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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Maybe because it was Before Their Time? And, according to this show, stopped being taught in the '60s. Did I hear Judy say "booger"? Ha ha if so. My takeaway: Anne Hillerman is continuing to write her dad's Leaphorn and Chee novels. I'm so happy. I have all of Tony Hillerman's books; because of them I have a deep interest in the Diné and their traditions.
  2. That was still better than me yelling "Huey Lewis." Those damn Razorbacks. "Woo pig sooie!"
  3. CAI and her lift thing ... WTH, just leave it alone and shut up. Between that and her getting all verklempt or screaming and jumping around like she's never seen a man in tight pants before, she's worn out her welcome with me. Then there's Bruno and his stripping obsession. *VOMIT* LOL at one of the judges telling Mirai that she needs to work on some detail of her dance if she wants to win. No, she needs to work on some details of her personality because it's not the best dancer who wins this, it's the one who gets the best back-stage presentation and is most likeable on this show. And that's NOT snark-a-billy Mirai. (Although her dad is really a cutie.) Which brings me to: I love David Ross. I'm neither this way or that about Tonya, the debate about her can go on all year. But she did say one sentence that works for me: Stop the hate. People everywhere need to listen to that, and I don't mean just about Tonya, I mean about life. There is so much negativity everywhere, it's exhausting. Being nice isn't THAT difficult. I was all set to vote for Chris, he's cute and nice and fun. Then he gets sent home. Rats. I'm glad to see Josh in the finals though. He and his brothers were hilarious. His mom is a saint for raising those boys, they had to have been a round-the-clock handful, but she has much to be proud of. Good on her. I developed a crush on Adam during the Olympics so have hoped he gets the win from the beginning, although my votes have gone to keep others in the mix on his journey to the mirrorball capture. I could care less what pro is dancing with what person so that has no impact on my favorite. Adam could be dancing with anyone and I'd still like him. Well, maybe not if he were partnered with CAI or Bruno. Then ... just no.
  4. Wyatt running up to the Eyeball as Jessica was taking off, and him getting blown back through the air was a spectacular shot, one they didn't have to do. But I thought it added a lot and was very cool. It also showed what a dimwit Wyatt is, so there's that too. It's also interesting to see once Wyatt grows up a few more years, he becomes old enough to grow a full beard. Surprise!
  5. He's been spotted having lunch with Fannie Flagg.
  6. Steve! Thank goodness you stopped guessing and got out of the red. Scott! "Good for you!" DRINK! This made me laugh. Lederhosen are quite the rage lately. I was reminded of the Ancestry.com commercial where the guy says he's German, then found out through Ancestry that he's Scottish so traded his lederhosen for a kilt. Still, the clue was clumsy so the photo was helpful. How coincidental that I just posted about going to Charlotte and the FJ answer was CHARLOTTE! Yeay! Finally I answer FJ correctly. Wait ... what? You mean it's NOT Charlotte? The heck. I even saw GWTW at the theatre last summer and sat in the second row, I love that movie. So much for short-term memory.
  7. But the definition of "galop" is a lively ballroom dance in duple time, popular in the late 18th century. It has nothing to do with gallop, which is what a horse does, and not in a ballroom. I guess if you overlook the misspelling, then "galop" would give it (Hi ho Silver ...) awaaaaay. It's a case of a wrong making a right.
  8. Because I don't like Wyatt, he's such a failure and useless dumbass, and IMO Lucy can do SO much better (even finding someone in a different time), I'm all for Lyatt never existing. It would be my personal perfect timeline! I have my own personal crush on Flynn. I didn't get this either. What was the deal with the gone-girl sister? We never did find out why she disappeared and Carol's cancer disappeared along with her. Or if we did, I missed it.
  9. So much this! Kevlar vests for everyone would have made things less stressful every trip. And Lucy, you still have fingernails. I was waiting for the tiger-claw-to-the-face move when Emma was whacking on her. This show started out with me saying "FU" to Wyatt. Something I repeated several times during the two hours. What a dick, and yes, everything that happened WAS your fault. And that "don't shoot her, she's carrying my baby" line was the dumbass line of the night. Getting shot doesn't mean people die, and if you are such an excellent soldier (*cough*) you should be able to hit someone w/o killing them. I blame Wyatt for Rufus getting killed. And for everything else bad. I was all for Jessica to be kicked out of the bunker and Wyatt along with her, just like he wanted. That would have thrown a monkey wrench into plans. I don't like anything about Wyatt, from his actions/non-actions to his inability to defend anyone anywhere. I don't even think he's attractive. Now Flynn, on the other hand ... yowsa. Everything about him is worthy. While I don't think Lucy is Flynn's first or second wife, she could be a daughter. And think about it ... she could be Wyatt/Jessica's daughter, brought back via the Mothership to live with Carol. That would be hilarious. I loved Harriet Tubman. I loved Jiya taking out that Rittenhouse guy and escaping. I loved the end with Badass Lucy all time traveled from the future. I just wish it were Flynn with her, not (yuck) Wyatt. It would have been funny if they found the Flying Eyeball had been converted into a chicken house.
