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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Weather interrupted this episode toward the end of it, and I didn't really care. I know, go figure. So I don't know how it ended, but it doesn't really matter. I did see the totally stupid fake orderly steal Jane Doe (hello, Blindspot). I'm no star FBI profiler but even I knew he was a kidnapper. And with all of Aram's mad skills hacking street cameras, that Village Dry Cleaners van just vanished. No one bothered to call the police with the street and direction it was going? Or were all the police in Lard Lad Doughnuts (Simpsons!) and no one was on patrol to follow the van? Aram gets all verklempt and practically loses it because Navabi got kidnapped too. Maybe that's why he forgot how to access all those street cams that every IT guy on every other show in the world can hack into. So I guess the find-Tom's-killer storyline is done now. *yawn* Thanks, tornadoes, for taking a twirl through the Midwest so I didn't have to watch this entire episode. Instead I got to see Ghost Whisperer reruns, which actually were pretty good. Hey writers, that would be a good storyline here: Ghost Tom comes back but can only be seen by ... dogs?
  2. Steve McQueen! My tv/movie boyfriend. I had such a crush. Plus Wanted Dead or Alive is another BW tv show that's on Antenna TV. You know, where you can practice your Roman numeral identification skills.
  3. In yesterday's show there was an answer of "what is a bloody mary" and the clue had the ingredients, including "worcester" sauce. Because of antenna troubles, I didn't hear the clue read. Can anyone enlighten me on how Trebek pronounced worcester? Today was wind free so I got to see the entire show. I liked how Geoff waved hello with his hula hips during his intro. And I understand Maksim Chmerkovskiy has called and asked him for salsa lessons based on his two-day DWTS Latin hips audition. I big YES to this. The guy won $7,599 which in my world is a pretty good payday for an hour's work. I second that STFU. Just because you drop that much for lunch at Spago's doesn't mean the rest of us share your wealth Trebek, or your disdain for such a piddly sum. New fun fact: Those pap-flash-resistant clothes. I watch TMZ and have never seen nor heard of them. Although I guess if they can't get the photo, they can't get on TMZ. So there's that. Yeah, no kidding. Kit Lewis? Carson Lewis? Jerry Lewis? How about Lewis Carroll, C.S. Lewis, Edmonia Lewis, Lewis Howard Latimer, Lewis Powell, Lewis Cass, Lewis Morris. I guess that's enough since it was wrong anyway. But even if it were one of these Lewis people, those players needed to BMS. Note: The above quote is Kathira's. Please, no one get mad that I did the copy from DrScottie's post. I just wanted to add that I've heard that commercial this way: "If you or a loved one has died from mesothelioma ..." which always made me wonder how I could call that number if I were dead. This episode ended well IMO. Big YEAY to Josh, and Aloha Geoff as you hula yourself back home with your measly $7,599.
  4. Sending my best wishes for a full recovery to your mother, Bastet. Glad she (and you) were well enough to watch J. It had to be a good distraction. Let us know how she is getting along. Spinal fracture ... I cannot imagine.
  5. Too funny. And the first time I've heard that one. Maybe it will be a J clue some day, complete with photo of a Roman in a bar. ETA: (And five beers lined up on the bar.)
