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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, you're right. Wanna bet TPTB did that on purpose? I was thinking such cool thoughts about the married lesbians that I totally forgot about Right Wing Garrett. That squees me out, and reminds me of the Seinfeld ep where George's girlfriend has a doll that looks just like his mom.
  2. Magic 8 Ball says: "Try again." I did admire Middle Woman's bold DD bets. No guts, no glory. Okay, so she had guts but no glory. Still, she would have rocked it if she had known the answer. At least it wasn't a woosy girlie bet. And didn't she get a Trebek "Good for you?" That accounts for something, if not another drink.
  3. Congratulations Saber for instantly knowing today's Toddler-Jeopardy-level FJ! You rock!
  4. Man bun. Hot. But the long Shirley Temple look with a suit doesn't work for me. Man bun does. How many times do I have to say it Leo? Oh, god, a commercial about Ashley and Jared doing a SURPRISE PROPOSAL in Paradise. Yeah, big surprise ABC, broadcast it all over the United States why don't you. I guess I can suffer through that if it removes Ashley from my tv screen once and for all. (I know, now she'll be back more than ever. Gah.)
  5. Lincoln was dead to me (TM Mr. Wonderful) for the sexual assault thing before he flattened the earth. So, I don't see or hear him any more. And he was my front runner back in episode one. Things change so quickly in Bachelorette Land! LOL! I think you mean "over." Although some people might be lovin' the David/Jordan connection. (Not me.)
  6. LOL no kidding! I knew there was a name for it, but seriously. Didn't they arrive in the same vehicle? Blond Man-Bun Hottie had one TH last week. His first and last on this show. And Banjo Guy, we never knew ye. Crossing fingers for BIP for both.
  7. Garrett, DUDE! The man always walks on the outside. Just sayin'.
  8. Yes, good bye to my blond man-bun hottie. You can make a stop at my house on your way home. At least Long Hair Leo won't be confused about whether you are a man or a woman any more. I'm sitting here in 100-degree/humidity temps sweating to death and they're going to freaking Park Full-of-Snow City, Utah? I might have to turn the channel. What I wouldn't give for a couple feet of snow to sit in right now. I can't bear to look at it. Well, ANW comes on in a half hour so I'll be gone soon.
  9. Jordan: "All I know is I'm Captain Underpants and ... (sadly) that's all I've got."" Me: LMFAO! The beating the bedroom floor gave his face. Too funny that David left his hospital ID on, even though he was dressed in a suit. You know, just to make sure everyone knew he was in hospital. Who the hell is Track Suit Nick? Meanwhile, I give my rose to that tall drink of Globetrotter water, whatever his name is. Me likee!
  10. Oh, okay. Then THAT I can understand. Thanks for clearing that one up.
  11. I thought they did address this. Didn't Stahl find Harlee and call 911 after trying to stop the bleeding from her cut wrists? It was said Stahl wanted her alive so she would continue to think/obsess about him. We did get a glimpse of his face when "he" turned around and Harlee shot "him." Just the wrong "him." I love this show and enjoy the story and the acting and the characters. Two complaints about this episode though. (Well, three if you count killing Nava, I REALLY liked him.) 1. Wouldn't Woz be aware of those other cops? Especially since they are so obviously bad and in Woz's territory. And the lead bad cop is so OTT bad ass, Woz had to have met him/know him. They should have been at Sap's funeral, too, since all of Woz's crew was at their guy's burial. 2. No way would/should Harlee follow that creepy ginger guy into the subway much less get on a train when she's going to meet Nava and the guy she had hidden. I mean, why follow him? What was she suppose to find if she did? That part made absolutely no sense, except then Nava and the other guy could get murdered. A big YES to this from me, too.
  12. I edit stories using "he/she" or "he or she" and I don't feel oogie about it at all. The journalist-trained marketing and PR director at a major corporation I work for also writes that. We are both comfortable with it and would never use "they" when talking about a singular person. Of course, we are both AP trained so perhaps that's the difference. What is "okay" in AP might not be "OK" in Chicago. I've looked at today's FJ and am 100-percent positive I know it. So watch me be wrong!
  13. I'm reading this thread backwards and didn't look at the twitter links, but it came to me that the Tia/Colton thing is being pushed by TPTB to create drahmah since neither one has much to say about it, and Becca does voice overs (recorded whenever) about how stressed she is about it and how she "doesn't know" what to do. I can totally see T/C going on BIP and getting engaged, thereby giving more cred to this franchise. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  14. LOL. I didn't realize this until you posted it, but yes, dance troupes on this show and others all have that "we'd be murdered" backstory. I wondered why the gangs wouldn't kill dancing kids, but whatever I guess. Thanks arms. Maybe producers look for "talent" that has a great backstory when they are soliciting acts. So, you know, we won't get bored just watching TALENTED PEOPLE. I guess if I want to be on this show, I need to work up a great life's tragedy.
