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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That always stuns me, I don't get the logic. When I'm on this show and in a distant third, I'm betting zero. Stranger things than that happen in life. I like to think those were named about Robert and not Lighthorse Harry. Thanks to comments here, I checked out Kate's clothes. LOVED her print dress with red cardigan. She was wearing what I would wear. Randy should be getting more heat here for how he must have spent 20 minutes drawing his NAME. And I've never noticed shouters before, even when they are discussed here. But Randy ... holy cats. Tone it down buddy. After one of his shouted answers I heard someone else who was mic-ed give a big nose snort at his screaming. Made me laugh. For FJ I also said center of Africa but knew I was wrong because the center can't be in two places. Poor Alyssa, she not only ran out of time, she got smoked on the buzzer. But her FJ bet makes me think she's maybe not 'all that.' I also got the TS paw paw. Side note: There is a town not far from me named Paw Paw. He's a Fragrance Specialist, Carpe. Let's get it right.
  2. Yet another reason to actually pay attention to the wording of the FJ clue.
  3. This cracked me up and made ME laugh. (I didn't pound on my desk though.) I had a college English teacher who would say someone's name, then alter the name, then walk around the room saying the different versions of the name. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure the guy was stoned. But he was good for a laugh.
  4. I would be all about being in a children's-book club. (Note the hyphen makes it a club for children's books, not a book club for children!). Children's illustration is my first love, and my major in college. I can't think of a better book club to belong to. I love children's book for so many reasons — I love reading them AND looking at the beautiful illustrations, many done by people I know. I got distracted and missed the end of the interviews and first part of DJ so I did not see the hair tucking, thank goodness. Hair touching of any kind is a gigantic pet peeve of mine. Players can board jump all they want, just don't bob and weave, touch your hair OR YOUR FACE when the camera is on you. Count your blessings for that.
  5. For those of you who can't get enough Rex, you can buy his "English" music here: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/rexmoroux2 Tomorrow we get a contestant who is a Fragrance Specialist. I'm looking forward to that interview.
  6. I couldn't help but think today about everyone here who is back after two weeks away and got treated to the nightmare that was Rex. Holy cats, I'd rather sit through a week of Austin, who I detest, than another day of Rex. My first impression was "GROSS beard," plus he was sticking his tongue out during intros. Oh, no he wasn't, he was sticking his LIP out from under that disgusting facial hair. So nasty. First impressions DO count. Then he keeps poking his finger in his eyes, in his MOUTH (SO gross!) and all around his face every time the camera cuts to him. Is this guy for real or is it Nick Offerman playing a joke on Trebek and the audience? During Double Jeopardy, he starts scratching his chest with the left-over fingers on his buzzer hand. WTH. I thank all the gods combined that he lost. As for the game: Is "elephant's nose" the same as "elephant's trunk"? That was my answer for that furniture leg clue. Big takeaway from this episode: Robin Williams had a nanny! Who knew? Second takeaway: RuPaul is gorgeous. She reminded me a bit of Tyra Banks, back before Tyra got fat. (Joke, for those who remember Tyra wearing her bikini on Oprah's show to prove she is NOT fat.) Anyway, I love everything about RuPaul. I'm a fan of the new champ. She was sharp and smart and played well. I hope she stays around a long time. As an aside, I never notice what people are wearing unless it's something so startling. It just doesn't matter to me. Personally, I am a primary-color wearer and never wear black or grey. I love red, bright plaids, any loud color, everything flamboyant. I went to five years of art college for my BFA and I don't give a care what anyone says about what I wear, childish or not. I gravitate toward people who are different and, therefore, NOT boring. Henson, the first African-American Arctic explorer. His only child was courtesy of his Inuit "wife." There was a great PBS show about his son coming from the Arctic to find out about his father.
  7. It's curious that most seem to be concerned about Lucy's relationships and not the men's. Maybe Lucy is the user and will break Flynn's heart when she dumps him for some cool historic guy, like Robert Todd Lincoln. She does get flirted with a lot on her travels. That would be fun to see Flynn and Wyatt drowning their sorrows after Lucy runs off with ... anyone else.
