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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought this was a great show. I like the teams idea and wish there could be more team competitions. Team Kristine won again, which was cool for me since she had my favorites on her team. But still, all were fun and great to watch. The individual competitions showed some amazing skills. I can't remember details now, it's been a while since I watched. But yeah, that wingnut challenge ... holy cow. It's like some ninjas can literally fly.
  2. Good for you, and I mean that in a very un-Trebekian way. For some reason, I don't see Exxon around here, but BPs are a-plenty. I admire people who have principles and stick to them, even if it goes against the populist flow.
  3. I was glad to see a clue about what oil company was running the Deep Water Horizon to remind viewers how its greed ruined the Gulf of Mexico. I will not buy anything at a BP, not even a pack of gum much less gas, for the rest of my life.
  4. I might do better at Toddler Jeopardy so yeah, I want to see it too. This was the first mention of Josh's wife as far as I remember. (Although as proven here, my memory isn't the best.) I refrained from the obvious snark of, since Josh is a furry, that of course he isn't married. I'm glad I never posted that here. (You guys never saw that.) I did like Josh out pronouncing Trebek on "Merkel" though.
  5. You made me look up the def of "conflate." Thanks! I'm thinking it will come in handy on a future Jeopardy clue.
  6. So much this. The support system is so gratifying to see, especially how things are in this world right now. I also love the ninjas working with the celebs. I wish some ninjas would be on DWTS or other reality shows. Wrong network for Dancing though I guess.
  7. Some contestant told a story that he climbed to the top of a very tall and very steep pyramid in Mexico or some Central American country. At the top was a puppy that, he said, was so happy to see him. He said the dog was so happy that he left it up there. The problem: 1. The dog was thrilled to see ANYONE who could rescue it, that's why it acted happy; and 2. Dogs will not naturally go down steps. Up, yes. Down, no. Especially ones that are narrow and extremely high and steep. Like on a Mayan pyramid. Someone obviously took the dog up there and left it. And so did this contestant leave it up there. And Jay on Modern Family.
  8. Now Extra is doing a segment on the wedding attire, complete with coverage of Oprah's redo. Here's this quote from express.co.uk: "She reportedly contacted Stella McCartney who created the new alternative pink dress 24 hours before the TV host arrived at Windsor Castle." Stella McCartney also designed the dresses worn by Amal Clooney and by the bride at the after-wedding reception. So, blame Ms. McCartney if Oprah (and Amal and the bride) looked hideous.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Oprah fan, I'm ambivalent about her. But I think it's in good taste to wear a "bland" dress to a wedding since it's the bride's day, not yours, even if you are a star. Besides, it's the hat that speaks at those British weddings. Now some of those could be called monstrosities. Princess Beatrice wore this to Kate Middleton's wedding, which was a traditional royal wedding. "Oh my."
  10. I don't notice clothing (except Cute Tom's jumper) so that wasn't me who snarked on Virginia's outfit. I don't even know what she was wearing except it was clothing, no nudity or boobage showing. That I noticed. But here's the scoop on Oprah courtesy of Page Six: She had a beige dress made for her to wear. At the last minute, when she put it on, she said it looked too much like white and no way was she going to upstage the bride. So she rushed to have a new dress made in a different color. They barely got it fitted/altered and ready for her to wear before she had to leave for London. I didn't see anything "monstrous" about it, it was just a pink dress with a pink hat. My idea of "monstrosity" are those red carpet "gowns" that are cut to the crotch, boobs taped inside their small covering or else hanging out and pushed up. I'm also not a fan of the see-through nips and crotch dresses that are gaining in popularity. So Oprah's wedding dress? In good taste and well done IMO. Now git off and stay off my lawn. p.s. Mystery Author, did you have to buy anyone your book? Great marketing plan though. You are much bolder than I!