  6. So (ha ha) the wind started blowing here again at Jeopardy time so I missed most of the clues/answers as I spent the half hour moving the antenna around in my ceiling. I did see the interviews and heard Geoff get a "Good for you." TM Trebek. But my question is, why did Trebek ask Jan if all her pets were healthy? WTH kind of question is that? "No, my dog has lymphoma and will die soon" or "I have to put my 18-year-old cat to sleep when I come home from taping this show." What was he looking for? Why not ask about pet names or something ... anything. He's such a tool. Meanwhile, Geoff has qualified for Dancing With The Stars with his excellent cha-cha hip action which he displayed throughout the entire game, including during the interviews. Say "Hi" to Tom Bergeron for me, Geoff. I ALWAYS tank on FJ, always. But I keep up with pop culture and know most of (but not all) Roman numerals so Louis Vuitton was an super-easy instaget for me. I was pumped that Osman, The Ideal Jeopardy Contestant, was ahead, and happy when Jan wrote "Versace" and one of the guys was heard saying "Oh no" on the audio. So when Geoff missed it, I was all YEAY! Osman WINS! I actually yelled "NOOOOoooooo" when Osman also wrote "Versace." WTH. Now we get another half hour of Geoff's cha cha. Maybe he'll switch to some salsa hip action today. Side note: I've never seen a Vuitton anything so didn't know if the bags have LV or 55 on them. Either worked for me on FJ. YES! But not movies so much as old television shows, like Leave It To Beaver or Lassie. I like to see when they were originally broadcast, 1962 or 1958 or whenever. I love all BW tv shows so knowing their year makes them more fun when you see the old telephones or stoves or refrigerators. And all the females wearing dresses. How dare those women folk ever think of wearing pants! I credit my knowledge of Roman numerals to old television shows AND movies. Not to any school learnin'.
  7. The Wyatt character is being written as obsessively jealous and, since he is portraying a soldier, not acting like a professional military man in that he does whatever he wants, even if he disobeys rules and puts his team members in jeopardy. That's a big problem to me, and an insult to "real" military. Thank goodness Lucy is written as strong enough that she can tell him to step off; I applaud the writers for that. He just needs to listen to her. (And preferably leave the bunker with his wife.) Writers: Please! I also think Wyatt really wants to get Lucy back in bed though, even moreso now because of Flynn. It's that old "someone else wants you so now I want you more" thing. Of course YMMV, as always.
  8. I don't. Wyatt is SUPPOSE to be this ultra-military SWAT/Ranger guy, military background, yada yada, which is why he was chosen for the Eyeball Team. Military DO NOT steal a vehicle to run off base or anywhere else whenever they feel like it. That's called AWOL and worthy of dishonorable discharge if not prison time. He should be off the team and out of the bunker. Go live in the bar's back room with your wife if that's more important to you than anything or anyone else, Wyatt. Military know to go through proper channels, Wyatt. It's NOT all about you, live Jessica or not. What he did was all kinds of wrong and yet he doesn't even get a hand slap for it. He put everyone in danger, plus what if something had happened and the Eyeball couldn't be returned? And he brings Jessica back, again w/o permission? Just because he's "Wyatt"? Yeah, Wyatt is all kinds of self-centered selfish dick. And for that reason (aside from his incompetence), I don't like anything about him. Or trying to get in her pants again. A "shoulder rub" is an invasion of personal space, not comforting. Try using your words, Wyatt, not your handsy hands if you want to "comfort" someone.
  9. I was surprised he did not keep them on during the rest of the show. Surprised and VERY grateful. Bruno (and CAI) are high on my list of Most UNfavorite People Ever.
  10. And there's the simpler Holy Trinity of the Catholic (and some other) church(es). And the bad luck "three on a match" (meaning the sniper had time to draw a bead on you and your buddies in the foxhole by the time the third cigarette was lit). Plus, as we all know now, three is more than a couple, it's a "few." So he won by A Few Dollars More.
  11. Phone lines were open last night and until 5 a.m. this morning to vote for NEXT WEEK'S WINNERS! So I voted my 10 votes, and the recorded message said next week would be team dances. I know ... yikes! Plus with voting a week before anyone even dances tells me this is a popularity contest so dancers less known are in jeopardy IMO, regardless of how well he/she performs. I had my computer window open for voting during the show. After Josh's dance, there was very little time to change votes or to vote for him, and if your connection was slow (as mine was) it was difficult to vote for Josh and click through to get your votes sent in. Still, going last did not hurt him. I was glad going first didn't hurt Chris either.