  15. I totally miss Howard, and I don't mean kinda. Didn't I see somewhere that he has something like six albums out? Maybe I have him confused with another "amateur" singer. But if I remember correctly, he hasn't exactly been sitting at home, taking care of kids and wishing he could do just one AGT audition and then his life would be full.
  16. When someone uses "more than" instead of the incorrect "over," I know that person either has a journalism degree or has been taught AP Style. And I am pleased beyond words! If I counted how many time I hear "over" (and mentally say "more than") in one day, I'd run out of numbers.
  17. True that nobody's ever died from poor grammar, but many go apoplectic over it. Check out The Bachelor/ette board here after the THs on that show consistently say "She and I's relationship" and variations of that pronoun slaughtering. I never allow "they" (plural) when the subject is singular when I am editing. "Me and him went to the mall" ... yes, that sentence is understood, but correct? No. The dumbing down of the English language happens everywhere these days, and pretty much no one cares. Popeyes: Get two pieces of chicken and a biscuit free if you take our survey! Me: Okay! I'm so about the fries I haven't had the red beans and rice. But I will next time based on reviews here. I've discovered that nothing is as good as it used to be. Life can be disappointing!
  18. Oh, I know. I found him creepy/pervy toward Julie and Barbara, too, not just Ann. He was always adjusting his "tool belt" around them. I would have put a chain on the door. Or better yet, move. I must have blocked the Schneider wife part. Sort of like I blocked Schneider, so thanks for the wife backstory!
  19. As an editor, I would rewrite your sentence: "The victim was stabbed here (pointing to location, not body part!) and then dragged over there." Even better: "The victim was stabbed in the garage, then his body was dragged to the alley." I would never use "they" and I always rewrite when freelancers submit articles written in such a way. I watched One Day at a Time with Ann Romano when it first aired. I've recently seen some of the reruns on ME-TV and I have to say, Schneider was/is totally a creepy stalker perv. I can't even watch now without wanting to call the cops on him and his porn 'stache. That would have been totally AWESOME!
  20. LOL. I sea what you did their. I said, "Eww, nasty" when I read this. Now I see you have competition from Carpe. You go girls. Have at it. I don't even remember tonight's game, except that I didn't know FJ. I went through all the islands off Africa and none of them fit the clue. I googled Ascension Island and it completely disappeared when I reduced the map enough that Africa would show up. How in the world that Portuguese explorer found that little dot all alone in the ocean is pretty amazing. THIS. We'd all pass out if we added those two items to our drinking game.
  21. I think it's safe to say that retired race-car drivers don't look like that either. I've dated tennis pros, water ski competitors, snow skiiers, swimmers, bike racers ... while all were athletes, none of them were "ripped." Don't look for any of them on this show then!
  22. I think it would be fun to see the judges sitting bored, sipping their drinks and checking their watches when scorpion guy was on. I mean seriously, did anyone REALLY think he wasn't going to free himself? Then he freaking bent the STEEL (ha ha) bars! And FREED himself! So bogus. Plus if he can "bend steel," why not have him do that instead? Oh yeah, because it's so obviously fake. So fake that I'm surprised he wasn't a Golden Buzzer. HATED the fake "shy girl" for so, so many reasons. I did like Hans though. The other acts made his look good.
  23. And I can play the jug once it's empty. Pseudo Arkansas hillbilly here. This made me LOL for some reason. And Saber. That's exactly the cake I would pick for myself. But I'll share with Browncoat, of course. Or maybe we need two butter cakes. Mindthinkr, you are a Master Chef. I classed up my dinner of Frosted Flakes last night by adding fresh grapes. That's the extent of my creativity in the kitchen. Even my food is boring.
  24. Got it. So if Katherine had bet it all and been correct, she would have had 21,600 which would have beaten Diana's miss and total of 20,600. That would have been way cool. And DrSpaceman has a great point about not answering a question when the closest competitor can't catch you even if they are correct. I'd have to have you guys explain it to me if I ever get on this show and, of course, lose. An ex boyfriend would get furious with me when I would consistently beat him at cards by just playing what I wanted to and not using "strategy," something he prided himself on. (He was a loser! Ha ha.) Oooooh, my FAVORITE! Now I have to go investigate "our" band thread!
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