  10. I would find that curious (and hilarious) if I were at the Superdome. I'd wonder just what was being sold. I got schooled on "soda" when a friend from California visited me in Illinois (when I was 30 something) and told me pop was really soda, so stop calling it pop. I loved your map, GenerationX, although I think it reflects how people move now. A map from 1950 would be more solid colors me thinks. Some years ago I went to Charlotte, N.C. to do a story on party rentals in that city. The store owner told me doing coming-out or deb balls used to be a huge Southern thing, but so many northerners have moved it, it's ruining the panache of "The Old South" and its traditions. And some of his business!
  11. I spent every summer vacation from a wee kid through college on my aunt and uncle's farm in the Ouachita Mountains east of Mena, Arkansas. Best time of my life. They would borrow a horse for me that I rode twice a day. The rest of the time I hiked the woods with their bird dogs and doing "kid stuff" all day on the vast acreage, no other homes or people (or lights at night) anywhere to be seen. No tv, just radio (with Lum and Abner reruns!) at noon. At night we would sit outside until after dark, talking and looking at the mountains in the distance. Those were my formative years; I haven't changed much since. Safe travels PW. Keep checking in.
  12. In the Midwest (Illinois) we said mimeo. Where are you ditto heads located? I also grew up asking for pop with my popcorn.
  13. If ABC comes in poorly, then the signal is there rather than it doesn't come in at all and the channel scan can't find it. So that's good. Forget those tiny antennas that fit on the back of the tv or the wall above it. Those might work if you live in town or next to all the broadcasting stations/towers. I'm in the country, 45-50 miles from any broadcast tower. My living room antenna is quite large. There are antennas for outside and also for in the attic. That's what I have, except mine is inside. I've thought about opening the living-room window and tossing it out (more than once!) to see if it can find CBS. Better larger antennas will say how far they range, some are 150 miles. Plus I find different channels by moving the antenna even a small amount or even slightly tipping it a different way. Crazy, but that's the truth! I bought mine online as no local stores (Best Buy even) had what I wanted. It is assumed, of course, that everyone lives in civilization.
  14. Maybe our mimeo machine was really a ditto machine. The copies had blue type and the paper was slightly damp when it came out. And smelled pretty good. It might have been a regional thing, like pop, soda and coke. Just reach in your tote bag and pull out that next paperback. Like in the old days! It will make a great story to tell your great grandkids, about "the good old days." Or, mimeo to everything you said about ditto. Still, nicely put! But you are still buying Mr. MA dinner, right? I was irritated that I wasn't looking at the tv nor paying much attention when this clue came up. I also missed a lot, like the interviews. I was across the room and just absorbed the "good for you" and nothing else.
  15. Yeah, that it stopped being taught in schools in the freaking 1960s. WTH. We just had a Latin teacher in this tourney, plus posters here are Latin teachers. So is that some bogus occupation now since it doesn't exist in real life? Tell us what you REALLY do, you "Latin" teachers. I've never heard of ditto (except in speech, not in copy making) but mimeo should have been accepted IMO. Because we all loved to smell those mimeo'd tests when they were handed out. Once I got to run the mimeograph, it was a cool drum that you would crank. And breathe in all the yummy fumes you wanted. Now that I think of it, maybe that's part of my brain problems now. You did better than I, who couldn't figure out the second OR first word. What do you mean "might have." I'm asking you now to adopt me. Yeah, this episode was another One Drink Wonder. Here's another irksome Trebekian sentence: "You found the Daily Double too early." Well, then why the heck do they put it as the second clue in a category? That's such a snot thing to say. Anyone else laugh at the photo of the jodhpurs from 1950? Mindthinkr? No one has worn puffy jods for decades. Which I guess is why they were going in the garage sale. This game was pretty non-exciting, or maybe it's just me. I did like today's winner though, he was pretty fun. Meanwhile, to all you REAL BOOK readers here, I say: GOOD FOR YOU! My picture could have been in today's Old School category because I'll never ebook anything ever, no Kindle will ever touch these hands. I'm old school about a lot of things. (And STAY off my lawn.)
  16. Are you sure about ABC not coming in? There are so many antennas available, for outside and inside. Where I live, it also depends on how the wind is blowing. One day I got a ton-load of channels from a city nearly 80 miles away. But when the wind stopped, they stopped too. I'm no expert however, since I'm not able to get CBS where I live, and I'm about 45 miles from that city, even though ABC and NBC also originate from that same city. I also lost CW when it changed its broadcast power, which meant I lost five of my favorite shows. The antenna for the little tv in my office (where I basically live) works best this time of year if I stand in the doorway and hold it over my head. All winter it worked great (in the ceiling) for all channels (except the aforementioned CBS and CW). Now I can't get PBS regardless of where I stand/hold it. Danged spring/summer. Jeopardy is on NBC here. Maybe with a big antenna you can find it broadcast from a different market? Otherwise, when I miss a day, I watch online. I'm sure other posters more modern than I am will have better advice about that Jeopardy problem. We can't lose you so you'd better find a solution stat.