  12. Chris the luge guy was surprisingly good so got some votes from me. He's low key so I figured he needed them. Adam has been my tv boyfriend since the olympics so I'm hoping he wins. He got more votes from me. I thought Josh was too OTT (and out of line hitting on Sharna) in his interview. His dance was very good, but that attitude earned him no votes from me. I also voted for Tonya. She was good, and I'm over what happened all those years ago. (Plus I dislike Kerrigan intensely for her Oksana and Disney snark.) Four weeks ... this would have been a better full season than the "regular" full season full of people most of us have never heard of so I don't bother watching any more. Oh: I forgot to say, I also gave some votes to Keo's pants. Looking forward to seeing them again next Monday night.
  13. This makes me want to watch the episode online. I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons. Thanks everyone for the Button Gwinnett info.
  14. My tv was in and out so badly, I missed everything. What was the "button" clue and answer that got taken away?
  15. There's a great joke in there somewhere. Oh, I have. Unfortunately. The wind started blowing AGAIN during this episode so my tv kept flipping in and out and I spent most of this episode straining to adjust the antenna, which is in the ceiling. So I missed pretty much everything except that the end was an astounding runaway and the two women spent their time clapping for the man. (So much "ugh" to that.) I'm not sure I care enough to look it up to watch online. I never watched The Nanny but saw one today because the recap said Nanny gets on Jeopardy. It's from 1995, back when players won things like Rice-a-roni. It's episode S3 E2, "Franny and the Professor" (Michael McKeon is the professor) if any one wants to look it up on YouTube. Alex had greyish hair and that (disgusting) mustache.
  16. This episode started out with me yelling "FU" to Rufus. WTHeck, he's all "Tell me your vision" so Jiya does, then he's all mad about it. They are such a toxic couple, thanks to Rufus, a character I used to like. Now he's just a gigantic PITA. Even if the sex is really great, I'd say, Jiya, being alone is better than being with that. Then Wyatt is all possessive like Lucy belongs to him, he's entitled to multiple girlfriends/wives/whatever they are. You sleep with someone once and you own them? Wyatt can just shut up. And since he's pretty much useless on trips (unlike Flynn, who ROCKED this episode), he and his WIFE can leave now. Is Bam Bam still available? At least Wyatt combed his hair on this trip and used some of Lucy's hair gel, so that's good. As soon as Alice got in trouble, I'm thinking no problem, Lucy can give the speech. So I'm glad the show switched it up and had Grace give it. I've never heard of Alice or Grace, of course, because they were women. I hope women and people of color are taught in history classes now because their achievements were all ignored when I was in school. Wyatt getting all handsy with Lucy made me want to yell "MeToo!" I'm glad she told him where to get off. Speaking of MeToo, Emma and Keynes are all kinds of creepy. I wonder if Emma is really Lucy's mom/grandmom or something. Isn't Keynes suppose to be Lucy's grandfather/great-grandfather? Meanwhile, Flynn OWNED this episode. He actually smiled once, quickly! when Lucy was leaving his room. Yowee. Then on the trip, he's the kind of guy I want with me always, unlike the useless Wyatt. He (and Connor) are my favorite characters. Lucy, too, as long as she keeps telling Wyatt to step off. Not sure what that picture of Jessica meant at the end. I hope she stays around so Wyatt has to stay away from Lucy. Seriously girl, you can do SO much better. Anyone else wonder how Alice died/was murdered in her double-secure cell? Alrighty then ...
  17. That makes me think: If Spader is not the "real" Reddington, why assume his identify? Why not just become someone new and be the big bad that way? He could still let Lizzie think he's her dad (because so what). I guess I don't understand assuming some dead bad guy's identify when you could be your own live bad guy, one who is not on the FBI's Top 10 list (but soon to be on it). Spader has all the connections and kills anyone he feels like killing on a whim. Unless Reddington is heir to some vast fortune or a Polynesian island, why bother? I guess I don't get it. But on the other hand, I don't want to think too deeply abut it either.