  11. So much THIS. I had blocked that stupidity from my brain. WTHeck is up with the show these days. And the pic of Little Richard, and putting "stone" in the clue for Rosetta stone. Do they do this so people at home will feel smart? At the watercooler: "I answered five Jeopardy clues correctly today!" Of course, I'm not talking about any of us. Or me in particular. So much THIS. I *heart* Josh because he wasn't smug or flamboyant, he seems like such a nice guy who I would love to be friends with. All of his stories were nice ones, his rap was AWESOMELY awesome, and he didn't do any jackassery, like leave a puppy at the top of a pyramid or give a teacher a hate book. Josh was a case of nice guy finishing first for once. And his knowledge of obscure things was the most impressive I've seen for a long time. I'm looking at you, Austin. <tiger claws> I hope Virginia is a one-and-done not wonder. Until then, she needs to stay off my lawn.
  12. You should be able to hold up a picture of Downey and that would be acceptable for your answer. You know, like a reverse clue/answer. I came up with Tropic Thunder but totally forgot Downey was in it and was working on what other film Tom Cruise was in besides TT. I should get half credit for that. Right? No? Okay then. Make that triplets. I had a massive crush on Scott Bakula during Quantum Leap's initial run. That crush was renewed when the entire series was rerun three times on one of the antenna tv stations here. I watched it over and over. I won't watch any CSI/NCSI shows so didn't see him in that, but I mean to watch Men Of A Certain Age sometime soon. He's still a hottie in that. Yes, an orca is not a pinniped. Seals are pinnipeds. That was easy for me since pinniped is such a fun word. Pinniped. Pinniped. I have a problem with them awarding the woman "grizzly" for "grizzled" hair. Grizzled hair is streaked with grey. Grizzly hair is synthetic material of many different very bright colors used for tying flies. Or real hair covering a certain species of bear, brown in color. It also is a type of synthetic hair extension that comes in all kinds of colors: red, blue, green, yada yada. The judges were wrong to say that incorrect answer was correct. At least the guy with the gross porn 'stache didn't win. That was the only upside to today's game. Josh: Get some rest, then go on that vaca to Alaska and Hawaii. Well, Alaska anyway. I'll be (not) rooting for you in the TofC. <wink>
  13. When Akbar first started hosting this show, his last name was hyphenated on screen. Past seasons are rerun here, and I noticed the hyphen and that it disappeared later on. Derek Hough said he would donate $10,000 of his own money if he got to do the next two obstacles after he went out. I was hoping they would show that. He was a star last Red Nose Day so I was surprised he went out earlier this time. Ne-Yo was a total surprise. Who knew? Respect. Nastia also was a surprise. She's so thin, I was surprised she did so well. I think she could have made it up the wall without help, but the teamwork was cool. They did save the best for last. Akbar rocked it out of the park. I didn't have a clue he was so big ... and so fit. Matt was so funny, saying he'd never take his shirt off next to Akbar. I'm good with Akbar going shirtless for the entire upcoming Ninja season. i loved this show last year and it was just as good this year. I wish they would do more celebrity challenges. Looking forward to next year's Red Nose Day Ninja Event. And since Derek was a "rerun" from last year, I wish Stephen Amell had come back too. He makes for some nice scenery. Next year, show?
  14. Thanks Clanstarling. Those owls were not at all what I was expecting. I think a Picasso tat should be closer to this: Now THAT'S a Picasso!
  15. I was gone for Thursday's show, but when I got home and checked YouTube, there was the episode already at 6 p.m. central. Woo hoo! I thought Tom was a cutie. Plus I liked his pullover sweater/jumper. D'etre as a category title was Trebek heaven. Drink! I might have known some of the French artists if I had seen them spelled and not Trebekian over pronounced so I didn't know who the heck he was talking about. I'd like to see a Picasso tattoo. Thompson grape was such a DUH moment for me. We used to call them Thompsons, now they are sold as "green grapes." Our store choices here are green or red. It's the dumbing down of America. "Steal my thunder" eluded me. I could come up with that phrase, but the category was Over/Under. Then another DUH moment, thUNDER. Gah. I about had a heart attack at FJ, and threw my hands up and yelled YES! when Josh pulled it off at the end. As said previously, I don't like stressful FJs.
