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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I was wrong about SD being the first live-action Disney film, even though I did read that somewhere. First was Treasure Island (1950). Then 10 more before Old Yeller, Disney's 12th live action. The Shaggy Dog is No. 16. Not even close to first!
  2. Okay, this made me LOL, which I needed so thanks. So much to snark on, made watching this episode worthwhile. It was comedy gold. I had forgotten about the bear. Because a black bear will just run over and kill a guy standing there. Not. And maul a van to get at whatever is inside because it's so hungry after killing/eating an entire guy. Never. I see what you did there. Nice one. Or not do it again. There's always that. It took Lizzie 10 months after falling off of a chair, so yeah, this comma could last the entire next season. Odd that IT specialist Aram has to play his tunes on a laptop. Doesn't own anything smaller, like what every kid in American uses for a playlist?
  3. That's gold, Opus, gold I tell you.
  4. And Alex said, "Hell-LOOOOO!" Drink! Scott: I lived in Mexico where I taught English. Trebek: Good for you. Me: DRINK!
  5. I was totally expecting that. And surprised (and glad) she didn't. But WTH Aram, Samar freaking CALLS you and tells you she's in a van going underwater and you stand around all verklempt because she said she would marry you. So how much time was wasted by NOT yelling out to the others about where she was? I have to give it to the team for making it to West Virginia from wherever they were in a fraction of a second. I've been to West Virginia and it takes all day just to go a few miles in that state. And where was a handy helicopter that could look for the van in water from the air? It could have been easily found since it kept going lower and then higher in the water each time it was shown. Was that lug wrench in the back of the van all along? Alrighty then. But good on Samar for using some of her skills on the bad guy. That part was pretty cool. Aram, get ready for that engagement ring to disappear. There's a reason no jewelry is left on hospital patients, especially ones in comas. Putting it on her finger was another stupid thing you did this episode. Your Stupid List is getting longer. You basically are responsible for a guy's death and everyone is all "whatever." I hope Aram did some mouth-to-mouth with Samar while we weren't looking. Because a couple weak chest compressions then talking doesn't do much to bring a drowning victim back to life. From the outside, there was enough head space in the van for Samar to breathe for a full week. But that would have ruined the story line I guess. Best line of the show: Red telling Lizzie how great it would be to fly back in his private jet ... then telling her she wasn't invited. Burn! With the bones or whatever is in the duffle changing hands (and countries) so much, who's to say what's in the bag is what is suppose to be in the bag. There's a reason police evidence is bagged, tagged, sealed and secured so no one can fool with it. Anyone could put any old bones (or whatever) in there. For all we know, Tom's bones are in there by now. (Twist!)
  6. So that was you behind me kicking my seat? I think they both have dreamy bedroom eyes. Which might explain why I've dated nothing but creeps.
  7. To expound on The Shaggy Dog, the clue said the dog was a "Bratislavian sheepdog," which was the kind of dog owned by the cursed boy Wilby's friend Francesca. In reality, the dog was an Old English Sheepdog. A Bearded Collie played the dog in the 2006 remake, which totally ruined it IMO. The Shaggy Dog was Disney's first live-action film. And now you know. Whether you wanted to or not.
  8. I can answer that. The Shaggy Dog was the original movie (1959) where Tommy Kirk was cursed by a ring and would periodically turn into a sheepdog. It was remade in 2006. The follow up movie was The Shaggy DA (1976) where Dean Jones is a grown up Tommy Kirk. He's a lawyer who turns into the dog at some inopportune times. I saw the original movie at the theater! I think tickets were a quarter or fifty cents, and popcorn a dime.
  9. BMS, please, says Trebek. So far Claire, from the first day, is leading for the Wild Card spot on Jeopardy.com. One guy who had a total of "0" is shown as No. 5 Wild Card!
  10. Color me dumbly stupid. I know the Wyeths were part of the Bradywine School but "ass"umed it was in New England. I've driven to the Philadelphia area more times than I can count, and have done some sightseeing (Gettysburg) on the way home. I didn't know until now (Thanks Mondianyone!) that the Brandywine Museum is a short distance from where I have been. Duh. I do know that I don't like driving in Pennsylvania -- it takes DAYS to get through, it's the longest state. Just like West Virginia is a driver's nightmare, it takes forever to get out of there once you venture in. Or Elvis Carson, Kit's cousin. I'll condense that down even more by saying every AMERICAN should know Meredith went to Mississippi. I agree with another poster that the clue was asking for the name of the lake, not name of the park. The best part is, we all can recognize Capone but not some scientist or politician. Trebek did hesitate, then gave it to him. I guess players can say any number of words as long as the correct answer is in there somewhere. p.s. The wind is blowing AGAIN today so today's show is going in and out, mostly out. So irritating. I'll have to watch on YouTube later I guess.
  11. For some reason, it irritates me when a player says, "I've always wanted to say this: Let's make it a true daily double." So when Bob, who had $2,000, wagered $2,000 when he uncovered a DD, Trebek has to say, "Oooh, a True Daily Double." It's like he gets paid more when that phrase is said. How can André the Giant AND a ballpark both be The Eighth Wonder of the World? I can sing all the words to Ain't She Sweet but for the life of me couldn't come up with the name. I know, right? Thank you Timeless for me knowing Robert Johnson was King of the Delta Blues. (I love that show.) The DD of The Lottery was brainlessly easy. He had to be kicking himself he only bet $1,000. FJ was another tank for me. I had no clue The Globe was rebuilt in London. Shouldn't it have stayed in Stratford? However, Hagrid's house I know has a thatched roof. It's not in Stratford (or London) either.
