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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I am sure it's the perfect place to fall in love. Just wait: Becca will tell us exactly that next week. *drink* That canopy sultan's bed in the "middle of the desert" took me back to, was it Chris Soules' season (?) where two women were left to have a battle of words on that bed. I've forgotten the name of the short haired brunette, but she was the classic villain of that season. Seeing that bed set up in any sand-filled place is a bad omen for everyone involved, including the viewers. Everyone is talking about Becca being such an outdoorsy person but I don't see it. If you are from Minnesota and scared sh*tless about riding a snowmobile faster than two miles per hour, you are NOT outdoorsy. Plus if your weekend plans are brunching with "the girls" or reading in bed, you are NOT outdoorsy.
  2. I was at the grocery yesterday and saw a box of "charcuterie." Thanks to this thread, and Mindthinkr, I knew what it was. Yeay for me! I'll start my main course with those cream puffs, Mindthinkr. Then dessert will be one of those North Carolina pulled pork sandwiches with a deviled egg on top. If this keeps up, I won't be able to fit in my Alber Camoo dance outfit. Or I'll have to add more fringe.
  3. Tell Mr. Clanstarling he gave me a good laugh too. I remember Maypo and the cartoon tv commercials hawking it. Plus I have several cans of Alpo in my cupboard. For the dogs, smarties, I'm not THAT poor nor desperately hungry. Yet. In all the times I've been to Philly, I've never had a cheesesteak. And never even thought of one while there. I hate myself. Warning: Get ready for another Canadian player this week.
  4. I guessed New Hampshire for FJ. Figured Hampshire sheep came from Britain so why not. And yes, Maine did go through my head as an alternate (wrong) answer. I did discover that there is a European island named Stromboli. I bought a stromboli once when I was in Philadelphia.
  5. This episode sucks big time, and that's saying a lot for this franchise. Maybe I'm depressed because I just watched Garrett get HAPPILY MARRIED (for two months) via a link in the media thread. Looks like Becca pretty much hates everyone there. Something I agree with. This season is losing me. Do I care about these people? No. ANW, here I come.
  6. This seemed sort of a fill-in episode. For the first time I liked Cristina. I know what she did was wrong, but I couldn't help cheering her on when she was beating the cr*p out of that Mean Girl. When Woz said killing that guy twice was enough at the end, I know it was wrong for me to laugh, but I did. This week Harlee did clear up that it was indeed "Stahl" that she was following when she abandoned Nava. So everyone here was correct, I was just the only one thinking she was following Creepy Ginger Cop. I was confused by Nava texting Harlee but Harlee not getting it until she turned on Nava's phone. Or maybe I missed something. Well, I'm sure I did miss something. But I'm still along for the ride. JLo and Liotta continue to rock this show.
  7. I remember that kerfuffle! Seems like there also used to be a cover featuring the bear in its nightclothes walking to bed with a candle holder in its hand. I have Vanilla Hazelnut (boring cover), Tension Tamer, Candy Cane Lane and Sweet Harvest Pumpkin CS teas in my cupboard. No Fast Lane though. Fast Lane's cover makes me laugh. If you double click on the image in edit mode, the picture box will get resizing corners so you can drag the image smaller. It's fussy though, so good luck! I've never heard of this movie, but the remake has Dakota and Tilda so could be okay. Except I don't do scary movies. (Although Scary Movie was pretty fun.)
  8. Oh, yes. It's a wonderful and delicious upgrade from my breakfast of coffee, and Frosted Mini Wheats eaten directly from the box. I will have the energy to dance and play the piano at the same time now! Thanks, Mindthinkr!
  9. While I never thought Ali to be "smug," perhaps others thought him so because, if I remember correctly, he did not open his mouth/show his teeth when he smiled. Americans all do a toothy smile, which is upsetting to dogs, animals that only display teeth when they are showing aggression. I always felt he was humble and gracious. I believe dogs prefer a "smug" person. Carpe, I was at Celestial Seasoning in the '80s. Maybe it's not such a great place to visit now that it's a big corporation. Nothing is as good as remembered. I get CS emails announcing sales and so forth so can buy Fast Lane. It quit making it for a while, then brought it back. I like it because it had the best box cover art. Being in the graphics field, that was the important thing. CS has beautiful box art on all its teas.
  10. You are correct sir. (To be said in an Ed McMahon voice.) Which is why I can't figure why HuHot Mongolian Grill named itself that. Maybe here, where our past contestant posters have shared pictures of what it looks like behind the podium, boxes and all.
  11. I can honestly say that as well. I thought they were just boxes that banks used to store records and the moniker stuck. I think one of those was when the woman said she had a ball python (I think it was a BP) for a pet, and she added, "That's a snake." Trebek said "I know." Like the story was all for him, not the viewers. He pretty much made fun of her for having a snake as a pet, like she's a weirdo or something. That was my take on it anyway.
  12. I'm glad I got to read it before it was let be. Props, Teebax. You are cool with me.
  13. Oh I noticed and wondered if it would be mentioned here. I figure it's fair game, the same as is someone's hairdo, face shape, position of eyeballs, clothing choice, bouncing rhythm, smugness (ha ha) and/or buzzer jerking. I would like the winner more if he DID look like a young Woody Allen. Mindthinkr is Vulcan mind melding with the J! writers. Cool!
