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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Okay, I'm fangirling because MrAtoz quoted me. I'm squeeing almost as much as when Ken Jennings replied to one of my tweets. I'm one Kevin Bacon away from being famous! That should be the official motto of this board. So much YES. It's a great mind you have there, Opus. Hold on to that amazement since many of us show-watching J! PTV posters didn't realize it either. The amazing thing is that Trebek didn't expound on the category as usual. I'm hoping Jim kicks her ass. Thank you for the google. Now I'll be able to answer that FJ if I see the rerun. If I remember ... Well, of course that makes sense. Plus it gives us something to snark about here. Still, well done on the full names you did give, MrAtoz. Oh, god, I pulled a Trebek and turned Scott's interview story about me. I hate myself. So famous Back In The Day. I always thought Keeley Smith was so weird though. Even if she was Before My Time. *cough* EXCELLENT story, Gimmick! I hope some of their winning-Jeopardy-games mojo wore off on you. I'll be stressing watching you today. I'm keeping my gypsy curses to myself in hopes you win!
  2. Yes, you should have gotten bonus points for full names. Anyone else would have just said "King." Then we would have had to wonder if it was Kit King or King Carson. This made me LOL. And woke up my dogs. I wish you had been on the show and first to ring in with that answer. It would be right up there with "What is a hoe." I was thinking the same, so came up with nothing. Maybe if I'd read The Joy Luck Club I'd know it means something with corners. But then that would ruin my streak of not knowing FJs. Well, except for that Magic Eight Ball one.
  3. Abe Lincoln has a daughter Allison? Whaaaa?
  4. Connor has Gumby hair. So Connor and Lincoln leave together. Will they pull Lincoln's picture out of the pool before they share a taxi to the airport? Only TPTB know.
  5. MrAtoz, please do stick around and share your comments. (Although I do not feel you are the least bit snarky, so there's that!) Past contestants have good street cred here, and I find it remarkable that you were an irritation-free player. I liked you kept your buzzer below the podium. I know players are suppose to keep trying to ring in, but all the buzzer jerking (SUZANNE! GAH!) is so distracting. We couldn't see you buzzing in, so you always appeared cool and calm. I did not notice you saying "uh." I am highly disappointed though, that you did not make ToC. I know you would have done well, plus we could have rooted for you again. It was fun to have a star in our midst, and for three whole days. (Not counting the weekend.) You will be haunted by that show from now until eternity. It's rerun here pretty much 24/7.
  6. That would have been hilarious if Chris knocked on Becca's door and Leo (wearing a towel) answered it.
  7. Maybe that will be the cliffhanger so next week is The Most Drah Matic Episode Evah? He totally could be, if Jason even needs one.
  8. Becca was so dead eyed while listening to Leo spill his guts. Yeah, he's doomed. I mean, he's one of the lucky ones, living to date another day. He was fun on the oyster date, I'd like to do that. And the man bun is sexy, he needs to wear that more. I guess he gets to stay another week. After he does embarrassing solo dancing in front of a throng of extras. I hate that. So uncomfortable. I wish Leo would talk about his job as a stunt man. Game of Thrones, anyone?
  9. Tomorrow I hope she's Kellyanne Conway's Stupidly Dumb Half-Wit Twin. Now that's something I could get behind. Big YES from me.
  10. I second that emotion. I didn't "get" the Book of the Month category until I read your post, Browncoat. I ASS-umed it was the regular Book Of The Month Club category, popular books. Not books with months in their names. So double duh for me. I did yell "FU" at my tv when Trebek said he was taking back what he said about the players being smart when all three were tanking at the beginning. That really ticked me. Would Steve Harvey have said that? Adam was a weaver. Suzanne is a buzzer jerker. Scott wore a very handsome blue shirt that matched the background. Scott is ranked tops for no annoying anythings during his reign. Three wins is impressive, and your betting in FJ was spot on. If only Buzzer Jerker Suzanne had not got the correct FJ answer. Made me not happy. Great interview, too, Scott. I've been on Route 66 many times, from Illinois to Arizona. And YES! The Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Ariz., is still in operation. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2002. I love buildings in the shape of "things," like a hot dog, shoe, fish. That's Americana. Scott, tell us when you go on your Route 66 adventure so we can ride along with you vicariously. Your wife must be flying high having a NON ANNOYING Jeopardy champion as a husband. Lucky her! I got flyboy (had a dog named that) and flygirl (loved In Living Color), phoenix, bee and something else I've already forgotten. I was surprised the writers called the Oklahoma City bombers "terrorists" since they were white Americans. /sarcasm/ I grew up with my mom making rhubarb everything, and I have a big patch of rhubarb myself. But I've never EVER heard of any drink made out of it. But I'm Swedish, so wrong nationality. Swedes drink glogg. Well, you'll be missed Scott. We hardly knew ye. But now I'm rooting 100 percent for tomorrow's player with the porcine connection.