  8. The show I watched about the Little Sable lighthouse asked about the biggest shipwreck there, and I shouted out "the Edmund Fitzgerald!" because I do love me some Gordon Lightfoot. Turns out the sinker near there was the Novadoc, and the Fitzgerald sank on Lake Superior. I do like learning stuff! Would love to take the lighthouse tour around Michigan, bad things. Although I got a vertigo attack just watching the guys on tv step out on the "balcony" of the Little Sable, 100 ft. up. No thanks. Tallykat wins my Internet today with the above. Ore-Ida forever!
  9. I was not aware of Robert Johnson so was waiting for HIM to be renamed Muddy Waters. So I learned something. I LOVED the singing/guitar playing. So much this. Not everyone who gets shot gets killed. Wyatt should know that for pete's sake. This was so irritating and a DUH moment that he just lets her run away and escape. Of course, that's how he came up with the Lando Calrissian name! I'd be all for Wyatt dying, so I like this idea. Since it didn't work this episode, I hope it does the next. In 1936!
  10. Side note: A show I watched last night about the Little Sable Point lighthouse in Michigan said there are 55 lighthouses on the Michigan side of Lake Michigan. There are currently 124 (MOL) lighthouses in the entire state, more than any other U.S. state. This is sure to be a Jeopardy clue, complete with photos of course.
  11. What a bunch of dumb asses. I could see writers/PAs screwing this up if the team were supposed to be based in New York or Florida or something, but writers/PAs in Los Angeles use Long Beach for San Francisco? Please. That's just being lazy stupid. Or thinking viewers are. The map aside, I enjoyed this episode. Wyatt continues to be useless. WTH, he's "needed" for his "special skills" so he doesn't go on the Eyeball, then he tanks his job, almost gets killed and lets the bad guys get away? Alrighty then. Meanwhile, Flynn rocked it and saved the day back in 1936. If Wyatt had been there, probably everyone would have died. Yeay to Lucy telling Wyatt to go to Jessica, "she must be worried." I hope she's over Wyatt, I've turned into a Flynn fan. I loved the music and seeing the nightclub. This is one of my favorite episodes, lots of fun. And Lando was the producer of that album! Too much fun. This show better get renewed.
  12. The assassin in the bathroom cracked me up. He wasn't very good at his job if he didn't hear the woman say she was heading for the john after asking Reade where it was. What, no shower curtain to hide behind? He should have easily been able to stab her and keep her inside the bathroom. But yeah, he was a goof up if he couldn't figure that out. Millicent (was that her name?) was being such a PITA, what's up with Reade sharing the cab much less letting her in his apartment. No Ubers in that city? She bails out of the cab and Reade doesn't notice her purse next to him in the back seat? And he lives close enough that she could hike there in a few minutes? Oh well. Patterson can't be that desperate for a date if she kept putting up with Jack's jackassery. He would have been toast with me after the food-mixing thing. If he can't understand "slower" (ha, don't go there), he's not going to understand "take the garbage out please honey." The dude had nothing going for him ... other than he's vaguely cute. It's nice when a gay guy tells you you look nice. Patterson needs to have Rich "fix" Jack's computer so he can't pirate anything ever again.
  13. Thanks for making me dislike Trebek even more. I didn't think that was possible, but yeah, it is. I'm surprised he didn't ask if she's met her future husband yet in college and how many kids she plans to have.
  14. I'm with you guys about the interview portion where Trebek made a big deal about today is the day each player gets to talk about whatever he/she wishes. So Dhruv gets to, then the other two have to talk about what Trebek directs them to talk about. So what was up with that. He could have skipped the "this show is so great letting players say what they want" and just asked Dhruv if he would like to thank anyone. But then, it's Trebek. So color me not surprised. I'm guessing all three had their answers prepared ahead of time and Trebek just prompted them. As for thanking the crew, I was hoping William would say he forgot his shirt and crew got him a Tufts sweatshirt, or his buzzer broke and crew got him a replacement, or thanking crew for making his standing box higher because he's only 4 ft. 3.
  15. Thank you. I've also forgotten my instaget answer, which was incorrect BTW. And I even saw Man of La Mancha with Richard Kiley back in the day. That was Before Your Time, everyone. It's kind of like The Real Housewives series. No one wants to see them sitting around drinking coffee and sharing recipes. Ratings go up when one flips a table on the other while a third pulls the wig hat off of the fourth before knocking her to the ground. You know, real high-brow stuff. ETA: I've never seen any Real Housewives episode. I'm just speculating.
