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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This furry reveal is hysterical. Will Trebek ask him about it today? Inquiring minds want to know. Although I guess me thinking his "tiger claws" was him miming playing the piano. So I sorta kinda got the connection. You rock, Josh! I mean, boo hiss Josh. <wink>
  2. Agree 100 percent with this. The judging these days ... they are so strict about adding an extra letter or syllable, yet adding a word is okay. Go figure. Wow, he's a furry. But that does explain his most excellent rap skillz.
  3. And his cousin, Boris Badenov. Anyone remember him?
  4. Even our local sports/concert arena is on its third or fourth name, and it's not that old. I don't have a clue what it is now. That could be a good Jeopardy category, "Original Names." Like the White Sox used to play in Comiskey Park; now they play in US Cellular Field. The panache is just not there anymore. And I'm not sure White Sox fans all flocked to buying US Cellular because of the name of the ballpark. They'll just have to change carriers when the name changes again.
  5. I looked it up for you. This is all copy/paste: "A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own." So I guess if the cheating wife gets pregnant by her lover, her husband thinks the resulting child is his own and raises it as such. Word origin: "late Old English, from Old French cucuault, from cucu ‘cuckoo’ (from the cuckoo's habit of laying its egg in another bird's nest). The equivalent words in French and other languages applied to both the bird and the adulterer; cuckold has never been applied to the bird in English."
  6. That made me cry. If you want to get picky about it, it's still the same height today as it was in 1974. So "this building WAS" refers to the Willis Tower, which WAS the tallest until 1998. Its name THEN was Sears Tower, which many still call it today. It is known by both names. Which is why Josh's answer of Willis Tower and Trebek's follow up of Sears Tower ARE BOTH CORRECT. I was tickled Josh answered "Willis Tower" so quickly since many don't know the name was changed. The guy is really up on his facts. My comment was about Trebek's hesitation before the judges confirmed that Willis Tower was ALSO a correct answer, not that it was a wrong answer. Willis is a London-based insurance provider that bought the naming rights (for a lot of money) in 2009. I'm guessing most Americans think "Whatcho doin' Willis" instead of insurance when they hear the name though.
  7. Don't feel bad. Many people still call it that, especially those who were irritated that a London insurance broker bought the naming rights. <raises hand>
  8. The music category that Hermine ran was so easy, I answered all the clues while I was doing chores in another room. And I'm not even a music person. A whole category on Illinois! That ROCKS! I bet every dime I own, and then some. I killed it and got every (easy) answer, including Enrico Fermi. (Fermilab is in the west suburbs.) Laughed that Josh answered that with an accent, one upping Trebek, who got to do no accents today. DRINK! I also got a kick out of Trebek's hesitation when Josh answered "Willis Tower" for the tallest building in Chicago. Alex, it hasn't been the Sears Tower since 2009. Get with it. Josh raps! So totally awesome ... I mean for some guy I don't like. <wink> Josh's $5 DD of Dali was a no brainer for me. I hate Dali's nasty mustache. But glad Josh didn't bet more. I mean: Too bad he didn't bet more. The TS of the painting of The Sower also was a no brainer. I guess none of those players have a garden. I earned $2,000 on that TS. Josh is now a five-day champ. Nuts, that means we'll see his waving tiger claws in the TofC. Barf on that. <sly smile and a wink> And ... another FJ I am unable to answer. I'm a Winklevoss Loser indeed.
  9. I thought Tonya's opening-number waltz was beautiful. The colors were wonderful and she looked like someone's mom dancing at a wedding, but dancing well. Like you'd think, "Wow, I didn't know gramma could dance like that." I sort of remember Adam's jazz (I wasn't sure what it was until it was said at the end) and don't remember Josh's first dance at all. None of the freestyles wowed me, but I did love the costumes in Adam's and I thought Tonya toughed it out pretty well for her age and build. I wondered where all that water went after Josh's freestyle, and the practical person in me kept thinking about the water dripping on the dance floor and ruining the finish. And of course no towel covering his wet chest was allowed during judge critique. I was disappointed no second place was announced; even the winner was rushed to be announced at the end. I assumed Adam would win. I have never cared all that much about who wins lately since I've been watching since the first episode (some of you weren't born yet) when there had to be a dance-off second show since no one agreed with Kelly and Alec winning when people thought John O’Hurley and Charlotte should have. Oh, the good old days. The show was Strictly Ballroom back then. None of this mucking about. Look at pictures of those early winners and yeah, that mirrorball trophy is now lightweight and half the size. Geez, show, what's up with that. And what, no hoisting the winners up in the air to be paraded around on everyone's shoulders? Geez, show, what's up with that. I did love Jenna asking if Adam would marry her. I feel the same. And Sasha is all kinds of awesome. That's my takeaway from this "season."