  18. Shirtless Roman. I hope that flashforward stabbing scene convinced Roman not to let Blake in on his secret. It's sort of difficult for me to believe he's fallen so head over heels in lurve with her though. But whatever. The rest of the episode I spent mostly staring at closeups of Jane and wondering if those gigantic fake eyelashes make her a better fighter/FBI field agent. Are they the key to her super ninja powers?
  19. *raises hand* "Rochelle, Rochelle, the story of a young girl's journey from Milan to Minske." There is a town near me named Rochelle, and it never ceases to amuse me.
  20. Oh, man color me jealous. A bunch of us went to Chicago specifically to see him dance as principle of American Ballet Theater. We were so excited .... then before the curtain came up, it was announced that his understudy would be dancing that night. We were just not meant to be ...
  21. This is one of my favorite movies too, I could watch it every day. I didn't have a clue Mirren is in it, but then my eyes can't focus on anyone but Baryshnikov. *sigh* He's my dream man.
  22. And you still have that roll, right? They can be quite spectacular, especially when they puff up, fan out the tail, drop their wings and do their "shake, rattle and roll" dance. They roost at night, which is usually when they call. They sound exactly like jungle birds. It would freak you if you heard one, not knowing what it was. Jeopardy side note: Females are peahens. I think that might have been a clue once. Oh my. I know, right? Hint: Sports bra. (We just can't escape that "bra" subject, can we.) That whole "pronoun" category pretty much lost me. I never was good at diagramming sentences, just writing them. Most of those words I never knew were pronouns. Which is why I'm not a clue writer for this show I guess. (That and a zillion other reasons.) I saw "camel" and thought Scheherazade. Because I couldn't think of anything else. Sleeping Beauty was as good a guess as any, plus Trebek did tell Tom to guess. I thought Tom played well and did nothing snark worthy. For a while there, I thought he was going to be the new champ. He has nothing to feel bad about, although in hindsight I'm sure he's thought of a lot. But tell him he done good. Saber approves. Plus he looked great, so there's that. (Which is a big plus these days.) I'm looking forward to it. It would be cool to see brothers on ToC, but I hope we get to see Jim. (And then Wild Sow needs to qualify!) LOL! Upside: Now he does. Liberace's piano.
  23. My own personal walkout on my job is continuing over the weekend too. This episode featured two adults and one twisting, hair tucking, gap mouthed Carolyn Codfish. Two out of three, the odds are getting better for an all-adult player group. LOL at Carolyn Codfish's DD stumper: Woman's World Weekly. My subscription to that ran out years ago. What was up with Trebek telling Tom it's okay to guess because "someone this week did that and came up with the right answers." WTH? I got the TS of "several" since I've been in discussions about that before. (The circle of life comes to Jeopardy!) I also got the DD stumper of peacock feather. I guess it helps to have peacocks and collect their feathers, which are full of "eyes" the birds use to amaze and scare enemies. When peacocks fan their tails and shake them, it makes quite the noise. Attractive to the ladies and scary as heck to varmints. I missed the interview stories since the wind was blowing so my antenna dropped that entire section. I really wanted to hear Tom's story since I was pulling for him, being one Kevin Bacon away from him IRL. Well, as real as life on this thread gets. I'll have to catch it on YouTube I guess. I was rooting for Tom, of course, and thought he did an excellent job. FJ was a stumper for me, and I had to look up just WHAT "piece of furniture" was given to that bride. What's up with writers all of a sudden coming up with an adult-level FJ? But at least Codmouth is gone, thank Neptune and all the fish gods for that. Good luck to your cat, Deemac. Give him an extra hug and kiss from Saber.
  24. I've always thought of you as Mr. Darcy, but from now on you will be Marcy Darcy to me.
  25. We will accept misspellings as long as the pronunciation does not change. So you lost no points or money value here.
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