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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. There are 21 players. Ten others started, then dropped out after a few weeks. I am not counting me, who would be in strong contention for Low Score if I allowed myself to be a real contestant! Ha, I just noticed ... 21 players have made it to Week 21.
  2. Well, today (Saturday) it's 30 degrees and while I put on boots and mittens to do outside chores, I did not bother to put on a hat OR coat. Two of my dogs are still outside, they have no interest in coming in. (They have a dog door so can come/go at will.) I don't want to think about Monday's 52, which means all will be under water. But thanks for the reminder! We'll probably be on national news again for the Noah's-ark-level of flooding. I'm hoping to be able to drive out of here tomorrow, the first time in more than two weeks. Maybe roads will be clear by then!
  3. LOL because you just described ANW. So far on this show we haven't gotten any WWWAs, so there's that. The runs just aren't shown! I like the backstories so maybe I can be invested in one contestant or another. But I like them on ANW too, so I'm a minority. But hey, I'm the one watching here so I'm good with them! So far I like this as mindless entertainment, but if I miss a run (or two or three), I'm fine with it. Maybe if I get more invested in someone I'll care more. Or when it gets closer to the end. I'll see. I know, that guy FLEW up the ladder like I've never seen, so had the advantage over the hand guy, who I had figured was easily going to win that challenge. I hope we get to see him again. I do like The Rock's shoulder/arm tats. Nice. (The tats and the shoulders/arms.)
  4. WEEK 21 — NO asterisk 101. 19th Century Literature. Ambrose Bierce, a Civil War veteran, said of this 1895 book, the author “knows nothing of war, yet he is drenched in blood.” 102. 20th Century Disasters. On the radio in 1937 this 3-word exclamation came after “The smoke and the flames now…not quite to the mooring mast.” 103. Women Writers. One of her circle described her as “a lacy sleeve with a bottle of vitriol concealed in its folds.” 104. Female Singers. In the 1990s this New York native had 8 of her first 10 Billboard Top 40 hits reach No. 1. 105. The Solar System. For awhile in the 1840s, the French wanted to name this new discovery “Le Verrier” & the British wanted “Oceanus.”
  5. My hometown was mentioned two night in a row on David Muir's ABC Evening News, both nights for having record low temps. Thursday morning, 7 a.m., temp was -33 actual temp. The day before, air temp was -25, wind chill -55. Everything has been closed, even the post office stopped delivery for two days, the first time ever that's happened. Amtrak cancelled trains, commuter trains cancelled in Chicago. I still had to go outside to take care of horses, ex dogs, do all those farm chores. Today I learned we've had more than 50 inches of snow since November, 30 inches just in January. Eight more inches are coming in the next couple of days. Local news warned everyone in my county to stay home, all county roads were 100-percent snow covered, plows can't keep up with drifting and blowing 30 inches of the stuff. *sigh* When it melts, and ice jams back up all the rivers so they flood, it will be like The End of Days. But one worry at a time, please!
  6. I see what you did there and I thank you for it. And a big BOO YEAH to this. No kidding. He can be so irksome sometimes. Well, most of the time.
  7. LOL. Yes to all of the above. Because I seldom pay attention to what category clues are in, I said "bocce" as that TS answer, then saw the category and stopped and tried to spell it in my head, then got all confused so figured it was wrong. So I was all WTH? along with everyone else that dictionaries -- but no living person anywhere -- spell it with "ie." I didn't think of Madonna, but Alicia Keys did go through my mind, then I figured she wasn't even born then. Ha. I never finished the phrase when I told people to go pound sand, but basically it was a cleaner way to say eff off. And now that I think about it (it's been decades since I've said that, and, as I posted earlier, I've never heard anyone else ever say it), I used to say "You can go PACK sand." But pack sand is close enough to pound sand that I got the Jeopardy answer. Obviously, the player who got the correct answer knew the phrase! My irritation with not knowing Illinois has an official snack food is that our legislature is a bunch of do-nothing crooks (well, not all of them but most of them) who can't pass a budget and routinely get put into prison for some sort of graft and/or criminal behavior yet they can jack around naming popcorn as our official snack food. WTH. Frankly, living in Illinois sucks. I don't recommend it for anyone.
  8. I found this quite by accident on the ABC News website, about how some hospitals treat rape victims and requests for rape kits. The story is because of Caelynn's "confession" to Colton on Monday night's episode. It might clear up some questions we had about the situation.
  9. I'd agree except it's not possible for me to dislike her more than I already do. "Can't Stand Ya" —TM that Seinfeld episode. I knew I was sunk for FJ since I listened to talk radio exclusively in the 90s. Now, however, give me clues about The Weeknd, Meek Mill, Halsey, CardiB and I'm good. In any case, I knew my FJ streak wasn't going to last. I didn't even have a good (or bad) guess. So who knew Illinois had an official snack food. Not I. Although I guessed "sweet corn" from the Kernel clue. At least I wasn't eating popcorn at the time. LOL at the answer "pound sand." I used to say that all the time and no one anywhere knew what I meant. I have no idea where I picked it up, and I never heard anyone else ever use the phrase. Because obviously Trebek thinks people in Idaho don't have electricity or indoor plumbing much less those new-fangled radio things.
  10. This is from today's TheJeopardyFan.com: "I’m not sure why Jeopardy! insists on using WOMEN or FEMALE in a category title, especially in Final Jeopardy!, especially as MEN or MALE don’t show up in category titles. Yesterday’s clue would have held up just fine as just WRITERS (after all, “her” was used in the clue yesterday), and again, there’s “her” in the clue today. That should be sufficient." Amen. Google "boccie" and you will come up with some interesting Twitter comments: Link to some outraged Twitter comments here.
