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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. LOL at the posters here tired of old murders being rehashed since I saw a commercial last night for yet ANOTHER show coming up on Scott Peterson now that he's filed for appeal. It's on a cable channel; I didn't pay attention to which one since I only have antenna tv. But you guys can all watch ... AGAIN!
  2. I think Samar is just a bitch in general. And I'm another who feels Liz contributes nothing to this show, and in fact it would be better w/o her. Meanwhile, I'm rooting for Team Kaplan.
  3. Thanks for posting that Twitter pic from Wrigley, sinycalone. I didn't think about checking Twitter! I don't see anything wrong with Cubs management using their social media to drum up support for David since everyone else uses theirs to get people to vote. And, if someone sitting in Wrigley (like the opposing team!) doesn't like David, they can vote for someone else ... like BONNER! Maybe that's why Bonner is still there! This: "I remember CAI saying the vote on season 23 was the closest in DWTS history." is the same as Chris Harrison saying this season of The Bachelor is The Most Dramatic EVER. I like bull riding, I'm not a hillbilly, I'm not a red neck. And I'd never vote for Bonner. I am a Cubs fan, however!
  4. Update: Our local noon news just reported that Chris is appearing in court today. He faces a Class D felony charge. If the victim's family testifies against Chris, odds are better that he will serve some time. Our evening news should have a report on what happened in the hearing. Here is a link to a page that goes into detail about Iowa felony charges. I can't do a link so you'll have to copy/paste. http://myiowadefenselawyer.com/criminal-offenses/
  5. I'm glad Bonner is still there so hopefully he will go next week and David can stay. And yes, there was a rain delay for the Cubs last night, but nowhere was it reported David's video was shown. Would the poster who said it was give a link, please? And a professional is someone who is PAID for whatever. So any dancer who is paid to teach or paid to dance is technically a professional. And while this is a dance show, it also is a popularity contest. That's why we all get to vote ... for our favorites.
  6. I didn't know Woz had already removed Miguel until I read it here. Thank goodness. Stahl finding one tooth in all that dirt is unlikely if not impossible, but I'll fanwank that to keep the story going. However, it makes sense to me that Stahl could be framed for Miquel's "death" or disappearance when he comes up with that tooth since he was impersonating him to a teenage girl (remember his creepy hooker video!) so could have knocked off Miguel himself to get closer to Harlee and a teenage victim. I mean, girl. Cristina. I didn't think Harlee's purchases were so odd, people buy tarps and duct tape when they paint. However, the store clerk's look gave it away that it's a scenario that will come back later to bite Harlee. She's buying the tarps for Stahl is my guess (and hope). Great episode, lots of action and super-great acting. And LOL at Stahl checking his reflection at every chance! My only complaint this ep was the grave digging. Caskets are six feet down, and dirt is packed and heavy. Graves are dug with a backhoe; one guy with a shovel would take AGES to get to the casket, then more ages to shovel enough dirt to open a seven or eight foot vault, then the casket inside. I laugh at those little shovels people are always buying to dig up a grave. Then the red mulch covering Sap's grave would have blown away in a low wind. Plus grave sites are cleaned up after burial. Well, nit picking, but hard to fanwank grave digging when it happens on every show, like it's so easy. Not! It takes me almost an hour to dig a hole deep enough to plant a tree, much less a person.
  7. Soules was a story on Nightline last night, complete with commentary by Nancy Grace. It played some of the 911 Chris audio, then said he left the scene before police got there. It talked about his prior arrest record and drunk charges. However, it left out the most important part IMO, that Soules hid in his house and refused to answer the door until cops got a search warrant. Nancy Grace said he can't be charged with OUI, which we already knew because of the time lapse while Chris was hiding. She also said odds are really good charges will be dropped, although she said a civil trial is possible. I was so disappointed the show didn't say Chris hid out for five hours, although that might be part of the gag order. I think it was said he's wearing an ankle monitor, but so what, big deal to that. Thanks for that link, CindyBee. It irks the heck out of me that reports say Chris "allegedly" left the scene. WTHeck, he was SEEN leaving, and he freaking wasn't there when police arrived. What's "allegedly" about that? They might as well say Mr. Mosher "allegedly" died from his injuries. (Caused by Chris.)