  11. Becca: Since the first night I saw Jason, I had a connection with him. Me: Becca, Jason was the guy whose name you couldn't remember a couple weeks ago. I tuned in late, but I love me some Birkenstocks. With socks even. Yes, you heard correctly. I LOL'd that Zoolander would even say "fat shamed."
  12. I follow Ken Jennings, Washington Post reporter Dan Zak and Michael Moore among others. Between those three, I know what's going on everywhere. Mr. Jenning's account is clever, highly entertaining (especially the responses) and brightens my day. Plus he links his podcasts, and Kennection quizzes on Mental Floss. If you dislike someone for one thing they've said or written, then no one anywhere (including here) would have any friends. Ken's account routinely sends me to google to find out what the joke is, it goes over my head. And I'm very tall. That's what the contestant who was in Willy Wonka said, and Trebek chose not to mention that fun fact in his interview. If you win today, Scott, then you had to give more anecdotes to Alex! I hope so anyway, even if you have to go up against WildSow's brother Jim tomorrow. I've looked at today's FJ and it might favor a librarian. I have no clue though, as always.
  13. You are being modest. College produces some of the best memories ever ... although most of them should not be made public on national television I guess.
  14. Nice try Opus. What? No hate for his "Baron found old meat scraps and a red tie in a dumpster" tweet? That's the one that got all the Internet trolls posting (fake) negative "reviews" about his books, and trying to force his publisher to drop him. I think Ken Jennings not wanting to host Jeopardy! is what is going to keep him from being host.
  15. I couldn't find the article, even with doing a search for "Alex Trebek" on the PTV page that came up.
  16. I remember seeing two tied champs coming back the next day. I don't like the tiebreaker thing. Not sure if Buzzy, ToC champ, always goes by Buzzy, but his real name is Austin, if I remember correctly. And he played against Miming Austin in the ToC. Otherwise, same names don't play against each other in regular games. I would be glad my name was Ken during that era. And now, if I were going back in time and actually got on this show, I would want to be named Scott.
  17. I wouldn't. I love interviewing people and letting them talk about themselves. I did it for decades as a writer for an international business magazine. I never got tired of it and still do it today, when I'm with a group of people. I ask questions to get people to talk, and seldom if ever talk about myself during those times. I can keep a conversation going for hours w/o ever doing a Trebek "me me." Of course, I don't make $16.5 million a year so don't feel a need to make fun of people who win "only" a couple thousand on this show. No doubt Trebek's priorities are skewed so far to the Wealthy side that Normal folk can't understand them.
  18. Tuesday is just as bad since I want Scott to be a five-time champ and Jim to win in honor of Tom. I can't have both of those things. I will just have to let things play out without any gypsy-curse interference. So much THIS. Pat Sajak is an excellent host IMO, and always roots for the players and doesn't turn everything back to his own personal spotlight. Plus he doesn't berate players for losing, he commiserates with them. Not that I watch Wheel that often, but Sajak is a welcome change from AH AT. He also has a self-deprecating sense of humor, something oh-so-smart AT doesn't know the definition of. The nutcracker-collection story will be chosen if Trebek has one too.