  16. I'll drink to that. I know. I almost couldn't answer that clue, I was too busy staring at the picture.
  17. It's always nice to hope for (and remember) what used to be. We might as well start chatting about "The old days when Jeopardy contestants use to be poised and dignified." Meanwhile, someone will make a fortune selling the new app: "How to look like a dork during Jeopardy intros." I've already forgotten FJ. K-A-T. Kat.
  18. Yeah, no kidding. That would have helped (and been more entertaining). I was all WTH with that miming business until Trebek came out and said he was "A" for Alex. Then I got it. But I hope Hannah was watching so she could see what a moron her "M" made her look like. I was embarrassed for her. Plus it seemed to go on for ages. How humiliating. At least she got enough $ payout so she can change her name and identity now that the show has aired. I hope all her friends greet her with that "mime" from now on. I know I would. Because I'm snarky and mean.
  19. Pardon my fan girling that I think Dhruv is way cute and someone I'd want to date, even if he didn't just win $100,000 (and if only I were 19 again.) He was so cute saying yes, he IS 19. We would make a great couple. I like men who are smart plus good looking. I found it funny that the No Nothing Party is also known as the American Party. Yeah, no kidding. WTH with Trebek over pronouncing "Jamaican" in the middle of a long clue full of words he pronounced in a "regular" way. Geesh. SHOCKER! Sit down everyone! Dhruv knew the 1930s music was Big Band music. And that was Before His Time! If Trebek were dead, he would have rolled over in his grave. Why didn't Trebek say categories are chosen before the contestants are selected when the Health & Medicine category came up, since Hannah is pre-med. I mean, it was okay for him to say it based on racial stereotyping. Why not for this? Snowy Mountains has been a clue/answer on this show before. Woe to these players who have not watched past seasons. I remember because I am a fan of the movie, The Man From Snowy River. I got gorilla and projectionist (I remember when each high-school class had a designated projectionist, usually the class "nerd."). I also knew Peary, although Amundsen was a good guess. Too funny that Trebek didn't say, "No, the other one" after Dhruv guessed incorrectly. Congrats to Dhruv and to William and Hannah. Well done everyone. And thank you Trebek for not saying Dhruv was a "run away." Yeah, we knew he was, but it was polite not to flash that in everyone's face. And LOL at Dhruv betting $19 for FJ. Nice.
  20. I knew that Lee's estate was seized by the government after the war. But this is how it was done, according to history.com: "After Mary Lee, confined to a wheelchair, sent a representative instead of appearing personally to pay a $92.07 tax bill, the government seized the property in 1864." So that the mansion could never be used again, bodies were buried as close to the home as possible, and piles of "unidentified" Union soldiers were buried in the rose garden. Lee never returned to his former home after leaving it at the start of the war. (I personally think that's sad.) Even more interesting is this: "A Supreme Court ruling in 1882 could have resulted in the exhumation of 17,000 graves: More than a decade after Lee’s death, the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. government had seized his estate without due process and ordered it returned to his family in the same condition as when it was illegally confiscated. If followed, the ruling could have required the exhumation of all of Arlington’s dead, but instead Lee’s son officially sold the property to Congress for $150,000 in 1883." And now you know!
  21. I'm so sorry, Tunia. RIP to your friend. What a sad event; there are no words.
  22. I guess it didn't dawn on me that a cemetery could be a national historic site. I found this on history.com: "... the federal government designated Arlington as a national military cemetery in 1864." Does that make it a National Historic Site? I guess Jeopardy clue writers think so. I think of battlegrounds as national historic sites. You know, like Gettysburg. Of course, 1864 was Before My Time. Barely, but still. ETA: I looked up the Rock Island Arsenal cemetery (near me) that was established in 1863 to bury Civil War Union soldiers. It's named as being on the National Register of Historic Places (which was created in 1966). So I guess of course Arlington is on that register too. Interesting side note: More than 2,000 Confederate prisoners of war died at Rock Island due to the terrible conditions. Their (forced prison) labor created the massive limestone buildings there. (They have their own cemetery on Arsenal Island.)
  23. You need to go to some bar where they play trivia and put a huuuge bet on the winner. Opportunity is knocking!
  24. Yeah, that was sad. But maybe he thought the category was a snap, because I did. And I tanked along with him. I guess nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  25. Dan Zak is a reporter for The Washington Post. He tweeted this a bit ago:
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