  10. Interesting connection, oysters and Peter Pan. Don't I wish, since they are the Winklevoss Bitcoin Billionaires now. I'm up for that. How do you know this? This tidbit of information amazed me, so thanks! Watch for Pullman/Pushman category coming soon to a Jeopardy show near you. Please forgive me for mentally finishing this sentence for you since the above sentence broke as shown and continued (boringly, I might add) on the next line. This! I never noticed his tiger claws, although I thought once he was playing the piano. My tv screen is small and usually there's some weather scroll going along the bottom. I was worried about Josh at the beginning of yesterday's game, and was disappointed he pulled it out for a runaway. I guess we have to suffer through him again yet today. <wink wink sly smile> Once again, we are the Winklevoss Twins. Every tv western had the hottie mc hot sidekick and I crushed on every one of them. ETA: I studied up on Harpers Ferry last night, and found it very interesting. Only a few hundred (or "several" hundred) people live there. And now I'm good if Jeopardy ever wants to make it a full category. Bring it on, Trebek!
  11. I vote patronizing. I know ... surprise.
  12. I got gymnastics, oysters and Dutch Boy. I didn't get a lot of the answers that the contestants got. What was with Trebek saying "That's unfortunate" to Kate when she didn't have a FJ answer. She was in last place and the game was a runaway for Josh. That and he seemed to have a small facial tic. Definitely distracting. I didn't see or notice anything about Gary. Not sure what that says about my viewing habits. But on the plus side, he didn't bother me either. I had no idea for FJ, so I remain the Biggest Loser on this thread for not knowing FJ answers. I think I've gotten one in the last two or maybe even three (or more) weeks. Yes, of course I've heard of Harper's Ferry. But what and where is it? Got me. I guess in Trebek's opinion, I'm unfortunate too. So much yes to both of the above. I just wish I didn't have to see him wave and tiger claw again tomorrow. <wink wink>
  13. Plus Q-tip was a recent answer in a letters category.
  14. Agree with this. I hope RacistBBQBecky is Feeling The Burn -- all over. Chicago Improv was my favorite, I burst out laughing at the one guy getting two Lou Malnati commercials, probably because I hear "Lou Malnoti" multiple times per day. Seeing Lin Manuel Miranda made that sketch worthwhile for me. I skipped Nicki Minaj, so I guess that's my comment on her act.
  15. It's still stocked in the stores around me in the Midwest. There also is a chocolate malted version which, IMO, is not as tasty as the regular. It is delicious eaten directly from the container. You know, like the rest of you eat Nutella.
  16. I went to college in Columbus, Ohio, home of the first Wendy's. The Wendy's burger was square, with a hole in the middle, so it was "different." (Not sure if it's still square and holed.) The Wendy's single was so huge, you'd have to share, and the double or triple, no way could one person eat an entire one of either. Hardee's breakfast biscuits used to be quite large and filling, too. I was surprised when I got one a while back: snack sized now! I remember the first Burger King, the burgers would go through the "flame broiler" on a moving rack where everyone could see them. A Whopper was a delicious marvel of modern fast-food technology. Yeah, times -- and fast-food -- change. My vote for best fries is Checkers/Rallys and Popeye's. Both are coated with something delicious before being fried. Right now Checkers fries are $1, regardless of size. I need to take a trip to town.
  17. Question: If Jane is really Remi who is really Alice, and Roman was really Ian, why keep calling them by the Shepherd names? Maybe I'm dis-remembering, but in Roman's (Ian's!) flashback, those kids were sleeping in squalor, mattresses on the floor. But when Jane (Alice!) goes to their old home, she says "This is our bedroom," and it's a nice room with real beds. What's real and what's Memorex? I guess this episode really was shot in South Africa, so Rich complaining about why didn't he and Patterson get to go there could have been real complaints from the real actor. I'd feel stiffed too if all my co-workers got to go someplace that cool and I got stuck in Studio City, California. I did wonder why everything hadn't been stolen from Jane's old home though. Maybe South Africans are more honest than Americans. Will Roman's cure for the brain rot caused by memory erasing be found before Jane/Remi/Alice dies? Yeah, I'm guessing so.