  8. Yeah, the records being sealed and a gag order put in place by Soules's THREE lawyers has stopped anything new coming out. On TMZ's site, there is a vote box, you can click as to whether you think Chris was 1. drunk or 2. did the right thing, something like that. When I voted, it was 90-percent vote for "drunk." I did read that his lawyers are going after the sheriff and others, saying they released everything to the media to take advance of Chris's "fame," and they are digging into these local officials/EMTs/police getting payolah for information. So, the sideshow is starting. What I've read online and seen on our local news is nothing more than would be released after any accident of this sort. But ... lawyers.
  9. Fast Eddie was WAY too fast. Saying he had sex on his first date with his first date tells me he was hoping for the same this time. Big yuck. Guy doesn't understand women don't like the big fake rush, no wonder he's never been married. As for the guy asking a woman's age, BIG NO NO! And good on her for not telling. In college I dated a guy who thought I was younger than him. He was all Mr. Big Shot so eventually I let him know I was three years older. His attitude did a flip-flop in a heartbeat, even though I was the same person, I was now OLD. Men don't like when women are "older," even by one year. (I dumped the guy right after that.) Asking someone's age is like asking how much $ do they make. None of your business. Anyway, I did like the lesbian's brother, but WTH matching him with someone completely incompatible. The VO says people are matched, but in this case they were matched to cause conflict and controversy. I did like the guy telling his (older) date, hey, at least stay and have dinner. He did have a good attitude, I'll give him that. I would have stayed if I were that date. (She was pretty jerky though.) Liked the lesbian couple, just like the gay couple a few weeks ago. It seems same-sex people are more able to find a relationship than straights. I guess that says a lot about us as humans.
  10. I remember the Versace murder, and I remember watching the live coverage of the police surrounding and advancing on that houseboat, and the murderer being found dead. I felt the newscasters covering the event were vaguely disappointed there wasn't a more dramatic ending. I was watching the LA Riots show on another channel, I only got to see this Dateline during commercial breaks. I'm hoping to catch it on reruns. I don't mind learning more about past murders, they don't have to be New And Improved Fresh Murders for me. Oh, and I totally remembered the killer's name, too, once it was mentioned on the show. Although I can't recall it right now. So, fail at being famous, guy.
  11. Natalie and Terry were my third favorite out of the remaining three teams, so I was disappointed in the win. Terry's Boy Scout thing bugged me from the beginning, and I never forgave him for his mean snark early on. Plus his answer for what he would do with the money ... he wanted to "inspire" people. WTH does that even mean? While the sniper guy wanted to help veterans. I imagine Terry inspiring people by driving a new 2017 truck and moving into a plush pad after cashing his check. Me: "I'm inspired to go on a reality show and win a million bucks!" See, it worked. I'm inspired.
  12. Thuganomics85, you made me remember why I said YUCK out loud during the preview voiceover: Ronda Rousey. Yuck. (Again.) And yeah, could that guard be any more of a dumbass. He needed to listen to himself when he told Shepherd to shut up.
  13. Does everyone clean an album off before they put it away? Those of you who remember albums and record players, search your memory banks. Me, I never did. So why would Red? And if he did and put the record away, how would Julian know it was playing when the shooting happened? And Tom ... LOL at Lizzie saying he's not doing well because finding out who is parents are is SO DIFFICULT. Like killing people every week isn't stressful, but the trauma of finding your father ... OMG, the torment! I would have really laughed if, after Mr. Kaplan left, Lizzie found her babysitter -- the pony-tail guy Red assigned -- hogtied in the closet.
