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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. All I could think was the skyjacking craze was Before His Time. I remember when it was happening all the time, and D.B. Cooper is still a legend in my mind. Leverage did an episode about him, and he was a character on Prison Break. I can't believe that I got FJ and none of the players did. WTH is this world coming to, I'm obviously living in Bizarro Jeopardy World. I've never read any Agatha Christie and I can't stand the Poirot character when his movies have been on tv (PBS), so I guess my dislike for the character is what led me to the answer. If the clue had been real people, I would have answered Groucho Marx. His mustache was painted on most of the time. I was thinking for a minute that yesterday's champ was cursed by the poster here who said if she came in third today she would make less $$ in two days as the champ than the second-place one-day player. But she pulled it out and went home with a few extra bucks.
  2. Jordan? Is that you? Oh, crumb. I was all in for the girdle thing, especially given how vain these boys are. But that makes me think ... where was Jordan's mic when he was down to his undies? LOL! Oh, good point. I can totally see that. Thanks!
  3. And no socks! Brrr! What happened to the shirt that Undies Jordan had slung over his shoulder (and then over his crotch when he was sitting next to Becca)? Why didn't he put that on under his quiltie/comforter/blanket wrap? Although I guess I can answer that myself, so never mind. It was funny when he told Becca to put the rose in his cleavage.
  4. Does anyone know what "freezing" means in LA? Where I live, it's freezing at -20 with snow on the ground and water pipes frozen. When it's 40 degrees, we open doors and windows to let the heat in. A Minnesota gal should have pretty good cold tolerance, plus I didn't see any breath when they were talking. Of course, it's all relative. ETA: JenE4, I love your posts. Don't ever leave!
  5. But I'm sure Becca had input on the type and "look" she prefers, which would account for an almost total (almost) absence of blonds and gingers. If Leo cut his hair, he'd blend in with everyone else. These guys need name tags. Not that I care all that much though, now that I think about it. I pretty much forget each season as soon as it ends. And yeah, I totally agree that Jordan is working for BIP positioning. I can't see him ever hooking up with anyone other than himself though, so maybe not. Was Jordan wearing shoes with his undies last night? If so, hilarious. Not exactly a fashion statement, briefs and wingtips.
  6. I just heard this on the news and came right here. So sad and yes, creepy. Being a clue on Jeopardy is now worse than being a Sports Illustrated cover. I create ads for a very successful show dog named Kate Spade, so it's double weird for me.
  7. So much this. Yeah, Lincoln was goading the other guys, and Connor easily took the bait. So what that Lincoln won the contest. What did he get for it, a private date? No. Just that picture. Big freaking deal. And as far as we know, he was kissing himself in the picture. That's what went through my mind. Those little boys couldn't stand it though, so Big Bad Bully Connor had to get rid of Lincoln's plaything. It's like little kids taking their ball and going home and leaving the lone (black) kid on the ball diamond by himself. I also think Lincoln was being bullied, and being bullied causes me to cry. Why does Lincoln have to "suck it up" when HE is bullied by every single boy sitting there and no one telling Connor to knock it off. It was a gang up on Lincoln. And who said and where is it stated Lincoln cheated in the contest? Anyone know how this show works? Everyone could have had a timer for 30 seconds and Lincoln was given one for 15 seconds. Just imagine that. I've played with egg timers and there is no way you get sand to fall through faster by shaking it. My guess is TPTB told Lincoln to shake the timer so they could add "cheating" to the Most Dramatic Race Evah. And the glass breaking sound was just that, a sound. Guaranteed to raise the dramatic effect and promote water cooler talk. So yeah, that worked pretty well for you show, and made Connor an ever bigger raged-filled jerk. My conclusion: Connor needed to go home. In other news, if Tia is such a good friend, why didn't she tell Becca that she dated one of the bachelors? Oh, you mean they're not THAT good of friends, or the "dating" wasn't really dating? Surprise. I say TPTB told Colton to tell Becca about Tia because, guess what! Tia is on next episode to, you know, create DRAH-MA. Garrett did have a really pretty smile when his name was called at the rose ceremony. Very golden-retriever like!
  8. Oh, that's right. I had forgotten about his dating Ali. My assessment: famewhore. That's why his eyes don't match what his mouth is saying. Lips: "Blah blah blah I'm so sincere I'm here for you." Eyes: "This is so much fun for me."
  9. That's hilarious given that Quagmire is a cartoon.
  10. So who got sent home? Again, no names. Not that I know any of these players anyway. As typical, the last rose goes to the Drama Queen. Were any of us surprised Colton is staying? So much THIS. If he freaks about a picture, what's he going to do when wife dents his car?