  14. Well nuts, my gypsy curse backfired on Ali. I knew I should have kept my wink winks to myself. Sorry to see him go. I think he got kinda tired at the end, he blew his lead right at the crucial time. Bye Ali. You were one of my favorites. Barf on you, Trebek, for giving away the answer of Rabbie Burns via your crap Scottish accent. Why not just hand the players the answers on your card, you dip. I hate when you do that. Again, Ali finds (almost) all of the DDs. Celestial Seasonings! Boulder! Yeay! That took me back to when I toured that company, it's a fabulous place. Not sure if they still let people step into the mint room, but don't take a deep breath if you do or you will for sure pass out. The lobby has all kinds of teas to sample, which are all delicious. I could have spent all day there. I do go there every once in a while when I take an out-of-body vacation. Carpe, you should stop in and buy me some Fast Lane. FJ was an instaget for me. I love Hitchcock, and I showed that film to a college class on something or other, I don't remember what. I just remember getting the film from the library and we all piled into the auditorium to watch it. Plus I do have vertigo myself, it appears at the oddest times, none of them convenient. That makes two FJs I've know this month! Yeay for me! Ha ha. Now to put a gypsy curse on today's winner. He can't be gone fast enough for me. I need to find a dead frozen rat to spin over my head to accelerate the curse ...
  15. Sorry. Busted. Now you have to share with everyone. At least one of you Bs has to get a real avatar. There is enough confusion on this thread.
  16. A big YES, "Jones" would have been accepted. Although there probably is a Kit Jones (and a Carson Jones), but J! judges don't seem to care about that.
  17. All I could think was, there's a reason the kid doesn't have a dog. Like his parents don't think he's responsible or their apartment doesn't allow pets or they don't want to have to take care of it, or one of them is allergic or neither of them even like dogs. There are a zillion reasons. So for Simon to buy him a dog is SO out of line and SO not welcome IMO. Plus I wish people would stop using the term "adopting" when they are, in reality, BUYING the dog from a shelter, pound or rescue group. Let's use real words people. The Doberman dog act we saw clips of was pretty much like Hero from last year (or the year before?) but with a Dobe instead of a Border Collie. Although all the singers are the same so I don't know why dog acts can't be the same old samo too. I've seen Bello Nock's daughter on YouTube. She does that Wheel of Death that Bello did last year on AGT. I didn't think being "blown up" required any kind of talent. And yeah, Bello was so "worried," but thank you for not crying and shouting out after the explosion, like you thought your daughter was dead. Did the judges ask her to "step it up" for the next round? I still think Bello is cool though. The singer asked to learn a new song if he wants to be competitive ... yeah, right. I'm so sure that was real. *cough*
  18. Maybe not new tricks but some dance moves. I haven't followed/posted/read the SYTYCD thread for a long time, but I think that's where I learned the term "HMV*." That's all I can think about when Eva puts her leg up in the air so many freaking times. *Here's my vagina.
  19. Controversy solved. And not controversial at all. At least not compared to so much real stuff going on: "I really don't care do u?" He's been finding all the DDs, and I think he's gun shy from betting everything (more than $5,000 and his lead) when he discovered his first DD ... and lost. Since Ali's games are all filmed one after the other, not on different days when we see them, it makes sense. I think Ali has a good game face and I don't have any problems with him at all. Compare to Thespian David and be glad Ali's there, not TD. Although YMMV, of course.
  20. It was Alabama. They were running to take over the seat vacated by our current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Thanks for that correction DrScottie. Now who's the idiot? (Magic 8 Ball says: "The answer is Saber.") Of course it was Alabama, I don't know where Georgia came from, except it was On My Mind. I do know that people in Europe (and Canada!) know more about what's going on in the United States than Americans do. Maybe not about the newest reality "star," but things that matter in the real world. Yeah, that was a Trebek Golden Moment. I'm waiting for a FJ category of What Would Jesus Say and Trebek to announce Ali is at a disadvantage. Remember when he did that to some other contestants he "ass"umed were not of the Christian persuasion? That would be the best ever, and all the clues about Trebek.
  21. Must it always be beer? Because I bought a Darwin stubby of lemonade yesterday. I think J writers are trolling here and have read our problems with all categories being about men, then they have to specify women/female in those category names. We should be happy that we are being recognized now in category heads, even if it is in sort of a snarky way. But we understand and appreciate snark here, right? I hope to God this was not the case; that would be far more egregious than women authors. What's on tonight? Girly men, ie, men who are famous for doing something safe? See my comment above. J PTV is being recognized on the show now. So ... Good for US! *drink* I was stunned that a man from Bahrain living in Canada knew Doug Jones beat Roy Moore in Georgia. How many Americans could answer that one? FIVE snaps up for Ali. I followed that election and couldn't get Jones' name to come up in time.
  22. I don't remember any of the clues and have already played J6 so can't see the category there. And I'm too tired to watch the episode again. I thought it was just questions that had men for answers. I didn't find it odd at all, given the way this show likes to spotlight Women Authors (cough), Female Detectives and so on. So Male Men is a pretty cool category IMO. Well, that was a lot of words that went nowhere. Maybe tomorrow I'll watch the ep again, then dazzle everyone with my brilliant insight into the category. (cough wink) That's what Magic 8 Ball said.
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