  14. One remarkable thing this episode was learning Shepherd is an amazing parkou athlete. She has to be in her 50s since I figure Roman and Remy to be 30-something. Shepherd needs to go on American Ninja Warrior since on that show they call 40-year-old people "old." So much crummy writing IMO. My attitude will improve if Shepherd manages to kill Weller though. Make that PARKOUR athlete. Geesh. I can't spell any better than this show's writers can write.
  15. I just read that a judge has ordered the warrants and other information gathered so far in the investigation sealed. Prosecutors wanted them sealed while defense team was going for a gag order anyway, to limit the release of pre-trial information. I guess we won't find out much else until trial. And yeah, I'm guessing everyone knows who that red truck belongs to, people around here know everyone by what they drive, plus I "assume" there would be a call on Chris's phone to that person. Kira28, I'm in the heart of farm country and have followed many slow-moving farm vehicles for long distances (which seem longer at 20 mph) when it's impossible to pass due to hills, curves, oncoming traffic. But if you take a look at where this accident happened, that road is flat and level for as far as one can see. You wouldn't have to follow that slow mover for more than a minute, if even that, before you could pass and get going to work full speed.
  16. Well, I am all about this Julian Gale guy. I guess a couple lines of dialogue gives Ressler a back story. But this new guy is awesome and a bit hot, so I'm voting for him to get his own spin off, and bring ginger Ressler with him. I'd be good with that. Meanwhile, I don't have a clue why task force defends Red. WTH. Who is playing whom? After Mr. Kaplan's story last week, I'm Team Kate and want Red to get sent to prison for good, if not killed, which would be more permanent. Although this is Spader's show so I guess that's not going to happen. But I now can't stand his constant blathering on about nothing and his quirky lip movements. I still don't get why he needed to kill Kate yet Dembe gets off with a mystery gift and a promise of BFF. I do love Fisher Stevens, and LOL at him stuck to the pole for the cops to retrieve. I, too, don't have a clue who that first guy was. And yes, Agnes's head is GINORMOUS! And I'm guessing there was no babysitter, Lizzie just leaves Agnes like she leaves those dogs, to fend for herself and Lizzie will be back one of these days. Maybe. I'm disliking Samar as much as I dislike Lizzie, which is saying a lot. Both need to go.
  17. Wings, I know his lawyer would not let Chris say anything incriminating. That doesn't stop me from being extremely disappointed in him. If it had been me, I would have stayed until Mr. Mosher was put in the ambulance, then followed it to the hospital. Or gone off arrested by the police. Something. Anything but run away. Of course, I wouldn't have a need to save my own ass, which was tops on Chris's mind after he knew EMTs were on the way. It's my understanding he ended his 911 call and took off on foot as soon as the operator said ambulance and police were on the way. He was seen picked up by a red truck; I understand there is a search now for the owner of that truck as an accomplice, and that person can face charges too. I think now it's a waiting game, until his cellphone and social media are analyzed. But I'm putting my money on him getting six months, with that sentence commuted to house arrest or community service, something of that sort, after he spends a month or two in lock up. If even that. JMHO.
  18. This was an hour of some of the worst writing ever, IMO, except for this line: Shepard: "Weller must die." Me: "YEAY!" Then the preview voiceover said something that made me say "Yuck," but I've already blocked that from memory.
  19. I would trust what TMZ says. I believe it's one of the most reliable sources, given it's owned by a lawyer and has multiple lawyers on staff. They are factual and typically the first to break news stories, all of which have been verified before posting. Newspapers I also trust as journalists are fact-checkers too -- libel suits are very real in that profession. I also agree with fib that Chris will go into hiding until his lawyer says it's okay to come out. I hate that his only statement was saying his thoughts and prayers are with the Mosher family instead of saying I'm sorry I killed your husband/father/grandfather.
  20. I can't judge Chris's drinking on a reality show that provides free booze and encourages drunken behavior to get better rating with what he does in real life that causes him to kill someone with his recklessness.