  16. We would NEVER troll you, Urban! <wink wink>
  17. I've seen six years of The Big Bang Theory and I didn't know string theory. So a dumb person has ruined your hypothesis. If the clue had been: "Sheldon Cooper specializes in this field," THEN I would have known string theory.
  18. To paraphrase Trebek: Bien sûr! Just your company is enough, but a Greek treat would be extra special! I see what you did there. Well done! I thought FJ was asking for a country and I kept recounting Panama's syllables hoping maybe one would disappear and I'd be left with the required two. But then, that would have ruined my championship run of Biggest FJ Loser. So there's the bright side! I never gave a thought that they were asking for isthmus, a thing, not a country.
  19. I prefer runaway games. (Unless it's a Cliff Clavin runaway.) I can't stand the stress if I have a favorite, like Josh. I mean, like anyone but Josh. *cough* I'm so happy to have company at the Romulus and Remus table, AND a delicious antipasto to go with the fine wine. I'll bring a Caesar salad. It's not often (read: never) that I have company!
  20. Man, I'm glad I have never seen any CSI episode. (And never will.) I support anyone in whatever hobbies or endeavors they choose. I don't know why it's okay for people to dress up like Star Wars characters when they go to that movie but not okay to dress up like a tiger and play the piano. I'm fine with everyone being whomever they want to be. Purple hair, Mohawks, full-sleeve tats or costumes ... None of it affects my life.
  21. I figured their stepdad was pretty bad ass. I seldom pay attention to category names, but that category was so freakingly easy, no one needed to pick them in order. A picture of a pepper mill? Miller High Life? Please. I answered all revealed without knowing they were suppose to be parts of the clue above. I second that emotion. We are obviously Astral Twins, if not Winklevoss Twins. I didn't hear his story, just didn't like him for some ephemeral reason. But now that I know his story, I really am glad he did not win. Totally agree that writers screwed up that In Order category since a pepper mill IS a pepper grinder. Plus maybe if they had made the clues harder since it was such a stupidly easy pick-any-clue-and-you-can-answer-it category. No one needed the answer above it.
  22. Mars. Thank goodness I didn't break my losing FJ streak. Turns out I'm as brainlessly dumb in 2010 as in 2018. I missed this clue but wondered if it related to my adoptive grandmother. I hope so! To her health!
  23. What about my Romulus and Remus? I'm still on an I-Don't-Know-FJ streak. FJ standing for Effing Jack I guess. This made me LOL, first because I got it so wrong, and second because I've never seen a single episode of that show. I guess that's worth another -$200. Penalty accepted! And here is yet another mistake courtesy of me: I stand corrected ... AGAIN! And the radio station I listen to all night broadcasts the Sox games (which is how I know you are correct!). Personally, I'm a Cubs And No Other Teams Exist person. I'm dropping them if Wrigley Field ever sells its name though. I about went into coronary arrest when Ken Jennings responded with a joke to one of my tweets, and then did a "like" on another. I almost need a triple bypass just thinking about it now. Josh scared me too, and I thought maybe he was giving up since he made the TofC. But then I thought, no, there's still $$ to win! So yeay that he pulled it out. I mean, oh darn, he won again. *cough* His broad knowledge base is very impressive. Today was the first I've seen him gesture during clue selection, and was anticipating his getting shade here for it. I didn't mind though. Oh, I mean, it really irked me. Yeah, that's the ticket. I didn't like the middle guy for some reason that I can't articulate but might have something to do with one of my past lives. Teebax, you'd better get on this show. That would be the most awesomeness thing EVAH to happen to this thread IMO. I got The Butler, De Niro and sapsucker (I love watching/feeding birds). I missed the John Brown, WWII and other TSs as some big event always happens here that needs my attention during the show, today being no exception. Would have liked to know the John Brown one now that I've studied up on and am ready for a Harpers Ferry category. I shouted "Winged Liberty!" for that Mercury dime. We called them Winged Liberties when I was growing up and kinda sorta collecting different coins. So I say my mom and my answer were correct. Bert and Ernie was a great FJ answer. Hats off to Not-Teebax Tara.
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