  18. That was me upthread. Back in "the day," Hardee's bought all the Sandee's restaurants in the Midwest which is when it appeared in my area. I worked for Hardee's regional ad agency in the '80s; headquarters were in St. Louis then. It was the fourth largest burger chain when California-based Carl's Jr. bought it (for $327 million!) in 1997. Carl's kept the menu and look so as not to make Hardee's regular customers upset, and only gradually introduced some of Carl's menu items and look/signage (the star). I'm surprised the Hardee's name is being used in the west, except everyone travels nowadays so Californians can feel safe eating at a Hardee's/Carl's Jr. in Indianapolis now. Me, I'm waiting for In And Out Burger to broach the Rockies. Right away I thought "shotgun kitchen?" then the railroad thing gave me Pullman. There's a Pullman neighborhood in south Chicago, where Pullman built row housing for workers in his rail-car factory. I guess "Pullman" means anything long and narrow. In architecture, that is.
  19. But it's better than leaving a puppy to die at the top of a pyramid.
  20. I had that same thought, although IMO Rich would be a heart breaker too. But more fun while it lasted.
  21. This. At least they didn't have some dancing bears or something moving across the screen. I'm not sure I want Jane/Remi anywhere near me if I get shot. She sits down and has a convo with Roman instead of freaking PUTTING HIM IN HER CAR and driving him to an ER. WTH. Nice fake with David Morse and the gun. Roman gives him the gun but keeps the bullets so he can't kill himself. Good move. But Jane needed to empty her entire clip into him at close range? Put a lid on it girl, and calm down. The hospital scene was all kinds of weird. Everyone knew she was married to Weller but she's listed as "Jane Doe" on her chart? And she wakes up (alone, while Weller has a room full of visitors) and walks out into the hall. Where, you know, every place, including hospitals, has a PAY PHONE. When's the last time you saw one of those? And luckily for Jane, she had a dime in her hospital gown (one of those backless ones!) to make a call. Right. Plus, when Jane is on the phone, she is wearing bright red lipstick. When she is taken to Weller's room, no lipstick. The heck? And the nurse knows she's Weller's wife? Not "Jane Doe"? Yeah, all kinds of weird. Now Weller's in a coma with a respirator? Why didn't Jane have a respirator while SHE was in a coma? Comas and respirators are all the rage these days. Is fainting a sign of being pregnant? Anyone? Meanwhile, poor Reade, he's been dumped twice this month. First the broken up wedding, then his new squeeze uses and loses him. Guy's gotta be gun shy now for sure. With Roman gone (flashbacks aren't good enough for me) and Jane being all evil, I'm not sure about next season. I guess if nothing good is on the other channels ...
  22. I've even been there and didn't know there was a Gettysburg College. I do know where Jack In The Boxes are though. (Or is that Jacks In The Box?) This. I'll take calm Larry over Dancing Jennifer and Look At Me Austin every day of the week. I never pay too much attention to the stories, although I remember Larry's was longer than normal. What it was about? Who knows. I did catch that Claire only got a "That's good" from Alex, so no drink. *bummer* This cracked me up. Congrats on your newest book! I wondered where you've been. Welcome back! Cubs play today on teevee! Add me to that Never Heard Of It list, although the clue gave the answer away, thank you very much writers. Now how do you say "thank you" in Latin?
  23. For some reason, I thought FJ was asking for a river so I was thinking of rivers in the U.S. and Europe. So I said the Shannon. In my defense, it's 230 miles long and there are Catholics in Ireland. Obviously, I'm old and pixellated, bordering on amnesia. Although I guess that's called Alzheimer's these days. I hope that makes you feel guilty if you pointed and laughed. Nice happy ending to the tournament. I thought all players did well, and congrats to the champ. How do you say that in Latin? None of us here liked Josh, remember? He is clearly an UN-favorite. (cough) Mine too, and me too. I'd never heard of a bachelor den. Until today.
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