  19. I haven't watched Dateline for a while, it's been so many reruns. But this episode was new to me, and put the spotlight on how little defense we have when someone is out to kill, hurt, scare or stalk us. A restraining order is going to stop someone? Please. If a guy needs a RO against him, some piece of paper filed in a courthouse somewhere is laughable. And it's easy to get a gun if you want one, legally or illegally. I commend this show for saying legal/police protection isn't going to happen if you have someone stalking you. You need to take care of yourself. This woman was lucky to have the money to hire a bodyguard and be able to move from place to place to hide her son. Most of us are not that privileged. We just end up as a Dateline subject.
  20. You already had 12 "likes" by the time I got here, so I went ahead and "liked" it too. Even though I wasn't going to. I can't stand Trebek, although ranking on him here is one of my personal good times. And when he had that brain thing, I got very upset. So I guess mine is a hate-love thing with him. I like to dislike him! At least it can't be Richard Dawson - he would have cut game time by half with all the kissing of the female contestants - possibly some of the male contestants too. I had to quit watching Family Feud because of that nonsense. I used to like him, but Steve Harvey has developed into The Worst Ever. Can't stand him. He makes Richard Dawson seem like ... well, Alex Trebek. LOL! I can't watch any show Harvey is on, he ruins it all. My tv doesn't get Price Is Right so I've never seen Drew Carey as a host. So, for once I have no opinion. Mark this day! The best reason yet for why I need to be on this show. And win. My make-up could use a good touch up.
  21. And I want to thank you very much for that. There's a Shar-LOTT in Iowa, too. Continue being shocked. I've seen Amadeus -- twice -- and still missed it. IEIYKI. My uncle, RIP, was born and raised in Arkansas. He would take those little cans of Vienna sausages in his lunch pail. All the fellows he worked with did as well, and they all enjoyed their lunches of vi-EE-na sausages. I call them that too, as a tribute to him. Great "Day-ree Queen." story PW. I think it's that Trebek has been hosting brainiac shows since the beginning of time, so has the rep of being one himself. Whether he is or not is debatable, he's actually just a game-show host. So was Monte Hall. But he's also a tv personality so of course likes to be in the limelight. If he didn't, he could have been a ... I don't know ... librarian? He also makes more $ than any game-show host, $16.5 million. And that's PER YEAR. So of course he thinks well of himself; he just finds that difficult to hide sometimes. Most of the time. Interesting that he's a cheap ass though, only picking up the tab in East Berlin because food was so cheap. There's also the generic "Blame it on the dog," which covers everything from lost homework to assorted smells. Although I no longer remember the category so I should probably add "never mind" to this sentence. I hope we don't have a BIG PROBLEM on Monday, Scott against Wild Sow's brother, there to avenge the other brother. Oh, bother, that'll be a mother of a show if so.
  22. You gotta take the ferry across the Mer-zee. I have to admit I've never heard of the Merci River.
  23. Agree. Only done so Scott wasn't a total runaway. (In my totally biased opinion.) And since when have writers admitted their clue writing stinks? Because it does much of the time. May I borrow that brain cell for Monday's game?
  24. Thanks, since that was my guess. What's a couple hundred years, give or take. Add me to the group irritated with AH AT for highjacking Scott's interview and turning it to all about himself, where he ate, how much it cost, blah blah, me me. Trebek took up so much time gabbing about his favorite subject, we missed almost the entire last category. We did get a "good for you," which gave me a much-needed drink, thank you very much. I had no problem with the TS of Alcoa since it's a major employer here. Side note: Alcoa Inc. has changed its name to Arconic with the ticker symbol of ARNC. Alcoa Corp. still uses AA on the stock exchange. Hooray for Scott knowing Jack LaLanne! Jack in his one-piece jump suit with his white German Shepherd Happy. Good times. I got the TS of slide. Yeay for me. I was disappointed Scott was beaten on the buzzer to Enterprise. That would have been an awesome shout out to MrAtoZ. I yelled "YEAY!" out loud when Scott got the DD of xenon. So awesome. And Fredrick March ... what, was he Before Your Time you two challengers? SO COOL SCOTT WON AGAIN! I'm not sure I can stand the stress of having a favorite player keep winning. Gypsy curses notwithstanding. It was sad that was a TS :( I didn't remember Mr. Brooks' name, but I could come up with Kurt Russell if that's any consolation. In the category "Triple A."
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