. But her buying racist things on sale ... who woulda thought! Good material IMO. Clayton was the best of the night IMO, the only one who made me laugh.
  23. I only got to see a few minutes of this one, and came here to read and find out if I'd seen it before. Where IS everyone? LOL!
  24. Zane looked like "Hunter," the preppy son in the new Old Navy commercials. At least that's where my mind went when I saw him.
  25. I thought the better acts were last week. This week, then they lined up on stage to be eliminated, I didn't care if any of them went through. I'm not normally THAT pathetic.
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