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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Red is on the outside, top and bottom, so it there has to be more red than white. That's simpler to remember than a formula. I liked both of the men, and didn't mind Tim's buzzer buzzing because I rather see that than one more day of Virginia. I also liked both of their stories, they were funny and self-deprecating. I'd was fine with either one beating Virginia. Thank the gods one did. Three snaps up for the new champ.
  2. "OF THE 16 COMMONWEALTH NATIONS WITH QUEEN ELIZABETH II AS HEAD OF STATE, THIS ONE IS FARTHEST FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM." Congrats on Missouri getting a new governor. It was past time for Greitens.
  3. Wills, the graphic designer from California who loves Harry Potter, used to work for TMZ. Not that that means anything, but the TMZ people are excited he made it through the first night. How can people function after being up all night long at that rose ceremony. It was bright daylight when the rejects went home. The drive to LAX was probably easy since rush-hour traffic was already over with. Grocery Store Joe was a trader on the Chicago stock exchange, so he's more than a corner store owner. Will we see him again?
  4. Thanks PhysNerd. You made me feel better about Garrett. As for Jordan being a Male Model, Peter from Rachel's season was a model with actual "model" photos of him online, plus he wore one of his "model suits" to the first night. I need to see if Jordan's portfolio is online anywhere. If I ever get the energy to google search.
  5. Oh, crumb bums. This is like finding out Santa Claus isn't real. (Not that all that much on this show is real.) Garrett is now dead to me (TM Mr. Wonderful). I hope he gets sent home stat. He's the second coming of Lee. Therefore, I'm looking for him to be Becca's favorite and TPTB will want him to stay. You know, for the drah-mah. Thanks for that link, Atomsh20.
  6. Thanks Chocolatine. I should have noted that. One has to be careful going to almost any site these days.
  7. I just looked through (shirtless) pics of all the guys on TMZ's site. Almost all of them looked handsome and ... let's say nice eye candy. My problem is, I don't remember seeing almost any of them last night. I hope the handsomeness comes out in the next episode. I did think one guy resembled a taller Matt Damon, but for the life of me I don't know his name.
  8. Sometimes, a guy who is easy is nice to have around.
  9. Thanks Wings. Now I remember Tia. You just needed to mention "Arkansas"! Any scoopage on how Colton met her? His mistake was telling her he owned a little neighborhood store and that he used to sell watermelons. If he owned some grocery franchise with 500 stores, my guess is he'd still be there.
  10. Who is Tia? I watch every season but don't remember a Tia. Help, please!
  11. Southside Chicago accent! You mean "Soutside" Chicago accent.
  12. Because even in 2018, the majority of models are still women, so that's still considered the default gender. That's hilarious. Because if he didn't specify he's a MALE model, we'd all assume he's a woman. That could be an interesting drama-filled twist, a first for even this show.
  13. Yes, it was Matt Foley Garrett was imitating. And during the fly fishing segment, he added "down by the river" to the end of his pitch to be on the show.
  14. Someone take away all of Allycat's knives. I hope it's not too late ...
  15. JenE4, this made me literally LOL. (Thank goodness it did not make me literally die like Hearse Guy.) I hope this journey is full of snark and eye candy. Pickings look slim so far, but maybe they will start looking better as the weeks go on and I can actually recognize some of them and figure out their names. Interesting that most of the men are dark haired.
  16. I missed Garrett's entrance in the minivan, so I looked him up and he's the fly fishing guy from Reno. I liked him (and Colton) in the intro packages and thought I would be a good match for him. So yeah, I agree with Becca's First Impression Rose. I guess we can end the season now. But wait! Previews show this is going to be The Most Dramatic Season EVAH! Who knew?
  17. Which guy is First Rose Garrett? He arrived in a van? Did he have an interesting entrance? Someone help me out. I watched all the entrances and don't even remember a Garrett. I feel like the entrances after the first few got the speed treatment.
  18. The chicken guy actually is pretty cute. I hope I can recognize him when he takes his feathers off. (Molts) Will model guy be this season's villain? Maybe it's too early to tell. But so far he wins my "The date I would walk out on after five minutes" award.
  19. Nooooo! (Ha ha) I hope that's in looks only, not personality. Jordan was fairly good looking. When the basketball guy got out of the limo, I thought, "He looks like Michael Jordan." Then he turns out to be a Globetrotter. Yowza!
  20. I'm with you. Makes me remember Ali's sweaty Rub-er-toe in his tiny suit, he could barely move. Now everyone dresses like that. It has to be miserable. I suspect TPTB will keep the model around for his THs and haute couture (cough) snark. Other shows were making fun of the "occupations" well before tonight. I guess I'm blessed in that my old tv is square so I can't read any of the names, occupations or home towns.
  21. How about a "do the damn thing" drinking game maybe? I know after a couple episodes I'm going to start hating everyone so I'm trying to "keep the glow" going for at least tonight. Although I am wishing for an open bottle of wine right now.
  22. Oh, yes. Colton. He was on my KEEP list just from his CF work, then he picked up his old dog and melted my cold black heart. He is now on my Top One list. And I haven't seen everyone yet! Eye candy and travel porn = All The Right Reasons to watch.
  23. LOL! I can't tell JoJo and Kaitlyn apart, and for the life of me, I can't remember who any of them are engaged to, including Rachel. In one side of my brain, out the other. I love the bachelor intro packages. I need to take notes since a couple are already on my "Send Home" list and they aren't even at the mansion yet.
  24. This is just starting and I realize how much I need this cheesy, corny and yes, fun show in my life right now. Looking forward to a hot-guy-filled season. I'm staying unspoiled with plans to just enjoy the scenery.
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