  11. Watching last night, all I could think was you guys here guessed Tori Spelling while none of the judges did. But maybe judges aren't suppose to guess correctly, there's that to consider. If they did guess, the reveals wouldn't be so ... AH-MAZE-ING and surprising, like: "Who knew? We sure didn't!" Or, maybe you guys are just smarter than the judges. Yeah, I'd vote for that, too. LOL!
  12. I was torn between Top Gun and Mission Impossible, and I guess the panel was as well. I immediately thought Class CLOWN, then changed it to Act after all three panel people said they all thought first of Act. So, of course, Clown was the top answer.
  13. Very cool! And a late Happy December Birthday to you, @Grundoon59. I hope it was a good one!
  14. TheJeopardyFan.com is where I get the category, clue and answer every day for our contest. Just know that you have to scroll all the way down, way under the photos of the three contestants, for the FJ answer. The category and clue are at the top, so you are safe going there. I always make my guess, then scroll down for the answer, then scroll down farther to see if it was an asterisk. I also like to know who won since, as reported previously, I do not like stress. I like to read foreign newspapers, they have different view of United States events. This made me laugh because the yucca does indeed look like an aloe. But I've been to Yucca Valley, California so that was an easy answer for me, even with the photo of the "aloe" plant!
  15. Oh, really? I've had thoughts of moving to Canada lately and that question would ensure I'd stay there. The parents of a friend in New England live in Vermont and they run the Sugar Shack. They tap their own trees and make/sell maple syrup. My friend sent me two big bottles of that delicious nectar for Christmas. They sell mostly to commercial outlets as, I was told, those wicked Canadians pretty much own the maple-syrup market in the United States. She told me how many gallons of sap it takes to make one cup of syrup; I've forgotten the exact amount. But I was also told one tree can give multiple gallons of sap. Once the tree buds, however, the sap turns bitter and harvest is over. Europeans can discuss American politics better than most Americans. And very few Americans know anything about any place other than the town where they live much less anything "foreign." Which is why I like hanging out here. Knowledge is more valuable than Vermont maple syrup IMO!
  16. The news today did a segment on The Bachelor. Focus was on how much people get paid. ABC would not disclose how much The Bach is paid, but did say it's SIX FIGURES. So yeah, for $100,000 (and probably more), I'd prostitute myself on national tv too. They also said the women have to pay their own expenses and bring their own clothes, and they get no $ for doing the show. I think we all figured/knew that anyway. So they have a better reason to grouse about "time wasted" with no return, like no travel or cool dates or anything. Hopefully, they get PTO from work. (If they have a real job, that is.) I remember high school so I sympathize with Colton's situation. I also had the same thought as Nick: "Former Bachelor Nick Viall quipped, “It all makes sense now." At least he went to prom! (I did not.)
  17. Am I the only one who caught the SHOUT OUT TO ME? Okay then. I got Baskets and some other TSs that I didn't bother to write down. I did write down SABRE/SABER though. *cough* I got a laugh that FJ was WOMEN Writers. Because, well, you know. Speaking of FJ, I now have three in a row correct this week. I hope those wonders don't cease. I'm living in Bizarro World since Sean didn't bother me and I found him slightly amusing. I think it was his bow tie that gave him a pass with me.
  18. Well, obviously the moles tunneling around your house can smell biscuits.
  19. Cranky much @Browncoat? I'm glad some liked my mom's joke. She was of the generation that would die before saying "ass" so that joke was very risque for her. I think it took me years before I finally "got" it too. We always had molasses on the table for Sunday-morning-after-church pancakes. Does IHOP offer it with their breakfasts? If so, that's a perfect setup for the joke @Toothbrush. p.s. It's penguin weather here today, actual air temp is -25F with wind chill -56F. It was rather brisk feeding horses this a.m.
  20. Just a big gigantic WOW to that story. I've never heard of that, another thing we were not taught in school. It lends itself to so many jokes, except it's too tragic, so horrible. Thanks for posting. Are you in or near Boston? I do like molasses though. And it reminds me of a joke my mom told me when I was quite small: Three moles were in their tunnel. The first mole stuck his head out and said: "I smell pancakes!" The second mole stuck his head out and said: "I smell pancakes!" The third mole was stuck behind the other two. He said: "I smell molasses."
  21. As a fan of The Larry Sanders Show, I got the Late Night Talk Show TS. Interesting that "impeachment" was a clue/question/answer. *cough* Jill got a GFY for her home-made hot-dog buns. Yeay Jill! I've never thought of the Great Pyramids as buildings. Two FJs in a row for me. Will wonders never cease. And while I've seen that WKRP episode, it never came to mind. My radio station (Chicago, where it originated!) plays that clip at least once a year. It's ingrained in my brain. That's to keep dumb bums like me off the show but makes dumb bum watchers like me feel smart every few questions or so. It's genius! (While I am not genius.) Taking the test can humble people who consider themselves hot-shot brainiacs though, so there's that plus to it.
  22. That's the villain edit. Is fish-lip old-dog-owner Catherine still there? I'm tired of Demi as villain, want Catherine to take over.
  23. Going back to our Banksy discussion, there's this: A mural attributed to the British street artist Banksy was stolen this weekend from the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, a memorial to the 90 people who died there in a 2015 terrorist attack.
  24. This made me laugh. Quite a visual, but oh, so true!
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