  11. Colton's eyes don't match what he is saying. He's gone from my favorite to someone I don't trust. Maybe because it's pretty rude all the way around.
  12. LOL, Jordan is so "comfortable with himself" that he's sitting next to Becca with legs crossed like a girl, hands around his knees and shirt over his crotch. Yeah, that speaks all kinds of self confidence to me. Not. Then he wraps himself in a blanket. Eh. The chicken guy is pretty cute. But he needs to ignore Jordan.
  13. How would Colton even meet Tia much less be dating her? Colorado vs. Arkansas ... not exactly next door to each other.
  14. Yes, please. I've brought my Jeopardy TANKARD (not teapot) that you may fill to the brim rim. *Drink!* While Mondrianyone has me craving birthday Mexican, I'm a fan of everything edible. Surprise us! I will love it without a doubt. Not weird, it's Ooooh, SPOOKY.
  15. Oh, not me. I'm totally non-violent. I would just change the channel on all those tvs, then load them in the back of that race car and drive them back to my place. I'd love to have just one of those tvs since I'm watching this show on a 14-in. square analog antenna tv. That waste was painful for me to watch. I can't imagine being able to have a big digital HD tv. Me: BARF! Ha ha.
  16. Or Charles Russell. Pretty much the same time period too. I didn't have a clue the death-and-taxes thing was a quote from anyone. After the answer was revealed, all I could think of was Ian Fleming's diamonds are forever ... and so is death. We have enough posters now in the Toddler Jeopardy FJ Failure Cave to have a great round of cards and a potluck if we each bring a dish (with food on it) to share.
  17. Connor: "That's not who I am." Me: "Yes it is."
  18. We did last week and it was okay. Or at least we were not told differently! Which brings me to: Who was the guy who threw Lincoln's picture in the swimming pool? I'm not getting any names with the faces when they are shown. And why are the boys so upset about a freaking picture? And they think it's funny that Lincoln's picture was ruined? If I were Becca, every one of them gets sent home, the one who threw the picture wouldn't even get a taxi, he could walk his ass to LAX. If they get that freaked out about a dumb photo, what reaction will they have to something real and important and life changing? Lincoln can stay. The rest of those creeps are dead to me. (TM Mr. Wonderful)
  19. Ha, I just got back from Dixon a little bit ago, stopped there for groceries on my way home from Woodstock, where the movie Groundhog Day was filmed. Yes, Reagan lived in Dixon, then moved to the Quad Cities where he did sports radio broadcasts for WOC in Davenport, Iowa. The picture of him at the WOC mic was all over the papers when he got elected, like he was a home boy even though he worked in Davenport radio for just a fraction of time before he left for California. His boyhood home in Dixon was added to the historic register in 1982. I've seen the signs, never seen the house. His birthplace was an apartment above a tavern in "downtown" Tampico. It's on the national historic register too. Tampico: Population 790. And now you know, if Reagan is ever a J category. ETA: I like turd-duls too.
  20. What irritates me is the camera cutting to the judge reactions during the dance. That's why dances seem so short, half of their performance time is made up of shots of the judges looking astounded. I know this is a judge-centered show, but the title is World of Dance after all, not World of Three Judges.
  21. Don't let it be your last post! On Rachel's season. some AA guys were favorites here. Personally, I was rooting for Eric and wish he would be The Bachelor some season. I'm hoping for even better this season. Hey, a girl can dream, right?
  22. I caught part of the rerun last night. Daniel Gil's occupation was "Worship Leader." Which would explain the Kingdom Ninja thing. And yeah, maybe all those houses/buildings on his family's 24 acres are church-related. Who knows. Although if it is, someone in the congregation should have noticed they were missing/flooded in. I was really taken aback by this, especially the coughing and "can't get out of bed" thing. If it was filmed while she was sick, how offensive to air it. If it was reenacted, how offensive period. It was totally not needed. Yeah, they showed a clip from his previous failed run. He fell because ... no shrimp boots, dude. Those boots actually were pretty helpful. Isaac Caldiero said he failed on the Jumping Spider the first time because he was wearing climbing shoes with no friction/tread on the bottom so he slid right off. Maybe shrimp boots will become a thing. LOL! So much this. Although the show would love to have all three of those contestants' backstories filmed. Although just wait ... the season is still young.
  23. I agree with parts of that sentiment. ;) It depends on one's definition of "ride." Count me in for a Steve McQueen "thrilling ride." (Such a dream boat.)
  24. Thanks for my Friday-night laugh guys. I needed that. Squigtones. Priceless.
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