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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. If only you had googled that flower when you were little ...
  2. The show can't get this straight. When Tom went to visit Lizzie's step dad in the hospital (after Red had killed him already), the two sat on the bench outside the hospital as strangers, lamenting about loss. It was just those two, and it was made clear Tom did not know Red. Then some episodes/seasons later, we learn Red hired Tom to court Lizzie to keep her safe, and then irked Red by falling in love with her and getting (fake) married. So Tom didn't know Red when Red hired him? Okay, I guess since Tom was a hired assassin he might not know who hired him, but surely he could figure it out. Like in 10 minutes. I'm right there with you. I liked him when he was a nerdy type of brilliant IT guy but now that he's suppose to be some bad ass (*cough*) full member of an elite (*cough*) crack FBI black ops team, he couldn't be more unlikable. He's been a screw up that would get him fired IRL, if not jailed for a while. For the life of me, I don't see what Samar sees in him, given some hot guys who have been in her past. Unless she's all for someone to stay home and bake cookies while she's out kicking ass. Then I can see it. She uses having given birth so she can emote "I'm a mother too" when confronting some female suspect, like that gives her the gravitas to "understand" that person. She never mentions that she dumped the kid off and never goes to see her. IMO it's better if Agnes is never mentioned, as forgotten as all three dogs, rather than used as some subplot to make us go, "Ooh, Lizzie is kind and sweet because she's a mom " Barf on that. And now that Garvey is dead, her reason for dumping Agnes in the first place, off she goes on another personal vendetta. Yeah, you're a great mom Lizzie. Which brings me to: What is her vendetta against Red, whether he's real or fake? I don't get it. Yeah, he and the FBI have used each other, but he saved Lizzie's ass more than once, and kept her hidden while she was on the lam as a murderer. So that's good reason to, what, take the guy down? All righty then.
  3. Tomorrow watch for Trebek in his hip hop gold chains, bling jewelz and iced-out grill mouth.
  4. Next school season be sure to buy some plumbago for your students. They will love you for it.
  5. Everyone who was anyone in the year 1500 was drawing with the hottest new discovery, plumbago. It was all the rage. *sarcasm*
  6. Plumbago, a lead-like substance, evidently was discovered in the late 16th century, then this: "Their existence [of what was to become known as a pencil] was first documented by the zoologist Conrad Gesner in 1565." So I can honestly say that this (and this word) was BEFORE MY TIME. In real life (you know, the kind most of us lead), a plumbago is a common flowering plant. Driad, apologies to you and your great-grandmother. I stand corrected. And all three of us agree on that flowering plant thing. Let's all go to Carpe's house for a fish fry after the tournament! I loved the shout out to this thread's star poster. Because this: made me LOL. Yes, seize the day. And the best lines!
  7. That means serious kudos to Alex Trebek, who made sure to announce to the Jeopardy world that he got it instantly, it was so easy peasy.
  8. I WANT THIS! I've been to Shoney's in the south. Another BB connection! Great link, PW. I liked this sentence from that page: "I told my wife, years ago, what I really wanted more than anything else was a huge, fiberglass dinosaur. I want to put one down at the pond." It reminded me of the big green brontosaurus "Dino" that the old Sinclair stations had. One was on I80 in Iowa; I always looked for it, and it remained after the station closed and became something else. Then I went past last month and Dino was gone. I hope he's in West Virginia! According to Dictionary.com: "1914, from German Gesundheit, literally "health!" Also in toast auf ihre Gesundheit "to your health" (see sound (adj.)). Lithuanian aciu, echoic of the sound of a sneeze, has come to mean "good luck, God bless you."
  9. That is so many kinds of AWESOME. When the BB sold out here, The Boy was in the auction. I guess it's good I didn't have a way to buy it or else I'd have even more useless but kitschy stuff around here. I badly wanted to bid on it though. I understand the entire "taco" is deep fried, although I've never had one. As a former JITBox employee, I'll bet you can tell us what the best JITB eats are.
  10. I just heard on TMZ that our buddy Austin is getting a car show. Here is the link. I take exception with his being called "charismatic," but YMMV.
  11. I believe Big Boy is known more as a sit-down place, like a Village Inn or IHOP type. They do have different names though. It was Frisch's Big Boy in Ohio where I went to college, then Bob's Big Boy other places which confused me as I was used to calling it just Frisch's. All have the iconic red-checkered-pants-wearing Big Boy statue though, which is really cool. And there's a great history behind The Boy statue as well. Too much to put here! Big Boy is only in four or five states I think. My last bag of White Castle sliders was rather disappointing, so I'm over it. However, I believe WC was the inventor of The Slider, so there's that! Every place has them now. (Copy cats.)
  12. Oh, that would be SO COOL and make sitting through six seasons of this convoluted mess worth it. Or FakeRed takes off his Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible face mask and reveals he's really ... oh, think of someone because I can't.