  12. Oh, rats, I missed those. I would buy them in a heartbeat. I also love his dad's illustration work, N.C. Wyeth.
  13. You can buy stamps, not only the 50-cent forevers but ones worth different amounts at usps.com. Mr. Rogers and the bioluminescent ones are there, and some cool jack-o-lantern ones that were not available at my p.o. You have to pay postage (gah!) to buy them online though, $1.25, which made it cheaper for me to stop at the p.o. Does everyone love flowers so much that there are WAY too many flower stamps? I like flowers but they are so boring on stamps. Stamps would be a neat Jeopardy category.
  14. I can go to Mexico City and ask anyone where the library is, and to pass the butter. I gave up trying to habla when I was talking to non-English speaking Mexican horse grooms. They couldn't understand anything I said, then it would dawn on them and they would pronounce it correctly for me. That's when I realized, having been taught by an American, that my accent was so bad no Spanish speaker could understand me. So humiliating. Feel free to fill in the blank. (Be nice!) The postal clerk had to go into the back room and it took her forever (ha) to find some. I wasn't leaving without them.
  15. WTHeck Carpe, you already had a deathbed experience recently. Snap out of it! Your Latin teacher sounds fine. I had absolutely no crush-able teachers throughout my entire educational years. *sigh*
  16. The interviews are always "Yada yada back to me" with Trebek. It's either that or he hand waves it with a "Good for you." The interviews are when we get to see the real Trebek. I second that. We were offered Latin, Spanish and French. All the cool kids took French. The smart kids took Latin. I took Spanish. Nash Rambler! It also was a song by the Playmates (1958). Beep beep. Which makes Nashville a better answer than my Philadelphia. I also bought the bioluminescent ones, which are beautiful. So shiny!
  17. I was hoping it was Mark in the bear suit given his propensity for costumes. That would have been pretty funny. Adam is quick with the retorts, like his reply about where he got his suit. It was a pretty entertaining night, but the team dances were all over the place for me, i couldn't tell who was whom with everyone wearing the same thing and (almost) all the women being blond. I still can't stand CAI. But wow, Len is so positive? It's like he's working to keep his blood pressure down by being the nice judge. Although since the season is HALF OVER! I guess it doesn't matter all that much. I gave all my votes to Chris already, hoping he will stay another week although it doesn't look good with three going.
  18. All I could think of was Guy Smiley from Sesame Street. I was pretty sure Guy didn't have a brother George, so I was as stumped as the players on that TS. (I named a dog Guy Smiley many many moons ago.)
  19. LOL, I bought a flat of Mr. Rogers Forever stamps just this afternoon!
  20. Kurt Russell is very very hot in every movie he's in!
  21. I agree, FJ was an instaget. So easy, it was a no brainer. And I answered it right away, it was so obvious: Philadelphia. So I guess I was the one with the no brain. I never gave Fargo a thought, even though I've seen it many times and even own the DVD. So FJ for me was a clear case of Easy When You Think You Know It ... But Are Wrong. I thought the game was pretty good, not dumbed down that much even though I'm pretty dumbed down lately. I do have one question though. When one player answered "Gyllenhaal" for the actor in October Sky and Brokeback Mountain, why did Trebek hesitate and then say, "We'll give it to you." Was he going to say BMS since there are two Gyllenhaals? I mean, Maggie and Jake are so similar, it could have been either. Right? Just as I figured some guy named Phillip might have had something to do with transportation!
  22. Exactly. Instead he says "she has feelings for me." And that one sentence cancels the wedding? Lots of people have feelings for other people, but it's not mutual and it doesn't break up their marriages or engagements. I mean, Matt Damon is still married and his wife isn't worried about me, right? This! I can't stop staring at Jane's big false eyelashes. She must spend hours getting beautiful enough to ninja fight bad guys. I think she already is. She must have gotten her mad fighting skills from mom ... AND dad, whoever that is. Has this show been renewed? Anyone know yet?
  23. Denise was tipped off by Cagney and Lacey, and the cops by Denise, that Hinkley was at the hospital emergency room. That scene ended with one of the cops, pistol drawn, entering the ER room where Hinkley was sitting. So it was assumed he was busted there. I think/hope Denise got credit for it, and maybe that helped her get promoted.
  24. Today we have a high school Latin teacher on the player panel. So Latin IS still taught these days. Hooray for that. I'm hoping for a good tournament, and teachers we can be proud of. I also want to give a shout out to pruf readers everywhere!
  25. This show keeps getting better. While I can't follow all the back-and-forth-in-time rules, I still enjoy it without thinking about the facts (since time travel has different rules in different shows) too much. I liked Agent Christopher's story. I guess I don't pay too much attention but I didn't know she was married or had kids or is lesbian. My bigger question is, why does she get to go home whenever she wants while no one else can leave the bunker? She should bring back some nice Rustoleum in bright colors so people could paint those depressing bunker walls. As soon as Lucy said "Cagney and Lacey," I looked up its premiere date. It was about seven months later, whew, although the show is so good with history I couldn't imagine they would let a mistake like that get by. Plus too funny Christopher called them that when they came back. Loved Jiya getting all 80s with the stuff she swiped from the store. Will she show up later wearing that "awesome" blue eye shadow? Rittenhouse could have taken Jessica's brother to the future to be healed. Can these guys go forward in time? At least they could have brought him back to 2018. You know, when time travel is possible. Although why not cure Lucy's mom that way? Or did something in the past cure Lucy's mom since she's not dying any more? In any case, I'm glad we got no Grandpa Rittenhouse this week. He was NOT missed. If Wyatt and Rufus left the Rittenhouse agent tied to that pillar, how did he hang himself? Not that it matters I guess. Hooray for Wyatt finally saving someone, and it turned out to be Agent Christopher. That was a great twist to a great episode overall.
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