  21. ByTor, you asked about lights on the tractor Mr. Mosher was driving. One of my clients is a tractor organization. I asked my contact, who is an expert and writes for the tractor industry, replied with this. Note, this person knows nothing about this accident or why I asked. What he said: "A 2640 is a Utility tractor, built without a cab, but it does have fenders, with headlights mounted there in. Unless someone ordered it without fenders, a 2640 would have totally adequate lighting for night time operation. As to tail lights, I am not sure they had the standard 'red' lights, but I think it would have flashing lights at the back to warn drivers of its presence." Thinking about this accident, farm vehicles will move over as far as they can, with their right wheels off the paved part of the road, when a vehicle comes up from behind, so cars can pass easier. Because the tractor went into the right ditch and Chris’s truck into the left, I’m speculating Chris hit the tractor on it’s left rear, sening it into that ditch, and he swerved at the same time, sending his truck into the opposite ditch. And the poster who said Chris holing up for enough hours to put his drunkeness into question was correct. It took long enough (five hours) after the accident to get the search warrant and get him tested that he can no longer be charged with OUI. I’d love to know what was on his Instagram account that caused him to take hit down right after the accident while leaving up his Twitter and Facebook accounts. I’m guessing some “boozing it up” pictures. I hope whomever he was with does the right thing and comes forward with the truth. And yes, tractors have FLASHING rear lights to warn oncoming traffic.
  22. I just heard on the news that Chris's full 911 call is now released and online. Here is the link. This site also reports Chris's Instagram account has been taken down. I can't do a real link, so you will have to copy/paste: http://www.kwqc.com/content/news/Listen-to-Chris-Soules-911-call-after-fatal-crash-420502383.html I will have to check if that model JD has lights; I would assume so. But with or without lights, Chris shouldn't have rear-ended it. I brake early and often when I see farm machinery on my roads as it doesn't take much to run up on them. Of course, I've never tried it when drunk ... unlike Chris.
  23. Season 3! Yeay! It's renewed! I love this show. I'm Team Woz until the end of days. (Which I hope never comes.)
  24. I think in Scott Peterson's case, he was portrayed as someone who wanted everyone to like him, and if he divorced Laci, especially before/after Connor was born, that would put him in a negative light. However, if Laci just disappeared, people would feel sorry for him and say what a great guy he is, poor Scott. He just didn't follow through that well with being the grieving husband who misses his pregnant wife so terribly. Bubbls, I am pro death sentence too. But I do not think Scott spends any time regretting what he did, he only regrets getting caught, and his time is spent thinking how he could have done it better. In his mind, he didn't kill Laci and Connor. That's how people like him think, they are above the law, and believe their own lies so fully that they will never ever feel remorse. For ANYTHING. I was involved with a man similar to Scott, so sweet ... AND a pathological liar, he believed every lie he spoke. I have no doubt he was working on "getting rid" of me, looking back, and I was only saved when he was arrested and put in jail in two different counties. There by the grace of god went I. And have I been in a relationship since? No. Never will. Trust a man again? No. Never will.
  25. The Des Moines Register has posted audio clips of the 911 and police calls, including a call that IDs Chris and said he was leaving the scene in a red PU truck. His truck was left in the ditch and hauled away. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2017/04/25/collision-leaves-tractor-driver-dead-buchanan-county-aurora-iowa/306262001/ FYI: There are hundreds of models of tractors, some as big as my house. Some have cabs, some have ROPs. Some do not. You don't expect to have a roll over in a field OR on a flat, level paved highway heading home from field work. And yeah, farming is the most dangerous job in America. Besides the chemicals, there's augers, heavy machinery, big grain bins you can sink into, livestock that can kill or maul you. Every day is a real a treat providing food for the world. Of course, none of that matters when a drunk driver kills you. Soules could have rear-ended a mom with her little kids and kill them, too. It's not about the tractor, it's about a drunk driver who left the scene to save his own ass.
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