  17. Same here, with a paperback book or a book on CD. Either fits nicely in my backpack. But I guess I'll cut you fancy smancies some slack with your modern-technology ebooks. I never thought about library books smelling, I just "ass"umed your library was a smoker's haven. I love how libraries smell, takes me back to being a kid when I would walk to the library and bring home armloads of books to read over the summer. I've already looked at today's FJ and once again I am clueless. So I am batting 1,000 on being a FJ KnowNothingLoser. Go ahead, point and laugh.
  18. Kindle? Blasphemer. I will never support electronic books, they are all kinds of wrong. Audio ones, yes, when I'm driving. But a hand-held solid REAL book is the only kind I believe in. And cigarette smoke in your library? What, you're in prison? Now, git off my lawn.
  19. Yes, it was. I've had to stop buying books though because I have more than can fit on all the bookshelves. So I do library now. Except it's so hard to resist buying them. Old habits die hard, if they die at all. I saw "bale water" somewhere not too long ago. I just sighed and let it go. One can't save the world; I've given up trying. Mystery, imagine the delight when your thief opened that box and found that paper. Did some guy keep asking you out after that? (Or following you when you left your apartment?) Teebax, HOORAY for your achievement. You WILL be on Jeopardy, I insist on it. Congrats, and I hope you had (and are still having) a nice celebration. Good things are coming your way. My guess is over your fabulous job, being paid to read those most excellent books.
  20. "Wart eruption." Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh. I found a typo in some book a while back and was aghast. AGHAST, I tell you. I highlighted it with a marker and wanted to call the ... well, proofreading police or something, it was so offensive. Can't remember which book now so you are off the hook Mondrianyone. So much this. I love you Bastet. I also know I will not live long enough to see the end of it. I actually doubt it ever will end, but that's a rant for some other thread. I do know to be careful of shit, however, as it can blow up when you least expect it!
  21. This has got to show up on social media. I need to check if Ms. Flagg has a Twitter account. Yes, of course! I also caught "genre." But no "Good for yous" today. This episode was One Drink Wonder. I don't even remember that one. I guess I had drifted off. The Jeopardy round didn't have much in the way of TSs, but Double Jeopardy was loaded. I got Stonewall Jackson (duh), McGuffey Reader, nose (geesh), cirrus clouds, mountain climbing (my love!), sail around the world and Eddie Rickenbacker. Indi gets a DD in a category no one knows any of the answers to and bets $2,500. Yesterday Scott ran the entire category, found the DD and bet $500. What, is this Bizarro Jerry, I mean Jeopardy? In keeping with tradition, I tanked FJ again. Right away I thought Erma Bombeck, except she died earlier and didn't do any movie stuff. Then I thought Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller; both died in 2012 but again, no Oscar material. Actually, Fannie Flagg was a better guess than any of mine except for that small problem with her still being alive and all. Mindthinkr, I like your Daily Trivia Knowledge post. Both were new to me. I will have to be careful not to blow up my horse barn when I go out there at night after a rain. We need another "And now you know" tomorrow too, please.
  22. The editor at the magazine where I worked gave a proof (pruf!) reading test to job applicants. One test was full of affects and effects. I guess I did okay on it since I was hired. But to this day I still stop and think before writing one or the other.
  23. Yet they managed to clear the board. How does that happen? I got Louisiana (based on Napoleon being French, I had no idea his death mask was there), Tennessee (since that's where Jackson lived), bowline knot (because: girl scout. Although we say it bow-line, but I checked and it's that plus Trebek's bow-lyn), Harry Hamlin (because Lisa Renna used to be all over pop media), Ronan Farrow (he freaking broke the Harvey Weinstein story), wildebeest (because: animal categories rule). I was irritated with the Differs By A Vowel category letting people flip answers opposite of the clue. "Furrow/farrow" should have been "farrow/furrow." Let's tighten up judging, judges. What was up with Scott running a category and finding the DD there, then betting $500? Makes no sense. It also makes no dollars. Trebek was on a 1989 Johnny Carson (Kit's great-grand nephew) rerun last night, mediating between a high school quiz bowl winning team and the Tonight Show team. Ending score was 9-1 teens, but I LOL several times. Trebek had dark grey hair in a bit of an '80s 'fro. Carson razzed him for being too funny and upstaging him a bit.
  24. I have to ask: Do you still have that sheet of paper? Great story though, and nervy of you to use a sex scene for your submission. I bet that teacher still remembers you as well! OOoooh! Today we have a French teacher! I hope she and Trebek get in a French-off. Meanwhile, Scott is No. 1 wild card, Claire, from the first day, is No. 2. Looking good for getting to see Mr. Dreamy/Creepy Eyes again.
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