  13. True, and thanks for reminding me to think in a different way about such a generic everyman topic as Fast Food. Although the Hardee's example isn't the best. I'm in Hardee's country (my first job out of college was at an ad agency and my account was Hardee's) and the television commercials/print inserts (in this market anyway) promote both Hardee's, Carl's Jr. as well as the star. I just saw a commercial yesterday and that Hardee's/Carl's Jr. star was jumping all over my tv screen. The Hardee's name will eventually go away. Because the clue said it would also be appropriate to be said to an atheist, I think "God" was suppose to be included. Although one never knows with the crummy judging these days. I wonder if "gesundheit" would have been accepted since it means "good luck, God bless you." I crave them when I'm drunk, which isn't often these days. I've never had them because the picture looks gross since they are flat and deep fried, but a radio show host talks about them being delicious, which I guess they would be, maybe sorta kinda like egg rolls or something. Perfect to eat on the way home from a "night out," right Teebax? I will try them if I'm ever in JITB territory again. LOL, and congratulations Teebax! I have never seen one, and I watch all the Super Bowl ads. I guess he was Before Your Time. (Drink!) You have a great brother. Nothing like a bunch of JITB tacos to make a wedding (and the "You may kiss the bride") memorable!
  14. I came to say the same thing. Plus that scene went on forever, not like Leslie Jones, who talked Spader into giving her a quick few seconds and a line or two. So random and it didn't fit at all. I was waiting for Red to say "I really liked Pink Flamingos." This is what I don't get either. NotRed can out shoot the entire FBI force and manipulate pretty much anyone. Who cares what his name is. I still don't get the "who is Lizzie's father" story line. Lizzie supposedly shot/killed her father when she was two, NotRed has burn scars on his back from Lizzie burning her house down. Weren't the RealRed bones buried in Katarina's yard? It's all so confusing. Although watching for the weekly snark is still fun. Plus Lizzie gave Agnes away so she could catch Garvey. Mission accomplished, but Lizzie will remain Mother Of The Year in her mind only I guess. I wonder if gramma bought Agnes a puppy in her "other" life. I know, right? IRL you don't even have to be holding a juice box to get shot. Does anyone know why Lizzie is such a special snowflake that NotRed does everything, literally, for her? I haven't seen it yet.
  15. As I posted earlier, I don't think it's the dancing so much that wins this, it's the filmed packages that get most viewers for a contestant. Most seasons (heck, all seasons now) there are people no one has ever heard of, then grow to like during the show. Chris might be one this time. Not many of us watch luge, but he got a nice edit and came off as a good guy. Same with Josh, I'd never heard of him but now I like him. And Adam is fantastic all the time. Mirai cut her own throat with how she was portrayed as opposed to how she dances. Yes, bad dancing gets you sent home, but being shown as a diva or snarky or rude gets you sent home too. I've always felt the judge's scores were pretty set in stone ahead of the live show, with TPTB telling them how to vote and maybe even what to say. It's just a reality show after all. It quit being a dancing show seasons ago. JMHO and, as always, YMMV.
  16. LOL at this, and I'm still laughing. Good one. Thanks.
  17. Side note: Were they watching "It Happened One Night" at the same time as Lucy and Flynn were watching that exact same scene in Timeless? Inquiring minds want to know. No kidding. That was the big shocker for me too, that Lizzie even has a brain. Who knew?
  18. I know, because so what. What difference does it make? Who cares? Anyone? Bueller? Those crack FBI folk need to spend more time in the shooting range because they all suck at hitting anyone. Or take lessons from Red since he's a dead shot every time, aiming from the hip. WTH is with Aram giving the door code. Because if the bad guy killed Lizzie then and there, he's lost his shield and he's captured. So yeah, he was bluffing. Aram for supposedly being so smart is sure a dumbass. Fun how Aram can get from wherever they were to the hospital and onto that ward/floor in about 2 seconds. And yeah, all those nurses and doctors are just standing around in Samar's room because there isn't anything else to do. And Samar wakes up from a coma all fresh and bright eyed and ready to get married. All righty then. In all, a good ending to the episode, nice twist. For a minute though I thought the real twist was Tom is still alive. Now THAT would have been majorly cool. But I can't figure out what the difference is if Red is real or Memorex. And why would Not Red keep Real Red's bones? Or is Not Red really Real Red? And is that DNA report for those bones or Not Red? Tune in next season I guess. Writers could stretch that storyline another 14 episodes. Or more.
  19. Board jumping doesn't usually bother me, but it does when the DD has been found and the person is bouncing all over the board. If you are going to jump, go for the Big Money (Big Money). I had to look away so it didn't make me (more) cranky.
  20. This totally irked me too. Unless Homer did that song on one of the episodes, it was from "The Simpsons Movie." Not "The Simpsons." I've had Jack In The Box when I've been to St. Louis so I didn't give it a thought, but you are correct, Browncoat, it is not a national chain and my guess is people who do not travel, nor travel far if they do, have never heard of it. I'm always surprised at how many people have never left their hometown much less their state. Outside of the St. Louis area, there are none in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kansas ... I could go on for 25 more states. BTW, I understand JITB tacos are the best. So I've heard!
  21. More like they were relying on the IT guy to save her. My thought too, except there's no fart, the FBI guys just wander off looking for coffee and/or doughnuts. That ring is history.
  22. It was a clue/answer on this show not that long ago. If you go back in this thread, you will find our discussion and our snark about it.
  23. I can understand why you would find this personally offensive and irritating. Sometimes it pays to listen and not watch. I'm like, "What picture of Jerry Lewis?"
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